The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 855, was expelled?

When did the word come out?

Li Mu does not know.

If it wasn't for her voice, Li Mu didn't even know that she came to her side.

Obviously, at this time, the strength of Biyan was more than that of Li Mu, so that she went to Li Mu’s side, and Li Mu did not even notice it in the first place.

Li Mu seriously looked at the face of Bi Yan, charming and charming, one can not tell where it is particularly beautiful, but it is a very perfect face, let anyone see, will be heart-warming, green long hair, as if it is green Like algae, her skin is more white and delicate, like a jade.

However, her expression has an indescribable indifference.

Even if she stood by Li Mu at her fingertips, she felt like Li Mu, but it seemed to be separated by thousands of miles.

"Not ready to explain the day and leave without saying goodbye?" Li Mudao.

He remembered what the old **** stick said.

Hey, in the end, from the characteristics, is a girl a virgin?

And after all, it is the green fox god, even if it is the loss of the virgin body, the characteristics of the mortal changes should not be seen.

Biyan said: "What to explain? Just use you, get rid of the six kills, and get two keys. When I left, I didn't take your life. It is very good... Ah, you won't be Seriously?"

Li Mu sighed and said: "Women change their faces, it is really faster than flipping books."

Biyan suddenly smiled.

It is a kind of frost when the eyes are still laughing, and the frost in the eyes can still make people smile.

"How? Sad?" She said: "It’s just acting. You know, in the legend of your mortal, isn’t the fox demon most like to lie?”

"So, in fact, the plan for the six major races is planned by you?" Li Mu remembered what the old gods had said.

The smile of Biyan converges and says: "Did you stay in the Ziwei Star Field, don't you tell you that the six races of today are already in my grasp?"

Li Mu listened and didn't know what to say.

Biyan said: "I wanted to kill you, but I missed you in the fight to protect me. I have left you a dog. Now, I have gradually adapted to the law of the earth, the strength is restored, I don't need you. However, in the old friendship of the past, I advised you not to go to the fairy palace. The strong man of the gods and the realm of the gods entered, and he died for a lifetime. It is only with you that other so-called monks and monks became The cannon fodder used by others."

Li Mu said: "Are you caring about me?"

"What do you think about it?" Bi Yan said without a word: "If you do this, if I see you in the fairy palace, I will not save you, maybe you will not be pleasing to the eye, Send you directly on the road."

After that, she did not wait for Li Mu to answer, she left directly.

The figure flashed.

Biyan appeared in front of the Tianbang stone monument.

All of a sudden, attracted the attention of many people.

Because this woman is really beautiful, just like the nine-day mysterious woman, especially the long green hair, there is a kind of singular power that charms people's souls, no less than the previous Yunguang saints, Shuiyue fairy and so on, even It’s going to go beyond it and catch everyone’s eyes.

"Who is she?"

"I have never seen it, it’s so young... it’s really beautiful."

"Is it the descendant of the fairy door? It looks very young, so come to compete for the rankings, will not come to be funny?"

"It is estimated that in which small ancestors, the ancestors who were spoiled, do not know the height of the sky."

There are many discussions in the crowd.

Many people were shocked by the beauty of Biyan, but I don't believe she has the strength to climb the list.

At this time, Biyan shot.


A palm print, press the monument on the Tianbang stone monument.

In an instant, the golden light exploded like a flood.

Many of the monks in the square, the eyes of the thorns were severely painful, blind, tears screaming, and the quicker movements of the eyes protected the eyes, but only a golden light could be seen.

By the time of their visual recovery, they discovered that the ranking on the Tianbang stone monument has undergone tremendous changes.

The word 'green fox god' is the first place in the world.

The top of the list.

And the amazing green long-haired beauty that has just been seen before has disappeared.

"What happened just now?"

"The woman... is the green fox god? Is she a god?"

"The first in the list, my goodness, ask the old monsters who have suppressed the six heavens. This... I just said, didn't I hear it?"

The monks who had been talking about it all had a cold sweat for themselves.

Who can think of this beautiful and delicate woman, the strength is so terrible.

The shock in Li Mu’s heart is also not calm for a long time.

Is the strength already so high?

How long has it been?

Next, there are still some old monsters who are shooting, constantly competing for the rankings, and Li Mu’s name is always in the penultimate position before the name of Yu Jingfeng. Even so, no one dares to laugh at Li Mu. .

Yu Jingfeng's cultivation of the royal emperor, on the list, shocked countless people.

It is an incredible miracle that Li Mu is on the list of the king with the cultivation of the king.

It is conceivable that after this war, how will the Eastern cultivation circle spread the name?

Li Mu did not wait until the end of the Tianbang ranking competition, he left Jintaiguan in advance.

When he came out of the inner square, the outer square was already crowded with people, densely packed with people, all from local practitioners, and even some foreigners, just like pilgrimages, not just The square, even the mountain road outside the square, is on the hillside.

