The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1491 The Two Emperors Meet

? Shu Shen said: "They should not show up. I will handle this matter."

Su Yu nodded.

"Yudi, where should I go?" Bu Ru said, "If I need to continue to be an undercover agent, I will be ashamed!"

Su Yu shook his head: "You have done enough, you don't need to take any more risks, stay and enjoy the family happiness with your father."

Bu Ru was grateful on one side, and the past suspicions were completely released.

Seeing the reunion of father and son, Su Yu said: "Go down and rest, there may be some things you need to do in three days."

The Holy Spirit and the others were all more confident. When Su Yu returned, they seemed to see the dawn.

Everyone retreated, only one person stood still and remained at the end.

"Wan Qing, I'll leave it to you." Su Yu stared at the other party, eyes full of anticipation and excitement.

They came back and stood on the ground of the Eastern League, and also stood at the closest distance to Xia Jingyu.

Bi Wanqing nodded lightly, took out the book of stars and sky, her eyes burst out with purple brilliance, bright and dazzling, illuminating the invisible destiny hidden in the invisible.

After a while, the purple light in Bi Wanqing's pupils became brighter and brighter, and her calm face gradually became confused.

A trace of something bad appeared in Su Yu's heart, until the slightest beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, her face gradually turned pale, and the purple light in her pupils did not recede.

A pair of snowy eyes were full of surprise and confusion.

"Did something happen?" Su Yu asked.

Bi Wanqing shook her head: "It's not an accident, but an invisible and powerful force is interfering in the East Alliance. After several detections, I was interrupted by this force."

Powerful interference covering the entire God's Domain Empire? Su Yu was extremely disappointed, fell from heaven to hell, and said, "Where is the source of this power?"

At worst, destroy it!

No matter what, anything that hinders him from finding the quiet rain must be swept away.

Bi Wanqing said: "The center of this power is the imperial palace of the Shenyu Empire, I think it should be the so-called ruins?"

It is completely reasonable to be able to give birth to so many quadruple heavenly experts and release such majestic power.

"Where?" Su Yu mused in thought for a long time, "From this point of view, it is necessary to go to the ruins!"

Within three days, the gods who once belonged to the Western Union were notified by the Tree God.

The Tree God was Su Yu's confidant in the past, and they all knew each other, so they naturally believed that this was Su Yu's call.

They have been subject to the coercion of the Dakini for many years, and now that the leader of the Soviet Union has returned, how can they not refuse the edict?

All of a sudden, hundreds of gods from the God Realm Empire left the cave.

The changes in the gods caused frequent changes in the visions of the heavens and the earth, and even the spiritual energy in the God's Domain Empire also changed.

Naturally, these mutations cannot be concealed from the imperial guards scattered all over the world, let alone dakinis, and also from all living beings.

"Have you heard? Mountain God Li left the cave world and disappeared!"

"It's not just God Lishan, I heard that the three gods who had befriended him all left!"

"How did I hear that God of Rain, God of Thunder, and other gods also left one after another?"

"No way? Except for the empress summoning,

How could so many gods leave the cave world so easily? "

"Hahaha, a group of ignorant and ignorant people are Su Yu. The leader of Su is summoning them. Those gods who left are all members of the Western Alliance in the past. Now that the leader of Su is back, how dare he refuse to obey the order?"

"However, without the consent of the dakini, so many gods have given orders to others, isn't it..."

"Hehe, isn't that what it is? Isn't it that the Soviet Union is mainly fighting for imperial power? Since he returned with a high profile, this matter will happen sooner or later. What's so strange? It's just that his actions are so fast that it is beyond imagination!"

In the past, the world of Baotong Shangshen Cave Mansion, the port, and the East Road Fleet Command.

Su Yu occupied the first seat alone, and there were densely packed gods on both sides. There were hundreds of them, and they were all gods of the Western Union in the past.

The current scene is like another picture of the king and his courtiers.

"Seven years have passed, and you are still alive." Su Yu looked around at everyone's faces, most of them were very awkward, and they only met once.

Looking at them, Su Yu said slowly.

Hearing this, they, who have been suppressed for many years, couldn't help but feel sad.

"We are indeed alive, but God Ximen and God Linlang couldn't wait for you to come back."

This remark expresses their years of grievance and resentment.

A god said angrily: "Leader Su, you must seek justice for them, they died unjustly!"

"Yes, President of the Soviet Union, they came to the Eastern Alliance to form an alliance according to your instructions, and they suffered misfortune. You must not sit idly by!"


On Su Yu's side, the tree god rose up against the desk, angrily said: "Bastard, what do you mean, Su Yu is to blame for their deaths?"

She is Su Yu's confidant, as soon as she speaks, she immediately silences the speaker, not daring to say more.

Su Yu waved his hand to make the tree god quiet, looked around the crowd, and said, "God Ximen, God Linlang, although I didn't kill him, did suffer this catastrophe because of me. I don't need you to remind me, I understand."

If he hadn't suppressed the Western Alliance and formed an alliance with the Eastern Alliance, would they have been murdered by the Dakini?

He is responsible for this matter!

