?Recalling the complete annihilation of a generation of holy unicorns, Su Yu felt heavy in his heart, touched the Wuta in his arms, and felt a heavy responsibility.

He guarded the Wuta for thousands of years, and handed it over to me before his death. I can't just fall like this.

The catastrophe has been passed, although it was muddled, but it was barely passed.

Next is human robbery and emotional robbery.

"Is the true tribulation divided according to heaven, human and love?" Su Yu asked.

The evil god shook his head: "The three or nine catastrophes in the divine catastrophe are all heavenly catastrophes, which are divided into large, medium and small Hunyuan catastrophes. You just passed the first catastrophe, and the minor catastrophes are theoretically separated by nine days. There is another Heavenly Tribulation, which should be Fire Tribulation, and Demon Tribulation."

Su Yu's heart skipped a beat, was that just a small calamity?

"In this way, I still have to go through the divine calamity?" Su Yu's heart was pounding, the deep sleep of the Devouring Eye would take at least several months!

"No." The evil god said Su Yu's slightly relieved words: "Since you have even given you the source of the Dao, it means that the divine calamity is over."

"But..." the evil god added: "The false three-ninth calamity you were supposed to go through is not over! I can feel that you still have two calamities."

Hearing this, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a divine catastrophe, there was still a glimmer of hope for survival.

"However, after experiencing the disruption of the divine catastrophe just now, it seems that your next two catastrophes are also in chaos. The human catastrophe should have come first and the love catastrophe last, but now it is not necessarily the case." The evil god said.

Su Yu frowned Shulang: "Chaos?"

The order of human robbery and emotional robbery may be messed up, and will other aspects also be messed up?

Just as Su Yu was thinking, the evil god suddenly reminded: "Leave quickly, a powerful being is coming."

Su Yu didn't dare to hesitate, took out the wooden bird preserved in the Jiubi Lingzhu, and directly submerged into the void to escape.

Not long after they left, the woman in white teleported to the ruins of the Scarlet Blood Palace, stared at the direction Su Yu left, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that the timing is not right, this quasi-god really doesn't want to see people easily."

After hesitating for a while, out of curiosity, the woman in white didn't catch up to avoid misunderstanding.

In Tianya City, Su Yu descended directly to the Red Blood Palace to guard the headquarters.

"I have seen Master Su, how dare I ask how the sect is doing?" Xiao Han quickly stepped forward to salute,

When looking at Su Yu, I don't know why I feel a trembling feeling, and I can't help but want to kneel down.

Su Yu comforted: "The sect...some accidents did happen. The master of the Demon Palace led the sect to evacuate up and down, and they should be safe and sound. It's just that they may have been evacuated and have no whereabouts. Let's wait..."

"What? The sect is gone?" Xiao Han heard the implication, angry and sad.

The older generation's nostalgia for the sect is far more than that of the young people.

"If the sect is gone, it can be rebuilt. If the people are gone, where can we find them again? Pavilion Master Xiao Han calmly waits for the news, don't act rashly." Su Yu was afraid that this old guy would be overwhelmed for a while, so he desperately searched for the ghost army.

Xiao Han clenched and loosened his fists, loosened and clenched again, and finally sighed dejectedly, looking even more lonely.

Su Yu was also emotional in his heart, the Scarlet Blood Palace would be gone if he said it was gone.

"Pavilion Master, how did you prepare for what I asked you to do?" Su Yu asked with a flash of light.

Pavilion Master Xiao Han returned to his senses and nodded his head: "Everything is ready."

As he said that, he took out a piece of golden paper, on which there were stripes vertically and horizontally, and at the intersection of each stripe, there was a node of glittering crystal color.

Looking at it as a whole, the topographic appearance outlined by the lines is clearly the mainland of Kyushu!

"This is the teleportation map of Kyushu, and all the long-distance teleportation arrays are marked." Xiao Han said, then looked left and right, and took out two pitch-black nails with extreme care: "This is the forbidden item that Master Su wants, space nails! "

The space is nailed to the mainland of Kyushu, and it is an item that is expressly prohibited from refining.

Its use is very limited, but once it is used, it is troublesome.

If it is nailed into the teleportation array, the teleportation array will be difficult to use within a month, no matter what kind of power it is, the space nail cannot be removed.

Either wait patiently for a month, or destroy the teleportation array and rebuild it.

The latter will undoubtedly take longer.

Therefore, a space nail will cause a one-month barrier between the two regions.

Especially for long-distance teleportation arrays, it is even more troublesome, and refining and selling are absolutely prohibited.

Xiao Han took the risk of buying two space nails from the black market. Once known, it would be enough to be punished to death by any Vientiane old monster.

"Master Su, why did you ask for the Space Nail?"

Su Yu smiled wryly and said: "An old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time is catching up. I can only try to stay as far away as possible. I am afraid that he will catch up, so I can only choose to use the space nail."

"This..." Is it really aimed at the teleportation array? From Su Yu's words, Xiao Han heard a little helplessness, so he said: "It's okay if the teleportation formation is close, and the people defending the formation are all local strongmen. For Master Su, the threat should not be great, but if it is far away The distance teleportation formations are all guards personally appointed by the king of the state, and their strength is at least at the level of the four stacks, Master Su, don't force them, they all have the power to kill first and then play."

There are countless Kyushu teleportation arrays, which are divided into different levels according to the long distance of the teleportation.

The teleportation array between cities is a small teleportation array.

The teleportation array spanning several cities is a medium-sized teleportation array.

The teleportation array that spans a domain is a large teleportation array.

The teleportation array that spans the number field is called a super teleportation array.

However, the one that directly crosses a state is a god-level teleportation array.

