The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2185 Give you a trick

The first two times, the same thing, mobile phones save the most traffic, and there are no advertisements.

At this moment, from Su Yu's words, Yiwan felt a domineering look at all sentient beings and a calm and calm look at the world from the clouds.

He doesn't need Xuan Hua's handouts, nor the principles of life taught by the Messenger of Light, nor their so-called life-saving!

Xuan Hua's expression was calm, without any panic, he said calmly: "Xingzhuo, you go."

It was impossible for them to go together, the honor of the Light Emissary forced them to fight alone.

If you really attack like a group, you will win but lose!

Instead of going forward, Xingzhui shrank back subconsciously, and said in a deep voice: "Messenger Xuanhua, this person deliberately ruined the situation, why should we be polite with him? Only by punishing this person severely can we help the Messenger of Light honor..."

Previously, he kept saying that Su Yu was ignorant of anyone, and he would personally teach him a lesson.

Now when it was his turn to play in person, he looked around and said that he wanted to bring Xuan Hua along.

He was not afraid of losing, on the contrary, he felt that he should be able to beat Su Yu, but it should be a narrow victory!

In the end, he may be quite embarrassed.

In front of the world, he was so embarrassed that he was better than a person he looked down upon. He really couldn't let go of this face.

"The same thing, I don't want to repeat it a second time." Xuan Hua said calmly, with a cooler voice.

Kong Qu also stared at Xingzhui with an unkind look, and scolded: "As a messenger of light, how can you be afraid of your hands and feet?"

As soon as these words came out, Xingzhuo was immediately unhappy.

Why does it sound like he is timid?

He just doesn't want to win too hard.

The two light emissaries at the top of the ranking said so, Xingluo could only grit his teeth and stepped forward.

There was a hint of hostility on his face, and he stared at Su Yu coldly: "Alright, you have a bit of decent strength, and it's interesting to learn from each other. Be mentally prepared. Next, maybe you will taste the experience of being defeated by the light." The taste in the hands of the messenger!"

Su Yu was quite disgusted with this person.

If you talk about who has the strongest sense of superiority among the Messenger of Light, apart from Wang Jiuyang, it is Starfall.

The former ranked fifth and the latter sixth.

The more indifferent people are, the more they like to use their status to fill their own vanity.

On the contrary, Xuan Hua, Kong Qu and Xuan Yin, who were at the top of the list, seemed more restrained.

As the old saying goes, a full bucket of water makes no sound, but a half bucket of water jingles.

"There are so many words." Su Yu said indifferently, without a word, there were two golden beams of light.

He hit as soon as he said, which really made Xingzhui extremely displeased, and shouted: "Give me enough!"

It was this beam of light that defeated three people in a row!

He never wanted to be the fourth man.


He immediately pulled out the long whistle on his waist, and played it on the spot, and the piercing notes came out continuously.

When the golden beam of light was about to reach in front of him, it twisted in a strange direction and turned towards Su Yu.


The golden beam of light hit Su Yu immediately.

Xingzhui's face was filled with joy, he put down his long roar, and taught in a senior tone: "I said it all, you must know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, otherwise the end will be very...very..."

He couldn't continue, because the two golden beams of light attacked Su Yu's body without any damage.

It was only a layer of dragon scales that seemed to appear on the surface of the body, and the two golden beams of light broke apart.

How similar is this scene to when Zheng Yuan attacked Kong Qu?

Without any defense, he took the opponent's blow abruptly!

The same is true for Su Yu!

Xuan Hua's wonderful eyes flashed, and he looked at the clothes Su Yu was wearing, as if he was observing whether Su Yu was wearing a defensive Taoist weapon like Kong Qu.

There was an uproar in the audience, and they were once again shocked by Su Yu's incomparable physique.

Xingzhuo stopped abruptly in the middle of her speech, and her face suddenly became more solemn.

Su Yu was even more difficult than imagined!

However, he didn't think he would lose.

"Hmph, it's just the beginning, don't be complacent!" Xingzhuo raised Chang Xiao again,

Play slowly.

Has Su Yu ever been complacent?

He is proud of himself, right? I thought that Su Yu was hit hard, but it didn't...

The low and difficult flute sounded again, this time the flute sound controlled Su Yu's body! !

His body has a faint tendency to be uncontrollable.

Especially the right hand, which actually raised itself and patted his cheek.

Its Taoist weapon is not just to control the Taoist weapon, it can even control the opponent's body.

Xingzhui sneered sneeringly. After practicing the Dao Artifact, he once sought out some experts at the Patriarch level to discuss it.

Stronger than them, they all feel that the trick is extremely tricky.

Su Yu is obviously no exception.

He sneered, manipulated Su Yu's palm, and slapped his cheek hard.

There should be nothing more embarrassing than slapping yourself in the face, right?

However, just when Su Yu's palm was about to reach his cheek, Su Yu's palm suddenly stopped and did not continue to draw.

what happened?

The star pendant played the long whistle at a faster speed, but Su Yu's palm not only did not have physical control, but let it go.

Looking at Su Yu's face again, the faint teasing look flashed away like a cloud: "Seeing that you played hard, I reluctantly cooperated with you."

