The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1076 Returning from the dead

? Buzz——

The Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron seemed to have regained its vitality, its whole body vibrated, a strand of golden liquid mixed with it overflowed from the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, and flowed through the fourth emerald-colored dragon body on the tripod wall.

In an instant, more than 30% of the dragon's body became crystals.

This scene made Su Yu uncontrollably excited!

Since the third dragon, the white dragon representing the soul, was crystallized, a new dragon has not been crystallized for a long time.

At this moment, after obtaining brand new divine blood, the crystallization of the fourth emerald dragon actually appeared! !

At the same time, Su Yu's left hand shone with emerald light, shaped like a palm carved from emerald jade, like a natural gem.

In the center of the palm, a delicate emerald dragon can be vaguely seen, lifelike, and it has turned into a mark on the palm and settled down.

A strange message flooded into Su Yu's mind.

"The dragon of life..." Su Yu murmured.

Emerald dragon, representing life.

This is not the meaning of healing injuries like the fountain of life, but the literal meaning!

Back to life! !

As long as there is still a ray of breath left in the world, the magic hand of life can be used to bring the dead back to life!

It's different from going back in time to bring the dead back to life, which is to go back to a certain time and space at the cost of Su Yu's life.

Now it can bring the undead back to life!

It's just that the more powerful a creature is, the more difficult it is to bring it back to life, surpassing the level of a dust fairy, Su Yu is powerless at present.

Even so, it was enough for Su Yu to feel shocked.

After time, comes space, and after space, comes soul.

After the soul, it is brought back to life!

One is more shocking than the last, more profound than the last.

Su Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart. How strong is the power contained in the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron?

Crystallized one-third of the emerald dragon, and even gave Su Yu the ability to bring the dead back to life,

Then, when the Jade Dragon is fully crystallized, what kind of ability will it get?

At the same time, the liquid flowing through the emerald dragon flowed along the tripod wall and dripped into Su Yu's body.

In an instant, a shocking scorching pain penetrated Su Yu's body, almost causing his soul space to collapse.

The body seemed to be burning. The scorching and powerful energy was wantonly in Su Yu's body, burning from the inside out.

It's dragon blood!

That drop of divine dragon blood was diluted a hundred times by the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, but when it merged into Su Yu's body, it still quickly broke through the limit of his body's tolerance.

He could feel that his body was on the verge of collapse, and it was about to collapse from the inside out.

What is even more dangerous is that the huge energy has nowhere to vent, and it is quickly integrated into the dantian.

Now Su Yu's inner and outer dantians are more than ten times larger than those of Ninth Rank Feixian, which can be said to have reached unprecedented growth.

However, only a trace of the huge energy flows into the dantian, and the outer dantian is filled!

Immediately afterwards, the inner dantian was also filled!

And the remaining energy, more than 40%, is still continuously gathering in the dantian.

Su Yu's complexion changed drastically, his secret path was not good, he wanted to stop the energy and export it out of his body, but it was already too late!

The terrifyingly huge energy directly exploded the inner and outer dantians!

After an explosion, the area of ​​the dantian has been expanded, twice as large as before!

However, a full 40% of the energy is still left!

Next, the dantian that had just swelled exploded again, doubling in size.

At this time, 20% of the energy is left, and all of it is integrated into the dantian.

For the third time, the dantian exploded!

When the dantian is enlarged, it has reached an unimaginable level!

It is equivalent to eight times before the amplification! !

Su Yu could clearly see that the silver sword energy that once filled his dantian now only occupied less than one-eighth of the corner.

If it were not to be compared with ordinary Ninth Rank Flying Immortals, the size of Su Yu's dantian was eighty times as big as theirs!

In other words, the true qi of eighty ninth-rank flying immortals is only comparable to Su Yu's.

The biggest change in the dantian is that three violent explosions actually shattered the diaphragm of the inner and outer dantians, making the inner and outer dantians one.

This point was completely unexpected. When the dantian was broken, Su Yu found a way to create an inner dantian in the dantian, and since then he has two inner and outer dantians.

Unexpectedly, this continuous violent explosion shattered the diaphragm and fused the two inner and outer dantians into one.

This also saves some hidden dangers.

Because when breaking through the divine master, the dantian will transform into the divine master's fetal crystal, and the inner and outer dantians have never existed since ancient times. If any unfavorable changes occur during the transformation, it will be troublesome.

"I don't know what the scene will be like when a huge dantian like mine transforms into the embryonic crystal of the god master." Su Yu was full of anticipation, because when breaking through the god master, the stronger the dantian, the stronger the fetus crystal after breaking through the god master.

One-third of the energy diluted by a drop of divine blood gave Su Yu great benefits.

Not only did he get the magic hand of life, but also his dantian skyrocketed unprecedentedly, reaching an extremely prosperous state.

It seems that the evil god is right, the benefits of the dragon god's blood to him are truly endless.

Moreover, through this drop of divine blood, Su Yu also confirmed one thing, the only way to continue crystallizing the flying dragon is to find the divine blood, and the stronger the better!

After the red drops fell from the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, it circled and left the soul space, and once again firmly lingered in Su Yu's soul, and it seemed to be stronger than before.

"Wow, woof, woof..." The evil god finally got out of trouble at this time, subconsciously barking a few times.

