The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1895 Invitation Qualification

?Since the establishment of Ding, Su Yu absolutely has no possibility of giving up halfway.

"What is the Zodiac Palace meeting you mentioned just now?" Su Yu asked.

Mo Xiaochai looked unnatural, and said: "It's nothing, it's just a big civilization exchange meeting, and the five-star civilization under the jurisdiction of the Zodiac Hall is eligible to be invited to participate in the Zodiac Hall. Our Taiji civilization is a civilization that pays attention to posture and elegance. civilization, never bothered to participate."

Disdain to participate? When Mo Xiaochai said these words, he didn't believe a word.

I am afraid that the Tai Chi civilization is not yet eligible for the invitation letter from the Zodiac Hall?

"What is the Temple of the Zodiac?" Su Yu has heard the name of the Temple of the Zodiac countless times, but he has not yet had a deep understanding of what it is.

Mo Xiaochai gave Su Yu a blank look first, and then suddenly said: "It's normal if you don't know, the Palace of the Zodiac has always been mysterious, and not many people know about it."

"The so-called Temple of the Zodiac is an organization established by the Supreme Taoist Master to maintain the order of the six-star civilization and below. Otherwise, if you think about it, why is the civilization so vast, but there are no bandits who do evil and loot everywhere? It is because With the intimidation of the Zodiac Hall, once similar organizations that disrupt order appear, they will be swept away by the Taoist masters of the Zodiac Hall without mercy."

Su Yu's heart trembled slightly, but he knew that the Temple of the Zodiac was composed of Taoist Supreme Beings.

It's just that I didn't expect him to have such a role.

This is different than imagined.

"Then what's the point of the Zodiac Hall meeting?" Su Yu asked.

Mo Xiaochai tried her best to conceal her jealousy and envy: "It's nothing, just a better-behaved master of civilization is eligible to pick a bodhi fruit in the Zodiac Hall."

Su Yu's heart moved: "What's the use of Bodhi fruit?"

"It's useless, it's just to help you break through to the next level." Mo Xiaochai wrote lightly, but he couldn't hide the longing in his eyes.

Break through a level? Su Yu's eyes just lightened up slightly. He persisted in taking Jiuyin Pill, and sooner or later he would break through to a higher level. The bodhi fruit reward was indeed not worthy of the great name of Zodiac Hall.

"You may have misunderstood me. The level I'm talking about is not the improvement within the realm, but the leap of the entire realm! For example, if you reach the late stage of the Four Crowns, take one and you can directly become the Five Crowns! If it is the peak of the five-crown king, if you take one, you have a chance to become a Taoist master immediately."

Hearing this, Su Yu's pupils shrank fiercely!

It is easy to improve within a realm, but it is as difficult as ascending to the sky across a large realm.

Su Yu obtained the mysterious elixir that the Corpse Emperor had no time to take away, and was lucky enough to break through to the middle stage of the Triple Crown.

If one can obtain Bodhi fruit, wouldn't one be able to immediately become a Four Crowned Emperor?

Come and go, saving at least a hundred years of cultivation time.

"How can I get the invitation letter?" Su Yu was completely moved.

"Don't daydream, there are only two ways to get the invitation letter, one is to rank among the top 1,000 of the five-star civilizations under the jurisdiction of the Zodiac Hall."

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, there are still a lot of places: "So, what is the ranking of our Taiji sect?"

Mo Xiaochai tilted her neck and thought about it: "About 80,000 people."

Hearing this, Su Yu took a breath: "Your Highness Zodiac, there are so many five-star civilizations? Are you right?"

"Tch! What a fuss! In the early days of the vast expanse, what is the Zodiac Hall? It's just a speck of dust in nothingness." Mo Xiaochai didn't think so.

Only at this moment did Su Yu deeply feel the vastness of the primordial beginning.

Eighty thousand five-star civilization, a five-star civilization ruled the boundless nothingness, you can imagine how vast the area radiated by the 80,000 five-star civilization would be!

The ranking of Taiji sect is so low,

It seems that it is not easy to enter the Zodiac Palace Conference.

"What is the other way you mentioned?" Su Yu asked suddenly.

Mo Xiaochai thought for a while, and said, "It's very simple, as long as there is a five-star civilization ranked in the top 100 who is willing to recommend it."

Su Yu couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, he didn't know any master of civilization, let alone the one who ranked so high?

"You should give up on this road too! The top 100 five-star civilizations can all be called half-way civilizations, and at least one half-step road master sits in those civilizations. .”

Half-walker? Su Yu's heart once again stirred up waves.

Just like the half-step emperor, there is also a transitional stage between the emperor and the Taoist master, that is, the generation who is about to become a Taoist master but lacks the heat.

Their strength is higher than that of the five crowned emperors, but far below the level of Taoist masters.

With such a civilization, it is even more impossible for Su Yu to get acquainted.

Both paths are hopeless!

Besides, even if you participate in the conference, not everyone will have the opportunity to pick the Bodhi fruit, right?

Thinking of this, Su Yu, who asked himself a little perseverance, couldn't help shaking his head, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

"Okay, I'll write you a letter of recommendation and guarantee you to become a high-level member of the Ding organization." Su Yu said generously, how could he pull a person who was comparable to the five-crown emperor into the Ding as a thug for this deal? Maybe not?