Dragon blood was flowing in his body, exuding astonishing coercion, any external force entering his body would be scattered by the dragon force.

How can the notes played by the star pendant control him?

He just made it for Xingzhuo to make him happy.

how is this possible?

Star Pendant absolutely doesn't believe it, his Taoist weapon can't do anything to Su Yu!

As he said that, he played harder, and the notes he produced were even harsher and harsher.

Even the Messenger of Light who watched the battle couldn't help covering their ears.

However, there was still no sign of controlling Su Yu, it just made him frown slightly: "It's a bit noisy!"

As he spoke, he slowly opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

With this inhalation, the entire atmosphere in a radius of ten thousand miles was sucked away by Su Yu.

The huge change caused the sky to change dramatically. Many mortals suffocated for a short time, clutching their throats in pain. They didn't recover until the distant atmosphere filled the vacuum.

Looking at Su Yu again, his thin body was like an inflated balloon, and his whole body was more than three times swollen.

Xuan Hua's pupils shrank slightly, and shouted: "Open the defensive cover!"

She herself took the lead in swiping above her head, drawing out an oil umbrella, and a large piece of golden light hung from the edge of the oil umbrella, sheltering it in it.

The rest of the people opened their defensive covers one after another and kept retreating.

Xingzhui also felt a great threat, her eyelids twitched wildly, and the notes she played in her mouth were extremely chaotic and even harsher.


At this moment, Su Yu suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out the air inhaled in his body.

A mighty dragon chant roared out!

The infinite coercion contained in the dragon's chant is radiating, sweeping in all directions.

The crowd watching the battle under the stage fell down like leeks, spreading thousands of miles away, causing a series of wailing!

This is still the case in the distance, but the Martial Dao Tiangong, which is close in front of you, trembles as a whole.

The huge destructive power brought by the dragon's chant shattered many decorations in the Martial Dao Tiangong, and even several beams fell off.

Fortunately, Tiangong has a powerful and extraordinary restraint, otherwise it would have been crushed by this roar just now!

Looking at the star pendant at a close distance, his robes were shattered like strips of cloth, and the shout in his hand was shaken by the dragon's chant.

He himself stood there like a log, with blood in his ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

Even his whole body was blood red.

If you look carefully, you will find that its pores are full of the blood of the Taoist master that is about to overflow.

Facing the blow of Dragon Roar, he appeared to be fine, but his body had been shattered into a piece of decay.

A gust of wind blew by, Xingzhuo opened his eyes wide and fell to the ground with a plop.

It has less air intake, more air output, and is dying.


The messy crowd in the audience stood up with horror on their faces.

To his surprise, he yelled the sixth-ranked Messenger of Light half to death!

This is Dacheng's sonic skill!

In comparison, the manipulation of the Taoist instrument of the Starfall is just a low-level path.

Dragon Roar is also an additional talent acquired by Su Yu after the dragon blood soared in his body. It not only contains sound wave attack, but also contains dragon power.

Su Yu's expression was indifferent: "I hope that my attack this time can make you understand what the sky is high and the earth is thick, and I also hope that from now on you can restrain yourself, so that you don't know how to die someday!"

What Xingzhui said was repeated from Su Yu's mouth.

The Messenger of Extreme Light, who had been defeated by Su Yu, suddenly felt ashamed, and wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

I don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, it's not Su Yu, but them!

Fortunately, they wanted to teach Su Yu how to behave one by one!

Now think about their faces, the ones who are really defiant are themselves!

After defeating four people in a row, Su Yu's momentum is in full swing!

Countless people are secretly guessing his identity. The Tianjiao in Guangming Palace has been selected many times, how could such an earth-shattering figure be missed?

Su Yu's eyes were flat, he looked at the only remaining Xuan Hua and Kong Qu, and said indifferently: "I don't mind you joining forces."

Finally, everyone was completely boiling.

This is the pinnacle battle of this competition!

An unnamed arrogance who overwhelms the contemporary era, challenges the two top envoys of the Bright Palace one by one!

Xuan Hua stared straight into Su Yu's eyes, and said, "Don't push yourself too hard, let's just stop in moderation."

Su Yu has won four people in a row, which has caused a huge negative impact on the Lightbringer's supreme honor.

If even Kong Qu is defeated by him, it will inevitably cause outsiders to question the strength of this year's Light Emissary.

Su Yu sneered: "What do you mean when enough is enough? It means that in a fair competition, you are only allowed to win others, but not allow others to win against you?"

Xuan Hua didn't speak, and looked at Su Yu quietly, with a smile that was not a smile, but also disappeared.

"Let me do it!" Kong Qu stepped forward, with a strong fighting spirit on his face: "I can afford it, and I can also let it go."

He previously wanted to challenge Xuan Hua, so he hid how strong he was.

But after Xuan Hua showed that finger, he knew that he was not strong enough, so he didn't need to hide it, let go and fight!

"Okay!" Su Yu said: "For the sake of your coolness, I will let you do a trick."

Among the Messenger of Light present, the only ones who were not ridiculed were two people.

One is Xuan Hua and the other is him.

So Su Yu was extra lenient and decided to give up a move, otherwise, once he made a move, Kong Qu would not even have a chance to make a move.


As soon as this remark came out, the audience exploded.

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