The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2085 Strong Gathered

Every person who joins the pirates has to go through a lot of identity checks.

If it is found that there is an undercover suspicion, there will be no return.

Su Yu asked, the top ten pirates are all recruiting, and among them, the sea wolf pirates have the most rewards for recruiting.

Because the last time they were encircled and suppressed by the Qijue civilization, the sea wolf pirates suffered the most casualties.

Not only the capital ship and most of the small and medium fleets were lost, but even two deputy leaders were lost, leaving only the naked Sea Wolf Daoist.

In order to revive the glory of the past and prevent it from being annexed by the other nine pirates, the Sea Wolf Pirates spent many years of experience and paid a lot of money to recruit pirates.

Therefore, attracting quite a few people to join him.

Su Yu pondered for a long time, he was a member of the Sea Wolf Pirates before.

Now, another major case has been committed in the No. 1 civilization. Joining the Sea Wolf Pirates at this moment should be the best time to enter its core.

With such thoughts in mind, Su Yu immediately set off for the area where the sea wolf pirates were recruiting.

The sea wolf pirate, who rarely shows up on weekdays, personally sat in front of a huge ship, observing the identity check and evaluating the force on the spot.

The means and methods they use to verify their identities are derived from the methods used by Qijue civilization to identify enemies.

On the inspection platform, there are seven jade articles, each of which contains the essence of a family.

As long as there are people from Qijue civilization among the visitors who touch the jade, one of them will definitely react accordingly.

Of course, if there are traitors from the Qijue civilization, you must declare in advance that you are a member of the Qijue civilization, and accept the soul search inspection from the sea wolf Taoist, so that you can join them.

The whole process is sparse but not confusing, and it is not the slightest difficulty to cheat and sneak in.

As a newcomer, Su Yu queued up to join.

When he checked his identity, he, who had no blood of seven unique civilizations, naturally passed easily.

"Come here and wait for the force test." After passing the identity test, someone led him to the other end of the deck.

There, tens of thousands of people have already gathered, divided into different square formations according to their cultivation.

"Let's unleash your prehistoric power and take a look." The leader is a half-walker, so said.

As soon as Su Yu clenched his fist, a stream of pure prehistoric power poured out.

"Half-step road master?" The other party's eyes brightened obviously.

What the sea wolf pirates lack most now is elite masters!

"Come here!" His attitude became much more relaxed immediately, and he led Su Yu to a quiet cabin box.

Rows of beautiful pirate girls were going back and forth, serving the two men inside.

They were of different ages, one in his eighties and the other in his forties.

Su Yu's entry naturally attracted their attention.

Looking up, slightly surprised.

Being able to come to this box is enough to show that his cultivation base has reached the half-step road master.

But such a young half-step Taoist should be a top genius cultivated by Qijue civilization, or some six-star civilization?

Will actually come to join the pirates.

"The three get to know each other well, maybe they will be colleagues in the future.

The leader smiled and closed the hatch.

The old man and the middle-aged cast interested glances at Su Yu, stood up one after another, clasped their fists together and said, "Little friend's talent is amazing, admiration!"

Su Yu said: "The two seniors have won the award, and this junior still has to learn from them."

Seeing that although Su Yu was young, he had no arrogance, the two admired him very much.

"Why did you come here to join the pirates? With your aptitude, you can be reused anywhere, right?" the old man asked curiously.

Su Yu sighed softly: "I was oppressed by others, and I had no choice but to kill some people. I had nowhere to go. As a last resort, I had to join the Pirate Alliance."

The middle-aged man was very curious: "May I ask who are the people you killed? With your talent, if you kill a lot of people, there are some powerful forces who want to protect you, right?"

Su Yu said helplessly: "I probably killed half of the genius of the first peerless family."

The old man and the middle-aged took a breath together.

"Are you talking about the number one peerless family of the Seven Absolute Civilizations?"


"Hiss!" The middle-aged man gasped, looked at Su Yu again, and said, "What's your name?"

"Master Wuchen!"

"What!" The old man exclaimed suddenly: "You are the Wuchen son who was recently wanted by the No. 1 Peerless Family for 10 million dao coins?"

The middle-aged Nahan said, "Old Du, have you heard of it?"

"Why haven't I heard of it? His current fame has spread to the nearby six-star civilization." The old man looked at Su Yu in surprise: "It is said that Mr. Wuchen killed three hundred Tianjiao, a branch of the first peerless family, in Potian Can Mountain. The rest! They even violated Biyun Hongxian, almost succeeding!"


Su Yu blinked, and said that he killed the branch disciple of the No. 1 Peerless Family. He confessed to this crime, and said that he killed more than 300 people... Well, he also confessed reluctantly.

But, saying that he violated Biyun Hongxian?

The crimes compiled by Mr. Jintong are really outrageous, right?

"I heard that I almost succeeded. I had already stripped Biyun Hongxian, but when I was about to do something, I was rushed by the furious clan elders, and I had no choice but to flee!"

"I also heard that among the more than 300 Tianjiao he killed, none of the prettier women escaped his clutches!"

Su Yu's forehead was covered with black lines.

Do you dare to go too far?

