The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1515 The Eternal Truth


The chain twitched at the last moment, forcibly pulled out from the suppression of the phantom of the gods.

The huge power caused the phantoms of thousands of gods to shatter.

Seeing that the giant in the sea of ​​bitterness was about to swing the chain again, at the critical moment, the purple light of Su Yu's left eye rushed into the sky, and a magnificent purple light bloomed.

Chain phantoms shot out from his left eye.

"The law of time! Set!"


When the law came, the twitching chain stopped abruptly, and the giant of the sea of ​​bitterness even staggered, almost falling forward.

His expression became even more furious, his arms were bulging with veins, and he broke out with all his strength to pull out the chain.

But then their attack finally arrived.

Tens of thousands of attacks of different powers converged into a line and landed straight and precisely on that gap.


Accompanied by a violent breaking sound, the chain finally shattered and broke in two!

The bitter sea giant, who was pulling the chain on the other end, lost his center of gravity, took a few steps back and forth, and finally sat on the ground with his buttocks, smashing mountains and rivers tens of millions of miles away.

This scene caused the gods and creatures to scream.

Su Yu said coldly: "All creatures, launch an attack!"

Boom boom boom——

Thousands of attacks descended like raindrops, enveloping the Sea of ​​Bitterness giant.

The giant of the sea of ​​bitterness lost its chains and only had a small part of its waist. It was powerless to resist, so it could only endure it forcefully.

The attacks of ordinary gods and gods are okay, but the attacks of the sky holy ship, Mie Zun cannon and earth dragon beast do a lot of damage to him.

"Roar!" The Sea of ​​Bitterness giant was writhing in pain on the ground, rolling over and over.

Seeing this scene, the gods were extremely excited.

possible! They have the hope of destroying the sea of ​​bitter giants who have threatened countless ages!


On the shoulder of the Giant in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, Princess Yunxia showed another expression.

Like excitement, but also like deep pity and sarcasm, the sarcasm to Su Yu and the others!

Su Yu also sensed something was wrong, and thought about it carefully. When his eyes swept over the broken chain, he suddenly remembered something, his face gradually changed, and finally a trace of ugliness appeared: "Could it be..."

"Hahahaha..." Suddenly, the painful roar of the Sea of ​​Bitterness giant stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a laugh that had never been seen before.

Laughter runs through the demon world, shaking the galaxy for hundreds of millions of miles.

The entire womb-shaped demon world shattered everywhere, as if it was about to burst.

From afar, it looks like a baby is about to be born.

The gods froze on the spot, looking at each other with surprise and uneasiness on their faces.

"Is he crazy? Being bombarded by us, still laughing?"

"Shouldn't you be paying attention to the Giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter, who actually laughed?" The eldest prince said in a deep voice: "I have been in the Demon Realm for thousands of years, and this is the first time I know that the giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter can also laugh! No, something is wrong !"

Amidst their doubts, the Giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness stood up slowly. There was no pain on his huge face, but only the pleasure of relief, excitement and high spirits!

That almost tyrannical face is very spiritual at the moment, when he lowered his head and stared at the many creatures on the ground, he actually... spoke: "Hehe, I really want to thank you, my emperor... no, it's my emissary, and I finally got out of trouble!"

Get out? The gods stared at the broken chain in a daze, and instantly understood something.

"What he means is that the chains used to bind him, but we... cut off the chains?" The gods couldn't believe it.

Isn't the chain his weapon? Why is it his bondage instead?

The eldest prince lost his voice in shock: " actually spoke! Also, that chain is actually a seal that binds you?"

He was familiar with the secrets of the demon world, but he never knew that the real function of that chain was not a weapon, but something that sealed him!

On the shoulder of the Giant in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, Princess Yunxia couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, her eyes were moist, showing her inner excitement: "It's God's will! It's God's will! I didn't expect to be able to complete the task of adults ahead of schedule!"

The eldest prince said in a deep voice: "Yaofei, what is going on? Who is the lord you are talking about?"

Princess Yunxia stared at him playfully, with a deep smile: "You might as well ask Su Yu, he is so smart, maybe he has already guessed it?"

All the gods looked at Su Yu one after another, their eyes full of puzzlement and bewilderment.

Being stared at by everyone, Su Yu's expression did not ease for a moment, he was terribly calm, and after a while he said: "I was careless, and I got it! That chain may indeed be a seal!"

He blamed himself a little, when he saw the chain, he should have thought of a living being!

Genesis Dragon!

He was trapped by strange chains, he couldn't move, and he couldn't leave the Forbidden Land of Myriad Demons.

The chains wrapped around the giant's waist by the sea of ​​bitterness seem to be weapons, but in fact they may also be a seal to suppress him.

If not, why has he never stepped out of the Demon Realm for so many years?

The reason, probably lies in this chain, which binds him within the Demon Realm, making him unable to leave.

And without knowing it, they cut off the chain, and in a disguised form, they released the shackles of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Giant.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Only the eldest prince shook his head and said, "Impossible, he is the first Demon Emperor, the one who created the Demon World, who can restrain him here?"

However, Su Yu's question made the First Prince freeze on the spot: "Then, who told you that he is the first Demon Emperor?"

