The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 840, have you been there yet?

"If you don't come back, you will really be killed in the Qinling Mountains."

Old gods said: "I am not invincible."

Li Mu sat down and took a sip of tea. He said, "Have you not hanged the gods of the heavens before? Are there more people than you? Those guys in the heavenly court, I see, there are no good birds, it is better to go out again. Let them all hang again, so they may be honest."

The sacred sacred girl jumped in the eyelids outside the Zen room.

This Li Mu is really fierce and teaches his master to do evil.

The old fish said: "I am older, all of them are old, to repair morality, and it is not good to fight and kill. Otherwise, why should I fix my hand, and always give others a way to live."

Good to force.

Li Mu was speechless.

"What about the dog?" asked the old fish.

Li Mudao: "I just went back to the village of Burning Temple and went to find the old ones. I heard that the dog in the village has become a lot better. It has to rebuild its wild dog army, or else The name of the general is white."

The old fish listened and fell into meditation: "Well, it’s interesting. It really means that the dog can’t change and eat, and wakes up, exactly the same as that.”

“Ah?” Li Mudao said: “When the year was awakened, what was the general’s deeds that I didn’t know?”

The old god’s stick smiled and said: “I said that when it was in the village of Burning Light, it was a savage dog, and when a group of dogs and wild dogs were used to stir up the village of Burning Temple.”

"I always feel like you are looking at me." Li Muhu suspected.

The old **** stick is authentic: "How come? The relationship is like a brother, how can I marry you."

The Yunguang Holy Lady outside the Zen Room heard this and was unable to vomit.

Not a master or apprentice?

Now it has become a brother?

Li Mu is also ashamed.

This generation is a bit random.

"I always feel that there is any other origin in the general. Otherwise, why is it so strong? On the way, I heard that he has swallowed the strong man of the royal family. Even an ordinary husky dog, even if It is because the heaven and earth aura burst and evolved, and it is impossible to evolve to this extent. I feel that there is a terrible force in its body, and... This product now likes to be the owner, saying that I am the pet of it. It seems to have been taught to be broken."

Li Mu said some doubts in his heart.

Outside the Zen Room, the Yunguang Saints also erected their ears and listened carefully.

Nowadays, the origin of this dog has become a mystery in the practice world of the East and even the whole world. Such a savage and perfect dog demon makes the major gods extremely jealous. For a time, in the case of the older generation, it is unexpected. No one can surrender it.

The old **** stick looked at Li Mu and said: "This is what I want to ask you. After the dog left the earth, what happened to him, how could it become so ferocious?"

Li Mu will be suspiciously looking at the old **** stick and said: "You really don't know?"

The old **** nodded.

"Okay." Li Musi came to think, is it that the dog got a chance in the longevity, so this change?

After all, it was the first dog on the planet to walk out of the galaxy.

This problem, Li Mu is no longer entangled.

He said some of the secrets he got from his mouth.

"The gods of the six anti-magic races have already fallen on the earth, and the major gods still don't know. I am afraid that in the near future, there will be a disaster." Li Mu said that this matter is quite worrying.

The old gods said: "The old things are not dead, but they have returned to the earth. Well, this is a good time. Don't say anything about the future. I am afraid that in a few days, there will be some fun things. It’s going to happen."

Li Mu looked at the old gods in different places and said: "It's a fun thing, you don't seem to worry at all?"

The old **** stick is even more strange: "Why should I worry?"

Li Mudao: "The anti-magic ethnic gods come to the earth, and it is bound to cause a great disaster. When it is time to really explode this planet... Did you send me out to protect the earth?"

“Is it?” The old **** stick touched his head in a wretched way: “How did I forget?”

Li Mu was crazy. He said, "Isn't it counted when I said it? If I have done something, I don't admit it. You should never make any moths."

The old gods smiled and said: "Well, okay, even if I really said that at the time, then I also said the wrong time. I said so much, you remember this sentence, right? Your junior high school politics. How did you learn it? Marxism did not say that it is impossible to see the problem from the perspective of dialectical development of sports. But I thought that the earth would be blown up. It seems that it is not necessarily."

Li Mu’s face is dark.

Mom, are you playing me?

How do you study Marxist philosophy with a **** stick?

That is basically materialism. Is it good to be a professional with your gods?

"Right, you just said, the two pieces of key are gone?" The old **** stick looked at Li Mu's face is not right, immediately opened the topic, said: "You kid, a rotten peach, ah, what is the infatuation seed, was A fox cheated to the treasure, are you going to laugh at me?"

Li Mu suddenly had a red face.

