The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2183 Good intentions

For ten years, he has been cultivating desperately, and has always kept a low profile to hide his true strength.

This fight will probably surprise Xingzhui!

"Stardrop Messenger, be careful." Yang Hua took out two rings, one gold and one silver, and poured a lot of Taoist power into them.

Immediately, the two rings revolved rapidly around him.

This is a Taoist weapon that he has painstakingly refined over the past ten years.

All of the spectators suddenly became excited.

"It actually condenses the Daoist device!"

The condensing of the Taoist artifact requires great perseverance and luck. Many Taoist masters have achieved the Taoist body for tens of millions of years, but they have not been able to successfully condense the Taoist artifact.

Either the conditions are not enough, or bad luck.

It has only been about ten years since Xingzhui became a Taoist master, and he can condense his own Taoist artifact, which is really rare!

"Go!" Yang Hua raised his finger, and the two rings, one gold and one silver, shot out incomparably thick beams of light, attacking the star pendant in an instant.

That kind of power, at the level of ordinary Taoist masters, can be regarded as quite a good level.

If it were ten years ago, such a blow would be enough to break into the top five.

But Xingzhui didn't panic or feel scared as Yang Hua imagined, but showed a faint sneer.

But he wiped his waist and took out a purple vertical flute.

The vertical flute is shining brightly, it looks like a Taoist weapon!

"The star pendant also condenses the Dao artifact?"

The Messenger of Light was once again surprised.

Under the blowing, the flute issued extremely difficult notes, and the listener had a splitting headache and was extremely uncomfortable.

When the two beams of light were about to hit the star pendant, they suddenly turned strangely and attacked Yang Hua himself!

Yang Hua was caught off guard and hurriedly deployed his defense, but he was caught off guard and was blown away by his own Taoist weapon.

Halfway through the flight, before he could stabilize his figure, a powerful field enveloped him.

In the field, he was attacked twice,

There was a huge shock all over his body, and a big mouthful of blood protruded suddenly, and then he fell to the ground, his face was pale and weak.


Xingzhui inserted the vertical flute back into her waist in a chic way, with a hint of teasing on her face: "Yang Hua, you have regressed in the past ten years. You were able to block me ten times back then, why are you doing it now? Can't stop a move? Tsk tsk..."

The Messengers of Light pondered, it wasn't that Yang Hua's strength had regressed.

Compared with ten years ago, his strength can be said to be a leap forward!

The reason why they lost so miserably is that the strength of Starfall has been greatly improved!

With his strength, maybe he can try to challenge the fifth place Wang Jiuyang.

The Messenger of Light, who was at the bottom of the ranking, looked at Wang Jiuyang with a touch of fear and admiration.

Xuan Hua was firmly in the first place, and commented with a smile: "Yang Hua is determined, and it is gratifying to condense the Dao Artifact. The disadvantage is that the Dao Artifact is not spiritual enough, so that it is manipulated by others and eats back at myself. Generally speaking, it is not bad."

Yang Hua, who was originally looking downcast, turned much better.

Xuan Hua seldom praises others, and getting a "good" evaluation from him, ten years of hard work has not been in vain.

He was affirmed, and Xingzhuo also looked forward to Xuan Hua, hoping to get her comment.

"Xingzhui not only has amazing perseverance, but also concentrates on tempering the field, and his cultivation level has never fallen. It is really rare, very good."

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Xingzhui's face.

Very good, this kind of evaluation comes from Xuan Hua's mouth, which is enough to be proud of.

After all, it was a comment from the second messenger of light, which was extremely rare.

Xuan Hua looked down on the other envoys like a queen: "Second scene, Qing Ling vs. Huang Yang."

One of the two is ranked ninth and the other is ranked tenth.

The two of them had Dao master cultivation bases, but they had never condensed into Dao weapons, and they fought each other based on domains.

After hundreds of rounds, the winner was barely determined.

Xuan Hua's face was flat, and he commented: "In the past ten years, the two of you have only become more stable in cultivation, but you have not made more achievements. It is really disappointing."

In the Taoist realm, every step is difficult.

How difficult is it to make a breakthrough?

Ten years of solid foundation is already the result of considerable hard work. For any new Taoist master, ten years of solid foundation will be ecstatic, and outsiders will regard it as a huge improvement.

But they are the Messenger of Light, and this achievement does not match their identity and status.

"Next match, Kong Qu vs. Zheng Yuan."

The rest of the Messengers of Light were immediately invigorated.

Zheng Yuan is ranked eighth among the Messenger of Light, but Kong Qu is a powerful existence ranked third, second only to Xuan Hua in strength!

His performance is very exciting.

The two stood in the middle of the arena, Zheng Yuan saluted Kong Qu respectfully with a bitter face: "Please be merciful to Kong Qu's envoy."

"Let you make a move." Kong Qu said.

In fights between Taoist masters, one move can often determine the outcome.

But when Kong Qu conceded one move, no one thought he was conceited, because given the difference in strength between the two, even if Kong Qu conceded ten moves, Zheng Yuan might not have a chance of winning.

"Thank you!" Zheng Yuan took a deep breath and shot with all his strength.

Zheng Yuan didn't condense his own Dao weapon, and fought in the full-screen domain.

Its domain is the domain of thunder. Immediately after it is released, it releases infinitely terrifying thunder towards Kongqu.

