The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1144 God Extermination Plan

He Xianran sent Su Yu to the entrance of the secret room.

"If you lose the Crane God Order, that mansion will also be taken back. I will arrange for you to live in the Crane God Family." He Xianran said.

Su Yu thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "Okay, that mansion is not safe."

Sensing the hostility from the Shushen Cave World, Su Yu dared not be careless.

The two of them walked to a place where no one was around, and He Xian stared at Su Yu and said, "According to the plan, my elder brother should be killed by Ben's furious father. Why did you change your mind and save him at the last moment? Are you Don't you have other plans?"

After hearing this, Su Yu smiled and said, "Miss Xianran really thinks that Crane God will kill your elder brother?"

He Xianran thought seriously, and shook his head: "As you said, father really wants to kill him. One divine power is enough to kill him ten times. Using two divine powers in a row is indeed unbearable to kill him."

Even if Su Yu didn't make a move in the end, Crane God would find another way to save his life.

"Well, anyway, after the plan is completed, I can deal with him again." He Xianran gave up on that, turned his head and said, "I hope we can continue to cooperate."

Su Yu smiled lightly: "Of course."

Leading Su Yu to a house, He Xianran turned around to say goodbye, and the moment he turned around, there was a trace of murderous intent on his face.

Once she wanted to kill Su Yu, because Su Yu knew her secret.

Now she wants to kill Su Yu, because Su Yu is too scary!

Su Yu shone brightly, and entered the house as if nothing had happened.

Crane God is in his own cave world, he can go anywhere with a single thought.

With every thought and movement, he appeared at the junction of the Crane God and the Well God, and accidentally discovered that the army of the Jingshen Cave World on the border of the two worlds was stepping up their drills.

"There is no war at this time, what is Jingshen doing training the soldiers in the cave?" Crane God casually scanned, and found that at the junction of the two caves, soldiers were active on more than half of the border.

With some doubts in his heart, Crane God stepped into the world of Jing God's cave.

As the god of wells, another god stepped foot, which undoubtedly alarmed him immediately, and he came to the border with a thought.

The two are separated by the border,

Confrontation at a distance.

Although both of them were willing to maintain their superficial relationship, Jing Bai's death left a rift after all.

"God Jing, God of Books has made a small move." God of Crane said about Bu Tieyi's appearance. Of course, according to him, Bu Tieyi was instigated by God of Books to provoke the relationship between the two gods. Crane God would never admit to killing Jing Bai.

After hearing this, Jing Shen was indifferent, and said: "The Book God is roaming outside, it should be a subordinate force of the Book God, and it may not be the intention of the Book God."

There was a moment of silence between the two, and there was a faint gap between them.

Of course Crane God knew that Book God would not use such trivial tricks to destroy the connection between him and Jing God.

He came here to say something else.

"The sacrifice of the gods is about to begin, we need to be fully prepared." Crane God said.

God's Sacrifice... Well God's face became more serious, and he nodded deeply: "I understand, what you and I are going to do, after all, violates the rules of the Hundred Gods, and we must not leak the slightest word."

Crane God revealed a smile.

Jing Shen glanced at Crane God, as if he wanted to see through Crane God's body hidden under the white divine light, and said worriedly: "I am ready here, but Crane God, you, can your body survive the sacrifice of the gods?"

Crane God's pupils shrank slightly, he felt vigilant in his heart, and said with a relaxed smile, "Old wounds are nothing."

"Oh, that's good." Jing Shen said.

Crane God narrowed his eyes, trying to see something from Jing Shen, subconsciously scanned the soldiers on display at the border, and said: "Jing God is training soldiers at the border, are you ready to use soldiers?"

Jing Shen said calmly: "Su Yu summoned this with a divine order. It's really nonsense."

He said so in his mouth, but not in his heart.

To Crane God, Jing God has always been on guard. Since the two of them almost tore apart their relationship on the warship, how could they not be vigilant?

It's just that due to the relationship between the two parties, it is inconvenient for him to order defense at the border.

As a result, Su Yu asked He Xianran to come here a few days ago with a divine order, saying that the demons were rampant recently, and he was on the edge of the alliance continent, so he had to guard against it.

