The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2122 Silver Soul Void Sea

Xuemeng Feiyu realizes that she is still a hostage at present, and she is not allowed to make decisions without authorization. ???Reading?C?OM

She gave Su Yu a resentful look, and silently returned to Su Yu's side.

"It's not preventing you from reuniting with the one you love, but saving your life." Su Yu said lightly.

Xuemeng Feiyu had no expression on her face, but she sneered in her heart.

This sentence should be reversed!

Shouldn't it be Su Yu who really threatened her life?

Xia Ruchen's expression was normal, and he looked at Su Yu lightly: "It seems that you already know what I'm here for, so there's no need to talk nonsense!"

The two Taoist powerhouses beside him suddenly shot.

Xuemeng Feiyu backed away calmly and quietly.

She thought to herself, Su Yu was sure to die, but she couldn't get herself involved.

However, what made Xuemeng Feiyu astonished, confused and even puzzled was that the two Taoist masters were not attacking Su Yu, but... her!

The two sacrificed their domains at the same time, exuding a real killing intent all over their bodies!

It's not some kind of acting, but actually trying to kill her.

"Back off!" Su Yu rushed over, displayed the body of the Heavenly Dragon Dao, and forcibly blasted away the two must-kill domains.

With the strength of his body, it is a little bit reluctant to smash the two domains.

As a result, there was a slight pain in the arm.

Xuemeng Feiyu stared straight at Xia Ruchen, and said in disbelief, "Why? Brother Ruchen, why did you treat me like this?"

Xia Ruchen glanced at Su Yu in surprise, raised his eyebrows, and shouted, "Don't call me dirty!"


Clever as Xuemengfeiyu, he immediately understood what happened, and hurriedly said: "Brother Ruchen, don't misunderstand, nothing happened between us..."

"Shut up! Talking to you now makes me sick." Xia Ruchen's words were very ruthless. to read

Even if Xuemeng Feiyu would risk the luck of the greedy wolf king for him.

As a result, I didn't even want to hear an explanation.

Xuemeng Feiyu's lips twitched, and instead of explaining, she asked: "Then, why did you kill me? As long as you don't see me again, wouldn't it be fine?"

She felt that Xia Ruchen hated him out of love.

If so, she would feel better.

However, Xia Ruchen didn't answer at all, only said: "Kill!"

He drew out a strange weapon like a hook, and joined in the pursuit of Xuemeng Feiyu.

Xuemeng Feiyu laughed at herself, the smile was bitter and helpless.

She never thought that everything between herself and Xia Ruchen would be completely ruined because of an accident!

"Go!" When she was in a daze, Su Yu grabbed her and galloped into the distance.

He still has a chance of winning against a Taoist master alone, but it is a bit embarrassing to face two.

Coupled with Xia Ruchen, who is not inferior to the Taoist master, it is very dangerous.

Therefore, it is the best policy to go!

The star girl also had a dignified face, and the pink lotus imprint between her eyebrows suddenly burst into pink light.

A moment later, a materialized lotus flower the size of a washbasin appeared at the feet of the star girl.

She stretched out her hand and said, "Come up!"

Su Yu held her hand and jumped onto the lotus.

I saw a large amount of powder mist sprayed out from the nine lotus rice hearts on the lotus.

Then the lotus exploded at an astonishingly fast rotation speed.

In a breath, it shot hundreds of millions of miles away.

Its speed is even more astonishing than the Taoist master!

Seeing Xia Ruchen and the three of them being thrown away, Xingnu Xiumei slightly relaxed, looked deeply at Xuemeng Feiyu, and sighed: "He is such a troublesome person, he can neither return nor leave him alone, hey."

She also understood why Xia Ruchen insisted on killing Xuemeng Feiyu.

"Why, why did he treat me like this? Could it be that I haven't paid enough for him?" Xuemeng Feiyu wanted to cry.

The star girl sighed quietly: "It has nothing to do with how much you pay, he just wants to kill you to achieve a purpose."

Xuemeng Feiyu was startled: "What purpose?"

She still thinks that Xia Ruchen hates because of love.

"If you die, what will happen?" The star girl asked back.

Xuemeng Feiyu thought for a while, she is still a hostage, if she died, everyone would think that it was the Pirate Alliance who broke their word and got the bond money, but killed the hostage.

At that time, the Sixth Peerless Family might be in an endless situation with the Pirate Alliance.

Now that the Tianyi Cave Mansion will appear soon, and the two major forces will fight to the death inside, the pressure on the Seventh Peerless Family will naturally be much less.

Xuemengfeiyu's heart felt cold, Xia Ruchen didn't "hate because of love" at all, he was just trying to dig out Xuemengfeiyu's value!

She didn't want to believe it, she didn't believe that the man she fell in love with would be like this... wolf-hearted.

However, he himself took action, so why doubt it?

"Deputy Chief Su, how do we deal with her?" The star girl felt a little tricky.

Su Yu pondered: "We can only take her away from the Qijue civilization, and let Miezheng come and lead her after she is safe."

"Well, that's all..."

As the star girl was talking, she suddenly glanced behind her, her pupils shrank slightly.

However, far away in the sky, three majestic figures stepped on a warship with a strange speed and came through the wind.

"Heavenly Legacy Battleship?" The star girl looked surprised.

Most of the few relic warships left in the world are in the Qijue civilization. It is not surprising that Xia Ruchen, as the heir, carries one with him.

"I'm going to try to escape for my life!" The star girl poured the power of the prehistoric power into the lotus under her feet, and the lotus immediately soared at double the speed.

In this way, the latter has been separated by a distance.

However, the opponent also accelerated, causing the distance between the two sides to narrow again.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later it will catch up.

Moreover, the star girl's prehistoric power consumption is very intense, and I believe it will not last for too long.

At this moment, Tianjue Lion, who also jumped onto the lotus, pulled Su Yu's trouser legs with his claws.

When Su Yu looked down, Tianjueshi pointed in one direction.

"Is there anything in that direction?" Su Yu asked suspiciously.

Tianjue lion pointed to himself, and then pointed in that direction.

Su Yu didn't understand what it meant, but the star girl seemed to understand animal language very well, and said, "It means that there is a place where it was born."

Su Yu's heart moved, the place where Tian Jue Lion was born has always been a mysterious place that is rarely visited by people.

Moreover, there are usually powerful forces of heaven and earth flooding the vicinity.

"Follow the direction it points!"

The star girl nodded lightly, and walked quickly in a lotus posture.

A few days later, when the three of Xia Ruchen were about to chase after them, they came to a misty and confused place.

Seeing this place, the star girl's expression became quite serious.

Su Yu also frowned deeply.

The mist ahead was silvery white.

It seems that it is indeed fog, but in fact, it is a group of very small bugs.

This worm is called the Silver Soul worm, and it is said that it is transformed from soul fragments. Once it touches a person's body, it will penetrate into the person's body everywhere and blend into its soul.

After this, the soul of the person who has been integrated will be confused, ranging from unconsciousness to severe... the soul is replaced.

Usually when you meet one, others have to detour.

There are more than one or two in front of you? There is no limit to it!

And Su Yu has heard of the ominous name of this place for a long time, it is called Yinhun Xuhai!

Known as the most dangerous place in the Qijue civilization! ) Download Free Reader!!

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