The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1586 Moonlight Beauty

Unavoidably exposed, Su Yu remained calm and said, "Can't you just take a look?"

Shaking his head, Xue Lei said: "This place is not something that penniless people like you can value."

Hearing what he said, the chubby businessman saw Su Yu's expression in his eyes, and his face was quite indifferent towards Su Yu. He smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Xue, there are a batch of special products that need to be dealt with here. I wonder if Mr. Xue is interested?"

What is a special offer? It is a defective product that cannot be sold!

kindness? The housekeeper immediately became angry: "What do you mean? Look down on our second young master, don't you?"

The four 2nd level Celestial Cave Mansion Jiezun were also quite dissatisfied with staring at the businessman, these words were suspected of being insulting.

But their anger turned to anger, but they never dared to make trouble here.

The chubby businessman still smiled: "It's just a small suggestion. If Mr. Xue is dissatisfied, you can find another expensive place. This counter will not accept credit."

Such a tone, such a tone, is really infuriating.

"Haha..." Xue Lei smiled, and patted Su Yu on the shoulder: "Second brother, I have met the pavilion master here several times, and it can be regarded as some kind of friendship, do you want to ask for help?" Qing), can you use a weapon on credit?"

Su Yu was not surprised by favor or humiliation, and said calmly: "I don't need to worry about my affairs."

He looked at the chubby businessman: "Where are the specials?"

The chubby businessman implied disdain, and threw a small cave world over impatiently, and said lazily, "It's all inside, just look around."

It was when Su Yu was using weapons that any weapon could be used as long as it could be used, there was really no room for particularity.

He (body shēn) only has 80 Ancestral Coins, in fact, it is just enough to buy a special item.

Sweeping through it, Su Yu couldn't help being disappointed.

As expected of a "bargain", almost every piece is incomplete, and none of them are complete.

Xue Lei saw it in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Second brother, it's better to take a magic weapon on credit seriously. You are not the only one who wants to find unexpected treasures in specials. These things have already been read countless times. If there is any Good things, it's not your turn."

Where is Luanxing Island? Three teachings and nine streams, a place where good and evil are mixed, and there are countless people who are opportunistic.

People who vainly try to find valuables from the defective products of Xingchen Pavilion,

As many as hairs on a cow.

It's a pity that there are countless masters gathered in Xingchen Pavilion, and there is no one in the way of appreciating treasures. Those who are considered defective by them will inevitably lose great value, with few exceptions.

Over time, no one pays such attention.

Su Yu turned a deaf ear, turned his eyes away, and was about to return the object.

Suddenly, his powerful soul felt a twinge of pain, and he couldn't help scanning the cave world again.

After careful inspection, Su Yu found a broken sword with a broken blade.

The sword body is rusty and the material is extremely ordinary.

In terms of grade, it can only be regarded as a low-level spiritual weapon, and it can be regarded as the lowest existence among the magic weapons in the cave world.

"Is it this sword?" Su Yu couldn't (can't help jìn) doubt his own perception.

However, after many years of experience, Su Yu has developed a habit of patience, and never makes a decision lightly until the end of everything.

After thinking for a moment, Su Yu's soul wrapped the sword and tried it carefully.

It was nothing special at first, but slowly, Su Yu felt a slight pain in his soul, as if ants were gnawing on him.

At the gap of the broken sword blade, there was a glimmer of elegant light like moonlight faintly.

With a flash of light, Su Yu immediately withdrew his soul.

However, he did not roll out the sword immediately, but picked out a defective emperor-level divine weapon, with a look of surprise in his eyes: "Haha, I want this sword! Shopkeeper, how much is the original coin!"

The shopkeeper was suspicious, could it be that Su Yu found a magical weapon that he had overlooked?

He couldn't (can't help but jìn) look at this divine weapon, it was a spear, engraved with complex styles, a strange color was drawn across its face, and said: "One thousand Taichu coins!"

