The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1030 The Truth About the Martial Disaster

Bing Wuxin looked at Su Yu strangely: "What did you notice, why did you look strange?"

Nodding his head lightly, Su Yu got up slowly: "Well, I think, I probably know what a martial disaster is."

As soon as these words came out, the nearby practitioners gathered around one after another, all wanting to know the meaning of this inexplicable martial disaster.

"Disasters, disasters, flower disasters, flowers are disasters, those in the middle are petrified! Book disasters, books are disasters, the losers become books of life! And martial disasters, in fact, have come, right beside us." Su Yu The five fingers in the sleeve flicked lightly, and said without any change in expression.

Bing Wuxin approached: "I still don't understand, what is a martial disaster?"

"Martial disaster is..." Su Yu said halfway, his sleeves shook suddenly, and his tone suddenly became sharp: "Martial disaster is, all warriors! Within a certain range, all warriors are disasters! The only way to resolve the martial disaster is to destroy all the warriors around !"

From the sleeve robe, several silver beads flew out, enveloping Bing Wuxin abruptly.

Bing Wuxin was shocked: "You are crazy!"

"Get away from Su Yuxian quickly, he, he can even kill his fiancée in order to resolve martial disasters!"


Some people avoid Su Yu, while others, take action!

"He is the ultimate hidden danger, everyone, don't be afraid! Kill him!" Someone shouted.

After some hesitation, the others finally joined the ranks of besieging and killing.

"He has gone crazy and has become the biggest obstacle affecting our unity! He must not be kept!"

"I am very grateful for what he did before, but now anyone can kill for his own self-interest, hey"

Su Yu looked around coldly: "The martial disaster is really extraordinary, the imitation is lifelike, if the mind is not firm enough, it may be difficult to survive the martial disaster!"

"As early as when the fluctuation of the martial disaster was fully activated, I fell into the world created by the martial disaster. At that moment, the time was frozen. I thought, it was actually the stagnation of entering two different worlds, like a stone, from the air, Falling into the water, the moment the stone comes into contact with the stone, there will be a short buffer due to the buoyancy of the water!"

"It's just that the world simulated by Martial Calamity is too realistic, making me think that I am still outside with my companions. In fact, I am only one person, and you are all phantoms created by Martial Calamity!"

Bing Wuxin trembled with anger: "You are talking nonsense!!"

Listen to his nonsense,

Tens of thousands of testers were extremely angry.

"Damn it, Su Yuxian is really crazy! You don't have to show mercy, let's go together and kill him!"

nonsense? Su Yu smiled without saying a word, and suddenly pressed down with five fingers.

Even though Bing Wuxin had the blood of the Heavenly Sword in his body, Su Yu preempted him. He couldn't even perform any moves, so he was wiped out by the Meteor Flowing Light Array and turned into pieces.

The shattered Bing Wuxin did not leave any blood, only a cloud of gray smoke.

"Scatter!" With a wave of Su Yu's hand, the eight balls scattered and fired in all directions. Immediately, the eight besieging practitioners were killed.

However, after they died, they all turned into a cloud of gray smoke.

Even the bodies of the wounded and the wounds that flowed from the wounds were gray smoke, not human blood.

What's even more strange is that Wuta, who had just killed so loudly, was completely silent in an instant.

All the trainees stopped and stared at Su Yu.

Their eyes also gradually turned into a cloud of floating smoke, like will-o'-the-wisps, extremely strange.

Su Yu is right, this place is not a Wu Tower at all, but a world created by Wu Calamity.

"Have courage." An erratic voice echoed in the sky.

"I am the will of the Martial Calamity, can you tell me how you are sure that you are deeply involved in the Martial Calamity, and you are so decisive and ruthless that you can kill even your fiancée without hesitation?"

Su Yu stood upright: "It's very simple, because of the 20,000 testers, one person is missing! Concubine Han!"

If this was the real world, it's hard to understand that she would suddenly disappear.

Her absence proves that I am in a false world.

After a long silence, Wu Zhanzhi sighed softly, "I see."

As for why Concubine Han does not exist in the false world, Martial Calamity Will did not say, but Su Yu has already had some guesses.

"What would happen if the tester never realized that he was in the false world of martial disaster?" Su Yu asked.

Concubine Yan Han said: "I will be trapped in the world of Martial Disaster until the outside body decays and perishes."

Hearing this, Su Yu finally understood that martial disasters can destroy more than half of the people.

The reason is here! It's not that the martial disaster is so powerful, but that it is too psychedelic. Most people are in the martial disaster, but they don't realize it, thinking that they are still in the outside world.

And the deeper you get into the world of martial arts disasters, the harder it is to think, and you will sink completely.

"Well, I understand." Su Yu nodded, and looked around at everyone present coldly: "To get rid of the world of martial disasters, the only way to destroy everyone in this world, all warriors, is a disaster!"

Wu Zhan nodded indifferently: "That's true, but you can only save yourself, but you can't save others. You can't escape the fate arranged by the owner of Wuyuan."

Hearing this, Su Yu sneered: "That dead dog? It can't do anything to me. It's a mere martial disaster left behind. It's easy to save them!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Calamity's will suddenly fell silent for a long time, as if he was silently laughing at Su Yu.

