The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1493 Brahma Puppet

?The body of the dakini trembled imperceptibly, and said lightly: "Naturally, it is a surprise, and it is worthy of celebration."

"Then, have Baotong Shangshen and others who killed him cleared the suspicion?" Su Yu asked.

Even killing the Demon Gods of the Six Paths, whoever believes that they belong to the Demon Realm, is truly mentally handicapped.

The dakini's lips trembled, as if she was trying to suppress her inner emotions, and there was a slight tremolo in her calm voice: "Of course, maybe they were wronged. The emperor will investigate the case back then thoroughly!"

After speaking, the Dakini got up and said, "I will go back immediately to investigate the case, and I will never let the real murderer go unpunished. Let me go!"

As soon as she took a step, Su Yu said: "It's rare for a dakini to come here and give me a heavy gift. How can my emperor let the dakini return empty-handed?"

He took the wooden box and stuffed it into the Dakini's arms, with a half-smile: "Reciprocity is a gift, I hope the Dakini will not refuse this surprise."

The dakini stared straight at Su Yu, and on the other side of her calm eyes, boundless resentment and hatred surged!

However, his face was flat, and he said, "Thank you!"

She took the wooden box with a blank expression, and the dakini, surrounded by many gods, broke through the air and left.

Su Yu's sharp eyes clearly caught her trembling palms holding the wooden box.

"It seems that my guess is not wrong. The Demon God of the Six Paths has a concubine in the Eastern Alliance. I always thought it was a Rakshasa God. Now, it seems that it is undoubtedly a dakini." Su Yu sneered.

The god Rakshasa was captured by the demons for ten years, and it was the dakini who rescued him.

Later, God Rakshasa gave birth to a son who was half human and half demon.

Everyone thought it was the offspring of the Rakshasa God and the Demon Realm, but no one ever doubted the Dakini!

She is the real biological mother of King Zhongzhou, the human god who gave birth to the offspring with the Six Demon Gods!

For many years, Rakshasa has been helping her cover, making people mistakenly believe that the child is hers.

Later, that child disappeared without a trace under the eyes of many mysteries in the Eastern League!

Thinking about it now, besides Dakini, the number one god, who can hide the king of Zhongzhou into the world of Kyushu caves, who else can hide it from the sky?

As for the subsequent dispatch of the Withered Bones Demon God to rescue the King of Zhongzhou, presumably only the woman of the Six Paths Demon God can order the Withered Bones Demon God to move.

What's even more amazing is that the soul memory of the Withered Bones Demon God was forcibly erased.

At that time, Su Yu and Sheng Yuanxin deduced that only god-level soul dao powerhouses could do it, and there were no god-level soul dao gods in the Eastern Alliance.

Now everything makes sense.

The dakini may not be a god-level divine way, but most of the strong people she has cultivated secretly over the years are gods who are proficient in the soul way!

"Hehe, what a benevolent Dakini who loves the world, she shows her kindness to traitors like Book God, Rakshasa God, and Liuli God, and she is ruthless to me, Baotong Shang God, and Holy God who do not follow you. Very spicy!" Su Yu couldn't help sneering.

He said before that there are only two types of dakinis who are merciful to their enemies.

One is the sage, who has benevolence for everything in the world, including enemies.

One is ulterior motives!

Now it seems,

She is undoubtedly the second type!

Leaving the port, in the depths of the endless sky, the Dakini held the wooden box of the heads of the Six Demon Gods, her eyes lost their minds.

His whole body could no longer restrain his trembling, and the hatred hidden deep in his eyes turned into endless torrents surging out.

"Back off!" Lian Jie shouted, and he also left to make room for the dakini.

At this time, the dakini not only had venomous eyes, but also her facial features were distorted and reunited due to anger, sadness, and killing intent.

There was a gloomy and cold killing intent all over his body, and with his distorted and hideous face, he looked like a demon!

Where does she still have the image of the holy mother of the earth in the past, what she has is just a dark woman that no one has ever seen.

"Su! Yu!" She gritted her teeth together, trembling uncontrollably, tightly hugging the wooden box in her arms, tears of sadness and anger rolling down her eyes: "Why, why are you fighting against me? kill my husband?"

But she never thought about why the king of Zhongzhou died.

He tried in vain to devour the souls of the Nine Provinces, could it be that Su Yu sat and waited for death?

She also didn't think about why the Six Demon Gods died.

As a creature of the Milky Way, wouldn't it suit her to let the Six Paths Demon Gods eat it?

"I don't want you! Get it! Good! Die!!" The dakini roared ferociously, her resentment was overwhelming!

Inside the headquarters.

Holy God, Baotong Merchant God, and Hongchen Sword God all knelt on the ground: "The Emperor Yu's great kindness and virtue, we will never forget it! From now on, we will follow Emperor Yu to the death!"

It turned out that Su Yu had expected that the dakini would not just sit back and watch Su Yu ascend the throne, so she would personally obstruct it.

So Su Yu used his tricks and took the opportunity to clear up their grievances.

Su Yu felt strange, the moment the three of them knelt down, his aura seemed to increase suddenly!

