The speaker is unintentional, the listener is interested, and the gods exchanged glances with each other. Can we take this opportunity to simply drive all the tombs of the Book God family out of the mainland, and expel the Book God from the Hundred Gods Alliance by the way?

In the past, there was a treasury of the book gods, and the gods were afraid of the secret being mastered, so they didn't dare to mention it, but now they can think about it.

If the book god recreates a book god treasure house, their secrets will still be discovered after several generations, which is very bad.

While everyone was thinking, the dakini spoke softly: "All the gods are heroes who have protected the mainland. For the sake of the gods we should tolerate."

Hearing this, Su Yu frowned slightly. Does this mean that Su Yu is narrow-minded?

Su Yu couldn't agree with her words. How has the book god family ever protected the mainland? If you really have the will to protect, how can you not even have the will to protect the mainland after death?

Forget about one or two generations, the entire ten generations have this virtue, Su Yu can't help but doubt the intentions of the family of book gods in the alliance.

No matter how you look at it, none of them regarded the Eastern God Territory Alliance as their roots, but only occupied a seat among the hundred gods.

The Dakini's words are full of tolerance and fraternity, but in Su Yu's eyes, it is the heart of the Virgin that does not distinguish between good and bad!

Treating so favorably the family of book gods who have done nothing and deliberately mastered the weaknesses of the gods, then, what do the gods who really shed their blood for the alliance and their descendants think?

Regret and dissatisfaction flashed across the faces of many gods, but they were helpless.

Dakini's words cannot be miscalculated, but it is difficult to convince them.

Their hearts are not convinced, but their mouths can only be obeyed.

"Respect the will of the Dakini."

Su Yu sighed silently, he understood why a tomb of such a different kind of god as the family of book gods could exist safely for so long, all because of the king of gods who has the feelings of the Holy Mother!

Staring at the dakini, Su Yu became more vigilant.

There are two kinds of Madonnas in the world, one is the pure, sincere and fraternal Madonna, and the other is the Madonna with ulterior motives.

It is not known which type the dakini belongs to.

"The sacrifice of the gods is over,

Please come back, gods, the world of the tomb of the gods is about to close. " said the dakini.

With such an absurd uproar, the sacrifice of the gods had to end early.

Originally, the remains of the gods should continue to release Shenyuan for a whole year, but what happened just now interrupted the release process and could not continue, so it had to end early.


Before the gods returned to their respective families, they repaired the cracks in the tombs of the gods, and then left separately.

In general, although there is a lack of nourishment from the source of gods, today's events still satisfy the gods.

Su Yu said what they didn't dare to say, and did what they didn't dare to do, which pleased everyone's heart.

"Hahaha, this Feather God is very interesting. Such a stunned young man is perfect for dealing with hypocrites from the family of Book Gods."

Jing Shen on the side listened and sneered, stunned? If you really treat him as a stunned young man, you will die a miserable death.

"I only hate our Dakini for being too fraternal. Hey, it allowed the family of the Book God to exist for an eternity, and even taboo things such as the Book God's Treasure House have been accumulated."

All the gods sighed, extremely helpless.

The tomb of the gods, in front of the tomb of the book god.

Qin Feichen looked at the wreckage on the ground with resentment in his eyes: "Su Yu! You are too ruthless!"

He wanted to completely destroy the family of book gods from the inside to the outside, even the tombs of the gods of the past dynasties were not spared!

Liu Xianshen's face was gloomy: "Put away all the remains first, especially these gods."

Qin Feichen heard the words, endured boundless shame and hatred to clean up everything.

On his face, boundless hatred rose!

"Slaughter my book god Yishi family! Destroy the foundation of my book god! Destroy my ancestors! This enmity is irreconcilable!!" Qin Feichen said coldly.

Liu Xianshen couldn't help but sympathize, Su Yu was really too vicious, if he didn't make a move, he would be ruthless, fierce and domineering, in just two days, he used the excuse to destroy the family of the Book God!

Speaking of which, if Qin Feichen had been more cautious back then, perhaps the situation would have been rewritten.

"Feichen, don't be impulsive, everything will be dealt with after the Book God returns, and he will handle it properly."

Qin Feichen laughed at himself: "It will take another year for father to come back. May I ask uncle, will Su Yu wait for a year with peace of mind?"


Liuxian Shen said: "Before the book god came back, you were in my Liuxian family, so it's possible that Su Yu can still kill the god's family!"

A trace of cold light flickered from the eyes of Liu Xianshen.

Qin Feichen shook his head: "Aunt Liuxian, the situation is different now. In the past when he controlled the book god's treasury, the gods were afraid and did not dare to take too much action against my book god family, but haven't you noticed what happened today? If not Under the protection of the Dakini, the ancestors of the book god family will be expelled from the mainland by their discussion."

"If Su Yu encourages me with a big banner, there will be gods who will help me secretly. At that time, how can Aunt Liuxian resist the secret help of many gods?"

Liu Xianshen did not speak, but a trace of hatred flickered in his eyes. Indeed, the situation was different from the past.

There was a precedent for the gods to help Su Yu smash the treasure house of the Book God back then.

If Su Yu blatantly entered the Liuxian family and wiped out the book god family, even if those gods did not show up to help, they would secretly help Su Yu.

All the gods and gods stood by Su Yu's side.