Now that the Crane God asked, it was just a matter of time to shirk it to Su Yu.

Crane God became more and more vigilant!

Displaying soldiers on the border, such a major event can be carried out only by God's order without a nod from the gods?

A sneer appeared in Crane God's heart, before the gods sacrifice was over, Jing God was ready to part ways!

Wait... Crane God couldn't help but shudder when he thought of his injuries. Could it be that these soldiers were not just guarding against Crane God's cave world, but had other plots?

Immediately, He Shen was full of doubts, and secretly said in his heart, even though Jing Shen was indifferent to family affection, he really loved Jing Bai.

Could it be that Jingshen harbored resentment and was ready to use force?

With this thought, Crane God became extremely vigilant, but he knew very well that as long as he was alive, Jing God would not dare to press down on the soldiers of Crane God's cave.

"Oh, it turned out to be Su Yu." Crane God thought for a while, and a venomous look flashed in his eyes: "Jing God, your divine order is on him, after all, it is a hidden danger, so take it back."

Jingshen thought for a while, without much hesitation, nodded in agreement, and with a thought, a golden token returned to his palm.

Seeing this, the murderous intent in Crane God's heart was no longer concealed.

Su Yu plotted against him, a majestic god, with his ulterior motives. It is too much for him not to die!

Sensing the killing intent, Jing Shen looked indifferent, he didn't care if Su Yu died or not.

The two gods looked at each other, and then went back to each other.

Back to the family of the Crane God, the first thing the Crane God did was to search for Su Yu!

As a result, there was no one in the mansion, but there was Su Yu's aura in his own clan.

Crane God sneered. Could it be that Su Yu felt that his death in his own clan would hurt the reputation of Crane God's family, so he would be cautious and dare not take action against Su Yu?

"Childish! It's just a poor family, so what if you die in the mansion of the gods, who will stand up for you?" The crane god suddenly descended into the house with murderous intent.

Su Yu, who didn't know about this, suddenly appeared in front of a god, couldn't help being startled, and quickly got up: "This junior has seen the Crane God."

The crane's body was shining with white divine light, and Su Yu couldn't see the murderous face.

"Su Yu, do you have something to say?" Crane God really wanted to know what this ant who plotted against him would have something to say before he died.

As if he didn't know that he was in great trouble, Su Yu said in surprise: "Gods are gods, even this junior can tell if he has something to say. This junior just doesn't know how to contact Crane God. As soon as you left, something big happened in the family!"

"The family of gods, what big event can happen?" Crane God mockingly stared at Su Yu's penetrating performance.

Su Yu said: "Miss Xianran, you are dying soon."

Hearing this, Crane God's first reaction was shock, this is really a big deal! The second reaction is to fly into a rage! The third reaction is to kill Bi Sheng, his body surface is shaking, and a pair of angry eyes can be seen staring at Su Yu coldly in a trance: "You did it!"

He almost reflexively decided that Su Yu did it.

Su Yu said: "This junior hasn't stepped out of the house since he entered the house, and the Crane God's people are not very friendly to his subordinates, they stare at them everywhere, how can this junior do it?"

After calming down for a while, Crane God ruled out Su Yu's suspicion.

What are the benefits of Su Yu killing the crane? But her two brothers benefited a lot.

But even if this happened, it didn't prevent Crane God from killing Su Yu easily.

Su Yu said again: "The junior has nothing else, but he is born with a different body, which can give people vitality. If it is useful for the junior, please ask the Crane God to speak."

kindness? Crane God swept his eyes and found that the vitality in Su Yu's body was extremely thick.

Generally speaking, the stronger the cultivation base, the more vigorous the vitality, but if it is easily transferred to others, it will be weaker.

Like Su Yu, if the vitality is too strong, losing some vitality will have no effect.

After slightly hesitating, the Crane God withdrew his murderous intentions, and said approvingly: "I am very pleased that you have such a heart, well, let's take a look at Xianran with me."

He Xianran's condition is very serious, to be precise, he is about to die.

Her face was pitch black, and layers of pitch black liquid continuously flowed out from the limbs and bones in her body, her vitality weakened to the extreme.

"Xianran!" Crane God was angry and distressed, his face was gloomy after the inspection: "Extremely cloudy and cold water!"