He was bound by time, space, and soul, and isolated in a different time and space, without any knowledge of the coming of the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron.

But as the evil god of the past, he more or less sensed something was wrong.

"What happened just now? It seems that something terrible has come here. Wait, where is the dragon blood! Who took it?" The evil god suddenly yelled, and immediately stared at Su Yu fiercely: "Is it you, Did you take it away? What did you do to the Emperor?"

Su Yu's expression remained unchanged: "Something happened in the soul space just now, and I have already put away the dragon blood."

"What's happening?"

"No comment."

"you are lying!"

"I never lie."

"But you're lying right now."


"After the dragon tendons have been inspected, what should we do next?" Su Yu asked.

The evil god stared at Su Yu dissatisfied, and reluctantly said: "It's very simple, let me out, and take the initiative to control part of your body."

"Don't hit me yet, just let me go with a sliver of consciousness. My true self is trapped. Is it possible that I can fight against you with just consciousness?"

Hearing this, the cold light in Su Yu's eyes gradually subsided.

Unless he had to, he would never release the evil god.

"Okay, you take the dragon tendon first, if you can successfully transform it in nine days, it will be to your advantage." Su Yu said.

The evil god smiled and said: "Do you want to give me the soul of the dust fairy as compensation?"

It was meant to be a joke, but Su Yu said indifferently: "It's okay!"

On the contrary, the evil god was stunned, staring at Su Yu, and said complicatedly: "I never thought that the little cultivator in the Tianji Shen Pavilion would stand in front of me and say such bold words one day. Things are unpredictable."

"The unexpected is yet to come." Su Yu's face was calm, and he left the soul space without turning his head.

Returning to his body, Su Yu immediately sensed the changes in his body. After being tempered by the diluted Dragon God's blood, a faint golden color appeared under his skin, and waves of non-human and non-monster power rolled in his body.

Clasping it with one hand, a few strands of golden light flashed in the palm, and a few cracks were easily squeezed into the void.

"This is..." Su Yu was extremely surprised. His body had indeed grown, but it was far from the point where it crushed the void. What crushed the void was the inhuman inhuman body that merged into the blood. Demon power.

"This, could it be the dragon power?" Su Yu was deeply surprised that the body tempered by the dragon's blood had additionally tempered the dragon power.

With this dragon power alone, even if they don't have the body of the Nine Dragons, there aren't many people in the God Lord Realm who can compete with Su Yu in physical strength, right?

After all, in the realm of divine masters, those who can tear apart space with one hand are very rare.

Looking at the body again, the treasure looks solemn and looks completely reborn.

At the same time, the previously immature face of a young man became a little more resolute during the dragon's blood transformation, making Su Yu look mature.

From the appearance now, Su Yu has left the youth and become a youth.

"Phew, Cliff Master Duanxian really sent me a great gift." Su Yu said, but I'm afraid that Cliff Master Duanxian didn't notice that there was a drop of divine dragon blood in the dragon veins.

Otherwise, such a shocking thing has already been acquired by him, so how could he leave it to Su Yu.

The value of that drop of dragon blood is far more than a hundred times that of dragon tendons.

Looking up at the sky, there is another dark cloud in the sky that ordinary people can't see.

The coercion is getting heavier and heavier.

Su Yu took out a drop of orange-yellow y-drop, and his eyes were bright: "The last drop of Baihua candied fruit is to wait for this moment."

At the same time, Su Yu took out the Floating Life Gate and the Five Elements Prison!

The former practiced the Nine Dragon Town Demon Art, striving to break through the last layer with super comprehension.

As for the latter, after comprehending the ninety-nine characters of the monster race, Su Yu was only short of one, and Su Yu could activate 10% of the power of the Five Elements Prison.

The catastrophe is approaching, and any hope of improving one's strength cannot be given up.

The left eye was filled with purple light, and Su Yu entered the state of accelerated time. At the same time, he swallowed the precious candied fruit, and immediately fell into enlightenment and cultivation.


Tianya City.

In a teahouse, two beautiful and astonishingly beautiful women were drinking and spying on each other in the upper room.

"Thanks to Third Junior Sister taking me away in time this time, otherwise I would have been in trouble." Han Xuan smiled and patted the head of the woman in front of her with an innocent face.

It was an extremely cute, petite and exquisite girl, who was as beautiful as a little demon fox in the mountains.

Every woman is full of maternal love, and she likes her so much that she might regard her as a pet spirit.

It's a pity that the girl is taciturn, as if something has disappeared from her body, she is lifeless, giving people a feeling of ice-cold.

"It should." The girl nodded indifferently, and took a mouthful of delicious food.

Hanxuan also took a bite with a smile. She was sent by the King of Zhongzhou to the Tiandao Region to participate in the battle against the Tianfu region. However, she was still on the way, but the third junior sister came to intercept her, saying that there had been changes in the Tiandao Region and it was not appropriate to go there.

As a result, when she came to the Heavenly Sword Region to inquire about it, Hanxuan was shocked. As the master of the Heavenly Sword Region, she actually colluded with the ghost clan!

And there is news that the army of the ghost clan is marching along the Tiandao domain to the imperial city of Zhongzhou.

If you don't leave the Heavenly Knife Realm in time and encounter the ghost clan, the consequences will be dire.

"However, speaking of it, why did you leave the Zhongzhou Palace?" Han Xuan asked strangely.

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