The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 797, broken (1)

Seeing the moment when the white face was not needed, the young man with extraordinary temperament, Luo Xuanxin spurred angry fire in his eyes, and the body shivered with anger.

This person, known as the Taixuan Shaozhu, is the chief culprit in bringing her back to Taixuan Xianmen.

The strength of the other side is very terrible.

Li Mu was keenly aware of the changes in Luo Xuanxin.

He reached over her shoulder and patted it gently, and it was a soft chaos.

Just now Luo Xuanxin was repaired as having been abolished, and even killed four Taixuan male disciples, but also cut off one arm of the mother-in-law, except that because these people were blocked by Li Mu’s air-conditioner, they could not resist. Or because of the body of Luo Xuanxin, there is still Li Mu for him to get rid of kinky. The remaining chaos in the sexual energy, Li Mu gave her the knife, the knife edge is extremely sharp.

"Small cockroaches, dare to bring in outsiders, dare to hurt people in the Du Su Palace?" Tai Xuan and the master swept over to understand what happened, staring at Luo Xuanxin, coldly said: "Do you know ,what are you doing?"

Luo Xuanxin just wanted to speak, and Li Mu preached: "I will come."

He went a few steps forward and looked at the Tai Xuan and the Lord. He said: "The self-declared immortal, in fact, the demon, the Taixuan Xianmen, the place where the dirt is hidden, from today, there is no need to exist."

"Ha?" Tai Xuan Shaozhu seems to have heard a joke, sneer: "I recognize you, you are the Li Mu, right? Well, the people of the practitioners association, talked about you, you can sneak into my mountain gate How do you get in?"

Li Mu does not want to talk nonsense with these people.

God's knowledge is like a tidal wave, and it will be covered all the way. All the places that need protection are covered.

Tai Xuan and the Lord saw that Li Mu did not speak, and he had no patience. He waved his hand and said, "Give me a chance."

Behind the two elite Xuanzong core elite disciples, leap out, behind the long sword out of the sheath, one left and one right, pointing to Li Mu left and right arms and legs, you must first waste people, and then take people.


Li Mu snorted and gave a shot.

The knife is flashing.


The two disciples were in the air, and the sword in the hands broke and burst, and then the figure was like a watermelon hit by a high-explosive bomb. In the air, a **** fog was blown up.

Instant seconds!


The pupil of Tai Xuan is shrinking.

What is this means?

Without waiting for him to act, Li Mu shot again.

Refers to the wind knife whistling and flickering, just like the death of a sickle, the place where the disciples of Taixuan Xianmen burst, the blood burst into the air, turned into a wind, turned into snow, turned into rain, turned into dust , death, dissipate.

"It's not good, this son's strength is beyond imagination. Only the lord or the elders can be matched."

Tai Xuan and the main soul fly outside the sky.

At this time, he realized what kind of person he had provoked.

A predecessor with a reputation in the secular world, for them, it should have been an ant in the red dust. How can there be such a powerful means and magical power?

He didn't say a word, he turned and fled.

The mother-in-law who screamed like a pig on the ground, and saw this scene, was completely dumbfounded.

She also realized that this time, she definitely kicked the iron plate.

This Li Mu is completely a killing god.

Is it really from the mundane world?

Wouldn't it be a descendant of a big fairy door in the Lushan world?

She resisted the pain of broken arm, and did not dare to speak a little. She lay on the ground and pretended to die. She was praying in her heart. Don't let Li Mu or Luo Xuanxin pay attention.

"Have you escaped?"

Li Mu put everything in his eyes.

He did not care about his mother-in-law, directly exerted the magical powers, the surrounding world and the aura, turned into a translucent giant hand, will have already flew to the Tai Xuan, who is several kilometers away, directly caught the bug, and caught it back.

"Ah, **** it, too mysterious sword, give it to me."

Tai Xuan and the young master scared the soul and flew away, and the mind stunned the sword. The Tai Xuan sword, which had been warmed up for hundreds of years, flew into the sky and turned into thousands of light and shadows. It continued to split the space and spurred toward Li.

This is in the Wei Wei Zhao.

The battle experience of Tai Xuan and the Lord is not lacking, and the most correct method of warfare has been chosen.

Li Mu smiled coldly and grabbed it. He was in the shadow of thousands of swords and caught the true body of Tai Xuanjian. He held the blade in his hand with the palm of his hand.

"What? How is this possible... give it to me."

Tai Xuan Shao master roared.

Tai Xuan Jian stunned, screaming thousands of swords, sharply smashed the sword, and smashed Li Mu’s palm.

"Give me broken."

Li Mu's five fingers force, if you pinch it at will, the sword body of Tai Xuanjian will be pinched as iron mud and broken directly.


The broken blade was thrown to the ground and lost its active spirituality.

"This is impossible."

Tai Xuan and the Lord are completely forced.

This handle is too heavy, it is the sect of the sect. It is the master of the caster. It took a lot of Taixuan Shentie. He carried it with him and kept it for hundreds of years. He can clean up the broken jade and cut iron. Like mud, it is a famous weapon in the Taixuan sect. It is also the number one in the entire Lushan world. It is the treasure that he is famous for.

