The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1017 Pretending to be Sun Chenggong

"Oh, oh, okay." The cyan light of the cyan copper bull flickered all over, and the cyan light in all directions dissipated as expected.

The cyan copper bull backed away in embarrassment: "Since I have nothing to do, I will leave, and I won't disturb you heroes to exchange life experiences."

"Wait!" Suddenly, Concubine Han called him back, and a pair of cold eyes shot out a trace of chill.

The cyan copper bull looked at Concubine Han from a distance, with some hidden fear in his eyes.

"What is it?"

Concubine Han pointed to Su Yu: "You mean, Su Yuxian from the Supreme Heaven Demon Sect?"

The cyan copper bull froze for a moment: "Yeah! He said to me, oh, to those gangs who do all kinds of evil, report the little experts, and the villains are the first to sue. Zhan Wuzha said that he is a disciple of the Supreme Heaven Demon Sect."

Concubine Han narrowed her eyes, and looked at Su Yu with a smile that was not a smile: "I need an explanation from you, Su Yuxian, as the signboard of my Supreme Heaven Demon Sect!"

They are all well-known decent sects in the mainland, disciples of the Scarlet Blood Palace, pretending to be disciples of the Supreme Heavenly Demon Sect, and fighting with disciples of other forces.

Talking about small things, if you don't pursue them, big things will be turned into small things, and nothing will be excreted from the body.

To put it bluntly, the Supreme Heavenly Demon Sect sent envoys to ask questions, and the Scarlet Blood Palace could not escape the responsibility. By the way, Su Yu, the chief culprit, naturally could not escape the responsibility, and some punishment was inevitable.

And this woman, Mo Tianxuan, was like a wolf like a tiger, waiting to catch Su Yu.

Just thinking about it makes Su Yu feel uncomfortable!

"Wait, when will I tell those idiots that I am a disciple of the Supreme Demon Sect! They are just pretending to be smart. Seeing me perform a set of magic skills, they kneel down and worship me as an elite disciple of the Supreme Demon Sect. It's just a tiger skin, I have never admitted it myself." Su Yu refused to admit it even though he was beaten to death.

Which one, Concubine Han held on to Su Yu for some reasons, but she refused to let go: "Although you haven't admitted it, you haven't denied it either. You can't just play with words to get away with it!"

Indeed, Su Yu was suspected of being deliberately guided, and there is still a reason for the Supreme Heavenly Demon Sect to find the Scarlet Blood Palace.

"Then what do you want to do, tell me?" Su Yu said bluntly, "If the source of the devil's energy is a secret, then it's free. I believe the sect would rather be blamed by you than easily let you get the devil's energy."

A trace of regret appeared on his forehead,

Concubine Han thought to herself, this person is really not easy to fool, she thought she could exploit the secret by intimidating her.

"I'm not interested in reporting the little expert, but if I can exchange your favor, it should be fine, right?" Concubine Han said.

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Concubine Han smiled sweetly: "I haven't figured it out yet, but it must be within your ability."

After thinking about it carefully, Su Yu said, "Do I still have a choice?"

"Hehe, I'm satisfied." Concubine Han smiled and landed in front of the Wu Pagoda without returning to the mountain.

"The deity is gone too, everyone, goodbye." The cyan copper bull curled up with a turquoise light, and retreated quickly.

Hundreds of miles away, the cyan copper bull murmured to himself: "Fuck! Are you going to go against the heavens for this year's trial? It's all just a body of nine spirits present, and an inheritor of blue eyes, that's all. What happened to that loli with a stomach full of black ink? Why did she bring the magic artifacts of those two old monsters from the Eastern Family! Damn, that is a high-grade fairy artifact. If you come here casually, I will follow the deity. And that little beauty in the black dress, what's the matter with the yang demon energy in her body? Is that old fellow from the Supreme Heavenly Demon Sect confused? How could he instill such a dangerous thing like a time bomb in this girl Inside the doll?"

"Forget them, damn it, what about that guy named Su Yuxian? He is the most frightening guy! What's the matter with the several gods on his body? This, what the hell is it? Do you want me to die?"

