The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1770 Pretending to be Smart

?Is it really impossible?

Not always!

Of course, he would not show it in person, put away the jade token, and returned to Fenglin Island across the air.

The places where the battles were fought were so far apart that the Bairi Clan didn't know what happened.

The old man with the goatee said: "Dare to ask your Excellency if the matter has been resolved?"

Su Yu nodded: "It's resolved, I should fulfill my promise and take everyone out of here."

The expressions of the Bairi tribe were shocked, and they were finally able to leave this place.

The army of the blood race is changing the situation of the battle, winning every victory, and will soon counterattack the personnel of the Wuchen Moon Sect.

If you don't leave, I'm afraid no one will be able to leave.

"Your Excellency, please point out the way." The goatee old man looked forward to it eagerly.

The saint's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked in the direction where the emperor's killing sword was escaping.

go from there?

But there should be nothingness there, and if the emperor's killing sword can leave, they may not be able to leave.

And Shimen disappeared without a trace, and there was no sign of reappearing at all. How is Su Yu going to take them away?

No matter how she thought about it, the saint could not find a way to leave this place.

So, like the Bairi Clan and the others, they looked at Su Yu eagerly to see how he would find a way to leave this place.

But seeing Su Yu unhurriedly put the Daylight Sacred Stone on the ground, he said calmly: "The emperor's killing sword has gone, and the passage can be opened."

Everyone was taken aback, talking to Bairi Shenshi?

Everyone, you look at me, and I look at you, with puzzled and confused faces.

The Bairi people didn't believe it even more.

If the God Stone of the Day can really take them away, why has there been no movement for so many years?

Only the old man with the goatee thought of something, his complexion changed suddenly, there was suddenness, remorse, shame and self-mockery.

While everyone was discussing, the God Stone of the White Sun emitted a faint light, which condensed into six eye-sized vortexes on the surface of the body.

At a glance, it is similar to the six whirlpools in the White Sea.


A silent muffled sound echoed in the space, as if something was opening.

Immediately afterwards, the air of the Six Paths descended on all sides of the world at the same time.

One of them appeared hundreds of feet away in front of them.

However, a space vortex emerged from small to large, and a stone gate gradually appeared, which was exactly the same as the stone gate that had appeared before.

The difference is that the current stone gate is not the sixth vortex stone gate.

Everyone in the Bairi tribe couldn't believe it. They stared at the stone gate stupidly, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

"Why? Why hasn't the Bairi God Stone opened the stone gate for so many years? It has caused our clan to become so weak?" Some Bairi people who lost their relatives cried bitterly and resented.

"Is the sacred stone of the day really the sacred stone of the sheltered race bestowed by our ancestors? Turn a blind eye to the clansmen, but listen to the words of an outsider!"


All kinds of doubts, all kinds of grief and indignation linger in the hearts of everyone.

The joy of leaving this world,

He was completely diluted by the way of leaving in front of him.

It turned out that the ancestors played a big joke with them.

The way to leave has been in their hands from beginning to end, but it has never been discovered.

The old man with the goatee showed sadness and shame: "Retribution, this is probably the retribution for violating the last words of our ancestors!"

The last words of the ancestors were for them to hand over the Divine Stone of Daylight to the creatures of the foreign lands and let them take it away.

The ancestors had long expected that there would be blood clans that would appear to destroy this sacred stone, so this stone could not be kept in the clan, and had to be taken away by creatures from other regions.

How to take it away? The ancestors left the answer in the sacred stone, which will help the creatures from the outer domain to leave this world.

In this way, no blood race will come to trouble them.

The ridiculous thing is that from the very beginning, the Bairi people violated the last words of their ancestors.

They greedily took the God Stone as their own, and cleverly captured the alien creatures who fell here and became slaves to fight against the blood race.

Little did they know that it was precisely because of this that they had been attacked by blood clans for countless years.

If he had handed over the Divine Stone of Daylight from the very beginning, why would he be trapped here, swallowed up by the blood race to the point of weakness he is now?

What is cleverness and being mistaken by cleverness?

The Bairi people used themselves to vividly interpret this statement.

Everyone in the Bairi tribe immediately recalled the last words of their ancestors, and suddenly realized, the complaints and cursing stopped for a while, replaced by deep self-blame and ridicule.

It was never others who harmed the Bairi people, but themselves!


The stone gate descended and opened silently.

Su Yu glanced at the Bairi Clan, and said calmly: "I advise you to sigh later, it is unknown how long the Shimen will appear."

After speaking, the ancestors stepped into the stone gate, followed by the saint.

The goatee old man's heart trembled, he didn't dare to stop for a moment, and led his tribe to drill out one after another.

The members of the Wuchen Moon Sect who were fighting were anxious when they saw this.

"Third senior brother, what should we do? The blood clan counterattacked too fiercely, and the master has not come for a long time, what should we do?"

Hearing this, the Black Lotus Demon Lord glanced at the Shimen not far away, his eyes full of hesitation.

Hearing that there were disciples falling one after another, Hei Lian Yaojun gritted his teeth: "Let's retreat first!"

"What about the master?"

