His eyes flashed, and he moved to a golden tree next to him, which was only one person tall.

The trees are burning with golden flames, but they are not hot, but extremely gentle. What is it if it is not Jinyan Forbidden Wood?

The mature Jinyan forbidden wood was used to make a small boat.

Su Yu left a section of the rhizome in it, and inserted it into the Taishang Resting Soil to continue to cultivate, and now it has grown into a small tree again.

"The god tree that restrains the sea of ​​bitterness giants? I don't know if it will have a stronger restraining effect if it has been cultivated for enough years." Su Yu secretly thought.

The last time was very hasty, and the Jinyan forbidden wood that was not yet fully mature was taken out and used, but the effect was really good, not afraid of the corrosion of the bitter sea water, it can be seen that the material is amazing.

You must know that the water of the sea of ​​bitterness, even the gods, will be corroded clean.

If the Golden Flame Forbidden Wood of an extremely old age is cultivated, it is believed that it can exert unexpected power.

Satisfied with withdrawing from the Nine Jade Spirit Orb, Su Yu glanced at You Palm, where a small flying crane radiating galactic light appeared nimbly.

"Master." Crane said.

"How does it feel in there?"

"Reporting to the master, the last part of the obstacle of the Milky Way Star Sand has been resolved a month ago, and the master has fully grasped this sacred artifact of the emperor's way."

"I'm asking you."

Crane God was a little excited and said: "Thanks to the care of the master, after a long period of cultivation, my spirit has not only recovered, but it is far stronger than before."

If he was given a new source of cultivation, his strength would be vastly different from before.

"Well, you continue to cultivate."

"Yes... but master, I seem to have found a consciousness left behind in the sacred artifact of the emperor's way." Crane God hesitated: "It is the consciousness that appeared after the obstacle was resolved that day."

Su Yu's eyes were fixed: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

There is still consciousness left in the sacred artifact of the imperial way, which is not bad!

"Its existence is very weak, and the interior of the Milky Way Star Sand is vast and boundless. Even if I am a tool spirit at the moment, I can't immediately capture its existence, so I never told the owner! But recently, this strand of consciousness seems to be active more and more frequently.

I almost locked it last time, and if it shows up again, I'm sure I'll lock it. "

Su Yu said solemnly: "The Milky Way Xingsha cannot be lost, pay close attention to that consciousness, and must find it out as soon as possible!"


Crane God retreated, Su Yu was shocked and determined.

"In the Milky Way Xingsha, there is actually a conscious existence? Who is it? Is it left by Tianjizi?" Su Yu secretly said: "Or, is there another unknown existence that is always inside the emperor's sacred weapon?"

If it's the former, fine.

If it is the latter, a mysterious existence that has always existed inside the imperial sacred artifact has been silently beside Su Yu for many years. Just thinking about it makes Su Yu shudder.

After receiving such important news, Su Yu couldn't help raising his vigilance.

I hope Crane God can catch that wisp of consciousness in time and eradicate the hidden danger as soon as possible.

Practice silently for several days.

In the early morning of the fifth day, General Tuoba, the number one divine general under the lord's command, appeared at the mansion.

"Silver God, today I will greet you at the lord's mansion. All the gods have been waiting for a long time, and I hope that the Silver God will honor you and participate."


Su Yu opened the stone door and smiled slightly: "Let's go."

General Tuoba paused: "Don't you want to bring that tree god with you? The Alliance welcomes her too."

"It's better not to use it. If she goes, everyone will be uncomfortable, really."

"All right……"

In a certain secret room, the tree god sneezed suddenly, shivered all over, and couldn't help showing a strange look: "It's really strange, the extremely cold spirit crystal I stole last night, it can neutralize the cold, why? Have a cold for no reason?"


The leader's mansion is decorated with lanterns and festoons today, and it is full of joy.

The divine lights of dozens of gods fluctuated, filling the mansion.

"Hey, that's weird, why is the leader's mansion, which has always been deserted, so lively?"

"I'm also wondering, except for the gods' discussion meeting, when will there be such a happy time?"

"Hey, don't you know, these are the gods of the Western Union, acting for our letter, the God of Silver, to clean up the dust."

"Ah? Silver God? So it's him!"

"Tsk tsk, this is really a big face. I saw the servants of the top ten anti-magic families. I didn't expect that all the anti-magic families came to clean up the dust for them. It is really rare in ancient times."

"The face is big enough, it depends on whether the new Yinshen can eat it, today's wind and dust, the smell of fireworks is heavy."

After a second thought, everyone understood.

The entanglement between the ten anti-demon families and the alliance leader can be said to be incompatible.

Gathering at a table and wanting to have fun, hehe, it is absolutely impossible.

as expected.

It was very lively outside, but the banquet table in the living room was deserted.

The gods of the top ten anti-demon families, from Gongsun God at the bottom to Ximen Sword at the top, are all here.

Ten Patriarchs and Coalition Leaders sat around a circular banquet table.

Between each other, only the familiar gods communicated in simple whispers, while the rest were completely silent, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Da da--

Right at this moment, the sound of light footsteps sounded.

Tuoba God entered first, and said loudly: "The Silver God is here!"

The gods turned their heads and looked at a silver-haired young man who was too young to enter.

The leader showed a happy expression, and stood up to greet him: "The Silver God is here, sit next to me."

By doing this, he was undoubtedly expressing to the anti-magic family present that Su Yu was his favorite.

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly. Although he understood the leader's intention, he did not refuse, because he had promised before that that if the leader agreed to the marriage, he would fully support the leader.

Although there were many gods in front of him, Su Yu was neither humble nor overbearing, and sat down leisurely.

Ximen Jian opened his cloudy eyes, and took a light look at Su Yu: "I heard that you relied on a tree god to become the god of the Western Union. Why didn't that tree god come, but you came instead?"

His tone is very bad.

Do you want to get off your horse? Su Yu was secretly amused. Sure enough, the power struggle within the alliance was serious.

The strong man that the lord had just recruited was immediately given color by Ximen Sword.

Su Yu was neither anxious nor angry: "What does this god mean?"

Ximen Jian's eyes burst out with domineering arrogance: "Huh! How can you become the god of our Western Union? In terms of qualifications, that tree god has a little chance, and even more flustered to be equal to us! The leader's decision is very important. inappropriate!"

"I suggest reconsidering this person's qualifications as an acting god. Otherwise, letting outsiders know that anyone can become the acting god of our Western Union, wouldn't it be a joke?"

This was like slapping Su Yu and the leader in the face on the spot.

A good clean-up feast, before it even started, has become a denunciation of verbal and pen criticism.

Not only was Su Yu's face lost, but the leader's face was also lost.

Su Yu was secretly amused, this feast of cleansing the wind and cleansing the dust is indeed so interesting.

However, Su Yu would not condone such a bad habit of kicking his nose at him if he wanted to rely on the name of the anti-mood family.

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