The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1704 Golden Cloud

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?Looking fixedly, the bodhi tree didn't grow much taller. ⒉

The three blood crystal bodhi hanging above have not changed in size, which is almost the same as the last time we met.

A look of disappointment lingered in Su Yu's eyes. It seemed that not all spiritual creatures could develop mutation attributes.

Grabbing from the air, three blood crystal Bodhi fell down, and Su Yu packed them in the jade.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The jade article that touched the Blood Crystal Bodhi was dyed blood red.

The surface of the Blood Crystal Bodhi was densely covered with hidden characters.

After a cursory glance, Su Yu gasped: "Written in the Heavenly Book!"

These characters are not unfamiliar to him at all, they are definitely characters in the heavenly script that very few people can recognize in the scriptures! !

"How can the words of the heavenly script be condensed on the fruit?" Su Yu's eyes were full of horror, full of incomprehension.

After careful consideration for a long time, Su Yu reluctantly accepted this change.

The role of Blood Crystal Bodhi is to enhance the refinement of the Dao law, so it is derived from the text of the heavenly scriptures, which is barely justified.

Looking at one of them, an astonishing scorching heat suddenly struck, making Su Yu's eyes blaze.

Shocked, he immediately closed his eyes and turned his gaze away to extinguish the flame that was created out of nothing.

"This is the power of the words in the heavenly script!" He was secretly surprised.

Then a deep joy appeared on his face.

The original idea of ​​leaving three to continue cultivation was indeed right. After two hundred and fifty years, the mutation of Blood Crystal Bodhi exceeded imagination.

With this fruit and Daoyu, it will be much easier to condense the law in the inner mansion!

With a wave of divine power, the three blood crystal bodhisattvas were wrapped, and Su Yu turned to look at Xiaodie.

She was lazily lying on a tree, gnawing on Tianzhu silver bamboo in her mouth, and when she saw Su Yu coming, she raised her eyelids listlessly and muttered: "It's getting worse and worse, you You should grow some spiritual fruits and feed me bamboo every day, I'm not a panda."

The veins on Su Yu's forehead twitched, and he was tired of eating him!

"It's good to have something to eat! Just wait for me!" snorted, Su Yu was about to leave the body, Xiaodie snorted, "Can't you give me some magic weapon or something?"

There are many magic treasures stored by Su Yu in the Nine Jade Spirit Orb, which are collected from ordinary times and are not of much use.

After thinking for a while, he said helplessly, "Well, except for the Tianzhu Silver Bamboo Sword and the Golden Jade Sword, the rest of the magic weapons can be eaten."

"It's not too bad!" Xiaodie's spirit doubled, and she jumped down briskly.

"Enough is enough for me, be careful to eat to death." Su Yu gave an annoyed warning, and left the Jiubi Lingzhu.

As he walked forward, Xiaodie's eyes rolled on her back feet, and her mouth was drooling: "Wow Kaka, what a fool master, so easy to deceive! Those magic weapons are all tattered and unpalatable, but there is a top-grade one , much more delicious than those two swords!"

With a click, she came to the wooden shelf where the magic weapon was stored.

But seeing the dazzling array of magical treasures piled up on it, Xiaodie just took a look at it, staring straight at a giant gilt bow and an arrow that were placed on the ground.

The giant arched foot is as tall as two people, and it is not tailor-made for the human race, but a certain kind of huge creature is suitable for use.

This object is one of the three treasures that Su Yu found from Huanyue Langjun's cave, Tianyi Bow.

This bow is extremely heavy, Su Yu can barely grasp it off the ground by using the law of great force, and the bowstring can only be stretched three inches.

At that time, I didn't realize the special nature of this bow, so I kept it here and was almost forgotten by Su Yu.

"Haha, baby, I've been following you for a long time! You must taste delicious." Xiaodie rubbed her hands together, staring at Tian Yigong's eyes, her saliva dripping down.

She grabbed it with both hands,

With her savage strength, it was extremely difficult to grab it, and she barely lifted it with all her strength.

"My dear, good things are extraordinary. They are so heavy. After eating you, I won't have to eat again for a few months." Xiaodie caressed Tian Yigong, as if she was touching the delicious food in her mouth: "Little baby, I You're welcome!"


She opened her mouth to bite, and bit the bow of the sky hard.

But at this moment, an irresistible force appeared in the Jiubi Lingzhu, forcibly separating it from Tian Yigong.


Tian Yibow fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

At the same time, the soul figure of Panlong in imperial robes flickered in front of the sky, staring at Xiaodie with a half-smile, "You greedy cat, you know you've got a wrong idea!"

How sharp is Su Yu? Xiaodie has several intestines in his stomach, and he can count them with his eyes closed.