"Only one thousand?" Su Yu was surprised, and his face became even more joyful: "Unexpectedly, the sky-shattering spear of the Wuliu God Clan and the Tianniu Clan would fall into my hands! Alright, shopkeeper, I want this spear!"

Tianniu tribe? Xue Lei sneered and said, "Second brother, if you want to buy this pile of scrap metal, please use a clever method. I don't know, but you are proficient in foreign languages!"

Unexpectedly, after the shopkeeper sized it up, he stared at Su Yu with surprise on his face: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that someone could recognize the sky-shattering spear, which is unexpected! If I had known this, I should have bid two thousand. The value in the hands of a person is more than two thousand!"


Xue Lei frowned, and unexpectedly took a look at Su Yu, then after a second thought, he stared at Skybreaker, his eyes glowing a bit, and said: "Is what the shopkeeper said true?"

The shopkeeper glanced at him, his face darkened, and said: "Xingchen Pavilion clearly stipulates that there must be no lies in every word to the guests in the pavilion!"

"Hehe, good! I want the Sky-shattering Spear!" Xue Lei ((lick tiǎn)tiǎn) ((lick tiǎn)tiǎn) his lips, bought it for a thousand, sold it back, and earned more than a thousand Taichu coins out of thin air.

This isn't a deal you see often.

The shopkeeper said: "The rules of Xingchen Pavilion, whoever takes a fancy first, will own it."

"Him? Heh heh, he needs to be rich!" Xue Lei said.

The shopkeeper looked at Su Yu, and Su Yu said, "Can I pay you on credit?"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "Xingchen Pavilion rules, no credit is allowed! Young Master Xue, the Sky-shattering Spear is yours!"

Xue Lei laughed, took out a thousand Taichu coins, and traded them on the spot.

Between his brows, full of ambition, he patted Su Yu on the shoulder and said, "Hahaha, relying on the second brother, the eldest brother can earn a thousand Taichu coins out of thin air!"

His tone was full of humor.

Su Yu clenched his fists, glared at him angrily, and chose among the cave world for a while, before taking out a rusty iron sword with a face full of helplessness.

"The sword forged by the Nine Stream Race and the Water Girl Race is low-grade at the spirit level. Considering the damage, it is not as good as the spirit level." The shopkeeper looked at it and made a judgment: "Thirty Taichu coins."

Su Yu took out the remaining 80 aboriginal coins, and (fleshly) took out 30 coins.


However, Xue Lei took the first step, threw thirty Taichu coins on the table, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, it's your reward for winning a thousand Taichu coins for your elder brother!"

The shopkeeper saw it in his eyes, and secretly sympathized. At the same time, Xue Lei, the young master of the Xue family, crushed and bullied Xue Yu.

Not to mention that Heng Dao Duo (爱ài) snatched away the Potian Spear, but also ran on everywhere, it's really hard for Xue Yu to live strong until today (日日).

"Thank you, brother!" Strangely, Su Yu suddenly smiled, grasped the Taichu sword, and asked the shopkeeper: "Will Xingchen Pavilion regret taking back the things sold?"

The shopkeeper was surprised, suspicious in his heart, and said: "Xingchen Pavilion clearly stipulates that it will never be taken back!"

After hesitating for a while, he said: "However, there is another clear rule of the Xingchen Pavilion. The pavilion has the right to re-identify the remnants selected by the guests, or you have the right to take it back if you tell your discovery in person."

so? Su Yu put down the iron sword with a faint smile on his face.

Xue Lei, who was originally full of ambition, suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right. Could it be that Xue Yu discovered something else?

Reminiscent of the Sky Breaking Spear, Xue Lei was very kind and gloomy.

"Shopkeeper, may the moonlight be condensed?" Su Yu asked.

The shopkeeper was astonished, and said: "Yes!"

(Body shēn) As the Dongfu Jiezun, the shopkeeper used his divine power to create moonlight without difficulty, and when he waved his sleeves, a piece of clear moonlight reflected the iron sword.

Immediately, there was a response at the incomplete part of the iron sword, and a beautiful moonlight shone.

