The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2180 Insolvency

It wasn't until the appearance of the holy mountain that Taichu Qi gradually changed the chaos, and had the appearance of the Taichu Realm today.

The realm of the little unicorn was actually chaotic.

Sure enough, the nine emperors of the Nine Dragons Ancient God Realm are not simple!

"Keep the domain well, and don't use it unless it's an emergency." Su Yu urged.

Who wouldn't be tempted by a divine beast that can create chaos?

I'm afraid that even the Taoist master who doesn't care about worldly affairs in the Xuandao Palace wants to get involved.

Therefore, the chaotic domain of the little unicorn must not be revealed to others.

"Okay." Little Qilin put away the domain, a trace of fatigue appeared in his eyes immediately, and said: "The support of this domain is very depleting of my soul power, it seems that I can't use it often."

So good.

"You rest at the side, and then I will meditate for a while." Su Yu jumped into the dry pool and tapped the dragon blood.

Immediately, a large amount of artificial dragon blood poured into the pool.

As soon as he touched the dragon's blood, his whole body seemed to be on fire, making a chi-chi sound.

A burning pain penetrated from Su Yu's skin into his flesh and blood, and finally reached into his bones.

This pain is very unbearable.

However, after the cultivation of the Heavenly Dragon Taoist body, the burning pain in front of Su Yu is just a frown.

Under the intense burning, traces of artificial dragon's blood slowly melted into Su Yu's body and merged with the dragon's blood in it.

Although the real dragon's blood in the artificial dragon's blood is small, the advantage lies in the large amount.

After absorbing it for a day, Su Yu found that the dragon blood in his body had doubled!

Once transformed into a half-dragon form, the physique will be improved to a higher level.

And this is just the first day.

With excitement in his heart, he continued to practice.

Half a month later.

On this day, the middle-aged man in white robe was meditating cross-legged in the shop.


He opened his eyes, and a pretty girl in a snow robe walked into the shop with a smile.

He immediately got up, stepped forward and cupped his fists and said: "Miss Xuanhua is here, making this shop flourish!"

Xuan Hua covered her mouth and smiled: "Uncle Bai is serious!"

The two of them have known each other for a long time!

Xuan Hua used the golden cicada to track Su Yu's whereabouts, but after Su Yu entered the holy city, he seemed to evaporate from the world.

After searching to no avail, Xuan Hua had no choice but to give up temporarily and turn to practice.

"Is there still a training room?" Xuan Hua asked.

The white-robed middle-aged man apologized, "Miss Xuanhua came at an unlucky time, they are already full."

Xuan Hua was surprised: "Is that special secret room also occupied by someone?"


Xuan Hua felt strange, because of the special conditions required to enter that secret room, no one would be able to enter it for several years.

It's a coincidence that someone is occupying it right now.

"Which Messenger of Light is it?" Xuan Hua asked naturally.

The middle-aged man in white robe shook his head slightly, and said: "No! It's an unknown person."

A look of surprise appeared on Xuan Hua's petite face, and he didn't care about it. The Guangming Palace has such a vast area, so it's not surprising that there are one or two unknown dragons among men.

"There is no secret room anymore. If Miss Xuan Hua doesn't mind, I can accompany you to learn a lesson or two." The middle-aged man in the white robe said.

Xuan Hua readily agreed.

The reason why she was able to draw objects out of nothingness with a brush was due to some kind of abnormal blood.

And the one who knows the most different blood is the owner.

Comparing with it, you can get the deficiencies pointed out by it.

Soon, the two competed in the empty hall.

After thousands of moves, Xuan Hua was sweating profusely and shouted to stop.

The middle-aged man in the white robe also exhaled, and said: "Miss Xuan Hua is making rapid progress. Before long, I am afraid that I will not be a match for Miss Xuan Hua."

Xuan Hua smiled coquettishly: "In your opinion, what chance do I have of winning this competition?"

"Steady into the top two!" The white-robed middle-aged man said after careful analysis.

In his heart, he added another sentence, if the silver-haired human in the secret room didn't make a move.

If he makes a move, Xuan Hua may only be ranked third!

The white-robed middle-aged man was very clear about the limits of Xuan Hua's strength, but that human race only showed his physique from the beginning to the end, and he couldn't tell where the bottom line of strength was.

If the two really fight each other, the middle-aged man in white robe is more optimistic about that human race.

Of course, he won't say this, so as not to cause trouble for that human disciple.

"Is it still second?" Xuan Hua's face flashed a trace of unwillingness.

The title of the first light messenger has always been occupied by one person.

Xuan Hua can only be ranked second all the year round, how can he be willing?

The middle-aged man in white robes also felt sorry for Xuan Hua: "Don't be discouraged, in fact, with your strength, in any class, you are well-deserved as the number one messenger of light. It's just God's will tricking people, and you have an extra daughter of destiny!"

Xuan Hua Fen clenched her fist lightly, a bitterness filled the corner of her mouth.

More than a hundred years ago, in the Guangming Palace, everyone had the same dream on the same day.

An incomparably beautiful woman descended from the sky and became the most dazzling sun in the Guangming Palace.

Everyone thought it was just a dream!

Until the biggest ceremony in Guangming Palace, the woman in everyone's dreams really came from the sky!

She is called the Daughter of Destiny!

A talent beyond compare, simply no one can match!

In less than a hundred years, he broke through from the realm of the overlord to the level of the Taoist master.

And twenty years ago, he reached the realm of Patriarch!

