The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1734 Closure of the Dynasty

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?Somewhere in the sky, in a chaotic space, a petite girl in colorful clothes was forcibly moved out by Su Yu using the law of space.

"What's the matter with this broken ruin, I'm trapped inside and won't let me out! I insist on biting through the restriction and running back across the void!" Xiaodie muttered, chewing a piece of the restriction in her mouth.

The audience froze for a moment.

"What did she say?" Many people couldn't believe their ears.

"She seemed to say that she was forcibly left in the ruins, and then...then bit through the restraint and escaped back."

Everyone looked bewildered, completely unaware of who the mysterious girl was and where she came from.

The face of the gray-robed emperor changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at the ban behind him.

Fortunately, the damaged area is not large, and it will repair itself soon.

A look of shock appeared on his face, eating a ban? Simply unheard of!

"Who are you?" The gray-robed emperor shouted in a deep voice.

Xiaodie glared at him: "Old guy, why are you yelling? If you yell again, I'll eat you!"

The gray robed emperor was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and let out the aura of the double crowned emperor.

"Senior, wait a minute, she is my prince's spiritual pet." Su Yu put his hand on Xiaodie's shoulder, holding her down when she was about to explode.

"Spiritual pet..." The gray-robed emperor was stunned for a moment. The girl in front of him is clearly a human race, so why is she a spiritual pet?

Well, it's not uncommon to tame beautiful women of all races as spiritual pets.

It's not incomprehensible that the sixth prince has such a taste.

The gray-robed emperor suppressed his anger, and said, "You said that this spiritual pet has national luck?"

Nodding his head, Su Yu said, "Isn't it a foul for my spiritual pet to help us win the national fortune?"

The gray-robed emperor shook his head: "Spiritual pets are also part of one's own strength, so naturally it is not a foul."

Five princes teaming up to suppress a prince and princess can be allowed, so what is the help of a mere spiritual pet?

Even the eldest prince just frowned, but he didn't dare to say that it was against the rules.

However, looking carefully at Xiaodie's aura, he wasn't very worried.

This spiritual pet doesn't have the slightest aura of an emperor, or in other words, doesn't even have the aura of a peak overlord.

What kind of ancient beast could such a spiritual pet kill? Wouldn't it be god-level?

He smiled contemptuously.

The second prince and the other princes, also after being taken aback for a moment, smiled half-smiles.

"Sixth Emperor's younger brother actually pinned his hopes on such a spiritual pet. It seems that he really has nothing to do." Several princes exchanged glances and secretly smiled.

Su Yu didn't know Xiaodie's specific strength, since he woke up, he had never made a move.

"How many ancient beasts have you hunted? Well, the ancient beasts above the emperor level." Su Yu rubbed her head and asked.

Xiaodie stretched out her index finger: "One."

Only one, Su Yu sighed in his heart.

She was able to slay imperial-level ancient beasts, although it was unexpected, but it was still rare after all.

The First Prince and the others were surprised, and heaved a sigh of relief. How dangerous, this humble girl can kill an ancient emperor-level beast, it's unbelievable!

The gray-robed emperor said: "Take it out."

Xiaodie glared at him, and angrily slapped a shriveled bag on the table: "Hmph, see for yourself!"

The gray-robed emperor looked indifferent, opened the pocket, and poured out the national fortune in public.

As a result, it shook, but it didn't come out.

"What's the situation?" The gray-robed emperor said to himself, he obviously felt that there was a national destiny in it, but he couldn't pour it out, and this was the first time he encountered it.

"Broken!" He simply tapped on it with one hand.

But there was a slight rumbling sound, and the pocket exploded.

A group of national fortunes that have grown from small to large, like rapidly inflating balloons,

In the blink of an eye, it expanded from the size of a fist to a size of fifty feet.

The gray-robed emperor was caught off guard, and was severely pushed back by the fate of the country, bumping into the restriction.

"Ah! What is it? It's so big!"

Several princes were also forced to retreat, watching from a close distance, unable to see the whole picture.

But the people watching from a distance, like petrification, stared at the huge national fortune without blinking, all stunned.

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment, stepped back and looked at the original appearance of the giant, and it was petrified in an instant.

The rest of the princes followed suit one after another, all with expressions of seeing a ghost.

At the moment when the fortune of the country swelled, Su Yu pulled Princess Ruchen back.

Staring at the huge object, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "You are lucky, you picked up a bargain."

Xiaodie raised her neck: "Come on! It took me a lot of effort to eat that crow, but it tastes good, but it's not as good as those evil spirits."

He does not mean that.

The princes were shocked all over and looked at Xiaodie in horror.

"The crow...couldn't it be the evil crow, the ancient beast with double crowns that was injured by Su Yu and Bei Wangchen together in Dayu's ruins?"

Later, when Su Yu fought against True Lord Huolong, the evil crow had long since fled without a trace, and no one was there.

did not expect……

That is to say, the inconceivably huge group of national destiny in front of me is... the national destiny of the double crown ancient beast level!

The gray-robed emperor stared at Su Yu's spiritual pet with a tingling scalp.

That evil crow was... eaten by her?

He finally believed that this spiritual pet came out after eating the restriction of Dayu's ruins.

Gathering his mind, it took him a lot of effort to force the huge fortune of the country into the furnace.