It's historical records!

"You mean, he...he is not the first Demon Emperor?" The eldest prince stuttered in a daze.

Su Yu nodded, then shook his head again: "Not only is he not the first Demon Emperor, he is not even a Demon Race at all!!"

What? The first prince was horrified, and the second and sixth princesses in the rear of the battleship were also stunned. It was unbelievable that the Giants of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, which existed for thousands of years, were not demons?

"But he multiplied the demon race. There is nothing false about this, right?" The eldest prince could not accept this reality.

Su Yu shook his head: "This is what the historical data tell you. There are other people who created and multiplied the Demon Realm."

"Who?" The First Prince asked in confusion.

Su Yu said: "That is the person who trapped the Giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness here. If it is not bad, he should be the descendant of the Demon Sword Emperor. But for some reason, after the giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness was sealed, he disappeared, leaving behind all of you. Descendants of the bloodline of the Demon Sword Emperor."

"Afterwards, you were deceived by the Giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Sea, mistakenly thinking that he was your first Demon Emperor, and have been deceived to this day."

The unconstrained deduction made the First Prince shake his head constantly: "No, it's impossible, everything is speculation without any real evidence."

Su Yu sighed: "How difficult is it to rely on the facts? Just ask the giant of Kuhai why, as a descendant of the Demon Sword Emperor, he is afraid of the Golden Flame Forbidden Wood? The Golden Flame Forbidden Wood is used to refine the "Nine Suns Sword Formation" The main material, and "Nine Suns Sword Formation" and "Qian Kun Sword Formation" in your demon world are the essence of the life of the Demon Sword Emperor."

"Let me ask, do you think it's reasonable for a descendant of the emperor to be afraid of the inheritance of his ancestors?"

"This..." The eldest prince was stunned, yes, he had also wondered before why the giant of the sea of ​​bitterness was afraid of the golden flame forbidden wood, and the golden flame forbidden wood was just able to restrain the giant of the sea of ​​bitterness.

The weirdest thing is that the blood of the sea of ​​bitterness giants can also restrain their royal family.

This kind of two parties who can restrain each other, look like natural enemies, how can they be creatures of the same blood?

The eldest prince was shocked in his heart, and it took him a long time to gradually accept this absurd reality.

"Hahahaha..." the giant of the sea of ​​bitterness looked up to the sky and laughed, and couldn't help praising: "You are indeed a junior who can escape from my hands. You are as wise as a monster, and you can infer most of the whole picture with just a few words! If I hadn't forbearance, there would be no If you discover the secret of the chain, I am afraid that you will also see through it!"

These words corroborated Su Yu's conjecture.

"That's right! This envoy was accidentally discovered by the descendants of the Demon Sword Emperor and sealed here. He originally planned to use me to nourish the descendants of the Demon Sword Emperor, but he was summoned by a mysterious power halfway and forgot me here! "The bitter sea giant's eyes were full of resentment: "What do you think the bitter sea is for? It is used to corrupt the envoy's cultivation!"

"Fortunately, he gave up halfway, otherwise, when he completes the layout of the bitter sea, the kind of corrosion, even I couldn't stand it at that time!"

"For tens of millions of years, I have been working hard to find a way to break free from the seal, and finally came up with a plan to escape the shell, practice the "Ten Thousand Demons Reincarnation Curse", and gradually transform myself into a demon race! This seal is invalid for the demon race. If everything It went well, I was able to get out of trouble, in fact, I am now mostly demons, as long as I devour the current royal family of the demons, I will be done!"

"Unfortunately, tens of millions of years ago, the Undead Demon King noticed that I was suspicious, and refused to be my food and escaped from the Demon Realm. Emperor."

"But..." The Bitter Sea giant looked at the broken chain at his waist, and couldn't help laughing: "Who would have thought that you would break the seal by mistake! I will save the effort of finding the undead Demon Emperor, and just go straight to the sea of ​​​​the undead. Just out of trouble!"

Hearing this, the hearts of the gods sank to the bottom!

They... actually released a sealed eternal monster!

The sea of ​​bitterness stared down at them, with a ferocious arc on the corner of his mouth: "The truth has been told to you. As a token of gratitude, this messenger has decided to give you a happy ending!"

"Sura Sword!" the giant of the sea of ​​bitterness snorted, and the sea of ​​bitterness behind him rolled in waves. A blood-red long sword broke through the huge waves and flew in front of the giant of the sea of ​​bitterness.

The blood sword was five million feet long, almost half the length of the Giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

A casual sweep can destroy five million creatures in a surrounding area.

"The one that was sealed together back then, and this Asura sword, has sunk into the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness for hundreds of millions of years, thank you for your hard work." The giant of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness stroked the long sword, with nostalgia on his face, and immediately said solemnly: "It has been silent for many years, I think you have not been bloodthirsty for a long time. Right? Hehe..."

His blood eyes swept away and stared at everyone present!

Su Yu's pupils shrank sharply, and the words Shura Sword lingered in his mind.

On the ranking list of imperial sacred artifacts, the ninth item is the Shura Sword! !

The person who once appeared briefly, wiped out the heavens, and held this sword, almost swept the ninth-ranked Taiqing emperor off the spot.

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