The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2176 unselfish

But Wang Jiuyang had already reached into his waist and crushed a purple-black gourd hanging from the belt.

The gourd shattered, and large pieces of wind and sand gushed out from inside!

Under the wind and sand blowing, the space including Su Yu, the soft man and Wang Jiuyang was blown away! !

As a result, a large piece of nothingness was left blank, and the infinite amount of nothingness came in, engulfing ten thousand hectares of snowfields!

Under the sweeping wind and sand, the space and people were instantly blown out of the Nightless Empire and arrived at the Guangming Palace.

This place is located not far from the border, and there are military camps dotted nearby.

Tens of thousands of Guangming Palace soldiers are practicing in the barracks.


The strong wind blew past, and the figures of the three fell out.

A trace of ferocity crossed Wang Jiuyang's face: "Congratulations, you have come to the territory of Guangming Palace!"

Now he has no scruples about attacking Su Yu!

Even if Su Yu was killed on the spot, it was because of Su Yu trespassing on the territory of Guangming Palace!

Su Yu shook the dust all over his body, and his tone was surprisingly flat, and he said indifferently: "It's unnecessary!"

No matter which force is in the territory, the ending will not change.

"Really?" Wang Jiuyang chuckled, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he rushed forward like a tiger or wolf.

Its physique is released to the extreme.

During the galloping, the powerful body shook the space!

Looking from a distance, layers of double shadows appeared around Wang Jiuyang, which was very shocking.

Su Yu stepped forward without saying a word.

Seeing Su Yu being so arrogant, Wang Jiuyang sneered in his heart.

He can become the messenger of light, how could it be as simple as being physically strong?

The moment he was about to approach Su Yu, Wang Jiuyang's fair skin quickly turned dark, and a large purple mist surrounded his body.

The Eternal Ice Field under his feet, if touched by the soles of his feet, immediately rotted!

However, to Su Yu, it was nothing more than wormwood.

Just one finger, you can kill it as a watch!

Seeing the other party approaching rapidly, when Su Yu was about to strike, the gentle man stood between the two with a cold face, and glared at Wang Jiuyang: "Presumptuous!"

He was already dissatisfied with Wang Jiuyang's unauthorized attack, and then he used Chensha without authorization, which completely annoyed him.

But seeing the soft man opened his mouth to drink: "Sleepy!"

A word "sleepy" visible to the naked eye appeared from his mouth, and then it became bigger and bigger, and finally with a bang, Wang Jiuyang was buckled upside down.

Wang Jiuyang was clever, and immediately suppressed the poison on his body, calmed down at the same time, and said with a little fear: "Xuanyin, don't stop me!"

"You are enough!" The gentle man named Xuanyin glared at Wang Jiuyang: "Don't forget that if our purpose of coming to the Nightless Empire is such a nonsense, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Don't I do everything for the invitation?" Wang Jiuyang refused to accept it!

Xuanyin said coldly: "Whether that's the case, you know it well."

Rather than saying that he was doing it for the invitation, it was better to say that he was doing it for a breath of fresh air.

"Wang Jiuyang, I can carry out this mission alone. You can return to the Guangming Temple as soon as you return to the palace. There must be no mistakes!" Xuanyin is the fourth existence among the messengers of light, and his status is higher than Wang Jiuyang.


Wang Jiuyang gritted his teeth. He had worked hard to win this mission, so he was disqualified like this?

However, the hierarchy among the Lightbringers is very strict, and the former has a considerable binding force on the latter, so he has to follow.

"Yes!" Wang Jiuyang lowered his head, with a flash of resentment in his eyes.

He didn't understand why Xuanyin was so partial to helping an outsider, even at the expense of depriving him of the qualification to perform the task!

Xuanyin gave Wang Jiuyang a cold look, then turned to look at Su Yu, her expression softened slightly, and said, "Young Master, I apologize for the trouble my companion has caused you, and I hope you don't mind."

Su Yu looked at Xuanyin meaningfully.

This person is very cautious!

Realizing that Su Yu was slightly threatening, he stopped the battle between the two sides.

It seems that he is protecting Su Yu, but in fact, he is protecting Wang Jiuyang.

"People who are optimistic about you." Su Yu looked at the word "sleepy" that restrained Wang Jiuyang, and he was slightly awe-inspiring. He is definitely not an ordinary person who can become the messenger of light in the Bright Palace!

In a real fight, Su Yuyong could defeat him, but it would take a lot of effort.

Saying that, Su Yu jumped away.

Xuanyin stared deeply at Wang Jiuyang with a warning look in her eyes: "During the time I am in the Nightless Empire, please keep me safe!"

With a little tiptoe, Xuanyin rushed to the Evernight Empire without hesitation.

After a long time, the word "sleepy" lost its strength and collapsed bit by bit.

Wang Jiuyang is finally out of trouble!

He looked back at the direction where Su Yu left, his eyes flickering continuously: "I'm sorry Xuanyin, I can't tolerate the waste of the Nightless Empire on top of our Guangming Palace!"

After half a day.

In the barracks of the border army.

Wang Jiuyang stood respectfully in front of the commander-in-chief, and said, "Uncle, nephew, I implore you to arrest someone."

The Wang family has great influence in Guangming Palace, and there are many talents.

Among them, the most famous one is Wang Shigong, the commander of the southwestern border known as the god of war in the Guangming Palace!

Wang Shigong is bright and is correcting military documents in the barracks.

Hearing Wang Jiuyang's request, he said without anger: "In the military camp, there is no distinction between relatives and relatives!"