"Don't pretend to be profound, the martial disaster is indeed unimaginable, but the fatal loophole should not be underestimated." Su Yu sneered: "If the guess is correct, the reason why there is no Concubine Han's world in this false world is because she fell into the martial disaster. At the moment of the world, she will leave the false world through the black sun! She is in the real world, and of course she will not exist in the false world!"

"I can also learn from his journey. As long as I leave the false world, then all other false worlds, my existence, will suddenly disappear out of thin air! At that time, anyone with a little shrewd mind will start to question the authenticity of the world in which they live , Once questioned, it will not be far away from the time when they realize that the world they live in is false! Don't forget, they are all the top elites in the Kyushu continent, and there are many smart people!"

Martial Calamity Will fell silent again, and after a long time, he sighed softly: "The younger generation is awesome! One generation is better than one generation!"

"However, you obviously overlooked one thing. You realize that being in the illusory world is only a prerequisite. If you want to leave, you must destroy all the phantoms present! The strength of phantoms is comparable to this deity! Are you sure that you can defeat everyone? The rest Those who are conscious can defeat everyone?"

Su Yu said lightly: "Of course I have no problem, and the rest of the people, of course there will be no problem! I leave, and the next person who realizes the falsehood will lose a strong enemy like me in his illusory world! And the next one will be There are two less powerful enemies! By analogy, the strong will leave first, and at the end, there will only be a few weak ones, wouldn't it be easy to leave?"

Hearing this, Martial Disaster's will was disappointed: "It was still discovered by you. This year's Martial Disaster has an anomaly like you. I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune. It should be a blessing. Someone should show up to prevent that from happening."

After saying that, the will of Martial Calamity dissipated, as if it never appeared.

stop that? Sighing inexplicably, Su Yu couldn't help frowning.

"The water in Linlang Wonderland is not so deep, but it's interesting in this way." Su Yu was very interested.

What is the Dust Immortal Inheritance that has been praised for thousands of years in the mainland of Kyushu? In the world, is there anything more exciting than uncovering this secret?

Scanning the phantoms of the more than 20,000 practitioners present, Su Yu's excitement flickered.

Although the will of Martial Calamity was not stated clearly, but from the time of killing Bing Wuxin's phantom, he felt some hidden rules.

Although Xuying is strong, he will not take the initiative to attack.

Otherwise, if Su Yu had just entered the void world and was not on guard against them, the effect would be even greater.

Sure enough, Su Yu sat cross-legged, and the 20,000 phantoms remained motionless, only staring at Su Yu with a pair of gray eyes, not intending to rush forward at all.

"Dongfang Tianfeng, Bi Lingtian, Bing Wuxin, the number one powerhouses in each domain" Su Yu scanned them one by one, and there were only a few top powerhouses who really threatened him. Su Yu's opponent.

For Bing Wuxin, Su Yu still has some confidence, even if he runs the blood of Tianjian, Su Yu has a way to deal with it.

Dongfang Tianfeng and Bi Lingtian have too little information to predict how strong or weak they are.

"There is only one chance to leave the Martial Disaster World, so preparation is the best policy." Su Yu took out the Floating Life Gate, and used the magic energy inside to practice on the spot! !

With some life-saving things, destroying Dongfang Tianfeng and Bi Lingtian may not be impossible.

However, it would be too wasteful to use it on them.

That is something worth using only when life is in crisis.

Holding the Floating Life Gate with his left hand, Su Yu took out three drops of orange liquid with his right hand, which contained a rich and fragrant fragrance. When he took a sip of the fragrance, he felt ethereal and refreshing, and the four were connected.

"Hundred-flower candied fruit, the understanding ability has been improved by a full ten times, hehe, I can't help but look forward to it." Su Yu swallowed a drop, and the mysterious energy melted into his soul.

Immediately, Su Yu felt a sense of open-mindedness, and his understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth was more than ten times more sensitive!

Under the perennial nourishment of the red droplets of the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, his comprehension gradually improved to the upper-middle level of human beings.

At this moment, it is strengthened ten times, directly soaring to the state of non-human beings.

This feeling is almost the same as that of Xia Jingyu, a member of the mysterious Goddess tribe.

Su Yu was inexplicably excited by the unprecedented sense of comprehension.

"Finally understand what Dongfang Tianfeng is asking for the owner of the garden! With an above-average comprehension like mine, swallowing a single drop can surpass all the top comprehension people and reach the strength of the Goddess Race. How can her starry sky genius reach At a higher level, there is no obstacle in thinking that can stop it!" With the help of the medicinal effect of Hundred Flowers Candied Fruit, Su Yu's thoughts are clear, and all kinds of causal considerations in the world are extremely transparent.

As a result, when thinking about Linlang Wonderland, Su Yu also had a new understanding.

"Could it be that this is Linlang Wonderland?" The clues he has are limited, but Su Yu now has a super powerful brain, and he has analyzed two possibilities.

"The more this is the case, the more interesting Linlang Fairyland is!" Su Yu speculated about the nature of several kinds of fairylands, but became more interested.

However, there are obviously more important things to do right now!

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