"One hundred thousand!" The gray-robed emperor couldn't help being excited, this is the national fortune of the double-crowned emperor, a hundred times that of the one-crowned imperial-level ancient beast!

"I still give it to the imperial sister." Su Yu said lightly, with a firm tone, without the slightest hesitation.

The gray-robed emperor sighed again, and put the 15,400 national fortunes into it.

He looked around at the princes and princesses again: "Are there any objections?"

The First Prince and the others were ashamed, and Shihua has not been able to recover on the spot so far.

So what if there is an objection? Can they conjure a fortune of one hundred thousand?

"Since there is no objection, then seal the furnace and wait for His Majesty to personally announce the result of the succession of the crown prince. Now, the battle for the national destiny of Dayu's ruins is officially over!" The gray-robed emperor moved the two furnaces away.

With an announcement, the competition for the national destiny that affected the entire dynasty finally came to an end.

Princess Ruchen's mansion was full of joy, and relatives and relatives from all over the world stepped on the threshold and came to congratulate.

In the past, Princess Ruchen was not looked down upon by any royal relatives, and made more friends with the eldest prince.

Now, she is the future His Majesty of the Dayu Dynasty!

Princess Ruchen was too busy to deal with it, and even Emperor Wuhen was busy.

Su Yu stood above the sixth prince's mansion, looked at the bustling Princess Mansion, and smiled faintly: "Let's go."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to her?" Xiaodie lay on the roof with dragon meat in her left hand and dragon blood in her right hand, feeling very uncomfortable.

This is Su Yu's reward to her.

"No need, the promise is fulfilled, then let's go." Su Yu said lightly.

Dongfang Xia is coming back soon, and the Yu Dynasty can no longer stay.

With the status of the sixth prince, it was easy for Su Yu to leave the palace.

Soon, using the teleportation array used by the queen, he arrived at the border of the imperial dynasty and looked north at the fiefdom.

He came to the entrance and exit of the border with ease, and was about to leave by meteorite.

Unexpectedly, the border entrances and exits were all closed!

A large number of Royal Imperial Guards stood guard at the entrance and exit, and no one was allowed to enter or exit.

Su Yu was startled, the border of Dayu Dynasty was closed?

He grabbed a pinnacle overlord who was passing by nearby and asked, "When did the border close?"

Seeing that he was of the same rank, the other party was still saving face, and said in surprise: "Brother, isn't he a man who looks north to the fief?"

"I'm from the imperial city." Su Yu had a bad feeling.

"Oh, that's no wonder!" The other party suddenly said: "As early as more than a month ago, all the entrances and exits of the dynasty were closed, not only the north-looking fiefdom, but also the entrances and exits of the fringe fiefdoms. You are in the dynasty, and the news is blocked, so Don't know yet."

Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

One month ago, didn't that happen to be the beginning of Dayu's ruins?

Something is wrong!

Dongfang Xia is chasing and killing the Fire Dragon of the Double Crown Emperor outside, and he hasn't come back yet, who is qualified to order the closure of the entire territory of the Dayu Dynasty?

Su Yu had calculated thousands of times, but he never expected that the border of Dayu Dynasty was actually closed.

Judging by the posture of the imperial guards, it is impossible to leave with bribes like last time.

With a slight movement in his heart, Su Yu came to the Snow Lion fief, and entered the black market with ease.

Unlike the past, today's black market is indescribably oppressive.

I can often see some mysterious people with hesitant faces, or walking briskly, as if something big happened.

It seems that something big happened in Dayu Dynasty.

He came to the intelligence firm that sells news in the black market. This place was relatively deserted, but now it has become the busiest area in the black market.

Crowded people lined up from the hall to the street, and lined up half the street.

"Sure enough!" Su Yu's heart sank again.

He was thinking about whether he could enter the intelligence operation earlier, but suddenly there was a charming voice behind him.

"Sixth Prince, why come to our black market when you have time? Did you come to inspect our black market?"

Looking back, Su Yu recognized him, hesitated for a moment, and clasped his fists together: "It turns out that it is the shopkeeper Miao Chengtian Huanmei."

Huan Mei looked at Su Yu with a smile that was not a smile, and joked: "Oh, dare not, how can I say that I am from the black market, and the sixth prince is now a member of the royal family of the Dayu Dynasty."

Su Yu frowned slightly: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush."

If he really wanted to destroy the black market, he would have done so long ago.

Phantom is not clear about this.

"Hehe, it's easy to talk to the sixth prince." Huan Mei said with a smile, "As for me, I will make a deal with the sixth prince."

He just wanted to leave the Dayu Dynasty as soon as possible, and he had no interest in trading.

"Speak." He held back his temper.

"The Sixth Prince will help us with one thing. We will help the Sixth Prince to leave the Dayu Dynasty."

Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly, and he said calmly, "I'm just kidding, why did I leave Dayu Dynasty?"

"Pfft!" Huan Mei covered her mouth and smiled: "Now all those who come to the black market to find intelligence agencies have only one purpose, to sneak out of the Dayu Dynasty."

Su Yu's complexion changed, he stared at her, and said for a while, "Then why do I have to do things for you? It's safer to pay for information."

Huan Mei smiled strangely, and said in a low voice: "Hehe, what kind of smuggling method does the Sixth Prince think can accommodate so many people without being noticed?"

The implication is that intelligence agencies are taking the opportunity to peddle fake news and run away after making a fortune.

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