The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1115: Kirin Remnant Soul

"Demons, ghosts, they, they are fighting!" The same thought flashed in everyone's mind.

Both of them are terrifying and vicious existences in the impression of the Kyushu human race.

But they suddenly appeared in Zhongzhou, fighting each other!

However, judging from the results, the Ghost Clan was clearly at a disadvantage.

"Death!" King Zhongzhou roared, and charged again with all his might.

This power is close to the gods, how can the ghost prison emperor lose his yellow spring beads? Immediately shouted: "Where is the army of the ghost world?"

chi chi chi——

From the bottom of the ruins, a huge black cloud suddenly rose, and there was a gloomy ghost screaming in the cloud, and ghosts could be seen faintly.

"Kill!" Among the ghostly clouds, Bi Lingtian pointed at the King of Zhongzhou below him.

Immediately, the huge ghost cloud was like the sky collapsing, and it shone down on the head.

At the same time, each of the ghosts in the cloud cluster held a pitch-black chain, and all the chains were tightly connected together.

Ghost clouds shrouded down, accompanied by the sound of chains colliding.

The chains were wrapped around King Zhongzhou's body, looking at his posture, he was preparing to lock him up.

These chains are refined from special materials in the ghost world, and they are known as the number one god tree in the ghost world, and they are strong and durable.

Realizing the existence of the chains, the king of Zhongzhou was furious: "Ghost! Prison! Great! Emperor! These chains were made for me!"

Such a chain was clearly prepared to lock up Dust Immortal.

In this way, the resources he had been secretly helping the army of the ghost world for a hundred years turned out to be the enemy's assets.

Thinking of this, the king of Zhongzhou was filled with anger. He didn't know he had been betrayed for a hundred years, and he didn't know anything about helping him.

"Death to me!" The Ghost Prison Emperor roared, slapping the sky with both palms and shaking.

Immediately, the entire ghost cloud was blown away, and the ghost clan suffered countless casualties.

This blow killed more than half of the ghost world army.

The Emperor of Ghost Prison was in pain,

These were all the elites of the ghost clan, but they died under the punch of the King of Zhongzhou.

Fortunately, those chains were successfully imposed on King Zhongzhou, and his hands were bound.

"Kill!" In the remaining ghost cloud, Bi Lingtian commanded again.

Immediately, ghostly spears condensed in the ghost cloud, filled with extremely strong ghostly energy.

Su Yu recognized it at a glance, isn't this the extremely evil spirit in Mo Tianxuan's body?

This ghost energy is owned by the Ghost Prison Emperor. In other words, these ghost energy spears are all made by the Ghost Prison Emperor one by one, and the time spent is probably not less than dozens of years.

In order to kill the King of Zhongzhou, Ghost Realm really spared no effort.


With an earth-shattering roar of pain, thousands of spears condensed with extremely evil ghost energy pierced into his body.

Once pierced, the entire spear turned into an extremely evil spirit, surging into the body of King Zhongzhou, and wreaking havoc in his body.

Even the king of Zhongzhou, who was transformed into a demon body, was in unbearable pain.

But just because of the pain, the king of Zhongzhou's devilish nature was aroused instead, his pupils became more blood red, with a fierce light, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a roar that shook the mainland of Kyushu: "You all deserve to die!"


The earth-shattering explosion sound suddenly came out.

I saw his arms colliding constantly, and the veins on his face twisted. After struggling to break free, the chain broke inch by inch, turning into countless chain fragments, and shooting into the sky.


In an instant, countless screams echoed, and all the ghosts attacked by the chains were crushed by the powerful chains, and even their souls had no time to escape.

In just a few breaths, the remaining ghost clouds in the sky are less than one-tenth of the original!

A full ninety percent of the time, tens of thousands of ghost elites died.

The Ghost Prison Emperor didn't have time to be distressed, so he turned around and grabbed Su Yu and Qin Xian'er without saying a word, and immediately chose to escape.


No one knew that the king of Zhongzhou actually hid the identity of the descendants of the human god and the demon god, which made decades of preparations go to waste.

However, the king of Zhongzhou hated the traitorous ghost prison emperor so much, how could he give him a chance to escape?

"Demon source ripple!" King Zhongzhou yelled violently, stretching out his palm, pointing at the ghost prison emperor.

From the palm of his hand, a dark circle of light appeared, and layers of runes appeared on the surface of the circle.

With a roar, the aperture hit the ghost prison emperor with a teleportation force.

The Ghost Prison Emperor's face changed in horror, he could sense that this circle of light was enough to destroy his body and soul.

"Mo Tianxuan, what are you waiting for?" At a critical juncture, the Ghost Prison Emperor shouted loudly.

Su Yu was not surprised when he heard this, and sighed: "This woman really has a profound plan."


Suddenly, from the underground of the Zhongzhou Imperial Palace, an extremely bright beam of light, as thick as a hundred feet, spewed out!

The beam of light happened to be at the foot of King Zhongzhou!

In that beam of light, there is a strong dust fairy power, and it is far more than a dust fairy power.

If we take precautions, even if the Kyushu dust fairy gathers, it may not be able to do anything to the King of Zhongzhou.

However, he was caught off guard, and King Zhongzhou was bombarded.

His body was smashed to pieces immediately.

The huge demon body was shattered everywhere, the legs were bloody, and the leg bones were visible, and cracks appeared in the chest, and the internal organs were clearly visible.

Half of its head was knocked out of flesh and blood, half of it was a human face, and the other half was a skeleton.