Mo Xiaochai happily took the letter and ran to find the Dark King, strongly requesting to join. Of course, her even stronger request was for dividends.

With Su Yu's personal letter, she joined Ding Ding very smoothly, but she only wanted to be a Ding King who was neither high nor low.

Mo Xiaochai didn't care too much, what he cared about was whether he could get a dividend.

Time flies like water, and the whole month passes in a flash.

The shops of Taiji Civilization have undergone a major shake-up, and more than half of the merchants are selling their warehouses and preparing to leave as soon as possible.

Ding actively joined the ranks of receiving them, bought them together with their goods and shops, and continued to operate with a new look.

It takes less than half a year to take over more than 80% of the shops.

On this day, Su Yu suddenly felt a strong fluctuation in the thread of fate, and knew that it was the mid-term killer of the five crowned emperors that Peng Yuan had just reminded him to come.

He left the Tai Chi Hall as if nothing had happened, and returned to the Sovereign Peak.

It just so happened that the Hunter King was practicing at the peak.

"Su Zongzhu, I'm really sorry. I've been here for more than a month, but I haven't come in handy." The Hunter King apologized.

Su Yu paused, and said: "It doesn't matter, it's enough for you to have this intention..."

"Hey! Is that your friend who broke into the Taiji sect?" The Hunter King immediately sensed a hidden aura of the five-crown emperor.

Su Yu said in surprise: "My friends are all out of town, so they probably won't come back for the time being."

"Then who is this?" The Hunter King's eyes suddenly sharpened: "I'll invite him over and question him face to face."

"Thank you!"

With a swish, the Hunter King disappeared.

After only three breaths, there was not even any movement of a fight. A short man with a thin body and dark eyes was carried back by the Hunter King.

His head was on one side and he was in a coma.

"Sorry, he wanted to resist, so he hit harder."

"It's just what I want!" Su Yu immediately checked his body, and found that there were several magic weapons and talismans on his body that could commit suicide at any time, and could self-explode to injure the enemy.

He didn't take it off, but opened the eye of the soul between the brows, and forcibly pulled his soul out of the body.

Thanks to the Hunter King for stunning him, his soul is in a coma.

Otherwise, trying to pull out the soul of a five-crown emperor in the mid-term is tantamount to fantasy.

As everyone knows, the Hunter King saw it, and his heart skipped a beat.

Imprisoning the soul of the five-crown emperor for life, this kind of magic can only be done by the third-rate soul clan?

Could this son be a member of the Soul Clan?

Thinking of his identity as a Taoist disciple, he became more and more sure of his guess.

After swallowing his soul, Su Yu digested it silently for a while, and obtained many useful memories.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a cold light in his pupils: "Hehe! Come and don't be indecent!"

"Soul light separation!" Su Yu shouted softly.

But seeing that his soul was divided into nine parts, one ninth of the souls turned into separate souls and entered the killer's body.

Seeing this scene, the Hunter King looked horrified.

"Are you from the Soul Clan?" The Hunter King was shocked. Being able to split his soul and endow him with an independent personality is a unique talent of the Soul Clan.

Su Zongzhu in front of him is definitely a member of the soul clan.

That is the legendary upper-third-rate race, and for hunters like them, it is an unattainable existence.

His heart was churning. He helped Su Yu before to please that Taoist master.

But right now, I can't help but have a new idea.

If you can have a strong attachment, why work so hard to be a hunter?

However, he still needs to observe for a while to determine whether Su Yu's identity is true.

If it's a real soul race, their connections should be extremely strong.

Su Yu glanced at him, neither denying nor admitting: "I hope you will keep the scene I saw now a secret."



In the depths of a certain underground secret room, thousands of businessmen gathered together, with their most trusted bodyguards by their side.

They gathered together nervously, making the dark underground look extremely depressing.

The moment of fate is coming!

A few hours ago, the killer of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce finally came from the branch of the six-star civilization and took the task from them.

Now, he should lurk into the Taiji sect and prepare to assassinate Su Yu, right?

Peng Yuanxin was also among them, feeling extremely nervous.

Su Yu is so confident, he should be sure to escape the killer's pursuit, right?

If Su Yu dies unfortunately, Peng Yuanxin will certainly not lose anything, but in the future under the rule of people like Yao Bailing, he can foresee the end of the Zhencui Pavilion, and within a hundred years, he will be swallowed up by the unscrupulous them.

Also nervous were Yao Lark and the others.

The assassins they invited were 100% sure that they could kill Su Yu.

But what if?

Now using killers is already tearing their skins apart. If they fail, what awaits them will be Su Yu's ruthless counterattack.

Therefore, many businessmen involved in this matter gathered together and built a temporary cross-civilization teleportation array.

Once the inevitable accident occurs, they will flee en masse.

Xiao Qian couldn't bear the depression, and muttered softly: "There is no movement for so long?"

Yao Bailing said calmly: "The killer must have struck at a more suitable time, don't worry..."

Suddenly, the door of the secret room was pushed open unexpectedly by external force.

The hearts of the businessmen shrank violently in fright.

But seeing who came, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mission completed?" Yao Bailing let go of his heart completely. It wasn't the Taiji sect personnel who came, which foretold the result.

The killer nodded.

Xiao Qian asked suspiciously, "Why is there no movement?"

The killer said indifferently: "To kill a Triple-Crown, do you need any movement?"



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