The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 845, pure Yang founder

Enter the inner square, the outside is completely isolated.

Inside the fairy scent, the spirit tree drops green, arranged with rockeries, fountains, flowing water, as well as ponds, otters, pavilions, blue bricks and blue tiles, red wall green willow, obviously there is a fairy family, there is no hole, far more than outside It will be a lot bigger.

In the territory of China, there are many famous mountains and rivers, as well as rivers and lakes, lakes and lakes. This time, the fairy magic meeting is the ancient heavenly organization, so many masters of the great fairy doors have come.

Looking at it, the number of people is large, I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of people, the low-power is also the king of the king, the high is also the peak of the emperor.

As for whether there is a divine environment or a realm, Li Mu naturally cannot see it.

Coming to the monks, wearing ancient costumes, all dynasties, looks messy, quite interesting.

"Li Shixiong, today's general meeting, returning to the guest, I can't always accompany the hospitality, Li Shixiong also please take it easy." The undead small priest sinned, and then hurriedly took the pure Yang disciple to entertain other guests.

The vast square is like a fairyland banquet. There are various kinds of fairy fruit foods everywhere. There are also legends from the fairy tales of the ancient celestial Fengyi Pavilion, carrying a wine box and a shuttle between pedestrians. The wine scent and the fairy grass are all available to guests.

It's a bit like a worldly cocktail party.

Li Mu just turned around and there was almost no one who knew him.

"Li Mu, I have some old friends, come to the reception, want to see them." Yunguang Shengnvdao.

Li Mu directly refused: "You are just a maid, come here to serve me, don't think that when the mess is not in line with your identity, give me honestly."

"You..." Yunguang Sheng Nujie.

Li Mudao: "There is a full set of acting. Of course, if you want to find your own party and disclose the news of the Lantern Temple, then just be careful, I will hand you over to Master and let him use the most cruel punishment in the world. Interrogate you."

In the mind of Yunguang's sacred woman, the wrinkly face of the old gods stick appeared, a spirit, and immediately followed behind Li Mu, no longer talking.

The stupid dog Huskies on the other side is completely free of self, catching what to eat, and the delicacies, as long as it drifts from its eyes, will enter its stomach.

"Li Mu, this is simply a paradise on earth. I really want to live here forever. Hey, good wine." It is obviously already happy.

Li Mu has nothing to say.

I hope that the pure Yang will not cry out at the end, and the preparation of the fairy, the fairy, the fairy, I am afraid that half of it will fall in the belly of this dog.

After a long walk in the square garden, Li Mu sat down in a puddle by the pond.

In the leeches, there were originally five or six men and women. They were talking loudly and talking. They laughed, but when they saw Li Mu coming in, they didn’t take a moment. They even went clean. Only Li Mu stood alone on the railing. Behind the cloud light saint, the stupid dog Husky did not know where to die.

Li Mu did not care.

This circle turned down, and his identity was naturally recognized long ago.

This time, the circle of the Fairy Congress was centered on the ancient heaven. Li Mu had offended the thunder, the ghost department, the fog department and the cloud department before the war. Later, he attacked the rain department in Shiyu Mountain Villa. It can be said that The six are basically offended once and can not be excluded?

Today, Li Mu, who is blunt, is a god.

"What is it for me to invite me to participate in this fairy magic conference?"

Li Muzhen always feels that whether it is the old **** stick or the six, let himself appear in this conference, the purpose is not too simple.

"Li Mu, you are a mortal, dare to let the Yunzi fairy, to be a maid for you, is simply daring, not to put Yunjie sister, otherwise, you want to go out from this square today." A provocative voice came However, it was the big-eyed little fairy who had held the unclearness of her hand outside the square.

She also brought some friend helpers, all young and young.

"Li Mu, let me go to Yun Yun sister, otherwise, wait for my Yun brother-in-law to arrive, and ruin your body." The little fairy shouted.

Li Mu was irritated and didn't go back to the ground: "Let your friends roll, I am in a bad mood, don't bother me."

In the eyes of Yunguang's sacred woman, she flashed a raging anger, took a deep breath, turned and went out, and did not know what to say with the little fairy, etc., half a sigh, it was considered to be reluctant to persuade the second generation.

Li Mudao: "Well, I am afraid of you, give you a fragrant time. Go and say hello to your former friends, make things clear, let them stop bothering me, otherwise, I can I have to let the dog eat people."

"Got it."

The sacred sacred girl gnawed her teeth and turned and went out.

Li Mu held his chin in his hands and squatted in the otter, and he was bored in his heart. He yawned and was about to get up. Suddenly he blinked and saw the opposite side of the pond, a gazebo, sitting in the shadow.

Wang Yanyi?

He recognized at a glance, the one in black, the body was thin, dressed in ordinary swordsman costume, and the handsome young man sitting straight, it was these days, the famous world of famous mountains, the rain of one of the six gods of heaven The madness pursued the pursuit of the old Ziwei star field of the past.

