The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1046 Blood Soul Armor


"Sneak attack skills are good!" The Demon Devourer Emperor rubbed his palm.

"I am inferior to others, why make excuses?"

The Demon Devourer Emperor has been with monsters all year round, and his intuition is sharper than that of monsters. How could he not be aware of Su Yu's blow just now?

It's just that he didn't put Su Yu in his eyes, so he took a punch and suffered a little bit of frustration.

What's more, in terms of sneak attack, when the Demon Devourer Emperor took advantage of Concubine Han's three besieging Bing Wuqing, he suddenly shot and seriously injured them, that was the real sneak attack.

"Hey, in today's world, anyone who dares to say that I am inferior to others is dead except for Zhan Wushuang!" The Demon Devouring Emperor grinned, his smile was extremely serious.

"That's because you didn't meet me." Su Yu said lightly.

The Demon Devourer Emperor licked his lips, and his eyes burst into fierce light: "In the trapped fairy forest, the more rebellious the prey is, the more interesting it is to eat. Watching myself being eaten bit by bit while screaming in pain, that is the most perfect thing." enjoy!!"

"Congratulations, let me find the feeling I haven't seen for a long time!" The Demon Devourer Emperor smiled ferociously, with a savage aura surging all over his body, resembling a man-hungry beast, and a creepy voice came out of his mouth: "I want to eat you!! The taste of human flesh, It's actually delicious too!!"

call out--

Just as the voice fell into Su Yu's ears, a figure had already descended, and a bloody palm ruthlessly slammed into Su Yu's chest.

It was less than half a foot above them, and Su Yu could even see clearly the pair of bloodthirsty eyes that were blood red like wild animals in the afterimage.


Without thinking, Su Yu raised his hand and hit the palm of the Sun God.

Wherever the sun passes, there is no escape from the palm.

"Beast Soul Blood Armor!" The Demon Devourer Emperor sneered, and dark red blood gushed out from the pores in his body, forming a layer of red armor on the surface of his body.

At first glance, it was an ordinary qi and blood defense armor, but after a closer look, it was found that in the blood-colored armor, one after another, the beast souls were bound in the blood river of the armor, struggling and screaming, trying to escape from the shackles of the armor.

The number is as many as tens of thousands!

The shocking hell-like scene made Su Yu's pupils shrink uncontrollably, his heart trembled, and he immediately pulled back.

The moment Kankan pulled his body away,

Wearing blood armor, the Demon Devourer Emperor was not affected by the palm of the Sun God at all. Instead of slowing down, he quickly tore at the position of Su Yu's fighting strength with his claws.

The space vibrates slightly, and a tiny space crack suddenly appears coldly.

If he reacted any slower, his chest would be torn apart and his heart would be dug out!

"Quick response, decisive action, it will be very interesting for you to eat!" The expression of interest in the eyes of the Demon Devourer Emperor is more intense, and there is nothing he looks forward to more than hunting a dangerous prey.

Su Yu swept the beast soul blood armor on his body. This blood armor collects the souls of all beasts, and any attack will be borne by the souls first.

Only after exceeding the limit of the dead soul can the real attack on the body of the Demon Devourer Emperor.

All the damage from the blow just now was absorbed by the souls of the beasts, and it didn't hurt him at all.

"Unless it is a blow that surpasses everything, it will not be able to penetrate the beast soul blood armor at all! Even if it penetrates, the damage will be greatly reduced!" Su Yu quickly analyzed: "It seems that this is the only way."

After reading, Su Yu's palm trembled, and a jet-black steel needle appeared in his palm. With a flick of his wrist, the steel needle immediately turned into nothingness, and when it reappeared, it had already pierced into the beast soul armor.

The soul-piercing needle is a thing that specializes in the soul.

The beast soul armor is full of monster souls, which is just right for restraint.

When the steel needle passed by, the beast soul was immediately pierced and nailed to death, losing the ability to resist.

However, the beast souls behind immediately replenished, causing the steel needle's power to continue to weaken.

After crucifying thousands of beast souls, he finally exhausted himself and had no choice but to take it back before he touched the body of the Demon Devourer Emperor.

During the whole process, the Demon Devourer Emperor kept a sneer and did not stop him.

"This armor is made by collecting the souls of thousands of beasts according to the pattern of a magic weapon in the ancient ruins. A few people, it is impossible for others to break through my beast soul armor, and you are obviously not among the rare people."

"Next, bear the desperate chase! Because, you can't help but be a hunter!" A cruel grin flickered in his eyes, the body of the Demon Devourer Emperor turned into a blood line, and the next breath flashed in front of Su Yu. To Su Yu's chest, go straight to the vitals.

Su Yu looked calm, and a silk that could not be discerned by the naked eye floated out of his sleeve, and he chopped it off from the air.

The Demon Devourer Emperor shrank his palm without thinking, and used his arm covered with armor to resist.

As the silk passed, hundreds of souls disappeared and were destroyed by one blow.

However, it still couldn't penetrate the dead soul and hurt the Demon Devourer Emperor.

The Demon Devourer Emperor was slightly taken aback: "The very special silk is at least sharper than the silk of any silkworm monster I have ever seen! It is a pity that I met the nemesis!"


A short-range blow failed, giving the Demon Devourer Emperor a chance, and Su Yu was caught off guard and caught in the chest.

However, before the Demon Devourer Emperor could exert his strength, his face suddenly changed, and with his beast-like intuition, he sensed a powerful threat at this moment.

Years of experience in the jungle made him make the most accurate response. Without a word, he immediately gave up the best chance to tear Su Yu apart, and stepped back.

But still one step too late.