As the most prosperous place in the Dongtianfu region, Tianya City has only one large teleportation array, which can only be teleported to the adjacent Tiandao region.

The super teleportation array that can span multiple domains is unique in Zhongzhou!

As for the god-level teleportation array that directly crosses a state, there are only nine in the world, and the branch is in the center of Kyushu.

Dust fairy powerhouses can at most create a super teleportation array, a god-level teleportation array, which is beyond their ability.

It is said that the nine god-level teleportation arrays in Kyushu have existed since the Kyushu mainland existed.

At that time, the strength of the human race in Kyushu was low, and the strong dust fairy had never been born. How could there be a god-level teleportation array? Therefore, the nine oldest teleportation arrays are considered to be miracles, and they are called god-level teleportation arrays.

The god-level teleportation array in Zhongzhou is located in the imperial city of Zhongzhou!

Often the large teleportation formations are guarded by Vientiane powerhouses.

The super teleportation array, the guards are more powerful.

As for the god-level teleportation array, the guardian is afraid that it will be ridiculously tyrannical.

"I understand, Pavilion Master wants to take care of himself, I'll take a step first." Su Yu cupped his fists.

Xiao Han said: "Where are you going?"

"Zhongzhou City." Su Yu said indifferently. After finishing speaking, he dodged to the large teleportation array in Tianya City. This array can only be teleported to the Heavenly Knife Domain.

If you want to go to the Zhongzhou domain, you need to borrow a road from the Tiandao domain.

Coming to the Heavenly Knife Domain and the Heavenly Knife City again, the feeling is quite different.

The formerly prosperous resort is now withered and dilapidated, and people are panicking.

Walking in Tiandao City, there are not many ghosts.

"It's only been two days since Tiandao City has undergone such drastic changes?" Su Yu couldn't help being surprised.

From the time he succeeded in stealing the ledger, and the Heavenly Knife domain master colluded with the ghost clan until now, the time has been extremely short.

But the warriors in Tiandao City, smelling something wrong, fled one after another.

call out

Suddenly, a group of mighty Vientiane old monsters flew over their heads.

Not far away, you can also feel another team of Vientiane monsters.

They dress differently from each other and belong to different camps.

Even in terms of physique and facial features, they are very different from Zhongzhou people, and they are impressively strong in Vientiane from another continent.

"The King of the Nine Great States reacted very quickly. He sent strong men to occupy the Heavenly Knife City so quickly, but he didn't know what happened to the Heavenly Knife Lord and the others." Su Yu murmured, but the Heavenly Knife Lord prepared a hundred years of resources for the ghost clan. How could he not prepare a way out for himself?

Presumably, on the day the ledger was lost, he ran away without hesitation.

Shaking his head, Su Yu came to the teleportation hall of Tiandao City. This hall was also taken over by the Vientiane old monster from another continent, and he closely checked the warriors who came and went.

Moreover, these Vientiane old monsters also detained a group of original residents of Tianya City, all tied to the ground with miserable faces.

"He, do you recognize him?" At this time, a warrior came to the front of the teleportation formation in fear, and a Vientiane old monster guarding the formation pointed at this person and asked the original resident.

But seeing them shaking their heads one after another, the Vientiane old monster allowed this person to use the teleportation array to leave.

"Next." Old Monster Wanxiang was indifferent and cautious.

Su Yu stepped forward and stood in front of him.

"Do you recognize him?" the Vientiane old monster asked the original resident.

Many of them shook their heads, but there were quite a few surprised voices, especially an old man who struggled to get up as if he had seen a life-saving straw, and said with a distressed face: "Master Su, please save this old man. Save this old man and his family!"

Su Yu glanced over, and an old man with gray hair and a sad face came into view.

That person is none other than the Ouyang Family of Heavenly Sword City.

Speaking of which, this old guy even secretly betrayed him to the third deputy domain master, and now he actually has the face to ask Su Yu for help!

Besides, can Su Yu be saved? Let him fight against the Vientiane old monster present for no reason?

There are no less than ten old monsters in the teleportation hall! All of them are staring at each other.

Hearing the shouts of the original residents, especially Patriarch Ouyang, the Vientiane old monster who was on guard immediately shot a sharp look!

"Who is he?" The Vientiane old monster who blocked Su Yu turned cold and questioned the original residents, but his eyes locked on Su Yu, full of doubts and slight contempt.

Judging from their posture, they probably misunderstood Su Yu as a member of the Lord of Heavenly Knife.

Patriarch Ouyang was terrified, he was waiting for Su Yu to save his life, how dare he dragged him into the water, and hurriedly said: "No, he is not from Tiandao City."

"Oh? Then why are you surprised? You seem to know everyone!" The old monster Wanxiang's expression softened slightly.

A group of original residents bitterly said: "How can we not know him? He, he is Lord Su Yu who exposed the terrifying conspiracy of the Lord of the Heavenly Sword!"

The Vientiane old monster's disapproving expression suddenly changed when he knew the identity of the young man in front of him, and he backed away in fear.

The other Vientiane old monsters also shook their bodies, and suddenly looked at Su Yu, their expressions became somewhat unnatural, fearful, and somewhat strangely respectful.

"It turned out to be Su Yu, Mr. Su! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" The Vientiane old monster who still stopped Su Yu had the quickest response, and he turned his strange face away and said politely.

"I've met Mr. Su." The rest of the Vientiane old monsters all bowed first.

Su Yu also felt it was weird to be so polite by all the Vientiane old monsters. He bowed slightly and secretly said: "They are Vientiane old monsters from another continent, right? Even if they have heard my name, there is no need to be so polite, right? "

The other party's excessive respect made Su Yu feel that something was wrong.

Every abnormality must have a demon.

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