The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 968, swordsman

"Li Mu, you are a madman, a mess, come out."

The medium-sized round face filled with the anger and indignation of a face, screaming and madly bombarding the golden mask of [painting the ground].

Driven by his emotions, the masters of the Dragon Army also used the eyes of hatred to stare at Li Mu.

If the gaze can kill, Li Mu is afraid that he has been tortured hundreds of times.

"Li Mu, you can't escape today, let's put this innocent little girl, you have killed his loved ones, isn't it enough? You are also a strong person, this will give you a chance, by the camp. The sword-bearer, fights with you fairly, gives you a decent face." The white-faced long-eyed general also spoke.

Around, dense and unstoppable are the soldiers of the Dragon Army.

Holding the windy words in his arms, Li Mu’s mind gradually calmed down and his ideas became clearer.

This method is not very clever.

With the ability of a mine, you can do better.

It’s like a top student with 100 points per exam, and it’s confusing to hand over a poor answer to a score of 0.

Behind the scenes conspiracy planner, why not do things without flaws?

Li Mu has some understanding.

Because a certain person who decided to be high on the whole thing, I feel that there is no need to waste the experience.

He only needs to convince some people, and then he can quickly kill Li Mu with the advantage of being in a high position. In front of power and status, how many people are willing to go deep into the truth? In the face of the power of the thunder, how many people have this ability to turn the established ‘facts’?

If Li Mu really hopes for the military, he is afraid that he will not see any hope.

Until now, the only thing that Li Mu has not figured out is why the Lei Department wants to target him.

It stands to reason that a district mine should not have such a large amount of energy.

Feng Xingyan fell asleep in Li Mu's arms. After all, she was only a child. She experienced the blow and fright of her family. Her spirit is very weak and needs rest.

Li Mu thought in his heart and removed the mask of [painting the ground for prison].

Invisible pressure bursts.

The besieged dragons and dragons will be mastered and they will be shaken out.

Only the medium-sized round face was left in place and was not attacked.

This change made him wrong.

"You are involved in the massacre of Dongxing Village?" Li Mu looked at this unusually active singer from the beginning, saying: "Or, at least you are also an insider, I am right?"

"What are you talking about?" The round face will be stunned, and immediately the face will be angry: "You are a maddening demon, cruelly killing so many villagers who are kind to you, and still bite a bite, are you still a person? Li Mu, I Fight with you."

He waved yin and yang and rushed over.

Li Mu raised his hand and slap, and he took him to the ground.

The strength is very different.

"Is it related to you, I will know soon."

Li Mu left his sleeping hand in the wind, and his right hand pinched the seal. The fingertips of the **** collapsed into a blood, floating in the void, sparkling with golden gods, containing powerful energy. The ancients had a 'ten finger. The heart's statement, the blood of the fingertips of the military, is no different from the blood of the heart.

His index finger glared at this group of blood, pointing to the pen, using the void as the canvas, pen and dragon snake, writing a golden symbol.

Almost in an instant, a golden symbol swims out, flows through the void, and turns out numerous golden lights, covering the entire East Star Village. Under the golden light, many strange phenomena that are invisible to the naked eye. It was revealed that all the masters and sergeants of the Dragon Army were surprised to find that there was a faint blood gas around their bodies.

And in the village, especially in the vicinity of the bodies of the dead villagers, there is also a faint scarlet fog, like a grievance.

"The heavens and the earth are manifest, too natural, the three heavens, the dead are big, there are hatreds and enmity, there are complaints and grievances... I am in a hurry as a law, obviously!"

Li Mu lowered his drink and pinched the last seal in his hand.

Suddenly the grievances near the corpses of the villagers, like the soldiers who heard the order, rose up, circulated in the Quartet, threw them out, and flew toward the Dragons.

"what happened?"

"this is……"

"What sorcerer?"

Everyone is dodging, he is in doubt, and he is afraid of what is a sinister trick.

But soon they found that there was no change in the majority of people, but the round face would be headed, and about twenty soldiers and soldiers were entangled in the grievances of the grievances.

And these more than 20 people are just one of the most fierce people who have inspired people to jump.

Li Mu’s eyes flashed through the cold.

it is as expected.

"The dead are resentful, you are related to the tragedy here, what else is there?"

Li Mu stared at the round face.

Forgive me, half of my face was swollen, and I screamed with gnashing teeth: "The little tricks that cover the ears, in this ridiculous way, swindle the crime on us, you are delusional, I fight with you..." He did not The slightest fear, rushing like crazy, the expression on the face, really is dead.


Not afraid of death?

Li Mu gave a slight glimpse.


Yin and Yang were shaken.

Li Mu raised his hand and grabbed the round face of the round face and lifted him with one hand: "Say, who is pointing you?"

"Oh, instruct? If someone really instructs you, it is you... you are a murderer, a murderer," the round face will fill the way of indignation, just like a warrior who is dead, and his heart is full of justice.

"Save people."

"Sun General."

"Li Mu, you are going to let people go..."

The officers of Youlongjun saw this scene and they all became jealous.

But they rushed over, but they were directly shocked by Li Mu’s bodyguard Jin Guang, and even within ten meters of the body, they could not get close.