However, even if Li Mu was pinched, he would be scrapped.

How can such a thing happen?

If it is not the reversal of Tai Xuanjian's broken, clearly transmitted, the instinct of the body, and the intense pain, really exist, Tai Xuan and the Lord absolutely thought that he was just making an absurd strange dream.

This person is terrible.

He is the devil.

Tai Xuan and the master looked at Li Mu, his eyes were full of fear.

He realized that this time, I was afraid to provoke a devastating enemy to the entire Tai Xuanzong.

Even the elders of the father and the Zongzhong, the elders of the elders joined forces, fearing that they were not opponents.


The translucent giant hand used him to squat on the ground.

Tai Xuan and the Lord only felt that their internal organs had been broken.

He did not care about this, and said loudly: "Wait a minute, Li Mu, don't start, Li Mu, I am wrong, I am willing to admit mistakes, I am willing to make any compensation, you let me go, I am too mysterious I am also willing to work with you as a jade, and we are willing to fully support your position in the world."

He was really scared, desperate for mercy and throwing olive branches.

Li Mu shook his head: "I don't want to be a demon, let alone support me? You also match?"

Tai Xuan and the Lord quickly said: "I am too Xuan Xianzong, in the Lushan world, there are also some status, we..."

Li Mu was too lazy to listen to what he said, directly to Luo Xuan Xindao: "You come to dispose."

A sharp sword, and handed it to the hands of Luo Xuanxin.

Luo Xuan heart licked the knife, lifted it up, put it down, hesitated.

Of course, she can't wait for the Tai Xuan and the Lord to smash the corpse. This person is simply a chop, but if he really kills him, he will only be troubled by Li Mu, and at the same time, the country and the nation. It is also extremely unfavorable.

Li Mu saw the thoughts of Luo Xuanxin at a glance.

"I still come."

He took the knife back and smashed the Tai Xuan Master.

A knife has been cut.

"Tai Xuan lord, don't give me out."

Li Mu opened his voice, which was like a rolling thunder, and it was stirred up in the gates of the Tai Xuanzong.



Tai Xuan Temple.

As a sovereign, Guo Yang is working with the elders of Zongzhong to entertain Tian Tian, ​​a singer of the Mingxin Jianzong, one of the three major immortals in the world.

This field is also very famous throughout the Lushan world. It is one of the three main peaks of Mingxin Jianzong.

The world of Lushan is boundless and has existed for thousands of years. Among them, there are three villages and two pavilions. It is the strongest, the most inherited, and the top sect of the high-ranking people. The Mingxin Jianzong is one of the three, and its status is far away. Above the sect of Xianmen.

In fact, in the world of Lushan, Taixuan Xianmen is called Taixuanzong, a reluctant second-rate sect. Only the disciples of Taixuan in the weektime do not dare to add a fairy in front of their sect. When you are a worldly person, you will be proud and be a fairy.

In the temple, the drums are long and the guests are happy.

Tian Hao looks like a 28-year-old girl, with excellent looks, strong temperament, and sharp eyebrows. At first glance, she is the kind of character who has just used her own arbitrariness. She and the Taixuan lord Guo Yang are sitting on the left and right seats, high above, and the gas field is very good.

Behind her, standing with two white-browed white-haired old men, they are all old monsters.

"Haha, it is rare that the saint is able to cherish the child. It is the blessing that he has cultivated in his life. This matter is fixed. The old man will send the child to Mingxinjianshan to enter the scorpion tomorrow. This is two major events. Thank you, hahahaha."

Guo Yang is very happy.

It is possible to form an alliance with Mingxin Jianzong, and this kind of marriage form is a good thing for Tai Xuanzong. Even if his most beloved son goes to the country, it is acceptable.

"Okay, so thank you Guo Zongzhu."

Tian Hao smiled lightly.

There is no such thing as a respect for the father-in-law.

Guo Yang did not care.

"Right, what about the Lord? Why haven't you come yet, to send people to call, how can I let Tian Tiannuo wait here? It's really ignorant." Guo Yang saw that his son had not come yet, and his heart was not happy. Immediately looking for someone to look for, secretly blame, this child is very clever on weekdays, this time why not so sensible, even delayed for so long has not come to the temple.

at this time--

"Tai Xuan lord, still not coming out?"

A sacred voice, roaring, rang through the entire mountain gate of Taixuan, and shook the people in the temple of Tai Xuan.

what happened?

Guo Yang suddenly grew up.

"Oh, Guo Zongzhu, it seems that you have encountered some trouble." Tian Hao eyebrows flew obliquely, quietly authentic.

Guo Yang smiled reluctantly and said: "No problem, a little thing, can be solved soon."

The voice has not fallen.

A disciple rushed in and stumbled and said: "The sovereign, the big things are not good, the big things are not good..."

"Pan, Zhang, and dysfunction... What is the body?" Guo Yang said: "What's the matter, so unsettled? Go back and say, can you disturb Tian Tiannv? Give me out."

"This..." The disciple stayed, but still couldn't hold back, said: "But, the lord, less of the head of him...there is a small head and he was killed..."


When the words came out, they were full of surprises.

Guo Yang swayed and said: "You... what are you talking about?"


The first is more.

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