All the arrogance in Guangming Palace are not qualified to call themselves arrogance in front of him.

She is like a round of dazzling scorching sun, eclipsing them at the same age!

Now that twenty years have passed, no one knows how terrifying the Daughter of Destiny's cultivation has reached.

Because she has been in retreat for many years, only a few people have the opportunity to contact her.

The middle-aged man in white robe in front of him is one of them.

"If we fight now, how many rounds can I learn from him?" Xuan Hua asked.

Back then when the Messenger of Light was ranked, she had fought against the Daughter of Destiny, and she lost miserably with just four moves!

The middle-aged man in white robe was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "One move."


Xuan Hua's pretty eyes widened: "A move?"

The middle-aged man in the white robe nodded, with a dignified look on his face: "Yes, one move! Today's Daughter of Destiny is several times stronger than twenty years ago! I competed with her, and I only survived two moves!"

Xuan Hua only felt that something was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't speak.

For many years, I have been cultivating desperately with the goal of the Daughter of Destiny, hoping to surpass her one day.

However, the desperate reality is that after many years, the gap between them has not narrowed, but has become farther and farther, to a frustrating degree.

The middle-aged man in white robe comforted: "As I said, she can't be compared with her peers at all. If she is really compared, there is no such thing as a genius in the world."

It should be said that it is the sorrow of the contemporary Tianjiao to be in the same era as the children of destiny.

Xuan Hua was deeply stimulated, and despite the bitterness, he became more determined in his cultivation, and clasped his fists at the white-robed middle-aged man: "I'll go back and study for a few days, and I'll say goodbye."

The middle-aged man in the white robe nodded: "Alright, this competition is a rare opportunity. The Daughter of Destiny will not participate. You have a high chance of winning the first place. If you can get the teaching of the God of Light, you may have a chance to let your strength go." Go up to another level and catch up with the daughter of destiny!"

Competition is a grand event held once every fifty years in Guangming Palace.

The content is to invite all Tianjiao in the territory to chase the God of Light together.

If anyone can catch it and get its approval, the Deer of Light will convey an ancient cultivation method to him with a powerful and unparalleled soul!

The method of ancient cultivation is completely different from the exercises and magic arts outside the territory.

It is a heaven-defying method inherited from the last era, and its power is extremely powerful, even comparable to the domain!

This method is only available to eight-star civilizations!

It is usually used by the creatures of the eight-star civilization as a secondary practice outside the domain.

But outside the territory, the ancient repair method basically does not exist.

The Bright Divine Deer is one of the few super divine beasts that has recorded several ancient cultivation methods.

It's just that it never taught ancient cultivation methods easily.

The only time was when he taught the "Bright Seal" to the first palace lord of the Guangming Palace.

Relying on this powerful and ancient cultivation method, the first palace master was able to build the Guangming Palace.

Since then, the Guangming Deer has been regarded as the patron saint of the Guangming Palace, and a deer competition is held every 50 years, hoping that someone with a predestined relationship will show up and be taught by the Guangming Deer.

However, how many years have passed, and the Guangming Deer has never taught the Dharma again.

Even so, the competition continued without stopping once.

"For the first place, I must win it!" Xuan Hua's eyes showed firmness.

Only by being taught the Dharma can she be able to defeat the Daughter of Destiny!

After a few days.

Su Yu woke up slowly from the retreat.

After 20 full days of cultivation, the dragon blood in his body reached an astonishing level.

Even if he didn't deliberately activate the body of the Heavenly Dragon Dao, a layer of dragon scales appeared faintly on the surface of his body, and he carried a heavy dragon pressure all over his body.

Occasionally, there will be an inexplicable dragon's chant, coming from his blood.

The coercive power of its bloodline made the little unicorn beside him feel a little uncomfortable.

"The blood of the dragon in your body is more than that of the real dragon, right?" The little unicorn clicked his tongue: "People of the dragon family would not dare to say that you are not a dragon when they meet you."

Su Yu smiled and clenched his fists, a crackling sound passed between his finger bones.

Strong and domineering power, like an uncontrolled wild horse, gallops in the body.

Now that he punches out, Xia Yi'an is present, so he must treat it with dignity!

His physique has been unprecedentedly strengthened!

Now, the only thing left is to transform the soul as soon as possible!

"Let's go." Su Yu opened the stone door, held the gold card in his hand, and swiped in the groove. Immediately, a beeping alarm sounded in the groove, reminding the customer that the Dao coins in the card were insufficient.

Su Yu was embarrassed for a while.

Counting the use of the little unicorn, a total of 300 million dao coins were spent this time!

Wen Yin, a middle-aged man in a white robe, rushed over and chuckled: "Young Master Su is out of seclusion! Your seclusion is really not short!"

Others at most retreat for one day at a time, Su Yu is good, a total of twenty-one days!

Now, even the Dao coins in the card are not enough!

"Boss, I have limited ready-made Dao coins, but I have a lot of resources in my hands to pay off the debt." Su Yu had no choice but to move out the many Dao artifacts and immortal embryos found in the Tianyi Cave Mansion.

I don't know how much the immortal embryo of the Taoist artifact in Guangming Palace is worth.


The middle-aged man in the white robe frowned slightly, and said, "Young Master Su, to tell the truth, I am not the only one who opened this shop, there are several other partners! I can naturally agree to repay the debt with property, but the others A partner is probably..."

Su Yu's heart tightened, as if he was in trouble.

However, the Taoist Immortal Embryo is not good, he has other things to repay the debt, I believe the other partners will never refuse.

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