The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1137 Super Battleship

"Who are you? Why are you on this boat?" He Jinghong's mind roared.

The man knelt on the ground and shivered, and said: "Two months ago, a handsome young man with silver hair told me that he had an errand to make me rich. As long as it was done, he would give me a hundred god coins and pay in advance." I paid ten in advance!"

"He asked me to wear a mask like this and go to Xinghe to pick up someone. I just received his signal and I set off. The adults of the Crane God family, little ones, I really don't know where I offended everyone! "

He Jinghong tugged on the ground mask and creaked, his face full of embarrassment.

The rest of the Crane God's family also had serious expressions on their faces!

They all fell for it! !

A full two months ago, Su Yu was planning!

This is not Su Yu, so where is the real Su Yu?

On the shore, the man pretending to be an old man looked at Su Yu surrounded by groups, and didn't know the details. He only knew that Su Yu was caught and was playing with the other purse in his palm. One hand? Foreign kid, don’t blame me? Who would think too little of such a good thing as money?”

However, as soon as the words fell, an indifferent voice penetrated into his ears: "Sometimes, if you stretch out an extra hand, it will kill you."

The old man pretending to be an old man only had time to see a stern smile on a handsome silver-haired face, and then his eyes went dark, and his soul was extinguished.

Su Yu picked up the two pockets on the ground, weighed them, looked at the confrontation scene in the galaxy, hooked the corners of his mouth, and walked in another direction.

There, too, was a small divine bone ship floating quietly, with a mysterious man in a black cloak sitting on board.

When Su Yu stepped onto the boat, the man in the cloak lifted off the cover, revealing a beautiful woman.

"That master craftsman in the black market is really unreliable. Fortunately, you have two hands to prepare. You built the ship openly, lured the enemy away, and secretly asked me to prepare another ship." Who is the beautiful woman in front of me, but Jian Wusheng?

The boat she prepared was Su Yu's real backup.

As for the boat that was secretly prepared for the tour, Su Yu didn't think that a family of gods would have no smart people who would not be able to see through his purpose of traveling in the mountains.

So the boat he prepared was a bait.

Arrange for Jian Wusheng to do things,

Also prepare a bone ship.

When everyone's eyes are focused on him, who will pay attention to Jian Wusheng who has never appeared before?

"Let's sail, they will react soon." Su Yu said.

The small divine bone ship, like a flat boat, sailed silently into the dark galaxy.

In the secret room of Baotong Company, Yangtai listened to the old man's teleportation and reported the situation on the scene.

"Reporting to the young master, everything is as the young master expected. Not long after he left in the sacred bone boat, he was surrounded by eight divine bone boats that had been ambushed by the Crane God family. It seems that the Crane God family has already seen I heard that he was secretly preparing the bone ship, and bought the black market refiner."

With a faint confident smile on Yang Tai's face, he commented: "Hey, smart people, they have such a problem. They look down on others too much, but think highly of themselves. Well, come back and don't worry about it..."

"Wait!" Suddenly the old man on the other side sent a voice transmission: "Young master, it seems that the situation is wrong! They brought back... not that kid!"

"Wait!" The old man was surprised again: "They found the body of the black market craftsman. Other things on his body were not missing, but it seems that two bags of god coins were lost!"

"Young master, please give instructions!"

"Young master...Young master, are you there?"

There is still a faint smile on Yang Tai's face, but the smile is completely frozen, and even the confidence is gone.

After a while, Yang Tai took a deep breath and said, "He, um, he, I'll go there myself!"

For some reason, Yang Tai is in a bad mood. He likes smart people, but he doesn't like someone as smart as him.

Because of this, it will make him feel that he can't control this person.

When he came to the port, the members of the Crane God family were still arguing on the shore. They were having a heated discussion about where to find Su Yu.

Yang Tai stared at the body of the craftsman lying on the ground, his face was uncertain, and he said for a while: "Okay, then I will test you!"

"Go and tell them that Su Yu...has entered the galaxy! Direction, southwest." According to Yang Tai's speculation, Su Yu is throwing a bait, rather than hitting east and west.

Since the fish has already taken the bait, Su Yu himself must have left.

As for the direction, if you want to avoid the eyes and ears of the Crane God family, you must go southwest.

The old man paused, then secretly instigated a porter of Baotong Company to come forward and tell them that he saw a silver-haired young man kill the black market refiner, and then fled southwest.

The Crane God World is making a fuss over this matter. Hearing the news, he is skeptical, but after careful consideration, he feels that the possibility is extremely high.

Half of them stayed and searched, while the other half pursued along the southwest direction.

The old man was puzzled and said, "Young master, why are you doing this?"

Why did the young master, who was clearly still interested in Su Yu, suddenly help the Crane God Family to deal with Su Yu?

If there is no guidance from the young master, I am afraid that the Crane God family will have to work hard to figure out the key.

Yang Tai said lightly: "It's nothing, just test him."

