The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2171 Goodbye Iron Catcher

The wings flapped violently, causing a huge storm, blowing Su Yu staggeringly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the boy soared into the sky and fled to the forest where Layman Qingyuan was.

Su Yu's eyes turned cold, and the space that his eyes reached was like a wave, rushing back towards Su Yu's direction.

The boy who flew closer and closer was startled, and said in amazement: "Spatial domain?"

The laws of space are rare, and comprehending them into domains is an existence in legends!

The one he had planned to deal with turned out to be a space domainer!

Without thinking, the boy immediately released his domain.

However, in the deep space domain, as soon as his domain was released, it was ruthlessly shattered by the space domain.

After a few breaths, he was swept by the space domain and returned to Su Yu.

The boy sternly shouted: "Layman Qingyuan has a high position and authority, and has great influence in the Nightless Empire. Everything you do to me will have to be paid for!"

Su Yu's expression was indifferent: "Well, I came to you because I want you to convey a word to Layman Qingyuan!"

Before the boy could understand, two white lights suddenly shot out from Su Yu's eyes, entering into the boy's eyes.

Immediately, the boy screamed out in pain, his sharp eyes became peaceful after some struggle.

In the end, he knelt down in front of Su Yu on one knee, and said obediently, "Master, please order."

Su Yu took out a fiery red bead, handed it to him, and said, "Go, pass a message for me."

His lips squirmed, and a word was transmitted to the other party's ear.

After finishing these, Su Yu returned to the imperial city and went outside the intelligence office.

His body twisted, and the next moment he appeared in the treasure house of the intelligence agency.

The purpose of the entry is the tens of thousands of jade pendants sealed in the treasure house, each of which contains incomparably precious information.

Below the Jade Jue, each hangs a small wooden sign with a clear price tag on it.

The lowest is tens of thousands of Dao coins.

The most expensive are the two jade formulas located in the deepest part.

One of them is the astrolabe information.

However, the astrolabe information is not the most expensive.

The highest piece of information is another piece of information - the royal family that never sleeps!

"Is there any important matter for the Evernight Royal Family?" Su Yu's sense of smell is very keen.

The information about the Evernight royal family should be well known, so where is there any secret information?

As information at this moment, it should be something that happened recently.

As soon as he felt the Jade Jue on the center of his eyebrows, Su Yu couldn't help being startled.

What the intelligence said was that the Nightless Royal Family was preparing to hold a banquet to discuss the list of candidates for the Fengyunhui.

The so-called Fengyunhui, there is only a very simple description in the information, that is, the selection meeting for entering the eight-star civilization.

Su Yu's heart beat suddenly.

Eight-star civilization... The Hall of Evil Girls is located in the eight-star civilization!

If Su Yu wanted to enter, he had to enter the eight-star civilization first.

In the discussion meeting of the Emperor of the Night, you can confirm the list of participants in the Fengyun meeting!

Su Yu continued to read, and found that the invitations to this banquet were issued in secret, and only forces and people recognized by the Evernight Royal Family were eligible to participate in this banquet.

According to the information, there is a channel to get an invitation letter.

Su Yu paid attention immediately!

He is very interested in attending this banquet!

He flipped through the jade formula and found that the word "two" was marked on it.

It means that this information has been bought by two people successively.

In other words, someone walked in front of Su Yu, looking for that invitation letter.

Slightly anxious in his heart, Su Yu put away the Jade Jue, and at the same time put away the information on the Astrolabe.

Just as he was about to leave, he paused to look at the tens of thousands of pieces of information.

Without thinking about it, he waved his sleeves and put all the jade formulas into his sleeves.

One is to retaliate against the shopkeeper.

If all the information was stolen, he, the shopkeeper, would never want to be the shopkeeper again. If it was more serious, it would be a matter of whether his life could be saved.

So much information is worth trillions of Dao coins, and he can't even sell himself to repay it!

Secondly, among the information, there may be some useful news for Su Yu.

For example, this royal banquet is a surprise!

Holding the jade formula in hand, Su Yu immediately rushed to another place far away from the imperial city, Tianyuling.

At that time, on the outskirts of the imperial city, where Su Yu and the boy had fought, many people had already gathered, most of them were imperial guards from the imperial city.

The general in charge inspected the scene carefully, his eyes showed confusion, there were neither corpses nor other traces nearby, and it was completely impossible to determine what was going on.


Suddenly, the imperial guards separated, and a man and a woman came side by side.

The man was dressed in brocade clothes, and his appearance was imposing. When the general saw him, he immediately trotted forward and knelt down on one knee: "My subordinates will see the prince."

The monarch of the Nightless Empire has only one prince and two princesses.

The man in front of him is the only prince, Prince Ling Tian.

"Well, flat body." Prince Lingtian said indifferently, and looked at the woman beside him with a smile.

The woman was dressed in white and covered her face with a white gauze, making it difficult to see her face clearly.

Prince Ling Tian said: "It's just a fight, why bother to alert Wu Xin Tie Zhang to come?"

That woman is none other than the number one catcher who is famous all over the world, unintentionally caught!

She came to Liuli Civilization a few years ago and has been staying here.

During this period, he always retreated in the palace.

But just now, he left the customs suddenly and came outside the city.

Out of curiosity, Prince Ling Tian accompanied him.

Wuxin Tiezhu didn't say a word, came to the battle center, stared at it carefully, and shook his head slightly after a while: "This is not an ordinary fight, but a battle between two strong men who have at least reached the level of the Patriarch."

The general was slightly surprised, as expected of Wuxin Tiebu, he hadn't seen anything after looking at it for a long time, but Wuxin Tiebu only took a few glances to see the clue.

Prince Ling Tian didn't take it seriously, and said: "Maybe it's a conflict between two Patriarch-level powerhouses, it doesn't matter."

In the Kingdom of Evernight, there are a lot of Patriarch-level powerhouses, and there is really no need to be moved because of one of their battles.

"Fighting is not the point. The point is that one of them used the space domain." Wu Xin Tie Chuan said flatly, with his palm facing the sky, a layer of residual ripples floated in the sky.

That is obviously a remnant of the space domain.

It's just that no one noticed it, but Wuxin Tiezhu noticed it instantly.

Prince Ling Tian raised his eyebrows fiercely: "Space... domain? How could it be? Over the years in our Western Regions, there has only been one Empress Gedai who has mastered the domain of time and space, the Death of Time and Space. How could someone from the domain of space be born?"

The name of Empress Tianyi shocked the Western Regions, and no one knew it, no one knew it!

However, for a whole era, she was the only one who appeared.

Now there is a second person!

"This person must be someone who hides everything!" The turmoil in Prince Ling Tian's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

A person in the space field must be the strongest person in the Western Regions who will control the world in the future.

"He is indeed hiding something deep. I was let go by him... well, to be precise, he was saving me." Wu Xin Tie Chuan said indifferently, with resentful eyes, drifting towards the direction of Qijue civilization...

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