The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1164 All Gods Work Together

Qin Feichen narrowed his eyes and glanced around: "Don't leave me! There is no guarantee that this is not Su Yu's conspiracy to lure you away from me so that he can assassinate me! You must not leave me until the arrival of Immortal Liu!"

The old man was impatient, but he understood that Qin Feichen was the heir to the God of Books, and anyone could die, but Qin Feichen couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

In desperation, the old man could only watch everything.

Until the earth trembled violently, a thousand-foot giant descended on the family of the Book God.

Su Yu shouted righteously: "The shameless hell mansion killer, who assassinated many masters of our Eastern God Territory Alliance, won't you just catch them?"

Sheng Yuanxin on the side muttered secretly: "Is he acting too excited?"

Seeing that King Kong finally started to kill, Sheng Yuanxin couldn't sit still, and flew down with a golden whip in his hand, catching up with King Kong to fight him.

However, when King Kong met her, he only ran away instead of fighting.

On the head of the Giant Soldier, Bu Tieyi secretly transmitted a voice to Su Yu, explaining in more detail where is the important place of the Book God family, especially the place where the Book God's treasure house is hidden.

Su Yu's eyes shone brightly, and secretly sent an order to King Kong.

The next moment, King Kong, who was wreaking havoc in the backyard, suddenly fled to a heavily guarded palace.

Seeing this, Qin Feichen's expression tightened: "That's the treasure house of the Book God, Miss Yuanxin, please stop him!"

Sheng Yuanxin was about to nod, when Su Yu shouted suddenly: "Sheng Yuanxin, get out of the way! Let the giant soldiers come!"

As soon as the words fell, the Giant Divine Soldier's hundred-foot-large palm had already been stepped down.

Sheng Yuanxin glared at Su Yu, is this going to trample her to death together?

Hastily dodging away, the Giant God Soldier stepped on it with a bang, King Kong didn't step on it, and the independent space that stored the infinite resources of the Book God Family was trampled to pieces by the Quasi-God!


Immediately, resources all over the sky were squeezed out from the space that was stepped on, like a waterfall, spraying in all directions.

In an instant, the creatures near the family of the Crane God were overjoyed and flew into the sky to pick up treasures.

These are good things that are rarely seen by the outside world.

Any one is worth a lot of divine coins.

"Damn! How could I be missing out on helping others like picking up treasures?" The tree god flew out angrily, and with a thought, endless vines sprang up from under the ground, and the vines falling from the sky were as fast as lightning. The treasure is entangled.

To be precise, the creatures within the coverage of the vines are also the targets of the vines.

The entangled creatures, the interspatial rings, the accessories on their bodies, and even the high-grade clothes and skirts were all taken away by the vines.

"As a treasure hunter, this is the attitude you should have. You have to pick up everything, without leaving anything behind!" A certain goddess earnestly taught the nearby treasure hunters.

Groups of treasure hunters whose clothes were stripped off: "You are stealing!!"

These squeezed out resources are only one percent of the Book God Family's resources, and the other ninety-nine percent are all in this step, and are reduced to ashes with the annihilation of space.

Qin Feichen was furious: "Su Yu! What have you done?"

Even Sheng Yuanxin couldn't help sticking out his tongue, Su Yu got into a catastrophe and trampled on the resources of the Book God Family!

It may not be all the resources of the Book God Family, but there should be half of it. It is the accumulation of thousands of years of the Book God Family!

Su Yu looked solemn: "I'm sorry, my nephew Feichen, but exterminating the underworld is a big matter, I hope you will be patient!"

The Giant God Soldier stepped on King Kong again.

At this moment, King Kong is in a huge palace that looks like a book.

Seeing this, the old man was so anxious that his soul flew away, he hurriedly said: "Don't step on it, inside is the secret cultivation realm of the family of book gods, which has consumed the painstaking efforts of the book gods of all generations..."


Another muffled sound, the huge palace collapsed, the space inside was compressed sharply, and finally exploded with a bang...

Mystery, it's over!

A large amount of secret resources were blown out and scattered all over the place, and then there was a loud laugh, and the busy and hard-working figure of a treasure-hunting goddess appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Strangely, the rest of the treasure hunters resigned and left the treasure hunting industry one after another, silently looking at the back of the goddess of treasure hunting.

"Nephew Feichen, the overall situation is the most important thing, please be patient!" Su Yu said solemnly.

Next, King Kong fled to a hall again.

"Don't step on it! That's the divine way perception room left by the book gods of the past dynasties. It has the divine way comprehension of the extinct gods of the past dynasties. It is an important place for my family of book gods..."


"Nephew Feichen, the overall situation is the most important thing, please be patient!"

"Don't step on it, it's left by the book gods of the past..."


"Nephew Feichen, the overall situation is the most important thing, please be patient!"

"Don't step on it, that's..."


"Nephew Feichen, the overall situation is the most important thing, please be patient."

"don't want……"


"Hey, nephew Feichen, what did you say you don't want?"



King Kong fled all the way, and Su Yu controlled the giant god soldiers to chase and kill them all the way, destroying countless important places of the Shushen family along the way. Anyway, King Kong has been to the important places that Bu Tieyi said are related to the rise and fall of the Shushen family.

In the end, only the most important location remains, the Treasure House of the Book God!

Among the gods of the Book God's perseverance, he is feared by the gods, all relying on the Book God's treasury!

There is no one who is not afraid of a person who holds his own secrets.

