The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1131 Boarding Inspection

Trouble? Not really, Su Yu touched his nose, dodged, and jumped off the boat under the astonished gazes of the two dust fairies.

As soon as Su Yu made a move, the golden light radiated and slaughtered all the demon crows at the Vientiane level. One of the demon crows at the first level of the dust fairy who besieged the old man of the dust fairy was directly swept by three golden lights, and died on the spot screaming.

Then, there was the picture of the Great Sun Zhuxian, the nine rounds of pitch-black scorching sun were like a millstone, and the magic crows were burned to death piece by piece.

As a highly spiritual magic crow, it immediately fled cunningly.

The people who besieged the ladder were immediately saved.

Many people cast grateful glances, but when they looked at Su Yu's cultivation, they were as dumbfounded as the two immortals on the boat.

Wait, Vientiane... a stack?

"Let's all go up." Su Yu stared at the black crowd of crows in front of him, stepped on the corpses of the crows on the ground, and rushed to the old man of Dust Immortal at a brisk pace without looking back.

Under the body of the Nine Dragons, all these magic crows died one after another.

The old man Dust Fairy was overjoyed when he was rescued from the siege. He retreated to Su Yu's side before bowing and bowing: "Thank you for saving my life, senior. I can't repay you for this junior...uh..."

When he raised his head to confirm Su Yu's cultivation level, even he was also stunned on the spot, he thought it was a senior who had seen a rough road on the boat disembark to help, but why is it a stack of everything?

When he was in a daze, Su Yu had already rushed to the front line.

The hammer-wielding boy was fierce, but he was surrounded by siege.

The king of the magic crows made it difficult for him to get out quickly, and he sank deeper and deeper into the encirclement. If he continued, even ordinary magic crows could consume him to death without the help of the magic crow king.

With a thought, three Tianzhu silver bamboo swords flew out of the sword box behind Su Yu.

Now that the cultivation base has reached Vientiane, the soul realm has also crossed a large level, and the Sanyang Sword Formation is used again, which will consume the soul like a drop in the bucket, so you can use it to your heart's content.

"Brother, don't want to fight, get out quickly!" Su Yu's loud voice pierced through the crowd of crows, and the three Tianzhu silver bamboo swords sank into the void, and quickly formed an array around the Demon Crow King in the center.

At the same time, Su Yu threw himself into the magic crow, killing a bloody path.

The boy with the hammer had already sensed that he was in danger,

However, there was no one to help, and there was no way to get away. Just when he was feeling anxious, Su Yu shot suddenly.

A passage was opened behind him, as for the Demon Crow King...

Suddenly, there was a sudden muffled sound, and the Demon Crow King screamed fiercely, but saw three blood holes flashing across his body.

Only then did the three silver swords gradually emerge.

The hammer-wielding boy's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help praising: "A good sword! It's sharp and contains the power of the void, which is rare in the cave world."

Taking advantage of the moment when the Crow King was wounded, the hammer-wielding boy, like a phantom, quickly exited the encirclement and grinned at Su Yu: "Thank you for your help, brother, I'm in Xiayangtai."

Su Yu nodded lightly, retreated to the ladder first, and boarded the boat as if nothing had happened.

Yang Tai took the initiative to talk, and got a cold face from Su Yu. He couldn't help embarrassingly, touched his nose and said with a smile: "This kid is not from the alliance, I don't even know him."

Smiling embarrassingly, Yang Tai went onto the battlefield with a hammer in his hand.

It wasn't until they saw his face clearly that the two dust fairies in the soft mouth were terrified, showing shocked expressions, and made a gesture to salute, but Yang Tai waved his hand to stop him: "Come on, what should I do? I am not embarrassing enough?"

There was a trace of cold sweat on the foreheads of the two dust fairies, and they were obsequious.

"Well, the passenger who took the shot is an outsider, so I will take care of it when I get to the shore, a stack of everything, hehe, hehe." Yangtai had a strange expression.

"Yes, young master." The two dust immortals didn't dare to breathe, and felt quite regretful in their hearts. They knew that the young master was here to carry out the mission, so they should have put on a show of their own, and ended up taking advantage of Su Yu.

However, they did not dare to be careless about the young master's order.

After killing the Demon Crow, Su Yu returned to the cabin as if nothing had happened. He was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't want to talk too much with strangers, so as not to reveal unnecessary information. After all, there was a Senluo law enforcement team behind him.

There are still four months before arriving in the league.

It will take at least two months for the Senluo Law Enforcement Team to catch up with them. Use this time to practice hard, so that they have a chance to rescue the Qilin God.

With a thought, a formation with mysterious texture appeared above Su Yu's head, and a snake the size of a finger drilled out of it. The devil energy was surging all over his body, which was a creature unique to the devil world.

"This "Nine-Dragon Town Magic Art" is really amazing. After practicing it to the end, it became a summoning technique." During two months of exploration, Su Yu discovered the texture that appeared after the ninth floor of the Nine Dragon Town Magic Art. The strength of the creatures summoned in it can be controlled through his will.

If you need a strong one, the nine-headed dragon can descend immediately; if you need a weak one, you can be like a little snake in front of you.

They are all living bodies, and after appearing for half an hour, they will be summoned back by the formation.

"From this point of view, this magic skill was created by the demon Buddha of the human race, so it should be false. Most likely, he got this magic skill by accident, but claimed to have created it himself." Su Yu played with the little snake for a while, and put it put it back.

