The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1905 Different practice

? After seeing their powerful mechs, Su Yu thought that their martial arts development had also reached the pinnacle.

But why haven't you even mastered the most basic flight?

"Put away the unicorn armor first, and I will take you to try it out to see if the flight I mentioned is the same as the flight you know." Su Yu said.

Ye Mingxuan's heart became more and more strange, he still put away the armor as he said, and looked at Su Yu without blinking to see what he was going to do next.

"Hold on to my arm, don't let go," Su Yu said.

Ye Mingxuan and Zhan Xuan hesitated for a while, and grabbed Su Yu's sleeve unnaturally. Zhan Xuan said angrily, "Are people in your Civilization Department like this? Let women hold men's arms. In our Civilization Department, Not often."

Su Yu was speechless, and only grabbed his sleeve, fearing that they would be thrown away immediately.

"Hey! I can't explain it to you." Su Yu wrapped his arms around one person's waist.

Amidst their exclamation and resistance, Su Yu activated the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Wings, and with a bang, he disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, they stopped again.

The hair of the two girls was disheveled, and their clothes were also in a mess.

"Taking advantage, is it interesting?" Ye Mingxuan broke away from Su Yu, blushed slightly, and stared at him with some displeasure.

Zhan Xuan on the side pushed her arm: "Hey..."

"Shut up!" Ye Mingxuan drank lightly without turning his head, staring at Su Yu.

Zhan Xuan continued to push her, stammering, "No...not...look!"

"What are you looking at?" Ye Mingxuan stared at Zhan Xuan angrily.

But in the end, this glance made Ye Mingxuan petrified on the spot.

" is..."

Zhan Xuan was also petrified on the spot, and even forgot to break free from Su Yu's arm, and said, "It's... the center of civilization, near the teleportation array."

The two women stared at the city full of tall buildings and buildings in shock.

In the center of the city, there are two huge towers that rise from the ground to reach the sky. In the center of the towers, there is a light curtain that is as brilliant as the Milky Way, and countless flying mechs shuttle back and forth within it.

Ye Mingxuan was absent-minded for a long time, and took out a compass-like mechanism, which showed that she had arrived at the coordinates of the teleportation array from the landing coordinates.

"Hey, this joke is not funny!" Zhan Xuan looked at the huge city without blinking, surprised.

Ye Mingxuan suddenly looked at Su Yu and said, "Are we hallucinating now?"

Su Yu had no choice but to grab their wrists again and said, "See clearly!"

This time, Su Yu went from slow to fast, and when he reached the limit, he used the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Wing to instantly return to the place where he landed just now.

The two women fell into deep petrification, and said blankly: "Again... are you back again?"

Ye Mingxuan covered his red lips, and said in no surprise: "How can a person's body speed be so fast? Even the fastest flying mecha can't be so fast!"

Su Yu said: "Let me ask you again, do you know what magic is? Do you know what law is?"

The two women shook their heads blankly, expressing that they had never heard of it.

"Then where did your cultivation come from?" Su Yu asked, one of them was a triple-crown emperor in the early stage, and the other was a quadruple-crown emperor in the middle stage.

"Did you say how much awakening power is in our body?" Ye Mingxuan was extremely curious, and tried to release a pure prehistoric power.

Su Yu nodded: "You don't know how to practice at all, how come such a powerful prehistoric power?"

Zhan Xuan was surprised and said: "What kind of cultivation? This is the acquired power of awakening. Put the liquid of awakening in the body, and the power of awakening will be born. The amount of birth depends on the individual's physique."

Hearing this, Su Yu was inexplicably surprised.

In his civilization department, cultivating prehistoric power means becoming the emperor of heaven and earth, and he has to go through a lot of hardships during this period.

But the two people in front of them said this very easily.

"In your civilization department, can everyone have the power of awakening?"

Ye Mingxuan shook his head and said: "That's not true. The power of awakening has several stages of changes, and some stay in the initial stage, and no longer evolve. Like us, it is very rare for the power of awakening to evolve to the present."

That's about it!

"I understand." Su Yu said: "Your civilization department focuses on the development of mechas, but the excavation of martial arts is very shallow."

There are gains and losses, they attach great importance to mechs, but martial arts itself is in a blank state.

"What kind of cultivation, we have never heard of it." Zhan Xuan said.

Su Yu stared at her and said, "For example, the black chains I used to subdue you are the result of my cultivation. You should feel the danger of the chains, right?"

"Hmm, I feel like I'm about to die. Those useless bodyguards also seem to find that the chain is very powerful, but I thought it was your mecha weapon!" Zhan Xuan said in surprise.

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief with his long beard. It seemed that he was not useless in the unfamiliar civilization department, and he still had his own specialties.

"Okay, I'll explain martial arts training to you when I have time. Let's leave this place first. I feel that they have almost reached the four-star civilization." Su Yu looked up at the sky.

Ye Mingxuan took out the compass mechanism, and countless approaching light spots flickered on it.