Did he dare to appear in this fairy magic conference so brightly and accurately?

Li Mu remembers that he saw a lot of masters of the rain department.

At the same moment, it seems that Li Mu’s gaze was sensed. Wang Yanyi also looked back and looked at Li Mu.

Seeing Li Mu, Wang Yanyi’s eyes were not surprised at all. Instead, he unexpectedly calmed down, and across the pond, he nodded slightly toward Li Mu, and he said hello.

He really came to the earth.

Before Li Mu heard the words of Wang Shiwu and the rain department, when he talked about Wang Yanyi, there was some doubt. Is there any misunderstanding in the middle? This Wang Yan is not the one of the king’s words. It seems that...the same person .

Li Mu’s mind was moved, and the next moment, it appeared on the opposite side of Wang Yanyi.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Wang Xiong." Li Mu looked at this familiar face and asked him directly: "How did you come to Earth?"

Wang Yan looked at Li Mu, his expression was calm, and Junxiu’s face did not have the slightest wave. He said, “How did you come, how did I come.”

"But..." Li Mu didn't know what to say.

Wang Yanyi also knows the existence of ‘仙路’?

"Is it the killer of the rain department?" Li Mu asked again.

Wang Yan took a pair of wines from a passing wine dish and gave a cup to Li Mu. He said, "Yes."

“Why are you going to provoke the rain department?” Li Mudao.

Wang Yan thought about it, and he was very authentic: "I said that it is to let the original person in the heavens be vacant, so that you can get into a battlefield. You must not believe it, right?"

Li Mu is speechless.

Ghosts believe.

We are two non-parent, are there no such tacit understanding?

"Well," Wang Yan said of the scent in the cup, saying: "If you don't look good, you will kill it. Is the credibility of this reason higher?"

Li Mu is even more speechless.

When the Tianhu family star, I knew that this is a strangely tempered person, but I did not expect it to be weird to this extent. Is this a joke?

"You killed the descendants of the rain department and dared to appear here. Has the grievance been solved?" Li Mudao.

No matter what, when he had fought side by side, he was very appreciative of Wang Yanyi. Otherwise, he would not talk to the people in the rain department that day, saying that Wang Yanyi was his own friend, so he was a little worried for him. .

Wang Yanyi just wanted to speak.


"Hey, Wang Yanyi, what did you say just now, you can't see the eye and kill it? A big tone, the blood of my rain department, never flowed, today, my rain department makes you have a life, no life. ""

A dozen young masters of the rain department rushed in and surrounded the pavilion.

Wang Yan shrugged a pair of Li Mu and said: "The answer is obvious."

"Wang Yanyi, you don't want to be too proud. Today, on the fairy platform, my brother Lin Yuhan from the rain department personally shot, you are in danger of escaping, and when you come to your family, come to pay homage to my family."

The young people in the rain department, one by one, couldn’t wait to smack the king’s words, but in the end they still didn’t shoot. They stared at Wang Yanyi as if they were afraid of being escaped by him.

"What is going on?" Li Mu looked at Wang Yanyi.

Wang Yanyi is about to speak.


Suddenly in the sky, the sound of three thunder bells rang, and the sound was clearer, full of vigor and extravagance, and swayed in the square, as if it was striking in the hearts of everyone.

For a moment, all the noise in this square will be covered up.

A gossip disk flies, and the yin and yang flow turns.

On top of it, stood a man, wearing a black-and-white priest wearing black and white two-tone gossip yin and yang fish robe.

This priest is white as snow, the beard eyebrows are also silver silk, and the hair must be at least a hundred years old, but the crane is like a child, the eyes are like a star, the eyebrows are like a long sword, the nose is like a dangling, the cheeks are full, and the face is like the eighteen nine. Like a handsome young man, even if it is a white hair, there is also a kind of rude elegance of a peerless beauty man, adding a kind of evil charm. When you look at it, it will produce a sense of self-defense.

"The friends of the Tao, the poor road of pure Yang, here today, become the host, assisting the various departments and veins of the heavens, and holding the fairy magic meeting here, is the first Fairy Conference after the chaos reopened today, thank you all the friends, Come from afar and share a grand event."

The white-haired Taoist pure yang is the founder of the heavenly court, and the status is respected.

As soon as he spoke, the monks in the square gave a three-point face and listened to it.

Li Mu also looked up and heard that the topic of today is about to be unveiled.

"You are a Taoist, today's Fairy Congress, the only purpose is to determine the candidate to enter the ancient ruins of the Immortal Palace. Imagine the event of the Immortal Palace. Everyone knows that those who can be invited to participate in today's banquet are eligible to enter the Fairy Treasure Hunt. However, the key to the palace, the heavens are in charge of four, and the six supernatural demons are in charge of two. The two sides talked about each other and it is difficult to determine. Therefore, the special demon assembly will be held, and the heavens will be opened to defeat the final quota."

The voice of the pure Yang founder is striking on everyone's heart.

Many monks and monks, their eyes are hot, and their breathing is heavy.

There is one more


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