He was determined: "Sure enough, this is the power of faith!"

They are willing to surrender to Su Yu, respect Su Yu, and their belief in him comes from the soul.

The power of faith turned into Su Yu's divine source.

"It seems that my decision is not wrong. If you want to gain the faith of the people of the God's Domain Empire, you must not arouse their disgust." Su Yu secretly said.

At the same time, Su Yu waved his hand, helped them up, and said, "This is just the first step. The goal is to completely defeat the dakini."

Many gods of the Western Alliance, seeing Su Yu's rise, completely followed Su Yu with all their hearts.

It's just that there are far no people like the Holy Spirit who are sincere, so there is no power of faith.

"Emperor Yu, should we prepare to go to war against the Dakini?" A Western Alliance god was eager to try.

Su Yu shook his head: "Now is not the right time, I am waiting for some people, some important news!"

"However..." Su Yu's eyes showed a smile that was not a smile: "We should indeed prepare. I think it is difficult for a person who loses his mind to make a sober decision. Her counterattack is about to begin."

All the gods of the Western Alliance dispersed and returned to the cave world, starting the relocation of the cave world.

They gathered around the port from all directions.

Two days later.

The vast empire of God's Domain is riddled with potholes and hundreds of cave worlds are missing.

But opposite them, another territory of similar size appeared.

Take the former Eastern Alliance Center as the dividing line.

Half of them are dominated by the gods of the former Eastern Alliance and ruled by dakinis.

The other half is dominated by the gods of the Western Alliance and ruled by Su Yu.

On the side of the Western Union, the palace was built within two days.

Su Yu entered the imperial palace, plus the title Yudi.

In the palace, Su Yu took out Wang Yunxuan's head and activated the resurrection technique.

Based on his head, Wang Yunxuan's body gradually recovered, and finally the two souls that had disappeared between heaven and earth also returned to their places.

"I won't die..." Wang Yunxuan slapped him right after he was resurrected.

Su Yu caught the palm lightly, and said lightly: "Wake up quickly!"

Wang Yunxuan suddenly opened his eyes and quickly woke up.

Looking blankly at the unfamiliar scene, unfamiliar environment, and familiar people, he was stunned.

When the face of the familiar person became clear, Wang Yunxuan rubbed his eyes: "Do people still have dreams after death?"

"It's not a dream, it's me who rescued you." Su Yu said.

Wang Yunxuan was stunned: "Did that temptress kill me?"

"Well... that's right. Anyway, I showed up and rescued you." Su Yu didn't want to explain too much.

Wang Yunxuan was stunned, and immediately said in surprise: "When did you come back? I heard from Sheng Yuanxin that you fell into the Tianhu Lake, and there is no way anyone can come back alive!"

Su Yu smiled slightly: "Impossible? Who are you talking to?"


Wang Yunxuan was stunned for a moment, and smiled wryly: "That's right, there is nothing you can't do, kid. Others say you're dead, but I don't believe it anyway! The devil world didn't kill you, so what about Tianhu?"

Looking at Wang Yunxuan who was the same as before, Su Yu said: "I can rest assured that you can do this."

What he was most afraid of was the death of the Artifact Refining God, which would make Wang Yunxuan depressed.

The so-called sorrow is greater than heart death, if the heart is dead, saving is in vain.

Wang Yunxuan's face was desolate, and his eyes were moist: "Father has always taught me that refining the heart is the first step in refining a weapon. Otherwise, it is not enough to refine a satisfactory weapon. I have never understood it, and I am unwilling to understand it until he dies. It was only then that I suddenly understood the purpose of his teaching."

"How can a person who has not experienced a tempered heart forge a magic weapon that has been tempered and tempered? I think, if he has knowledge under the nine springs, he will never want my heart to be tempered."

Su Yu was stunned when he heard that, Wang Yunxuan in front of him seemed to have undergone a transformation, and the cynicism of the past faded away.

An aura of the God of Artifact Refining Fang emerged vaguely.

"It's better if you can look away." Su Yu said.

Wang Yunxuan hammered Su Yu's chest, and tried to smile: "Don't worry, my only goal now is to carry forward the art of refining weapons, and not let this way be destroyed by me! I will only concentrate on refining weapons, and I will never have the idea of ​​committing suicide. Don't worry."

Refiner? Su Yu rubbed his chin: "If brother Yunxuan wants to concentrate on refining weapons, I can recommend you a place to go, but I don't know if you can keep up."

Hearing this, Wang Yunxuan patted his chest: "Joke, look at Xinghe, besides me, how many other people can compare with me in the refining process?"

Su Yu smiled playfully: That's not necessarily the case. "

As soon as the words fell, Su Yu took Wang Yunxuan into the weapon bay of the Sky Saint Ship.

The weapon bay is bustling with activity, all kinds of huge and terrifying civilized weapons are being forged.

In particular, a giant terrifying puppet standing majestically in the deepest part of the weapon compartment exudes an aura that makes people's hearts jump.

Wang Yunxuan was dumbfounded. He had never seen so many strange weapons in his whole life of refining weapons.