With five fingers held together, Su Yu hammered on the iron sword, smashing the rust on its body surface, revealing the iron sword body, which is an ordinary iron sword that can darken.

Taking a closer look, Su Yu held the hilt of the iron sword in his hand, pulled it hard, and with a click, he pulled out a long sword with moonlight gathering from the iron sword.

The sword light is misty, elegant and beautiful, like a beauty.

The shopkeeper was surprised: "Mother-child sword!"

The so-called mother-child sword is the sword hidden in the sword. It looks like an ordinary iron sword, but inside it is a special moonlight sword.

"Wait, could this sword be..." The shopkeeper looked at the sword intently, and some information suddenly flashed in his mind, and he was taken aback: "Could it be the emperor-level divine sword left behind by the Shui Nu clan, the beauty under the moon?"

"Imperial Excalibur?" Xue Lei was taken aback, staring at the moonlit Excalibur, he couldn't believe his ears.

The shopkeeper was deeply moved, and the way he looked at Su Yu changed.

If it was luck to find the Sky-shattering Spear, could it be luck to find the Beauty under the Moon?

This iron sword has been tested by countless experts in Xingchen Pavilion, and it is determined to be a low-level spiritual weapon.

But I never thought about using moonlight to detect it!

But Su Yu knew it!

"Mr. Xue, you are truly a god! I admire you!" the shopkeeper said, "Now, this beauty under the moon belongs to Mr. Xue!"

Su Yu nodded, and put it away bluntly.

When he turned (转shēn), he met Xue Lei's eyes and said, "Thank you, big brother, for the thirty Taichu coins."

After finishing speaking, he left Xingchen Pavilion and went straight to the ice and fire spaceship stationed outside the island.

The housekeeper was very proud, raised his head (tight tǐng) (chest xiōng) and walked past Xue Lei (body shēn) with a gloomy face, and trotted all the way to catch up.

He is Xue Yu's close (body shēn) butler. Over the years, he has been implicated and how much oppression he has suffered?

Today (日日) I feel elated, as if turning (body shēn). If I really want to describe that feeling, it would be that it is so exciting!

After catching up with Xue Yu, the housekeeper couldn't help but grinned from ear to ear, and couldn't hide the joy in his heart: "Haha, the second young master has earned a lot of face, thinking that the young master is arrogant, so he spent money to buy it for the second young master. An imperial-level divine sword, the old slave thought, he might not be able to calm down for a whole month."

Su Yu smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

"It's just that the old slave doesn't understand why the second young master exposed the sky-shattering spear?" The steward said regretfully, "The second young master kept his face. The old slave can find ways to raise money for the young master and buy it later. This buying and selling is worth more than a thousand Taichu coins! This is great, it’s all cheap, young master!"

The corners of Su Yu's mouth curled up, and he smiled gracefully: "Do you think I'm such an impetuous person, the housekeeper?"

The butler was startled, and said thoughtfully, "No."

It may have been before, but the appearance of the Murong family is as if it has been reborn, calm and calm, like a different person.

"That is, do you really think that the sky-shattering spear is so easy to sell?" Su Yu said with a chuckle: "The weapons of the Tianniu tribe are different from the weapons of ordinary races. To activate it, you must have the blood of the Tianniu tribe. , in other words, unless a Tianniu tribe buys this thing, no one who buys it can use it!"

"Xue Lei was eager to make me look bad, so he didn't try to push this spear. He bought it carelessly. If he wanted to sell it again, he would have to find a fool to take over."

The housekeeper couldn't help but burst into a deep smile, and couldn't help laughing: "So, this thing is destined to rot in the hands of the young master? As far as I know, the last time there was a Tianniu tribe in this sea area The traces are hundreds of years ago!"

Su Yu smiled faintly, and flew to the outside of the island.

Arriving at the ice and fire spaceship, the servants have been waiting quietly.

It's just that it's eerily quiet.

They didn't say a word, tensed up (body shēn), and waited for orders to speak.

Su Yu stopped the steward, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Who is on board?"

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