Li Mu stared at the round face and said: "Give you the last chance, say, who made you come here?"

The round face will stare at Li Mu, and his eyes will suddenly show a hint of haze, faintly said: "Do you want to kill me? Hands-on, ah hahahaha, kill me, expose the true face of this heart-wrenching traitor, kill Ah, hahaha, you killed me."


Li Mudao: "You are not afraid of death?"

"I don't want to die when I am afraid of death." The round face will sneer and stare at Li Mu.

Li Mudao: "Okay."

In the hands of the golden light surging, the face of the round face will be completely submerged.

The fire of the Southern Emperor Yan can burn the flesh and spirit. This indescribably severe pain will instantly make the round face sorrow mourn.

Li Mu slammed and threw the person on the ground.

Taoism and industry will not make mistakes in the first line. This is the Taoist technique passed down by the old gods. Li Mu can be determined by 10,000 yuan. The round face will be absolutely related to the massacre of Dongxing Village. It is sent by Lei Dao. People, and through the performance of the round face, Li Mu also understands that this person is a dead man, that is to come to die.

His death will anger the dragon army and anger the Terran soldiers.

To die here is the value of a round face.

He knows the results of this mission, but he still has no fear.

Lei Dao has been operating in this world for such a long time. There are one or two dead soldiers. Li Mu is not surprised. What makes Li Mu more and more incomprehensible is that it takes so much effort on the body of the mine.

In the mourning of the round face, Li Mu shot again.

Since you are coming to die, you will die.

Li Mu does not have any rodent devices.

The **** person will die now.

The dozen or so masters of the Dragon Dragon, who were entangled in the spirit of grievances, faced the murder of Li Mu, just like the ice under the raging sun. There was no room for resistance, even if there were other people around them blocking it, but also He was one by one, and all of them were sealed and repaired. They interrupted their limbs and threw them into the round face Sun Yan who was still mourning in the south.

"Devil... you demon, this will fight with you."

The white-faced long-eyed general was red-eyed and madly headed toward Li Muchong, and the vitality was almost in a state of self-destruction.

Li Mu raised his hand.


The terrible energy overflows, and the golden aperture rolls outward like a nuclear radiation.

The white-faced general flew out hundreds of meters and fell directly outside the East Star Village.

Li Mu right footed, the golden aperture of [painting the ground] was quickly launched, and all the Sergeant Sergeants in the village were all flew out of the village.

The entire village was besieged by more and more dragons and squadrons.

You can see the situation in the village through a golden rune mask.

The white-faced generals and the soldiers saw that Li Mu had concentrated the dead bodies of the villagers in the village under the long-lived trees, and then buried them one by one, piled up a tall grave, and then captured the dozens of him. The master of the Dragon Dragon, together with the round face that has not yet died, was dragged to the grave, interrupted their legs, and let them kneel in front of the tomb, using a broken knife taken from the body of Feng Erge’s body, a knife and a knife. These dragons and masters are all slashed in front of the grave...

The blood is like a spring, soaking the ground.

More than a dozen heads, like tributes, were placed in front of the tomb.

After doing all this, Li Mu stood in the tree under the tree for a long time and stood up for a cup of tea. Then he turned and went to the entrance of the village. He looked at the eyes of the dragons and thousands of angry hatreds through the golden mask of [painting the ground]. , said: "I killed all the **** people, and this is just a beginning, telling the people of Lei Dao, even if it is the **** of the nine heavens, if you hurt my friend, you have to give me a fall. Repent before Huang Quan."

The voice fell.


In the sky, suddenly the thunder was rolling and the roaring sounded.

Everyone was shocked.

This seems to be the oath of the law of heaven and earth to witness Li Mu.

It is also like the response of Lei Dao to Li Mu’s madness.

Everyone is discolored.

Li Mu, as if he had not felt it, holding a windy gaze that was still slumbering and sleeping, and a gold hen who didn’t know where to catch it, rose into the sky and turned into a streamer, like a sharp sword. Directly cut through the sky rolling thunder, tearing the thundercloud, and instantly disappeared into the depths of the sky, I do not know where to go.

A gust of wind blew.

The gold mask disappeared.

The white-faced general and others rushed into the village.

Everyone's face is full of anger, and the blood of the robe is dead, letting them go crazy. This is the shame of the entire Dragon Army.

But Li Mu’s behavior, as well as what he said at the last moment, and the thunderclouds that did not disperse between the heavens and the earth, were heavily suppressed in the hearts of every officer who was a soldier, so that they had some confusion. A very strange and confusing feeling makes their anger seem a little powerless.

Is Li Mu a murderer?

Some people’s hearts began to doubt.

Because the murderer seems...not like this.

In the distance, dozens of ray of light flowed through the void, and the speed came quickly, and it was instantly over the East Star Village.

A footed fairy sword, gray robe hunting, long-haired flying face clear middle-aged people, in front of the other swordsman who came from the sword, bowed down, shouted loudly: "Li Mu? Where is the person?"

The white-faced general opened his mouth and couldn’t say anything. He raised his finger and pointed to the direction in which Li Mu disappeared.


The sword light is broken.

From the real martial arts strongman in the Dragon Army, the top master, known as the judges of the swordsman, chased in the direction of Li Mu disappeared.

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