"It's a good thing that I'm smart enough to pretend that my grandson was fooled. Damn, because of those idiots, I almost fell into the monster pit! And I'm going to frighten my baby to death by comparing one monster to another! No, I want to take a stroll and suppress my shock. "A certain blue copper bull said tremblingly.

Wu Tower, Su Yu murmured secretly. He thought he was locked by a powerful and abnormal creature and encountered a great crisis, but it ended like this. It was really unexpected.

Gathering his mind, Su Yu narrowed his eyes as he looked back at the Heavenly Knife Region.

The situation has developed to the point where it is believed that there is no need to continue fighting.

Even though Concubine Han and Dongfang Tianfeng did not help the Scarlet Blood Palace, they would never sit back and watch Su Yu be injured or die.

It can be said that the Scarlet Blood Palace is already invincible.

"Hehe, the martial tower is about to open, and we also lose the need to continue fighting, how about resting here, waiting for the martial tower to open, how about going inside to practice?" Bi Lingtian smiled, but she was talking to Su Yu, not the leader of the team. Bing Wuxin.

Regarding this, Bing Wuxin and the Chixue Palace Gate all nodded in agreement, feeling relieved.

Finally escaped.

"Why do you fight if you want to fight, and don't fight if you don't want to?" But someone refused to give up.

Bi Lingtian still smiled: "Brother Su, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Of course, we fight until neither of us wants to fight anymore! If it is beneficial to the Heavenly Knife Region, we will continue to fight, and if it is unfavorable, we will temporarily suspend our troops. How can there be such a good thing in the world?" Su Yu sneered.

Hearing this, the faces of the people in Scarlet Blood Palace changed.

It's fine if you want to die, why bother to hold us back? A group of disciples smiled wryly.

Qian Feng said angrily: "Su, you caused more than half of my casualties in the Heavenly Sword Region, I don't care about it, but you insist on it!"

Su Yu said: "That's because you are stupid, what have I got to do with you? Whether or not the troops are suspended now, I, the Scarlet Blood Palace, will decide!"

"Don't push yourself!" Qian Feng was extremely angry.

Su Yu snorted and said: "How about making an inch, I feel sorry for you if you don't make it, if you don't accept it, stand up, we two will fight one-on-one!"

One-on-one against Qian Feng, the ninth-rank god master? This sentence is a bit shocking.

Qian Feng's strength is not the strongest under the starry sky, but apart from Gu Taixu and Bi Lingtian, there are not many people who can draw with him, let alone win?

Could it be that this Su Yuxian has such a powerful strength?

Qian Feng was furious: "Okay, I'll meet you!!"

However, the body that stepped out was stopped by a group of forces,

"Eldest brother, why don't you let me take action?" Qian Feng said.

Bi Lingtian stared at Su Yuxian, and said calmly: "Now is not the time to fight, don't fall for it."

Su Yu's strength was Bi Lingtian's biggest worry.

He was a dark horse, a complete dark horse. No one even paid much attention to him before Tang Ling was defeated in one move.

Therefore, the information about him is blank.

Where his bottom line is is completely unpredictable.

Qian Feng and Su Yu fought against each other, and the outcome was hard to tell.

The opening of the Martial Pagoda is just around the corner, and the Scarlet Blood Palace has lost one Su Yuxian and more than forty disciples. The superiority in numbers has not wavered.

However, with the loss of one striker in Tiandaoyu, there were only three people left, and the adverse effects intensified.

The Scarlet Blood Palace can fight, but the Heavenly Sword Domain cannot.

Understanding the key point, Qian Feng clenched his fists angrily: "It's all because of our carelessness, following Su Yuxian's way, otherwise we wouldn't be so passive!"

Bi Lingtian comforted: "Don't worry, we have another team that is gathering, it's just not in this area for the time being."

How could there be only so few geniuses in such a huge Heavenly Sword Domain, backed by Zhongzhou? Theoretically, there should be far more geniuses than the Dongtianfu region can produce.

Looking at Su Yu, Bi Lingtian smiled and said: "Then, I don't know what you want, so you are willing to rest?"

Without hesitation, Su Yu tied up two fingers: "It's very simple, two requirements, first, give me a copy of the contents of Mojidao Yinshu! Second, Tianyu!"

These are the two conditions that Su Yu set out.

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