"My God, those warships are still half a four-star civilization away from us, and you can sense it intuitively?" Ye Mingxuan was deeply moved.

Zhan Xuan also had eyes full of admiration, and said, "Are you a god?"

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched slightly. The realm of gods should be a very low existence in his civilization department, right?

The two of them were already high gods in that civilization department, and now they asked Su Yu if he was a god.

"Let's talk about it later." Su Yu embraced the second daughter again, and teleported to the front of the teleportation formation in a flash. Before the second daughter could scream, the figure turned into an afterimage and rushed directly into the formation.

A flying passenger ship was slowly sailing into the huge teleportation array, and a bored man was leaning against the seat.

He was bored looking at the scenery outside the glass window.

Suddenly, he felt something flash past his eyes.

"Is it a laser?" The man scratched his head suspiciously.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly went dark, and something appeared out of thin air.

"Hello, let me inquire, which civilization is this teleportation array going to?" Su Yu tried his best to show a warm smile.

Unexpectedly, the man was so frightened that his heart went up to his throat, he stared at Su Yu and the two pale women who were hugged by him in disbelief, he hesitated and couldn't say a word.

After waiting for a while without a response, Su Yu said helplessly, "Forget it, you'll know when you go."


The three disappeared in place, leaving only an afterimage.

Then, in the flying passenger ship, there was a ghostly scream: "Ah! Ghost!"

Su Yu shook his head, and said to the two women: "You people in the Civilization Department, you are too timid, aren't you?"

The faces of the two women were already pale. Such an unprepared flight in the sky was still at an astonishing speed. It was their first experience, which made their stomachs turn upside down, and their beautiful faces paled.

Hearing this, the two girls stared at Su Yu with strange eyes.

It means, it's not that people in our civilization department are too weak, but that you are too terrifying!

"Hey, all right! Let's go!" Su Yu rushed into the teleportation array with a brisk step, and left in an instant.

At the same time, tens of thousands of huge warships tower over civilization, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"Hurry up, hurry up, get on the mecha flying boat!"

Small warships, carrying ten soldiers armed with mechas, entered the four-star civilization one after another.

In the general command center, the person in charge of the rescue is the deputy commander of the Eastern Theater Command. He is seasoned and experienced, and said: "The robbers came to the four-star civilization a quarter of an hour ago. The initial judgment is to use the portal. It will take three hours soon, in other words, we have three hours of precious rescue time."

"The flying troops are responsible for tracking and locking the target, and the ground troops quickly follow up. Be sure to intercept them in front of the portal."

Suddenly, an important piece of information appeared in the communication room and was quickly delivered.

"Reporting to the deputy commander, the robber has disappeared from the scanning screen, and the initial judgment shows that he has left the four-star civilization."

The deputy commander said decisively: "Impossible! It is impossible for them to travel the distance from the portal within a quarter of an hour, and it is impossible for the most advanced aircraft to reach such a speed."

At this moment, another report came, saying: "Reporting to the deputy commander, the robber's signal appeared in another four-star civilization."

The deputy commander was taken aback: "How is it possible? How did they do it?"

But now is not the time to pursue, he said: "Chasing!"

Arriving at the four-star civilization, Su Yu kept on tiptoe, teleported to the portal of the civilization again, and teleported for the second time.

After reaching the next civilization, teleport again.

In just one hour, Su Yu experienced no less than ten civilization transmissions.

It can be said that the enemy's tracking has been completely thrown off.

However, Su Yu raised his head and stared at nothingness, frowning slightly.

He stood on the roof of a tall building and stopped.

"Huh! I can finally take a breath." Zhan Xuan's face turned pale, and she experienced the ultimate flight that she would never forget in her life.

Ye Mingxuan was not much better either, patting his chest with deep awe in his eyes.

In nothingness, perhaps the speed of the battleship has the advantage, but in civilization, Su Yu's flight occupies an unparalleled and absolute leading position.

"Get rid of them?" After ten consecutive random teleportations without any purpose, the enemy should have already lost their pursuit.

Su Yu shook his head lightly: "No."

"How come?" Ye Mingxuan asked in surprise.

Su Yu glanced at the two girls, and finally fixed on Zhan Xuan's body, his eyes turned pale, staring at Zhan Xuan quietly.

The two women were once again startled by Su Yu's strange eyes.

After a while, Su Yu's eyes returned to normal, staring at Zhan Xuan: "No wonder we have been being tracked, she has a tracker on her body, and she emits waves all the time... In your words, it is a signal."

Ye Mingxuan looked at Zhan Xuan suspiciously, shook his head and said, "Probably not, I checked her body with equipment, if there is a similar tracking device, I can't hide it from me."

Su Yu shook his head and said, "Take off her clothes, and carefully examine the center of her chest to see if there is a slight cut?"

Immediately, Zhan Xuan covered her chest, her face flushed red: "Ah! Smelly rascal, you... When did you peek at my... chest?"

"It's not just your breasts, I've seen your whole body." Su Yu said lightly.

Under the see-through eyes, the clothes on her body are like nothing if she is wearing them.

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