When the people in front of the bed heard the name of this thing, their expressions changed.

The extremely yin and cold water originates from the world of Jingshen Cave Mansion. It can only be condensed in the century-old well with extremely yin qi.

This thing is hard to find in the outside world, and it is called a drop of a million god coins, but it is often impossible to buy it even if you have money.

Everyone's hearts were shaken, and they all thought of one person, Jingshen!

He Xianran finally got rid of the crime of killing Jing Bai, if anyone is the most unwilling, only Jing Shen.

Seeing Crane God's complexion changed, Su Yu said: "Crane God don't fall for it, Jing God wants to kill, obviously, will he still be alive? I'm afraid someone will frame him and destroy the relationship between the two gods."

Crane God snorted coldly, if he didn't know that Jing Shen had already reached the border of Chen Bing, he certainly wouldn't believe that Jing Shen did it.

But in the meeting just now, Crane God was a hundred times more wary of Jing God!

After checking He Xianran, He Shen said: "It's extremely dark and cold water, unless Jingshen and his clansmen personally take action, there is absolutely no antidote."

The faces of the members of the Crane God's family were different. So, He Xian is hopelessly hopeless?

"The only way is to use the divine source to reshape his body and soul." Crane God solemnly said.

In his heart, he was even more sure that this was a conspiracy by the Jing God!

Knowing that his god source is shrinking and he is very reluctant to maintain the god-level cultivation, he deliberately throws a half-dead daughter to him.

To save him or not?

If they are rescued, they will surely fall into the conspiracy of the God of Jing, the source of the god will be damaged, and they will fall to the position of the god, and then the army on the border will overwhelm the border, and the god of Jing will attack the world of Crane God's Cave Mansion in the name of revenge...

If you don't save her, if you are a dignified god, if you don't save your daughter, you will definitely become a joke in the gods' world and be despised by the gods.

He really loves Xianran, but if he were to give up his position for the sake of his daughter, it would be unthinkable!

But in front of others, he naturally wants to set an example: "There is no other way, just use my divine source."

Hearing this, the members of Crane God's family all knelt down in fright: "Crane God, please take back your life! Crane God, your divine source, there must be no more damage!"

During a trip, the Crane God was injured by the Demon God in the Land of Immortal Relics, and Shenyuan was hit hard to the point of destruction. Now Shenyuan has lost the ability to strengthen himself, and is shrinking day by day.

Now, the Crane God has run out of fuel, and if he takes out part of the divine source to save He Xianran, he will surely fall to the position of God.

With the loss of gods, the world of Crane God Cave Mansion will be expelled from the Eastern God Territory Alliance, and will be exiled from the Eastern Alliance soon, wandering alone in the galaxy, gradually declining, and may even be invaded by demons and completely wiped out.

Everyone begged eagerly, and the Crane God insisted, so they wanted to stop each other with death.

In the end, it was Su Yu who said: "Crane God, for the sake of Crane God's family, please think twice!"

Crane God borrowed the slope to get off the donkey: "Hey, I am a god in vain, but I don't even have the strength to save my daughter..."

"Since ancient times, love and friendship have been difficult to balance, Crane God, you don't have to blame yourself." Su Yu said.

Crane God revealed a sad look, sighed silently, turned and walked away, before leaving, he said: "Su Yu, thank you for continuing your life for Xianran."

In this case, it is not suitable to kill Su Yu for the time being, and after Xianran can't hold on, then get rid of this son! Crane God secretly said.

Soon, Su Yu was left alone to help He Xianran cross into the vitality.

He Xianran opened his weak eyes, and there was a coldness in his eyes: "Hmph, my life is not as important as Shenyuan in his eyes! I know that I was plotted by the God of Well, and I will never break my face with the God of Well! Father, Father , if you are in the third year of junior high school, don't blame your daughter for being sorry for you!"

"Everything should go according to plan!" He Xianran's eyes flashed with a trace of ruthlessness.

Su Yu nodded slowly, and said lightly: "The Crane God has never stopped killing me, so I can only kill God!"

The plan of the two of them to cooperate was actually aimed at the crane god, the plan to destroy the god!

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