"Can men and women say that they are cheating?" Imitated the old gods stick to open the topic for the first time, Li Mudao: "Yes, there is one thing, very strange, my back cervical vertebrae, there are eight bone fractures, difficult to heal, no Know what is going on."

"Bone crack?" The old **** said: "What kind of joke, the "real Wushu" you cultivated is created by Ye Shendi, even if there is a bone fracture, it should have been good, unless it is..."

Having said that, he suddenly shut up.

Li Mudao: "Unless what?"

"Let me see it first." The face of the old **** stick is slightly dignified.

He reached for Li Mu's shoulder.


The old **** stick retracted his hand and said: "It is a road injury."

"Don't hurt?" Li Muyi said, "What is that?"

Old gods said: "When are you going to deal with the powerful of the Tao? Tell me carefully, how did this injury come from?"

When Li Mu heard it, he was a little embarrassed: "If I have handed over with the powerful people, I can still see you alive? My injury is the battle of the door of the ancient ancestors..."

He will go through it and say it again.

"How is it possible? With the descendants of the great gods, can you give you a wound?" The old **** stick did not believe at all, saying: "Are you hiding something? It won't be the fox who is playing for you." Are you embarrassed to say?"

Li Mu shook his head and said: "How could it be that Biyan and Yunguang could not beat..."

However, halfway through, Li Mu suddenly thought of a strange thing.

"Well, I ate the king of her spirit fish, and I fell asleep and slept for three days and three nights. It is reasonable to say that I can't sleep for so long, but before that, my The spine fracture is already in existence, it is impossible, impossible..."

Li Mu recalled, said this strange thing again.

"Several fish will make you sleep for three days and three nights? Do you think it is a sweat medicine in the third-rate martial arts novels?" The old **** said: "I see that you are really stunned by love, that fox, absolutely problematic, Oh, yes, what do you say she is? Green Fox? Is it a god?"

Li Mu’s thought turned a few turns and said: “Well, it should be.”

The old gods said: "Yes, your kid, you can, so the girl actually soaked into a demon god, honestly, have you been there?"

"Ah?" Li Mu looked at the old gods with a stunned look.

The old **** stick is squinting: "How? Let me put this innocently, right?"

Li Mu said plainly: "You... can you not be so old? You are also the one who is so old, can you drive without driving?... Seriously, what is a trauma? Is it serious? ?"

The old gods said: "If you don't say it, I am just curious... The injury is the injury of the avenue, the injury to the source, the injury is not cured, you want to go further, hopeless for life, basically equal to being broken. Foundation, you said that serious is not serious?"

Li Mu was shocked: "This... how to cure?"

"If it was in the past, it was very simple. I just managed it for you. It was just my old man. I recently closed my hand and couldn’t take it. It’s very embarrassing." The old **** said: "I want to treat a good injury, You must have a strong person to do it for you."

The situation?

Li Mu was a big boy.

The way he now knows, just an old **** stick, but also a special way to repair the chanting, has been reluctant to shoot, the six major gods and heavens, but it is possible to have a strong, but how can save him Shooting? Especially the Six Gods Department, now I can't wait for him to die in the wilderness immediately.

"Hey, you don't have to worry. Except for the strong players, if you can find some rare fruits, you can also heal the wounds and even go further." The old **** said: "The rumor, in the fairy palace, There is a medicine, such as the fairy fruit, especially the legendary peach garden, the fairy peach growing on the peach tree, only one can cure you."

The best fairy fruit?

Li Mu carefully recalled that he had experienced various secrets before. Perhaps only the ginseng fruit in the Wuzhuang view is regarded as the best fairy fruit, but it has been divided, eaten, no effect, and other kinds of sacred herbs, although It's different, but it's still far from the best grade.

"Hey, now the six major anti-magic races have come to success, six keys, can definitely be put together, the opening of the fairy palace, just around the corner," the old **** stick refers to the calculation, do not know what is calculated, said: "You This kid, there are too many rotten peaches. Otherwise, there are two keys in hand. There must be a copy of the Xiangong quota. Now, you can only wait patiently for the opportunity."

Li Mudao: "The six gods and the major veins have not gathered the key fragments. There are two in the hands of Bi Yan, and the opening of the fairy palace is only a long way to go."

The old gods are happily said: "How can you, you don't know, the opening of the fairy palace is also about the time. If you miss the time, even if you have a key, you want to open it, it is difficult, no matter the evil spirit. The ethnic gods, or the various departments of the heavens, are not willing to miss the time. The two sides, friction and friction, will eventually think of ways."

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