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, Su Yu took out the bluestone slab.

The third realm of Tianzi Wangqi Technique, the Illusory Soul Realm, has been cultivated to a small level for a while, but now it has broken through all phenomena, and the soul power has skyrocketed, and it should be able to cultivate to a great level.

After speaking, Su Yu immediately fell into comprehension.

In the blink of an eye, it was two full months.

Baotong Merchant Ship, as always, sailed peacefully in the silent galaxy.

During the period, Yangtai and the old man of the dust fairy came to visit, but because of retreat, they didn't see each other.

On this day, a large ship came chasing from the depths of the galaxy, riding the wind and waves. The size of the ship was not inferior to that of a merchant ship.

On both sides of the hull, there were hundreds of well-dressed Dust Immortal powerhouses standing majestically and solemnly. On the bow, there were two young men with stronger cultivation bases, a man and a woman, and there were another two hundred people.

The leader of one hundred of them is Cang Tieyi, and the leader of the other hundred is a shriveled old man. He looked around with squinting eyes, but he dared not look at He Xianran in front of him. Dust Fairy Four Realms!

The two hundred people were all in the first realm of the dust fairy and the second realm of the dust fairy, and Meng Ke was among them.

The woman is He Xianran, and the man is a strong man of the Three Realms of the Dust Immortal who exudes an iron and blood aura with a cold expression.

The one-eyed dragon, the son of the well god, fell, causing a wave of fluctuations in the alliance, like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Since the establishment of the alliance, within the jurisdiction of the alliance, it is not uncommon for Senluo law enforcers to fall, such as encountering demons.

But this time he didn't die in the hands of the demons, but in the hands of the humans!

His death offended the majesty of Sen Luo's law enforcement envoy!

What offended even more was the Well God!

There are not many descendants of Jing God, and the most complete descendant of his bloodline is undoubtedly Jing Bai.

For Jing Bai, Jing Shen was cultivated as the heir to the god position, but unexpectedly, he performed a mission in Kyushu and was killed by the human race!

Therefore, before the Senluo law enforcement team responded, Jingshen had already ordered the law enforcement team belonging to Jingshen to recruit He Xianran and order him to assist in arresting the perpetrator.

On the way, I met the Senluo Law Enforcement Team who was enforcing the law, that chill young man, Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan's ranking in the Senluo Law Enforcement Team is even higher than that of Jing Bai. The strong in the world can also fight a battle.

Condensed into a huge force in this way, Yang Fan chased after him in three months, catching up with the Baotong Merchant Ship that passed Kyushu that day.

"The Senluo Law Enforcement Team is here, the merchant ship has stopped for inspection!"

The faces of the two dust fairy old men changed slightly, and they stared at each other. The two Senluo Law Enforcement Team were aggressive, and they couldn't help but glance at each other, and immediately rushed back to the cabin: "Master, the Senluo Law Enforcement Team is here, or you can come forward and let them go!" ?”

Yangtai was in the cabin, and said lazily: "I'm too lazy to talk to them, well, stop the boat and let them check. The Senluo Law Enforcement Team appears, and they will never target indiscriminately."

After receiving the order, the merchant ship gradually stopped.

The huge ship of Sen Luo's law enforcement team also approached, and two hundred law enforcement officers filed in, encircling the merchant ship back and forth.

"Sen Luo's law enforcement team arrested the suspect! First, notify all boarders to stand on the deck and accept the investigation! Second, get the enthronement account book, and we need to check the list of those who have disembarked along the way one by one."

With such a request, the merchant ship naturally cooperated.

Before long, both the person and the account book arrived.

"There is no record of getting off the ship in the account books, so he must still be on the ship." He Xianran narrowed his phoenix eyes and coldly glanced at the three hundred people.

Scanning for a week, there is no Su Yu and Mo Tianxuan.

She also found someone who was proficient in the secret technique of pupil eyes, but she didn't find anyone who disguised herself.

"The law enforcers obey the order and check all cabins!"

After a week of inspection, they found nothing.

"Where are people?" He Xianran frowned, turned his head and said: "Mr. Xiao, this person is cunning by nature, I'm afraid he expected us to chase him, and he has already figured out a way to hide it."

Xiao Xuan stared at He Xianran, and said coldly: "I hope everything you said is true!"

After staring at him, He Xianran felt guilty, but he forced himself to be calm: "Jing Bai's death is indeed related to them, I can confirm that! They must be on board."

If it was someone else, why couldn't they see the people when they were alive, why couldn't they see the corpses when they were dead, why couldn't they be found while they were on the boat, He Xianran might not know where they were hiding.

However, knowing that Su Yu holds the Wuta World in his hand, wouldn't it be easy to hide himself like this?

As long as Su Yu also hides in the Wuta world, he will disappear without a trace.

Therefore, if you find Wuta, you will find Su Yu!

But He Xianran didn't dare to reveal the existence of the Wuta. First, she was greedy for the Wuta, and secondly, she didn't dare to let Su Yu be caught by Xiao Xuan. Otherwise, her feet would be exposed under interrogation. She, He Xianran, was the most suspected .

Once Jing Shen was furious, Crane God could hardly resist the pressure.

Therefore, she had to be cautious, and at the same time she had to quietly get the Wuta, she also killed Su Yu in advance.

"I suspect that there is a small cave world hiding suspects on board, take out the magic weapons on your body, and we will check them one by one!" He Xianran shouted.

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