The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1085 No Passage

"How many people came here to escape?" Su Yu asked slowly with a flash of his eyes.

What a coincidence, he just happened to pass through Zhongzhou City, and Immortal Linlangchen appeared.

"Not many, hundreds of warriors have fled one after another." Patriarch Ouyang said.

Hundreds of people? Compared with the center of a domain, the number of people is tens of billions, doesn't it seem like nothing?

"My lord, don't underestimate hundreds of people!" Patriarch Ouyang said, "Zhongzhou City in the Zhongzhou Region has an extremely well-developed teleportation array, which can lead to all parts of Kyushu. Warriors with a little bit of spar will choose to flee away from the Zhongzhou Region. The warriors from the Heavenly Sword Domain who are close at hand account for less than one percent of them! This shows that there are no less than tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of warriors who have fled elsewhere! It is already a huge commotion!"

Hundreds of thousands, compared to the warriors in the entire Zhongzhou domain, is still a small number, which is enough to prove that the cause of the panic is not false.

"In this way, the bloodthirsty demon king should be causing chaos in a small area. Otherwise, the whole city would be panic-stricken, and the number of people who escaped should not be only a few hundred people. If I rush over at this time, I may not meet the bloodthirsty demon king. .” Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

If your luck is not too bad, you shouldn't encounter Immortal Linlang Chen.

"I appreciate your kindness, let's leave quickly, the Heavenly Knife Domain is not a place to stay forever." Su Yu said goodbye shallowly, and urged the teleportation array to leave.

Immediately, Su Yu directly crossed a domain and came to the Zhongzhou domain!

Zhongzhou City, the central city of Zhongzhou, is known as the Imperial City of Zhongzhou. It is the place guarded by the Supreme Dust Immortal and the King of Zhongzhou.

Appearing in the teleportation hall, Su Yu glanced outside the hall, but saw that the crowd was calm and there was no commotion. Could it be that the news was wrong?

"Boy, what are you doing in Zhongzhou City? This is the base camp of your old enemy, aren't you afraid of being wanted?" The evil god's voice sounded in his mind.

Su Yu said calmly: "What he wants is my face when I was old. Most warriors have never seen my face at this moment. What is there to be afraid of?"

"As for coming to Zhongzhou..." Su Yu sighed helplessly: "The catastrophe of heaven has passed, and the catastrophe of man will follow. Master once calculated it for me. After the catastrophe of man, he once calculated a phoenix character! With this It may be a place name, it may be a person’s name, or it may be a real phoenix.”

"The name of the place, I don't have any impression yet, but the name of the person, the only person I know is Dongfang Tianfeng, and unfortunately, she also happens to have a phoenix bird! So,

What Yun Yazi pointed out, nine times out of ten it is Dongfang Tianfeng, no matter how bad it is, it should be in the Eastern Continent. "

The evil god chuckled: "If that's the case, then hurry up, that old thing is quite good at this."

Su Yu frowned slightly, listening to the evil god's tone, the evil god knows the existence of Yun Yazi? So, does Yun Yazi know him?


Flipping his palm, a spar-like sheet appeared in Su Yu's palm, which depicted the Kyushu Teleportation Formation in detail.

From the zoom in above, we can see the transmission distribution in Zhongzhou.

Among them, the incoming and outgoing formations of Zhongzhou were established on both sides of Zhongzhou City.

The formation to enter is in the north of the city, which is Su Yu's current son.

The formation to go out is in the south of the city, where Su Yu is going to go.

There, there is a god-level teleportation array that existed in ancient times, which is enough to teleport Su Yu directly to the Eastern Continent!

"This is an important place for teleportation, leave quickly! Don't stay!" A soft shout came from behind.

Looking back, an old man with a white beard and hair and a wine-red complexion sat cross-legged on one side of the formation, staring at Su Yu and sternly yelling.

Its cultivation base has three layers of vientiane levels!

A large-scale teleportation array is still occupied by the three-fold Vientiane old monster.

So, what about the super teleportation array? What about the god-level teleportation array?