The continuous flashes of thunder and the successive thunderclaps created a powerful scene, which attracted several envoys to nod their heads in approval.

The reason why Zheng Yuan was able to rank eighth was largely because his field was more powerful than others.

However, to everyone's astonishment, Kong Qu stood in the thunder light without even using any defensive shields. Even though the thunder bombarded him, he couldn't hurt his body at all!

"As expected of Kong Qu." In astonishment, everyone could only sigh, and turned to look at Zheng Yuan with pity.

The greatest sorrow of competing with others is not losing, but that the other party can't beat you even if they let you beat them.

Zheng Yuan smiled wryly, and slowly retracted his domain: "I lost!"

Kong Qu nodded indifferently and said, "Keep working hard."

With that said, he quietly returned to his seat.

A sparring ended silently like this.

Kong Qu didn't make a move, but he deservedly won the victory.

"It's not bad to subdue others without fighting." Xuan Hua wrote lightly.

In the words, there is a bit of contempt.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

Others thought it was great that Kong Qu took Zheng Yuan's domain without defense, but from Xuan Hua's point of view, it was just that Kong Qu had prepared a defensive weapon on his body in advance.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to bear Zheng Yuan's domain undefended and unscathed?

Kong Qu made a move on purpose, but in fact he deliberately reserved his strength and didn't want to be seen by her.

Kong Qu looked at Xuan Hua, with a hint of challenge faintly visible in his eyes.

She was overwhelmed by Xuan Hua, and she has long had the heart to challenge again. She must not miss this competition, and said: "Xuan Hua envoy, why don't we come to compete, how about it?"

The eyes of many light messengers suddenly brightened.

The battle between the second and third Lightbringers is a rare event.

Everyone looked at Xuan Hua expectantly, eager to witness the battle between the two top envoys.

However, Xuan Hua smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "It's not necessary."

"Are you afraid of losing?" Kong Qu's face was serious.

Xuan Hua's eyes were condescending, and he said, "No, I'm afraid you won't be able to lose!"

Kong Qu laughed at himself: "So in the eyes of the envoy of Xuanhua, I am a person who can't afford to lose! In a hundred moves, if I lose in your hands, I will never stalk and refuse to admit defeat."

Xuan Hua said indifferently: "You misunderstood me, I didn't mean that you don't want to admit defeat."

"What does that mean?" Kong Qu frowned.

Xuan Hua didn't say a word, she tapped her slender jade finger towards the sky above her head.

Suddenly, it was clear that the sky was clear for thousands of miles, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds, thunder roared, and dark red flames filled the clouds.

A destructive breath of heaven and earth catastrophe oppressed the common people to crawl and tremble!

As messengers of light, they all shuddered and felt a majestic aura of heaven and earth.

Kong Qu showed a look of shock: "One finger to evolve into a your painting skills reached this level?"

Xuan Hua slowly retracted his fingers, and the catastrophe of heaven and earth receded quickly just now, and the sky returned to a clear sky.

Except for the slightest trace of coercion left, there was nothing left, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Xuan Hua said lightly.

Kong Qu stood stiffly on the spot for a long time, a deep bitter arc traced the corner of his mouth, and bowed deeply to Xuan Hua: "I lost."

He understood what Xuan Hua meant.

It wasn't that he was worried that he wouldn't admit defeat, but that after Kong Qu lost, he would "cannot afford to lose" because of the disparity in strength between the two of them.

Everyone stared at Xuanhua, the look of longing in their eyes reached an unprecedented height!

This is the strength of the second-ranked Light Emissary!

They can only look up!

The discussion between the Messenger of Light came to an end, Xuan Hua said: "Now we can make a ranking! I am number one, Kong Qu is second, Xingdiao is third, Yang Hua is fourth... Huang Yang is seventh."

In the end, her eyes flicked to Su Yu, and said lightly: "You should be number eight."

Everyone in the audience cheered enthusiastically.

"It was a worthwhile trip. I saw the discussion between several Light Envoys."

"Indeed! As expected of the Messenger of Light, their talent and strength are truly terrifying!"

"With them, my Guangming Palace will continue to thrive in the future!"


Hearing the cheers from the audience, Xuan Hua smiled faintly: "Since the ranking has been decided, then go to the hunting ground and get ready..."

"Wait!" A voice interrupted Xuan Hua's announcement.

Xuan Hua looked away, turned to the speaker, and said, "Any objections?"

The person who interrupted her was naturally Su Yu, and he said seriously: "Excuse me, what is the basis for ranking me as the eighth?"

He didn't even take a shot, so he was directly ranked last.

Su Yu is not a person who loves vanity. If it is other occasions, he will not care if he is ranked in any position.

But now, the ranking of this competition will affect the entire ranking of the competition, and directly affect whether he can get the antler of the Bright God Deer!

Xuan Hua said indifferently: "Don't you think it's for your own good that I ranked you last?"

While speaking, she glanced at the star pendant.

Xingzhui's hostility towards Su Yu was only written on his face.

If you let Su Yu compete, the end will be very miserable!

Kong Qu also looked at Su Yu, and said softly: "Human race, don't be ignorant of good and evil, Xuan Hua's good intentions, you take good care of them."

There will be another update later, but it is very late.

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