When his eyes swept over the last giant puppet, he woke up suddenly, gasped and said, "How is this possible? The ultimate ancient civilization weapon, Brahma?"

Huh? Su Yu was greatly surprised, this puppet, even Yongye Chuxue brothers and sisters did not know what it was.

These forging masters only know the blueprints, but they don't know what to do.

"You actually know him?" Su Yu asked in surprise.

Wang Yunxuan was so excited that he could speak incoherently: "Do you remember the quasi-god-level puppet I refined back then?"

"Of course I remember, that half-baked puppet also helped a little bit." Su Yu said.

Wang Yunxuan couldn't care less about complaining, trembling with excitement, grabbed Su Yu's arm and said: "I told you at that time, I got a manual for refining puppets in the ruins, quasi-god puppets are one of them, but in front of you This Brahma is also in that book!!"

Wang Yunxuan ran over, stroked the puppet's feet, and exclaimed: "My God, I thought it was impossible to reforge this kind of thing, but I didn't expect it to be..."

"Wait! You mean, you know how to forge this puppet?"

Wang Yunxuan said without turning his head: "Of course, more than that, I also know how to drive this puppet, which is described in detail in the booklet!"

kindness? Su Yu's eyes showed surprise.

In addition to the difficulty of refining, Brahma has another difficulty that cannot be solved, that is, he cannot find a suitable person to drive.

According to what the current forgers say, they only know forging, but how to drive it still needs time to explore. This point, the guards and father and son have never figured it out.

Hearing this, Su Yu said happily: "Hehe, it seems that Brother Yunxuan was not taken to the wrong place!"

"You mean, let me come here..." Wang Yunxuan's face was full of ecstasy: "This is the ultimate civilized weapon, do you really feel relieved that I will come?"

Su Yu chuckled: "What are you worrying about? I feel more at ease when you come."

With that said, Su Yu gathered all the refiners who were in charge of forging the Brahma puppets, and solemnly introduced Wang Yunxuan to them.

With Su Yu's endorsement, and knowing that Wang Yunxuan is Su Yu's good brother, these refiners with high eyesight, it's too late to curry favor with Wang Yunxuan!

Without Su Yu's special instructions, Wang Yunxuan quickly integrated into the refining tool.

With a slight smile, Su Yu returned to the outside world.

It doesn't matter if Wang Yunxuan is in the sky holy ship, he is a dead person, but if he is resurrected suddenly, it will be troublesome to be seen by outsiders.

After settling him down, Su Yu was slightly relieved.

Wang Yunxuan is one of his few friends, but he can only save the lives of non-god-level creatures. For gods like the God of Artifact Refining, it is useless to bring the dead back to life.

At this moment, the tree god came over, with a half-smile and said: "Sure enough, you are right, the dakini has taken action."

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Oh? What is she going to do?"

"I'm repeating the old trick. I want to hold a meeting with you. The reason is that Emperor Yu ascends the throne, and she wants to officially announce it to the world with you."

Hearing this, Su Yu smiled: "I really can't refuse this reason."

Although he ascended the throne, he never announced it to the world, and it was unilateral from beginning to end.

Now that Dakini wants to make a statement together with him, his position as Emperor Yu will be more stable.

Su Yu said: "In the past few days, have my secret arrangements been prepared?"

The tree god blinked his pretty eyes: "I don't even look at who I am, of course the arrangement is proper, and I will definitely act according to your plan! But, you have to be careful!"

Su Yu was not careless about this.

He thought to himself that he might not be afraid of dakinis in terms of force, but Su Yu dare not underestimate what happened to the gods Ximen and Linlang.

They were innocently killed by the demon clan that suddenly appeared in the secret room, which deserves Su Yu's vigilance.

"Don't worry, I'm sure."

The tree god nodded, and just took out the invitation card from the dakini.

Three days later, the Shenyu Empire held a meeting of all the gods to welcome Emperor Yu to the throne.

At that time, the gods of all parties will be present to witness this historic moment together.

That was an unprecedented grand event in the God's Domain Empire.

At the same time, a group of Demon Realm patrol soldiers patrolled around the periphery of the Demon Realm, watching for scouts from the galaxy creatures.

At this moment, five of them shot out suddenly and assassinated the rest of the patrolling soldiers without warning.

After a fierce battle, all the remaining soldiers were killed.

The five surviving demons took off their helmets, revealing Qianjun, Sha'er, and three quasi-god demons.

Qianjun looked at the corpses all over the ground, and said: "Fortunately, I have waited for many years to manage and bribed some officials in the Holy Demon Hall, so that I can get confused and leave the Demon Realm."

Sha'er let out a breath of turbid air, looked back at the huge demon world, and felt uneasy in his heart: "We have no way out!"

Qianjun's eyes were firm: "Princess Yunxia has almost investigated us, if we don't leave, we will have a dead end! We can only go to Lord Demon King!"

Sha'er nodded: "I hope the news we brought back will be useful to him."


The figures of the five demons disappeared in the galaxy and headed straight for the Eastern Alliance.

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