"So, it's useless to run away!" Qin Feichen said, "The only way I can survive is to take the bottom line and put him to death."

Falling into the current situation where the family is broken and homeless, Qin Feichen feels regret in his heart.

He shouldn't have done it!

If he could do it all over again, he would never move Su Yu rashly, so that he was alone and in a desperate situation.

"You have a solution?" Liu Xian said divinely.

Qin Feichen nodded slowly: "Yes, it's a move that draws the bottom line, a move that makes the gods dare not save Su Yu!"

"Tell me, if you can help, Auntie will help you as much as possible." Liu Xianshen raised her eyebrows, vaguely knowing how Qin Feichen was going to do it.

Qin Feichen said: "Su Yu seems to be powerful now, but he has a fatal weakness! That is...he violated the covenant of the Hundred Gods! He killed the law enforcement officer Qin Kuo with his own hands! Based on this, it is a great death penalty. Nor can it be pardoned!"

Anyone who kills law enforcement officers without permission will be killed without pardon. This is a covenant signed by hundreds of gods, and it is also the highest regulation. Even the gods themselves must not disobey.

Telling this truth, down to the god of the well, up to the dakini, the king of the gods, will not be able to forgive Su Yu's crimes.

"However, if he reveals the cause and effect to the public, wouldn't we be passive? After all, Qin Kuo was killed to protect the king of Zhongzhou, a demon! This point cannot be hidden from the gods!"

"The crime of colluding with the demons is more serious than killing law enforcement officers. It is a taboo clause in the Covenant of the Hundred Gods. Once violated, not only will I be implicated, but the entire family will also be uprooted by the Hundred Gods. The lightest is expulsion." Eastern God Territory Alliance!" Liu Xianshen said solemnly.

Qin Feichen's strategy is really extremely dangerous!

"This strategy is indeed dangerous, and it tastes like we will die together. Because of this, Su Yu would never have thought that I would make a dangerous move! Only in this way can he be caught off guard!" Qin Feichen showed a confident look on his face: " In addition, in order to prevent risks, we don't give Su Yu any chance to speak! Make sure to let him silence Baishen before he meets Baishen!"

Liu Xianshen thought, even if Su Yu's death aroused the suspicion of the gods, but he is dead, what's the use of doubt?

"Aunt Liuxian, I still need my aunt's secret assistance in this matter, otherwise it would be very difficult to assassinate Su Yu with my own power."

The God of Liuxian thought about it, in order to kill Su Yu, bet the entire Liuxian family, is it really worth it?

But when he realized that Su Yu was the only witness who knew that the Liuxian family and the Shushen family had colluded with the demon clan, his murderous intentions suddenly arose, and this person must be killed!

"Okay! Let's discuss the plan now, and we must kill Su Yu!"


Standing in front of the tomb of the Crane God Family, Su Yu didn't move his feet for a long time, his mind was filled with countless thoughts.

This trip failed to kill Qin Feichen with a knife, and there will be endless troubles.

"If Qin Feichen is not stupid, he should understand that after leaving the tomb of the gods, I will try my best to kill him before the book god returns! I should also know that the time and place are right for people, It’s all in my hands, wherever he hides, he’s a dead end!”

"He knows that he is in a desperate situation, and he can only fight back." Su Yu's eyes shone brightly, and he analyzed Qin Feichen's current state and even his psychological activities thoroughly: "If I were Qin Feichen, in this desperate situation, I would , I have no choice but to take the bottom line and risk a fatal blow to me! Expose my crime of killing the law enforcement officer! And in order to stop my mouth and bury the truth about their collusion with the demons, I will never have a chance to speak up. Before I meet the gods, I will be assassinated!"

If Qin Feichen were here, he would be horrified, because Su Yu analyzed his plan exactly.

"If that's the case, the situation is really dangerous." Su Yu secretly said, how to get rid of the crime and how to avoid the assassination of the god-level powerhouse are extremely difficult things.

With Su Yu's current strength, he can't stop any god's attack at all!

Even if he was lucky enough to escape the assassination of the gods and meet the gods of the heavens, how can he get rid of the crime? If you can't get rid of the crime, it's still a dead end.

Two impasses troubled Su Yu, causing him to frown deeply.

This person Qin Feichen really has endless troubles, and the danger of not killing him is extremely dangerous!

"Hmph, let's see, who will win the game in the end!" Su Yu's eyes were filled with a cold light, and the next match should be the last time Su Yu and Qin Feichen played against each other.

If Su Yu is defeated, there is no place for him to die, but if Qin Feichen fails, not only him, but also the God of Books and the related gods involved will be uprooted!

It can be foreseen that their next confrontation will definitely change dramatically and be full of boundless dangers.

"Next, it depends on how much benefit I can get in the tomb of the gods!" Su Yu felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and the matter developed to the final stage. advent.

Leaving the cave world of the Tomb of the Gods, Su Yu reunited with the God of Wells.

"Where's Shengyuanxin?" Jingshen's eyes flashed, showing nervousness and anxiety.

Su Yu said: "She is on the way."

Sure enough, Sheng Yuanxin rushed over, looked at Su Yu and Jingshen, and said vigilantly: "We really want to do this? Once we are discovered, this is a felony that offends the gods and sages! Especially if those gods notice , is even more dangerous."

kindness? Jingshen heard a hint of implication, and became suspicious, who are the gods?

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