"But they won't die in vain. Since I'm back, I will definitely seek justice for them. Whoever kills them will have to pay the price in blood!" Su Yu said: "Let me ask you, these years, those demons How did it appear, did you have any clues?"

Everyone, you look at me, and I look at you, with helplessness and bitterness on their faces.

"Let's not hide from the lord, although we have been investigating for many years, we have no clue!"

"Yes, the sudden appearance of that group of demons is simply unimaginable. We don't know where they sneaked into the secret room anyway."

"At that time, the two major alliances, with the witness of more than two hundred gods, how did the demons enter? This makes no sense at all!"

Two hundred gods are proficient in all kinds of gods in the world, and that group of demons may be able to hide the eyes and ears of one god, but is it possible to hide the truth from two hundred?

"This has been a thorn in the throat of our Western Conference gods and an unsolved case beyond our comprehension."

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly: "Tell me in detail!"

Everyone then told Su Yu everything about the situation that day without missing a single detail.

After listening, Su Yu also felt a little surprised.

At first, he only thought that it was the dakini hiding the demons in the negotiating place, but now it didn't sound like that at all.

The negotiation venue is inspected by both parties personally, and there is absolutely no possibility of hiding the demons.

Moreover, it is forbidden for both parties to bring in the space cave, so it is absolutely impossible for the demons to bring in.

But, how did they appear in the venue out of thin air?

It sounds incredible!

"Those demons were slaughtered one by one by the dakini, not a single one was left alive." They said angrily, "our god of thunder caught one of them by relying on speed, but the hateful thing is that the dakini didn't care, and along with the god of thunder, Let's kill the captured demons together, if it wasn't for Lei Shen's fast running, they would have been killed together!"

Even a fool should understand that dakinis are killing people.

Therefore, the gods of the Western Union felt that there must be something strange about this matter.

After listening, Su Yu pondered: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will give an explanation to the two gods!"

He stared at everyone again, and said: "I summoned you today, do you know my intention?"

The spirits of all the gods were shaken, and they said: "We are here for this!"

"Back then, the Dakini stole half of the imperial power of the Western Union. Today, the leader of the Soviet Union has returned, and it is time to return it!"

Many gods looked at each other, nodded one after another, bowed their waists in salute by coincidence, and shouted in unison: "Welcome Emperor Yu to return!"

All the gods drank together, and the sound shook the world.

With the port as the center, the phrase "welcome the return of Emperor Yu" spread to the world of Dongfu in all directions, awakening the common people all over the world.

Some creatures in the cave world had an inexplicable solemnity on their faces: "It's finally coming. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and two emperors cannot coexist. There will be a battle between them!"

"When Emperor Yu ascends the throne, the world will be in chaos!"

Some prescient beings seemed to have seen an epic disaster of a battle between gods, which was about to befall the land of the God's Domain Empire, and they were terrified.

But what they didn't expect was that the war would come earlier than they expected.

Over the port, an inexplicably powerful divine power suddenly appeared, covering the sky.

The gods of the Western Union who were chanting slogans all had their hearts beating violently, and they subconsciously had the urge to worship.

At the same time, a warm voice as soft as the mother of the earth slowly fell: "Without the permission of this emperor, who dares to call himself emperor?"


The prohibition formation above the headquarters shattered with a bang, and the dakini, dressed in holy radiance, descended slowly like the mother of the earth, surrounded by a group of gods from the four heavens.

Majestic and majestic, like a generation of empresses.

The gods of the Western Union, who had been immersed in its majesty for a long time, changed their expressions again and again, and they dared not breathe, let alone look directly at them.

At this time, another majestic divine power swept over their heads, blocking the coercion from the dakini.

The gods looked gratefully, it was Su Yu.

He was still calm and relaxed, sitting firmly in the first seat, unaffected by the dakini's aura.

Looking at it in comparison, it seems that he is also an emperor who stands shoulder to shoulder with a dakini.

Unable to suppress Su Yu with aura, the Dakini said calmly: "Su Yu, why did you go wrong when you met this Emperor?"

Su Yu ignored her, but stared at the many gods around him, and suddenly burst out with terrifying divine power, crushing them forcibly.

Its divine power, in addition to Su Yu's own powerful divine power brewing, also has the blessing of six thousand divine ways.

Not to mention the gods of the fourth heaven, even the gods of the third heaven may not be able to bear it.

Lian Jie and the others were suddenly suppressed by their bodies, their expressions changed drastically, and they knelt down on the ground uncontrollably.

The dakini's entourage kneels down to worship another person, which is self-evident.

"Seeing that the emperor is doing something wrong, you are quite courageous." Su Yu said lightly, even more powerful.

With a flick of Dakini's sleeves, part of the divine power was dissipated, and she wanted to help them up.

But Su Yu's supernatural power was so powerful that they couldn't stop kneeling.

In such a comparison, the judgment is judged, as if Su Yu is the greatest emperor.

Su Yu leaned against the first seat, his face full of calmness: "What's the matter with the dakini meeting with the emperor?"

This tone of voice, as if the Dakini is her servant!

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