Hei Lian Yaojun said: "With the strength of the master, we still need to worry, retreat first!"

Indeed, with Master Bao Kun's strength, is there anyone else in this world who can keep him?

Thinking of this, many disciples of the Wuchen Moon Sect evacuated one after another, leaving this world through the stone gate.

Not long after, all the disciples of the White Sun Clan and the Wuchen Moon Sect evacuated, leaving only a group of blood clans running around in disorder, and an unknown mass of ashes lying quietly on a lonely island.

outside world.

Five or six days have passed since the first Lunatician riot.

At the beginning, he killed 100,000 Moon Worshipers, subdued them with bloody means, and ordered them to die obediently.

Of course, there are also some cunning and lucky people among them who escaped unharmed.

The dark middle-aged man is one of them.

He sneaked through the seabed near the White Sea, carefully, lest he be discovered by the Wuchen Moon Sect disciples who were patrolling around.

When he escaped hundreds of millions of miles away from the six vortexes, he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It's a fluke! What a fucking fluke! Fortunately, I'm smart! Hehe!"

Thinking of the other nine people in the same group, the dark-skinned young man couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, in the end, you are still buried in Baihai, what a pity, what a pity!"

Thinking back to that young human race, he was even more like this: "You have a good skin and good talent, but you are stupid and died early, wasting it out of thin air."

At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky above his head, and it disappeared in a flash.

An ancient sword with a strange shape fell from it, and it was stuck ten feet away in front of him with a bang.

The swarthy young man was startled, and almost dived back into the water. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help being stunned: "A sword fell from the sky?"

Gazing at the strange long sword with meridians all over the body and a beating heart on the hilt, he couldn't help but tremble: "What kind of sword is this? It scares people to death."

He retreated instinctively, but then he thought again: "Could it be the good luck bestowed on me by the heavens? Although this sword has an evil spirit, it is not ordinary in any way. It should sell a lot if it is sold?"

Thinking of this, he climbed onto the reef and grasped the sword.

The moment he grasped it, dozens of meridian-like blood lines drilled out of the hilt and shot into his palm, linking him with the sword.

"Ah! What the hell is this..." The swarthy young man only had time to exclaim, his eyes were immediately replaced by emptiness and indifference, without even the slightest struggle.

The Triple Crown Emperor almost got hit, let alone a little bronze overlord like him?

After a long time, the swarthy young man let out a long breath of foul air, and said hollowly: "It's a failure! Release the god stone, it's troublesome."

Afterwards, the dark young man stepped across the sea with a long sword in his hand and left.

Near the six vortexes.

Su Yu and the Holy Maiden came out first, without saying a word, they immediately soared into the sky and left the vicinity.

This place is still under the control of Wuchen Yuezong, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time.

After the goatee old man appeared, he glanced at the startled disciples of the Wuchen Moon Sect, and immediately released the powerful aura of the Double-Crown Emperor, shocking the Wuchen Moon Sect disciples who rushed over.

Their big deacons all followed Master Bao Kun into the space within the vortex, and no one can compete with them at this moment.

No one dared to stop them, and they left quickly.

Only Ba Yue turned her wonderful eyes and quietly stayed behind after thinking twice.

Hiding in a secret place, waiting secretly.

Hei Lian Yaojun led six big deacons and dozens of cave masters back.

"Has Master come back?" Hei Lian Yaojun asked the disciple of Wuchen Moon Sect guarding here.

"Report to Third Senior Brother, no!"

The black lotus demon frowned, staring back at the vortex that was still open in the Six Paths: "Well, wait patiently."

This wait is half an hour.

It wasn't until the rumbling sound came, indicating that all the stone gates were closed, that the black lotus monster's expression turned ugly.

"Are you sure the master hasn't come out?" Hei Lian Yaojun stared at the Wuchen Moon Sect disciple who was guarding him.

They felt apprehensive, Master Bao Kun disappeared, that was a major event that shook the Dark Star civilization.

Maybe it will be swallowed up overnight by another big force.

They may also be silenced for the sake of secrecy.

"Here, master comes and goes, if he leaves without saying hello, we can't detect it with our weak strength." They said aggrievedly.

Having said that, the seven chief deacons and dozens of cave masters feel a little relieved.

If this is the case, it is barely justified.

With Master Bao Kun's strength, it is indeed impossible to stay inside.

"Perhaps the master is following the Emperor's Killing Sword and left through another passage." Black Lotus Demon Lord comforted himself.

Thinking of this trip, he sighed sadly: "Hey, if the master fails to subdue the emperor's killing sword, our efforts this time will be considered in vain. Not only will we start a full-scale war with the Moon Worship Sect, but we will also gain nothing."

The rest of the chief deacons were also disheartened, not only did they get nothing, they all suffered injuries to varying degrees.

Among the cave masters, several cave masters at the level of emperors of heaven and earth were also buried.

In addition, the two big deacons who were lost when the tunnel was explored in the early stage.

The heavy loss is not insignificant.

At this moment, a beautiful figure came out and smiled proudly: "Hehe, I know something, if you can get it back, this trip can be said to be fruitful."

Ba Yue finally got the chance.

:. :

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