Wang Jiuyang trembled, and he was as timid as a mouse in front of this person, and even flattered: "I would like to follow Commander Wang's instruction!"

Wang Shigong just said indifferently: "Who is wanted?"

"An unknown citizen of the Nightless Empire." Wang Jiuyang's eyes showed a hint of hatred.

"What's the reason?" Wang Shigong's eyes were sharp.

"He..." Wang Jiuyang was about to speak, but Wang Shigong interrupted him, saying: "If it's for the public, I'll arrest you. If it's for the private, you don't have to speak."

Wang Jiuyang's heart trembled and he was very unhappy.

Wang Shigong has high authority and is the shade of the Wang family.

But he has one bad thing, that is, he is too upright.

The requirements for the members of the Wang clan are extremely strict.

When others make mistakes, he will be sincere, but when the Wang clan makes mistakes, he will only punish them more severely.

Wang Jiuyang is proud and arrogant, and he is not afraid of anyone, except Wang Shigong.

However, since he has come before Wang Shigong, he will not back down, he gritted his teeth and said: "Report to Commander Wang, I found that this person broke into the territory of Guangming Palace, so I went up to ask him why he came, but who would have thought that the other party shot me and beat me up?" hurt."

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing the little bruises on his arms, which were injured by Su Yu's counterattack when he attacked Su Yu.

Obviously he was the one who took the initiative to attack Su Yu first, and dragged Su Yu to the Guangming Palace.

But in his mouth, it was Su Yu breaking into the Bright Palace and hurting him.

Wang Shigong's eyes were dull, and this injury alone was not enough to arrest a person.

Wang Jiuyang said again: "Moreover, he also smashed the heaven and earth gourd bestowed by the Palace Master!"

As he spoke, he took out the crushed remains of the gourd.

Seeing this, Wang Shigong's eyes finally changed.

The Qiankun gourd is personally tempered by the owner of the Guangming Palace, and it is only rewarded to Gongchen.

The Wang family was lucky enough to get three of them, and one of them was handed over to Wang Jiuyang to protect him and go to the Kingdom of Evernight to perform a mission.

Unexpectedly, one was destroyed.

This thing was bestowed by the palace lord personally, destroying it, the crime is big or small, but it is enough to be wanted.

Wang Shigong looked deeply into Wang Jiuyang's eyes: "Can you guarantee that everything you said is true?"

"Yes." Wang Jiuyang affirmed.

Anyway, there was no evidence that he was lying.

Wang Shigong nodded, and with a swipe of his pen, a wanted warrant was issued.

It burned on the spot and turned into a large spark.

At the same time, a ball of flames appeared in the hanging camps displayed on the border of the Guangming Palace.

In the flames, the content of the wanted order of King of Steel.

Immediately, the checkpoints on the only way to the Nightless Empire were stepped up.

At this time, Su Yu returned to the border between the two countries, and he could go back as long as he crossed a mountain in front of the dividing line.

However, when people are in other places and they have enemies with others, Su Yu will naturally be more careful.

He stood in the shadow of a big tree, looking at a tower at the foot of the mountain from a distance.

The city tower was located between two mountains, and if one wanted to return to the Nightless Empire, the only way was to go through the official road under the city tower.

If you cross over the mountains without authorization, you will touch the formation on the border and be killed on the spot.

Unless it is to get Wang Jiuyang's strange gourd again and force it through the extremely powerful dust.

And he saw with his own eyes that martial law began in the city tower.

The merchants and warriors who come and go will be strictly compared for their true appearance.

They have exquisite magic weapons, no matter how good the disguise technique is, they can't hide.

And on the wall in front of the building, there was a list of wanted rewards posted, and the picture on it was Su Yu's face!

He is wanted!

Fortunately, he took precautions, otherwise, if he rushed over, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although the masters in the tower cannot threaten Su Yu, but there are many formations in the tower, it is quite easy to trap and kill Su Yu!

Suddenly, Su Yu glimpsed several galloping figures, stopping in front of the tower.

The rest of the people were dressed as soldiers, except for a young man with a haughty look who seemed out of place.

This person is naturally Wang Jiuyang.

Relying on his memory, he guessed the path that Su Yu might pass, and came to this pass.

"General Chen, is there anyone suspicious?" The arrival of Wang Jiuyang attracted the hospitality of the general guarding the pass.

General Chen said, "No! But we can guarantee that this person will never leave Guangming Palace!"

Wang Jiuyang frowned deeply, thinking: "No need, according to his speed, he had successfully arrived here half a day ago."

After thinking for a while, Wang Jiuyang said: "Well, please be sure to watch over him strictly, and never let this person go!"

As he said that, he led a few powerful officers to protect him, and went to investigate the situation at the rest of the pass.

After a few days.

They passed by a remote Xulin.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the evening stretches the shadows of the trees very long!

"Hey, there's someone here, a wanted criminal!" Suddenly, a vigilant bodyguard caught a glimpse of a person in the forest!

To his dismay, that person was actually the wanted criminal they were looking for!

Wang Jiuyang was also taken aback, why is he here?

The other party is clearly going to the border!

But, no matter what, I finally found Su Yu!

"Hehe, it doesn't take much effort to find nowhere after breaking through the iron shoes!" Wang Jiuyang couldn't help laughing, what was wrong with Su Yu, but he met him here!

Unexpectedly, under the shade of the tree, Su Yu put down his arms wrapped around his chest, and slowly walked out of the long shadow of the tree, revealing a pair of cold starry eyes: "I've been waiting for you for a while!"

Nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

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