He pretended to leave, but he was actually observing which item in the magic weapon Xiaodie took a fancy to.

The result was somewhat unexpected, it turned out to be this huge bow with no features except its weight.

"You, why are you back?" Xiaodie was taken aback, and then felt guilty like a little thief who was caught on the spot.

Su Yu laughed: "If I were later, wouldn't this bow be eaten by you?"

The more guilty Xiaodie felt, the more stubborn she acted. She stiffened her neck and said, "Who said I was thinking about this bow? It's just because it takes up space, eat it for you, and make room."

"Really?" Su Yu had a playful look on his face.

Xiaodie hummed: "You doubt me?"

With an angry expression of suspicion on her face, she threw down the wooden frame, grabbed a magic weapon with one hand, and opened her mouth to gnaw, making a loud gnawing sound.

While gnawing, he looked at Su Yu with a provocative expression, as if to say, what, I didn't stare at that bow? I eat anything, I am not picky!

Haha smiled, Su Yu wrapped up the giant bow and arrow and left Jiubi Lingzhu.

Xiaodie chewed her mouth a few times, just now she had an expression of enjoyment, but in a blink of an eye she was full of grievances: "Bah bah, it tastes like chewing wax, it's so unpalatable!"

"Damn guy, I was tricked by him again!" Xiaodie roared angrily.

If she hadn't shown great interest in Tianyi Bow, how would Su Yu know how extraordinary this bow is?

Returning to his body, Su Yu looked at the Tianyi bow that was left on the ground.

"Could it be that I was too careless in the first inspection?" He secretly thought, and looked and visited again.

The result is still the same, except that the material is very special and cannot be discerned, there is nothing special.

The arrow has also been inspected from beginning to end, and nothing special has been noticed.

"It would be great if there is a place to try the power of this arrow." Su Yu looked around, this place is the imperial palace, it is not a good idea to try the bow rashly before knowing the power of the giant bow.

After thinking for a while, Su Yu put the bow into the Buddha beads space.

There are still a few days before Dao Yu. Fortunately, he stopped practicing. He took out a few classics introducing foreign civilizations and read them patiently. He calmed down and adjusted his state to the best state.

at the same time.

Everyone in the clan mansion has not completely dispersed.

Several princes chatted with each other uncertainly, still worried about the extra sixth prince.

They no longer doubted his identity, but his strength was unknown, and Dongfang Xia fell in love with him, who knew if he would secretly hand over something dangerous to Su Yu.

The eldest prince was in the worst mood. With his strength and supporters, he wasn't worried about having an extra sixth prince who didn't have much background.

He was in a bad mood because of Bei Wangzhu!

"Can you explain Xingxiuhai civilization in detail, before and after you were captured by him?" In front of the rockery, the eldest prince stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Bei Wangzhu coldly.

Bei Wangzhu is suffering, how can she explain it in detail? Once news of the theft of the Beixin Wangding tripod was reported, it would be a catastrophe.

"Some misunderstandings, I missed and got caught, so I have nothing to say." Her eyes dodged, and she was quite insincere.

The First Prince tugged hard behind his back, there is a problem! !

"Oh, it's all right, I just asked, you are not in good health, go back and rest." The eldest prince smiled lightly.

After she left, a pitch-black shadow suddenly appeared beside the eldest prince, impressively possessing the realm of an emperor.

"How, how is the investigation of Bei Wangzhu's condition going?" The eldest prince's eyes showed a deep and stern look.

Hei Ying said in a low voice: "Just as the eldest prince expected, Bei Wangzhu's illness is not serious. Although the Beixin Palace concealed it deeply, I still sneaked into it and found out about the illness."

"What disease?"

"It's hysteria!" Heiying said, "Bei Wangzhu will fall into an inextricable fantasy every once in a while."

"What are you fantasizing about?" The First Prince frowned.

Soi Ying hesitated: "Fantasy to have sex with a man."


The first prince's body suddenly exploded with a fierce and fierce aura, and the fists behind his back tightened suddenly, and he punched out.

The black shadow was caught off guard, and was sent flying, smashing a large rockery before stopping.

A deep depression was clearly visible on his chest!

One move can hurt the emperor! !

"Which man?" The eldest prince's eyes were red, and he couldn't restrain his anger.

As his fiancée, as the future concubine, he could not bear to suffer from such a nasty disease!

"It is said that it is Su Yu, who is the current sixth prince, Dongfang Yu!" The black shadow man coughed a few times and said in awe.

"Ah!!" The eldest prince raised his head to the sky and roared angrily. He felt that Bei Wangzhu's words were flickering just now, and the relationship with Su Yu was unclear. Now that he got the truth, he suddenly fell into a rage.