The black and messy hair covered half of his face, and a blood-red magic eye pierced through the black hair, making him look even more eerie and terrifying.

At this moment, the king of Zhongzhou doesn't have half the spirit of a king of the human race, he is already a ferocious devil.

"Mo Tianxuan!" With a sharp roar, King Zhongzhou's huge magic foot suddenly stepped on it.


Just listening to the loud noise of the earth, the entire Central Continent felt the sudden huge vibration.

Under this foot, the ruins of Zhongzhou City were swept away by powerful shock waves in all directions. With King Zhongzhou's right foot as the center, everything within a radius of 100,000 li was crushed and collapsed.

The soil of the earth was blown away, exposing an extremely hard crust.

Only in this way can it be clearly seen that there is a dark hole with a size of one hundred feet on the edge of King Zhongzhou's right foot, filled with a deep ghostly aura.

Anyone who has been to the Scarlet Blood Palace to investigate the sudden arrival of the ghost army can recognize how similar the ghost cave below Zhongzhou City is to the ghost cave below the Red Blood Palace?

To be precise, the two are interlinked.

All the people in the Red Blood Palace disappeared, and there were no bones left. It wasn't that they disappeared, but that they entered the huge ghost cave.

Along the underground tunnel, they crossed half of the Central Continent, quietly lurking under Zhongzhou City, ready to deal a fatal blow to the King of Zhongzhou at any time!


A woman in a long black dress flitted out of the cave with a cold and arrogant face, who was Mo Tianxuan who had been missing for a long time?

"The majestic human race actually colluded with the ghost race!" Zhongzhou King didn't know whether he was laughing or angry, and his only blood-red demon eyes stared coldly at Mo Tianxuan.

Mo Tianxuan didn't take it seriously, but instead said: "As a descendant of the demon clan who is going to sell the Kyushu mainland, you have the right to say me?"

A group of powerful clansmen were dumbfounded.

Was the Scarlet Blood Palace in the Dongtianfu area in collusion with the ghost clan?

Qin Xian'er couldn't believe it: "I'm almost confused, when did the Scarlet Blood Palace form an alliance with the ghost clan...?"

Su Yu smiled faintly: "The alliance was formed a hundred years ago."

"Ah? A hundred years ago? Wasn't a hundred years ago the time when the war between humans and ghosts was the most tragic?" Qin Xian'er looked confused.

Su Yu said: "It is indeed tragic, but because of the tragedy, no one doubts it. Even the king of Zhongzhou would not have expected the betrayal of the ghost prison emperor."

"But, but, it is absolutely true that the King of Zhongzhou formed an alliance with the Emperor of Ghost Prison a hundred years ago and killed Yichen, the emperor of Kyushu. Could it be that he had to make such a huge sacrifice in order to gain the trust of the King of Zhongzhou? At that time, there were countless strong people from the human race who died!" Qin Xian'er was puzzled.

Su Yu touched the Jiubi Lingzhu on his arm, a dog bone with hundreds of characters printed on it, and a crystal ball appeared in Su Yu's palm.

Su Yu inserted the dog bone into the crystal ball, and the crystal ball shattered with a sound, and a trace of breath gradually flowed out from the crystal ball.

Well, a very familiar breath.

"Let Master Sheng Qilin explain this point." There was a faint smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

God Yichen? Holy unicorn? Qin Xian'er opened her mouth wide open. She had heard of both, but the former had been dead for a hundred years, and the latter had been dead for probably 10,000 years.

"Ahem..." What startled Qin Xian'er was that someone inside the crystal ball said, "Well, Su Yu, it's no fun if you're so smart, Ben Qilin, I'm going to give you some surprises."

With a crisp sound, the crystal ball shattered like an egg shell, and a small purple unicorn emerged from the crystal ball, about the size of a palm, exquisite and exquisite, and extremely cute, unlike the mighty and domineering one in the Tianji Shen Pavilion .

But that aura is definitely a holy unicorn.

While stepping up to refine the blood of God Cultivation, Su Yu said with a smile that was not a smile: "As expected of the old and cunning dog Qilin, he saved a hand when he died, left a ray of God, sealed it in the crystal ball, and lied to me that the crystal ball You can randomly draw a fairy artifact, it really belongs to you!"

When the dead dog gave this crystal ball to Su Yu alone, Su Yu thought it was unusual, so he didn't open it for a long time.

Who would have thought that the holy unicorn, who was supposed to be sitting on the hundredth floor of the martial tower, hadn't died yet.

In the crystal ball, there is a ray of God left by it.

This can be regarded as a clone of the holy unicorn left in the world. If it grows up, it may return to the peak cultivation base of the year, so it can be regarded as leaving a ray of possibility for itself to continue.

"Hey, isn't there no way? If this is a useless crystal ball, you would have thrown it into the latrine." Sheng Qilin laughed, without any sense of shame.

Su Yu rolled his eyes at him, and said: "It seems that the timing of my summoning you is not wrong. The Kyushu Continent is about to be sold. If I don't call you out again, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

Hearing this, the small holy unicorn squatted on the broken eggshell, staring at the King of Zhongzhou with its nostrils, with a look of contempt and disdain: "A human-devil bastard, also wants to sell the god's cave? It's a hundred years old, and it's time to collect the net." Already!"

Tired of dealing with the ripples of the magic source, the Emperor of Ghost Prison, who was in crisis, couldn't help showing a look of great joy when he saw the holy unicorn: "Senior Shen Yichen, no, it's the unicorn god, save me quickly!"

God Yichen? Su Yu narrowed his eyes.

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