The gods hated the book god's treasury deeply, but no one dared to take the lead in destroying it, because the book god had an extremely important backer who ranked among the top five among the gods!

That, is also a great figure who can make the Eastern God Territory Alliance tremble by stomping his feet.

Therefore, no god dares to destroy the book god's treasure house!

This is also why the Book God dared to travel and was so relieved of the Book God's treasury.

King Kong fled to the deepest part of the book god's family, in front of ten green mountains.

Finally, Qin Feifan couldn't sit still anymore: "Don't worry about me anymore, stop King Kong in front of the book god's treasure house!"

The old man got the order, and he, who was already sweating profusely from anxiety, gave a stern roar and caught up with King Kong.

He stayed in the quasi-god at the early stage for many years, and his strength was above King Kong, and he saw frequent phenomena of heaven and earth as soon as he made a move.

King Kong showed fear and had to stop to face the enemy head-on.

However, at this moment, a huge foot suddenly kicked the old man's body, leaving only an old soul jumping out in fright and anger holding a ball of divine origin.

Qin Feichen burst into murderous intent and roared angrily, "Su Yu! What are you doing?"

Su Yu shrugged helplessly: "Your quasi-god couldn't help thinking about it. He hit his head on the giant god soldier's foot and smashed his body. What can I do? The enemy is in front of me. I don't have time to comfort you. people!"

The old man's soul was trembling with anger, it was clearly kicked by you, why did I bump into it?

This rhetoric that turned black and white really made Qin Feifei extremely angry!

However, staring at the thousand-foot giant soldier, Qin Feifei was furious, but he dared not stop him.

Su Yu's killing intent towards him, Qin Feifei felt very clearly, once he found an excuse for Su Yu to kill him, he would kill him at any cost, just like the old man!

call out--

King Kong fled into the ten green mountains, Su Yu showed a cold look at the corner of his mouth, and manipulated the giant soldier to step down suddenly.


The green hill shook, but it was not damaged!

From the inside of the ten green mountains, one after another extremely powerful divine power came out.

According to Bu Tieyi, the Treasure House of the Book God is hidden under ten green mountains. The ten green mountains are the defensive restrictions left by the ten generations of Book Gods. The purpose is to protect the Treasure House of the Book God from being destroyed.

It is impossible to break the restriction of Qingshan only by the quasi-god.

Seeing that Su Yu was unable to break through this place, Qin Feichen breathed a sigh of relief. The Book God Family was established in the Eastern God Territory Alliance, relying entirely on the Book God treasure house accumulated over the past dynasties. If this thing is lost, the status of the Book God Family will really plummet.

However, Su Yu didn't panic much, instead, there was a meaningful smile from the corner of his mouth, and he looked up to the sky and said, "It's not good for me to hunt down the killer of the gate of hell, if the gods are watching, please help me! "

As soon as the words fell, suddenly a divine power mixed with complex aura descended from the sky and bombarded the first green hill.

Immediately, the forbidden green hill set up by the first book god suddenly exploded!

Su Yu showed a slight smile, and the gods really couldn't sit still, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to destroy the book god's treasure house!

Thinking in his heart, Su Yu showed a troubled expression: "Gods, this killer is extremely cunning, one or two attacks may be difficult to hit, why not attack a few more at the same time?"

Hearing this, Qin Feifei's face changed drastically, and he roared angrily: "Who dares to destroy the important place of my book god family..."

bang bang bang—

Dozens of divine powers spanning the sky, coming from nowhere, and whose breath is unknown, like dense thunder, bombarded the remaining nine green hills indiscriminately!

In an instant, the nine forbidden green hills turned into ruins.

Qin Feifei stared blankly at the shattered green hills, feeling hatred and anger in his heart, especially when he found that all the gods were blind, ten green hills were blown to pieces, only King Kong stood intact for a radius of one zhang!

His heart was furious, okay, while the book god was traveling abroad, the gods secretly helped Su Yu and destroyed the treasure house of the book god!

However, Qin Feifan was powerless to stop him and could only watch everything helplessly.

The restriction on the green hill was shattered, finally revealing the treasury of the Book God hidden under the green hill.

That is a quaint bookshelf.

There are about a thousand books, new and old, neatly arranged on the bookshelves!

However, each book is an independent world, and there are hundreds of millions of books hidden in it!

In particular, there is a book called "Hundred Gods Record"!

What is recorded inside is the secrets of the gods!

Peeping at this book, Su Yu could feel the urgent will coming from somewhere, and the gods were urging Su Yu to destroy the book god's treasure house as soon as possible.

Given the size of the book's internal space, the data collected on the gods is probably astronomical.

If the bookshelf can analyze the information by itself, with the huge amount of information, there is really no secret in the Eastern God Territory Alliance that cannot be calculated by the Book God's Treasure.

"This thing can't be removed!" Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and urged the giant soldier to punch away!

However, at this moment, a terrifying will descended from the sky.


The majestic divine power contained in that voice radiated the entire book god world.

Su Yu's face changed slightly, is there a god obstructing?

After careful perception, all the gods who shot just now have all left!

It seemed that the appearance of this person made them feel fearful.

"God Liuxian!" Qin Feichen swept away his anger, and his face showed ecstasy.

Sheng Yuanxin's eyes flickered, and he flew to Su Yu's side, and said in a voice transmission: "The God of Liuxian is the mother of the Liuli Law Enforcement Officer of the Alliance Palace. The God of Liuxian has close contacts with the God of Books. Stop immediately and don't continue." Go down, or no one can protect you!"

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