Su Yu's heart sank, Zhongzhou is really a master like a cloud.

Back then, the Blood Emperor was no more than a three-tier Vientiane, and the masters with similar cultivation levels in front of him were actually assigned to be the guardians of the formation. Zhongzhou paid more attention to the teleportation formation than expected.

"Sorry." Su Yu arched his hands and left sideways.

The white-haired old man looked at Su Yu's back with a strange light in his eyes.

Entering the city, Su Yu observed the expressions of others, and felt strange: "It seems that the people in the north of the city don't look panicked, and they are not frightened by the bloodthirsty demon king."

But think about it carefully, how vast is Zhongzhou City? The distance between the north and the south of the city is no less than that of the former True Dragon Continent, and two hours is not enough to spread the news throughout the city.

Or, it is not certain that the Bloodthirsty Demon King has been eradicated.

However, standing in the sky above the south of the city, Su Yu was surprised.

The south of the city is also like the north of the city, the crowd is calm, just like in the past, without any panic expression, it doesn't seem like there is a scene of Linlang Chenxian.

With its monstrous magic power that devours the Beast Familiar State, it definitely won't have such an impact.

Confused, Su Yu rushed to the teleportation hall.

As the imperial city of a state, Zhongzhou is extremely prosperous and prosperous, and there are many warriors coming and going, so there are extraordinarily many teleportation arrays.

Large, medium and small teleportation arrays, no more than white seats!

As far as the eye can see, there are busy teams in front of hundreds of teleportation halls.

There is only one extremely old and dilapidated teleportation formation, desolate and desolate, with no human habitation.

That is the only god-level teleportation array in Kyushu, an ancient teleportation array that can be teleported to any state in the world, and there are only nine in the world.

However, Su Yu never rushed over rashly, and waited patiently in the clouds for a while.

Until a ball of silver light walked out of the teleportation hall as if nothing had happened, and came to the front.

"How, how about the masters in the palace?" Su Yu stared at the person in front of him who was wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't see his face clearly.

"Reporting to the master, there is an old monster with five folds and 1000 phenomena sitting in the town." The man in the bamboo hat raised his head slightly, revealing a trace of silver skin.

Five-stacked Vientiane old monster? On the railing of the restaurant, Su Yu frowned deeply.

At that time, Qiming temporarily reached the level of the five-fold Vientiane old monster, so there is no need to repeat his strength.

Moreover, now that Su Yu has lost many magic weapons, it is even more difficult to fight with one.

If you want to break through, the price is not small.

"Is there an identity check?" Su Yu asked again, what he was most worried about was that he needed to check his identity one by one like the Heavenly Sword Domain.

Others may not know Su Yu, but the Vientiane old monster guarding the teleportation array may not have seen Su Yu's portrait in advance.

"Reporting to the master, Xiaobai doesn't know, because the teleportation array is closed and no passage is allowed." Xiaobai said.

"What? Passage is prohibited?" Su Yu's eyebrows frowned.

"There is a notice posted in the temple, saying that in order to prevent the remnants of the Tiandao Region from escaping and roaming freely in Kyushu, the god-level teleportation array has been blocked for half a month."

Hearing this, Su Yu sneered, shouting "Stop the thief!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Knife Region must be hiding deep in the Zhongzhou Imperial Palace, but at this moment he has blocked the god-level teleportation array, is it to deny the arrival of the other Kyushu powerhouses?

"What about the super teleportation array?" Su Yu asked again, the super teleportation array can allow neighboring states to travel back and forth.

"It was also blocked for the same reason as above. The strong guards have five layers of myriad phenomena."

It seems that this is done on purpose.

Staring at the teleportation hall, Su Yu thought a lot.

It is absolutely impossible to break through by force. Experts gathered in Zhongzhou, two teleportation arrays, and two top Vientiane old monsters can be glimpsed. The slightest movement can alert the stronger ones.

"Boy, it seems that this road is blocked. Is there no other way?" The evil spirit frowned.

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