The icy murderous intent came out, and the man in black was so startled that he quickly backed away and opened a distance.

"Dongfang Yu!!" The First Prince roared.

The few princes in the distance were all surprised, what stimulated the eldest prince to be like this?

The rest of the princes looked on coldly, while the fifth prince who had befriended him flew over and said, "Brother Emperor, what happened to Dongfang Yu?"

A question brought the eldest prince back from the brink of rage.

This place is the imperial palace, Dongfang Yu is the sixth prince who has just been favored by his father, he can't take the initiative to harm him, even if he has already been hacked into pieces in his heart!

Restoring his composure, the eldest prince stared at the fifth prince, rolled his eyes slightly, and said, "Fifth brother, I am doing it for you! Just now when the spies came to report, after Dongfang Yu returned to the mansion, he taunted me and the brothers, especially You, fifth brother, lost your life-saving finger because of this, and he slandered you even more, saying that you..."

The fifth prince's face was gloomy: "What did he say about me?"

"Say you are stupid, ignorant and arrogant, and you slap yourself in the face in front of everyone, and you are hated by your father."


"Damn it!!" The fifth prince punched the broken rockery with a fist and said angrily, "He's really bullying people too much!!"

"Who said it wasn't? That's why brother Huang is not worth it for you!" The eldest prince clenched his fists.

"I'm going to find him now!"

"Wait a minute! Now that he is being favored by the emperor, if you ask him to settle accounts, which side will the emperor stand on?"

This question made the Fifth Prince hesitant.

The answer is obvious, Father would think that he deliberately retaliated!

"Then what should I do? Is it impossible to see him, a bastard born outside, shit and pee on my head?" The fifth prince said angrily.

The corner of the eldest prince's mouth curled up, and he secretly said, "You are so stupid to say you are stupid, you are easily hooked with just a few words."

"Hehe, isn't it easy to punish him? Daoyu in a few days is a good opportunity. I have a way to make him cry and beg you!" The eldest prince smiled mysteriously.

A few days later, the day of Daoyu is approaching day by day.

These days Su Yu devoted himself to studying the knowledge of foreign civilizations.

Occasionally, Princess Ruchen would come over to chat with him and discuss matters related to Daoyu.

It was also the first time for her to experience Dao Yu, and she knew no more than Su Yu.

However, from her mouth, Su Yu knew that every prince has a special magic weapon bestowed by the royal family, which can more easily temper the chains of the inner palace law when the rain falls.

"It's really annoying. I asked the clan mansion for your rain-fixing needle three days ago, but they kept delaying!" On this day, Princess Ruchen ran over again, sweating profusely, and grabbed Su Yu's table. Just drink from the teapot.

Su Yu smiled lightly: "I'm afraid it's not the clan's house making things difficult, but those royal brothers doing it on purpose?"

Princess Ruchen frowned slightly, her eyes rolled and rolled: "No, I will ask my aunt to help you get the rain-fixing needle."

The current Emperor Wuhen is also extremely busy.

As the most powerful array formation emperor in the dynasty, he began to bless the formations for several Daoyu ranges day and night a few days ago, especially the first-class range formations. Take a step closer.

She couldn't get out at the moment.

"Forget it, you don't hesitate to take the risk to provide me with the range of first-class Daoyu. Su is already very grateful. The Dingyu needle is not within the agreed range, so there is no need to bother about it." Su Yu looked away.

He had inquired about the effect of the Dingyu Needle, but it was not as powerful as the Blood Crystal Bodhi, and it was useless to get it.

"Hmph! I'm not reconciled, the imperial brothers are targeting you everywhere." Princess Ruchen wrinkled her nose cutely.

Su Yu smiled: "The matter of the clan's mansion has swept away their face, and they are their competitors, how can they treat me well? Don't worry, as long as I don't play tricks on Dao Yu, I don't bother to pay attention to them .”

She originally came to comfort Su Yu, but was comforted by Su Yu instead, and felt embarrassed for a while.

"Well, it's great if you can see it openly. If one day I become the queen of the Dayu Dynasty, I will avenge you and teach them a lesson." Princess Ruchen clenched her fists and bared her teeth. .

Su Yu smiled.

In this way, the time is approaching day by day.

Two days later.

Su Yu, who was flipping through the books, suddenly felt something, and looked up at the sky outside the window.

In the blue sky, a strange golden cloud appeared at some point.

Then, the clouds accumulated more and more, gathering from all directions.

Half a day later, the entire sky was golden, reflecting the entire imperial city of the Dayu Dynasty in golden light.

Layers of astonishing spiritual pressure, spiraling down from the clouds, exerted great pressure on the warrior.

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