The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2137 Fighting against the blood man

Su Yu in the distance shrugged, and used Xiaodie's perspective to scan around.

Finally, fall to the huge pit on the left.

In the perspective, there are blue-level treasures.

"Concubine Pianyao's record is correct. In the deep pit on the left, there is the Soul Stone of Emperor Tianyi!" Su Yu nodded slightly, then took another direction and went straight to the cave.

After getting closer, I realized that the cave is extremely large.

Standing on its edge, you can't see the other side of the cave at a glance.

In the cave, lifeless, also full of evil spirits and unknown bones.

With one leap, he jumped into the cave.

Along the cave, go down to the depths of the ground.

At that time.

Outside the Forest of Ten Thousand Bones.

Zhan Wushuang and the Flaming Woman arrive.

They were also unlucky and were teleported to the vicinity of the Forest of Bones.

"Based on my feeling, the God of Heaven and Earth is at the northernmost point, and we have a long way to go." Zhan Wushuang said.

"Due north?" The flame girl looked through the forest of bones: "To save time, let's go through this forest."

Zhan Wushuang looked at the several corpses hanging in the air in Senlili, and frowned slightly.

This, I'm afraid it will be a little dangerous, right?

If the flaming woman's room had never found those corpses, she walked into the Forest of Ten Thousand Bones without haste.

Just after entering Wanzhang, those bone spurs really changed, stabbing at the flame woman intensively.

She smirked, sucked her finger very charmingly, and said with a sneer: "A mere evil thing dares to act presumptuously in front of me!"

Squatting down, the fingers she sucked lightly on the ground.

In an instant, a boundless fire gushed out from the ground, burning all the bone spurs in an instant.

The flame temperature is extremely high, and those bone spurs that can be pierced by Taoist masters, like white snow meeting flames, melted into white rain in an instant, splashing and splashing all over the ground.

In the rain, strips of white but full of evil flesh worms can be seen with the naked eye.

It is they who control every bone spur and kill everyone who breaks in.

"Overestimate your own strength." The flame woman stepped forward, trampled the bug to death, and then stepped forward.

With every step, a raging fire rises ahead, melting all the bone spurs.

Not to mention being attacked by bone spurs, wherever she passed, all the bone spurs avoided in advance, lest she would be burned to death.

In this way, the flame woman came to the other end of the forest as easily as if she was taking a walk in the courtyard.

"Oh? Two caves?" The flame woman was slightly surprised: "That guy Tianyi, what are you doing?"

She had already seen the unusualness of the two caves.

After thinking for a while, she smiled coquettishly: "Since you're here, let's have a look, let's go."

She chose the cave on the right.

It is extremely unfortunate that the cave on the right is exactly the direction where the star girl and the old woman in red are chasing the kitten.

Talk about Su Yu.

After a whole day's journey, I finally came to the deepest part of the cave.

At the bottom of the cave, there are snow-white bone meal everywhere, refracting pale light, making the bottom of the cave pale.

An unnamed tombstone Zhang high stands in the center of the bottom.

Su Yu looked over, but saw that there was no name or surname on the tombstone, but there was a line of words.

"When the sea reaches the end, the sky is the shore, and when the mountain climbs to the top, I am the peak!"

After savoring it carefully, Su Yu burst out laughing.

If these words are the epitaph, it is enough to show the self-confidence of the owner of the tomb.

However, such a person, buried at the bottom of an unnamed cave, looks desolate and desolate, which does not match the epitaph.

Su Yu shook his head, his eyes fell to the southeast corner of the bottom.

There was a small artificially cut door there, and the blue air mass he sensed was behind the door.

When he came to the door, he tried to break open the door, but the material of the door was surprisingly made of Taoist materials, and it was difficult for even the Taoist priest to force it open.

Su Yu used Dacheng Tianlong Taoist body and punched the door.

Even Patriarch-level Daoists have to raise some strength, but they only leave a shallow fist mark on the door.

As long as the door is more than one foot thick, it will take at least ten days for Su Yu to blast it open.

It is obviously not worthwhile to delay the throne of heaven and earth for a treasure of Taoist level.

Just when Su Yu was about to give up, suddenly, there was a slight clicking sound from behind him.

He turned his head and saw that it turned out to be the unowned tombstone, with a finger-wide crack split from the middle.

A large piece of blood flowed out from the tombstone.

In an instant, it condensed into a small pool of blood on the ground.


Suddenly, a bubble popped out of the blood pool, and then more and more bubbles appeared, and the whole blood pool seemed to be boiling.

What's even more astonishing is that the blood in the blood pool seemed to come alive, attaching to the nearby bones, wrapping them into the body, and then forming a two-foot-tall humanoid form.

The facial features, body and limbs are complete.

It can even speak, with a vague and eerie voice: "If you want to enter the heavenly room, you must pass the test of the emperor first!"

A Fangtian painted halberd slowly condensed in the blood man's hand, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura not weaker than that of a patriarch.

Su Yu stared slightly, the blood man in front of him was not a living being.

It is a body formed temporarily by an evil spirit with remnants.

"My Emperor? Who are you?" Su Yu speculated.

"Emperor Tianyi."

In this way, Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

The remnant in front of him is the Emperor Tianyi himself?

But then immediately denied it.

How could the Dao blood left behind by the real Emperor Tianyi be as large as before?

"After passing your test, can the door of the heavenly room be opened?"


Su Yu held the evil sword tightly, and said lightly: "Then, I will let you die again."

The blood man sensed Su Yu's attack, and swung Fang Tian's painted halberd very quickly, drawing an unusually mysterious trajectory.

Su Yu's evil sword swept across: "Morning and evening!"

The simple and unpretentious sword, containing the supreme sword intent, swung its trajectory and slashed at the blood man.

This sword should have cut off his remnants and made him die completely.

However, within his blood body, thousands of arrows formed by condensed blood suddenly shot out, attacking Su Yu overwhelmingly.

Su Yu's face changed slightly, and he immediately used the law of space to distort the space in front of him, causing the arrow to shoot elsewhere.

Without waiting for Su Yu to move further, the blood-soaked man's body suddenly exploded, turning into a pool of blood, which sprayed towards Su Yu in a package.

Su Yu's eyes didn't change, and he slapped his right hand, and a large amount of sand was sprayed out from the gourd at his waist, blocking it in front of him.

However, those bloody waters can be said to be pervasive, immediately soaking the sand, and spraying towards Su Yu who is close.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Su Yu immediately used the Sanzhang Small Realm.

Puff puff

In this way, the bloody water stopped beyond the three-zhang small world, unable to take another step forward.

Taking this opportunity, the evil sword in Su Yu's hand was replaced with a crystal sword: "Boundless Karma!"

A mysterious flame burst out from the sword.

As soon as the Unbounded Karma Flame came out, it immediately evaporated the blood in pieces.

The rest of the blood water retreated rapidly as if they had encountered a nemesis, and re-condensed into a blood man.

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