The old man at the side could vaguely feel that the young master seemed to be secretly competing with Su Yu.

Su Yu's divine bone ship drifted all the way in the endless galaxy.

Behind them, they could no longer see the specific appearance of the continent, only a bright and brilliant light could be seen.

"We seem to be out of trouble." Jian Wusheng said with a sigh of relief.

Su Yu shook his head: "It's not the end, don't be careless."

As soon as the words fell, Jian Wusheng suddenly looked behind him, his face changed slightly: "I'm afraid you are right!"

I saw four divine bone ships behind them, chasing after them quickly.

Indistinctly, there were figures with the imprint of the Crane God standing on the bow of the boat.

Su Yu sighed lightly: "There are so many smart people in the family of gods, it's a bit unexpected that they caught up with us so quickly."

However, there was not much panic on Su Yu's face, and he said calmly: "We are also speeding up, the target is due north."

He Ruchu, who stayed on the shore, suddenly received a message from his elder brother He Jinghong: "Follow up quickly, we found them, heading southwest!"

Hearing this, the crane was like a chick pecking rice, and immediately led the people on the bank to catch up.

A confident and indifferent smile appeared on Yang Tai's face again, as if everything was under his control.

"Wait, he changed the course, to the north, you intercept it in the direction of the north!" He Jinghong shouted excitedly from the other end.

Yangtai's smile faded away, and he fell into thought, Zhengbei, why did he turn around suddenly?

Turning hastily would be very disadvantageous for him to escape, because true north is a straight direction for He Ruchu, and it is very easy to be blocked by He Ruchu.

"Get a boat, let's go and have a look." Yangtai insisted with determination.

The old man sighed, but he couldn't disobey the young master, so he quickly found a high-quality god bone boat and headed north.


In the Milky Way, four divine bone ships frantically chased one divine bone ship, clenching their teeth tightly.

He Jinghong laughed like a hunter who had been hunting for a long time and was about to catch his prey: "Where can you escape to?"

escape? A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

Half a day later, when the two ships were very close and the four warships were about to surround them, another four divine bone ships from the Crane God Family finally rushed from the south.

Surrounded by eight ships, Su Yu had no escape.

He Jinghong showed a sinister smile, catching this person would be a great achievement.

However, he has a lot of regrets in his heart, what if he killed his younger sister He Xianran? Without my sister, this great achievement will be even more precious.

He Ruchu still had a clumsy appearance, and made a broken voice like killing a pig, leading his tribe to block Su Yu.

The two sides encircled, and Su Yu was about to be surrounded.

From a distance, Yang Tai, who watched this scene quietly, showed a triumphant smile.

But suddenly, there was a loud bang, and immediately after that, a god bone ship around He Jinghong seemed to be blown up suddenly by a huge force, and a ship full of strong men from the Heshen family fell into the galaxy.

The desolate beast hidden in the Milky Way immediately rushed over, and in an instant, the three strong men from the Crane God family were swallowed up to nothing!

The rest of them climbed into another small god bone boat with lingering fear.

However, before he could stand still, suddenly, another divine bone ship was blown over!

This time, they responded in a timely manner so as not to cause tragic casualties.

Inexplicable panic filled their hearts like weeds. How could there be any pleasure in catching up with Su Yu?

He Jinghong stared intently into the distance, there was a colossal figure vaguely hidden in a nebula!

As the nebula broke open, a huge monster appeared in front of them, and they couldn't help but gasp!

It was a brand new giant ship that was pitch black, and it was a warship for battle!

On both sides of the warship, there are a hundred dark holes on each side.

A trace of smoke and dust remained in a hole.

He Jinghong's pupils shrink into a needle, and his feet feel cold!

This kind of warship is a terrifying giant that is omnipotent in the galaxy. Unless there are gods, anyone who comes is cannon fodder.

For the star river that cannot accommodate the crossing of the flesh, the only way is to use the ship to fight the ship. The strength of the ship determines the outcome.

Of course the Crane God family has warships, but who would think of using them to chase a little outsider!

Facing such a colossal monster, not to mention their eight unarmed small bone ships, even eighty of them would still be wiped out!

In the distance, Yang Tai looked calm and shook his palm.

What Su Yu prepared was not one boat, nor two boats, but... three boats!

Moreover, the third one was a warship that he had never expected!

He remembered the information that Su Yu obtained a huge amount of divine coins for making ten small divine bone ships.

Now it seems that the first two ships are just a cover, and the last warship is Su Yu's real purpose!

Where is he running away? He is clearly trying to lure the Crane God's family and intends to wipe them all out!

It's ridiculous that he pointed out the family of the Crane God and stepped into the trap set by Su Yu!

This feeling of losing out on strategy made him extremely unhappy.

With a calm look on Su Yu's face, the little God's bone boat leisurely passed between them. The Crane God's family was targeted by a hundred cannons, but they did not dare to move.

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