The moment Su Yu retreated, it was as if the door of the demon world had been opened under Su Yu's feet, and a huge circular imprint of demonic energy was formed around him.

Immediately afterwards, a wild and fierce breath erupted from the circular imprint soaring into the sky.

The Demon Devouring Emperor saw a huge black dragon that was hundreds of feet in size, rushing out suddenly and bombarding his chest fiercely.

It rushed thousands of feet away with infinite force, smashing seven or eight ancient tombs in a row before barely stopping.

The beast soul armor on its chest was bloody dim, and nearly 30% of the large swath of beast souls died within a few moments of impact!

The beast soul that was too late to replenish did not protect him, causing his body to be traumatized.

Although it was not breached, the main body was actually hurt.

Grinning, suppressing the pain, the Demon Devourer Emperor raised his head, but gradually an almost crazy excitement appeared on his face, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Good! Good! Very good!! It's been a long time since no one can hurt me, you prey really Interesting! If I don’t eat you, I’m afraid I’ll die in peace!!”


Suddenly, the Demon Devouring Emperor opened his mouth, and a huge phantom of a monster appeared behind him.

It is thousands of feet tall, its eyes are blood red, and its lower body looks like a unicorn, but its head is extremely ferocious, giving people an ominous feeling.

"Gluttony?" Su Yu murmured subconsciously, the Heaven Devouring Demon Eyes, which had been silent for a long time, emitted a slight scorching heat, as if they had sensed it, but then fell silent again.

If you look closely, it looks similar, but it is far from the fierceness of gluttony, especially the charm of greed, which is much worse.

"That's right! This is my bloodline, the ancient fierce beast, the gluttonous bloodline! Although it is thin and not pure enough, it is the only gluttonous bloodline left in the world today!" The Demon Devourer Emperor revealed a cruel expression: "Next, I will bear the blood of the devoured Destiny! To die under my spirit body, you will be lucky in three lives!"


The Taotie phantom behind it made a strange sound, and its mouth suddenly opened, extending infinitely.

The magic dragon that bombarded over again seemed to be shackled by a certain force.

Immediately afterwards, his body suddenly split into two, turning into demon energy and dissipating.

It was crushed by something!

Just as Su Yu was astonished, a hidden force also locked him in, and the sense of crisis came instantly, making Su Yu's heart suddenly cold.

It was too late and then too soon, Su Yu didn't even want to take out a wooden bird and start it.

The next moment, Su Yu tore apart the space and appeared in another space.

And the entire space where it was originally located reveals nothingness with a radius of a hundred miles!

That whole space was swallowed up!

"Spatial teleportation magic weapon?" The Demon Devourer Emperor was surprised, this kind of magic weapon can't be refined by the strong of all phenomena, only the dust fairy can do it.

"Hmph, no amount of magic weapons can save your life!" The Demon Devourer Emperor coldly shouted, looking at Su Yu, the glutton-like phantom behind him was about to activate again.

Su Yu didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and activated the wooden bird to avoid it quickly.

There is blood soul armor inside, and the defense is almost invincible.

There is a gluttonous bloodline outside, devouring the void.

No wonder Bing Wuqing is willing to use him. This kind of person can be called invincible in the world when he is still a teenager. Who can fight when he grows up?

Dodging again and again, danger abounds.

Bing Wuxin, who was on the sidelines, clenched her heart tightly. If Su Yu hadn't secretly transmitted a voice, telling her not to act rashly, she had already stepped forward to help.

But she also knew that with her current state, she was no match for the Demon Devourer Emperor at all.

In a quarter of an hour.

Su Yu couldn't avoid it, most of his sleeve robe was swallowed up, and he almost lost his arm.

"It's time to end, Su Yuxian!" The Demon Devourer Emperor licked his lips, and used the magic weapon of teleportation in the void, which consumed a lot of energy, and it was impossible for Su Yu to use it all the time.

When he can't use it, it is when he is swallowed.

"Well, it's time to end."

What surprised the Demon Devourer Emperor was that Su Yu nodded and put away the wooden bird!

"Aren't you running away?" The Demon Devourer Emperor narrowed his eyes and didn't make another move.

His intuition told him that the situation had changed, and a trace of danger came rushing towards him.

"Who told you that I'm on the run? You're almost ready, you can start!" Su Yu said lightly, and pulled out a Tianzhu Silver Bamboo Sword from behind.

Looking at the sword, the Demon Devourer Emperor felt a little cool in his heart.

From the edge of the sword, the Demon Devourer Emperor judged the power of this sword, it is invincible!

"Tianzhu Silver Bamboo above the millennium level!" The one who spoke was not someone else, but the sealed Bing Wuqing.

With her experience, she couldn't help being surprised.

The Tianzhu Silver Bamboo, which has been extinct for thousands of years, has been obtained by people for more than a thousand years, and it has been refined into a semi-finished fairy sword!

"Be careful, this sword is very dangerous." Bing Wuqing reminded for the first time.

The Demon Devourer Emperor grinned: "Don't worry! If I don't eat him, I won't die!"


While speaking, Taotie Xuying opened his mouth again and swallowed.

Su Yu's face remained the same, his wrist was turned, and the Tianzhu silver bamboo flew across the void.

There is no brilliant sword energy, only a silver bright trajectory, leaving a sword mark in the void.

The devouring power that descended was completely wiped out by the understatement of the sword!

Disappearing together, there is also a large piece of void that was cut apart.

The engulfment failed, the Taotie phantom suffered backlash, roared in pain, and the body collapsed.

The Demon Devourer Emperor's pupils shrank, and his heart felt cold. What kind of sword is that?

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