Now, he has been recognized as a murderer and a lecher by the outside world, right?

"Master Wuchen, judging by your face, are these rumors wrong?" asked the middle-aged strong man.

What can Su Yu say? It's all fake news that Mr. Jintong is walking?

"Almost, um, almost." Su Yu said with a stiff face.

The old man and the middle-aged showed admiration, and said: "Mr. Wuchen is really a role model for us pirates. I heard that Biyun Hongxian is as beautiful as a fairy. You can kiss Fangze, and I don't know how many people will be envious!"

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched lightly, two old and shameless things!

"May I ask you two?"

The old man smiled hoarsely: "This old man is a poisonous operator."

"I'm not as well-known as Du Lao, my humble swordsman."

Su Yu bowed to the two of them.

The two of them have a good sense of Su Yu, and since they are both new pirates, they will inevitably be squeezed out by the old pirates in the future.

Therefore, I have the heart to cultivate a good relationship with Su Yu and form an alliance.

"It's still a while before the force test, how about we discuss martial arts?" Poison operator said.

Tianxue Swordsman clapped his palms and smiled: "That's exactly what I mean."

The two of them have practiced far longer than Su Yu, and in terms of martial arts experience, they are naturally better than Su Yu.

However, during the real discussion, the poisonous operator and the Tianxue swordsman gradually became quieter from the beginning when they talked freely.

Instead, he turned his ear to listen to Su Yu's explanation.

Every time he talked about the difficulties of martial arts, he could get a refreshing insight from Su Yu's explanation.

Gradually, they turned sideways involuntarily, like students listening to a teacher's lecture.

Su Yu didn't stop until there was movement outside the cabin, and said with a light smile, "Why don't we end today's martial arts discussion and continue another day, how about it?"

Poison operator and Tianxue swordsman suddenly came back to reality from the discussion, feeling lost.

Tianxue swordsman cupped his fists and said, "Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books!"

Du Suanzi was also filled with emotion: "This old man has practiced all his life, and his theory of martial arts is not as good as that of my little friend. I am really ashamed, ashamed!"

Su Yu smiled lightly: "The two seniors have won the award, but the junior just happens to know something, it's nothing."

Seeing that Su Yu is so profound in martial arts, yet still open-minded, the two aroused their admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

No wonder he was able to achieve such achievements at such a young age!


At this moment, the door was pushed open.

The guide brought a young man in his thirties inside.

His whole body is like a stone, his hair is a strip of muddy silk threads, and his eyes are two purple gemstones.

The most special thing is that there is a broad sword of human height on his back.

"Sword in the Stone!" Tianxue Swordsman and Poison Operator both exclaimed when they saw this person, and immediately stood up, offering salutes to him: "Master Sword in the Stone, you are here!"

Su Yu was surprised, is this person famous?

He stood up and gave him a hug.

However, Shi Zhongjian was an extremely proud person, he nodded slightly to the three of them, and occupied one side by himself, ignoring anyone.

The three of Su Yu ended up with hot faces and cold buttocks, and returned to their seats in embarrassment.

"Who is the sword in the stone?" Su Yu asked.

Poison operator looked at Su Yu in surprise: "You don't even know him? He is already a Taoized existence in body and soul. He only needs to be Taoized by the law to become a Taoist master! His strength is comparable to that of tens of thousands of civilizations nearby." Among them, it can be ranked in the top 100!"

Of course, the top 100 is because no Taoist master participated in the ranking!

"Not bad!" Tianxue Swordsman said: "His strength is not only because of his Taoist body and soul, but also because he has a trace of a third-rate race, the blood of the Tianshi clan, and the power of that stone sword is not inferior at all. In a Taoist artifact fairy embryo!"

"In a real battle, under the Taoist master, there are no more than one hundred people who can win him steadily."

Su Yu suddenly wondered, is the Taoist body and soul transformed into Taoism at the same time?

I don't know if he can withstand the blow of his own Heavenly Dragon body.

Half a day later, the cabin door was opened again, and the guide led another girl who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old.

The face is pink and carved with jade, very beautiful, as lovable as a porcelain doll.

On its forehead, a floating pink lotus blossomed.

Seeing her, Du Suanzi and Tianxue Swordsman were surprised again: "Super six-star civilization, the star girl of the lotus holy star?"

Even the sword in the stone, who had no one in his eyes, frowned after seeing this woman, and there was a trace of fighting intent in his eyes.

This time, without waiting for Su Yu to ask, the poison operator lowered his voice and said solemnly: "My darling, what a hell! It's fine if a famous prodigal like Sword in the Stone is willing to join the pirates. !"

Tianxue Swordsman said: "I heard that the Lotus Saint Star only elects a star girl every 100 years. How could such an important person come to join the pirates?"

The lotus holy star is an existence whose strength far exceeds that of the six-star civilization, but slightly lower than that of the seven-star civilization.

Just like the Yaozu in its heyday.

The star girl is an iconic figure leading an era, and she often devotes a lot of effort to the saint star.

It's hard to imagine that a promising star girl is willing to join the pirates!

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly, it was just that the sea wolf pirates had so many unnamed top talents.


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