A sea of ​​people.

Li Mu walked out from the inner square, and all of a sudden, countless eyes, all concentrated on him.

"Come out, come out."

"It is Li Mu."

"How come out so early?"

"Isn't it being rushed out?"

Various arguments, noisy ups and downs.

Before Li Mu entered the inner square, the news of being able to participate in the fairy magic meeting was already spread outside. Even if some people came late, they did not see the scene, but they also heard that there are some people who are jealous.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it.

At this point, I saw a lot of speculation when I saw Li Mu coming out in advance.

All of a sudden, my eyes were concentrated on Li Mu’s body.

Li Mu frowned.

His knowledge of the gods, how sensitive he is, and covering the entire outer square and mountain road in an instant, I feel that there are many evil ways, mixed in the crowd, many monks, karma, some people, and rich The **** breath is obviously killing people.

These are the mortal practitioners of the world. They are so tainted with so many **** breaths that they must be the mundane people. They must be guilty of traitors, especially some evil martial arts. The murder is dozens of hundreds of people. It is terrible.

This day, the earth is big, and many things are really unable to rely on and control.

Li Mu first isolated the box and looked at the people around him. He said: "When I came to Baoji City, I don't care what kind of gangs, what gangs, what kind of background, and finally give me a little more honest, the claws are closed, the fairy magic meeting is over, If you honestly get out, you will do less bad things in the future, and the aura of heaven and earth will erupt. It is not for some of you to swell up and hurt the world. If you are in my hands, don't blame me."

After that, Li Mu walked outside the Grand Plaza with the Yunguang Saints.

Everyone around them was a face-to-face confrontation.

Of course, there are also people who have a guilty conscience.

"You give me a stop."

Someone spoke and drank Li Mu from behind.

"What are you, dare to put a lot of words in front of so many people in the rivers and lakes?" An old man with a long red hair, with a sullen face, sneered: "I really thought that I went inside the inner square, and I thought it was better than myself." Immortal? Oh, I don’t know how long it is. In the end, isn’t it already rushed out in advance?”

Another companion of the red-haired old man, the body is like a monkey, his face is ugly, and there are crooked knives on his cheeks. If the hot metal is hot, he points to Li Mu and says: "I really think of myself as the Eastern God of War? Isn't it just a little earlier? Three or five years ago, you might still be able to glory for a while, but now, everyone is already practicing, and your means are like monkey tricks, but also to be used as a blessing. ?"

Li Mu stopped and turned around.

He glanced at the two men and said, "Kill them."

Everyone has a glimpse.

Yunguang Saints understands the meaning of Li Mu.

Her figure is a movement, like a glimmer of illusion, on the two people, gently put a shot, go back and return, a moment of things.


These two people instantly turned into blood and meat, and fell to the ground.


The surrounding monks have retired.

Li Mu glanced around and said: "Is there anyone else to say?"

A quiet, drop needle can be heard.

Li Mu turned and left.

The Yunguang saint followed Li Han and went inside.

For a long time, everyone in the square was arguing again.

"This Li Mu, too **** and violent, just killing people, is simply a tyrant." A little girl with a beautiful face and a little bit of baby fat, not rude.

"Yes, a murderer, butcher, depending on the lives of others, such as grass stalks and ants, has always been a patron saint, really do not know shame..." The little girl's girlfriend is also a beautiful woman, eyebrows, quite For the intellectual, the 18-year-old looks like a face of indignation.

An old-age practitioner said: "You, still young, do you know who I am going to die in the coming year?" Gorefiend] Xu Wei, [Magic Mountain] Zheng Si, are killing people in the last year. The butcher of Ma, do not know how many innocent people, died in the hands of these two devils, practicing magic, not taking human life seriously, they are dead, it is considered a deserved."

"It is true that these two people are dead, and they are really harmed by the people." Another humanity.

A beautiful girl with a round face said: "Although they are damn, they should be judged. Li Mu said that killing and killing is no different from these two people."

There was a dispute in the square.

At this time, the gate of the inner square was opened again.

The one who came out this time was a passer-by of the pure yang.

"You, the Fairy Congress has ended, and whoever wants to worship, can start to post," said the Taoist priest: "However, the ugly words are in front, if there is no fairy, don't entangle, a red heart, Prepare with both hands and not harass."

Everyone suddenly boiled.

What the intellectual girl remembered, asked: "I don't kill the fairy, the fairy magic assembly is over? Can I ask a question?"

The indecent person sees this girl and also has a reiki, said: "You ask."

The intellectual girl said: "Excuse me, the Li Han who just left, was it because of what was wrong and was expelled?"

“Make a mistake?” The Taoist did not kill, said: “Who said that he was expelled?”


There is one more, around twelve o'clock.

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