The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2189 Enemies Meet

"It's you?" Xuan Hua recognized Su Yu's back and shouted angrily!

She has a feeling of praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind.

It's just that she is a praying mantis, and others are orioles!

"You passed!" Xuan Hua picked up a pen and drew a pair of huge black wings in the sky. The wings melted and landed on her back, and after flapping, they exploded with extremely strong speed.

After ten breaths, he came back to catch up with Su Yu.

Sensing that Xuan Hua was close behind him, Su Yu held Xie Xiaoyue in his arms so that it was inconvenient to make a move, so his whole body shook, the dragon blood in his body surged violently, a layer of dragon energy overflowed his body surface, and condensed into a dragon shape.

With a sweep of the long tail, the whole dragon shot away like a sharp arrow, throwing Xuan Hua away.

Xuan Hua was furious and angry, but Su Yu was too fast, and finally lost after half an hour.

"Damn it!" She, who was chasing hopelessly, stomped her feet angrily: "Don't touch me again, or I won't spare you!"

the other side.

After Su Yu got rid of Xuan Hua, he landed in a relatively safe place.

Looking at Xie Xiaoyue who seemed to be asleep with her eyes slightly closed in her arms, the corner of Su Yu's mouth curled up: "It's safe now."

Xie Xiaoyue suddenly opened her eyes, and suddenly attacked Su Yu, hitting Su Yu's chest with her right palm.

But Su Yu seemed to have expected it, and threw it on the ground.


Xie Xiaoyue fell to the ground, making a few muffled noises.

She failed in the sneak attack, so she rolled on the spot, opened the distance, then turned around very vigilantly, staring at Su Yu with rather unfriendly eyes.

"I'm your savior, is it really okay to treat me like this?" Su Yu teased.

Xie Xiaoyue stared at her apricot eyes: "Save me? You light emissaries who bite dogs are not good things!"

Su Yu touched his nose and smiled lightly: "I'm not the Lightbringer."

"No?" Xie Xiaoyue was suspicious. The only participants in the competition had always been the Angel of Light.

At this time, Su Yu slowly took off his mask, revealing that handsome face.

With just one glance, Xie Xiaoyue widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief: "Su Ruchu!! How could it be you?"

"Well, surprise?" Su Yu asked with a smile.

When she regained her senses, Xie Xiaoyue gritted her snowy white teeth, her eyes became sharper, she rushed over regardless, and took the initiative to attack: "I'll kill you!!"

The power of the Taoist master and the domain are all released.

However, Su Yu just slapped his palm lightly, and the invincible palm force completely disintegrated his attack.

At the same time, his hand was like lightning, he grabbed his right wrist, and said with a faint smile: "It's not good to shout and kill when old people meet again."

"Bah! Who is your old friend? We are sworn enemies!" Xie Xiaoyue struggled vigorously, but Su Yu's hand was like iron tongs, holding it tightly.

Unable to break free, Xie Xiaoyue reached for his heart with the other hand.

Su Yu smiled and squeezed his other hand.

No matter how Xie Xiaoyue resisted, she couldn't get rid of it.

"Chief Xiaoyue, the world has changed. You are still the same as you were then, but I am no longer the same as you were then. Don't make impulsive actions anymore." Su Yu said indifferently.

Although Xie Xiaoyue's face was full of hatred, the shock in her heart was already filled.

Su Yu took away the Pirate Alliance by means of intrigue. In terms of strength, she never put Su Yu in her eyes.

But when I see you again ten years later, he actually understates himself?

This change is really a bit big!

The more she thought about it, the more resentful Xie Xiaoyue became.

Ten years later, she became a prisoner, but Su Yu got better and better!

"God thief! You have no eyes and no eyes, and you let the wicked be in power!" Perhaps because of too much grief and anger, Xie Xiaoyue raised her head and shouted, and she was so wronged that she burst into tears.

She is sad enough to say it.

A good leader of the Pirate Alliance will be gone in front of him.

He went to Liuli civilization to seek development, but became a prisoner.

He thought he had caught a light emissary, but he met the top one among the light emissaries, and almost lost his life!

In the end, she was saved by the man who got her into this situation.

"The villain from the mouth of a pirate chief,

It sounds like a good person, right? "Su Yu let go of his hands and laughed.

Xie Xiaoyue raised her tearful eyes and stared at him angrily: "You still have the face to smile? It's all thanks to you!"

Su Yu smiled, took out the jade bottle of Taoist artifact level, took out some spiritual liquid from it, and sprinkled a few drops on the top of Xie Xiaoyue's head.

The remaining pain in her soul disappeared immediately.

Xie Xiaoyue still stared at Su Yu, but not as sharply as before, but became more complicated.

It took a while before she managed to convince herself, and sighed: "Forget it, anyway, you will become a prisoner, and you will end up with what you deserved. Forget about the past."

She remembered that when Su Yu dominated the Pirate Alliance, he let her go.

In addition to today's life-saving grace, and she didn't really hate Su Yu deeply, so she decided to let go of the past.

"Oh, how kind, are you going to let me go?" Su Yu smiled.

Xie Xiaoyue squinted at him: "Hmph! Don't be too brave. As a prey in the misty forest, you should be mentally prepared. You will die here at any time."

Su Yu's smile deepened, making Xie Xiaoyue's heart tremble: "What are you laughing at?"

"I want to tell you some news, but I don't know whether it is good news or bad news for you."

Xie Xiaoyue pointed at her downcast self mockingly: "Is there any worse news than now?"



"I am not a prisoner, but a hunter participating in the game."

Like a stone sculpture, Xie Xiaoyue was petrified on the spot, as if she had been hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky. After recovering, she looked like she was about to eat Su Yu, and she roared angrily: "The wicked are in power, the wicked are in power!!"

She didn't understand how Su Yu got into the misty forest of Guangming Palace.

But believe it unconditionally.

Because Su Yu can indeed do it!

Thinking of this, I almost vomited blood, and my heart was extremely unbalanced.

Su Yu harmed him like this, not only did he not get retribution, but he became a hunter!

"Hahaha..." Su Yu chuckled, "It seems that this is bad news for you."

Xie Xiaoyue stared at Su Yu, grinding her silver teeth, she wanted to cry but didn't cry.

Enough teasing, Su Yu stopped and said with a smile: "You are my prey for the time being, and when you leave the foggy forest, how can you let your life go."

Xie Xiaoyue's eyes lit up immediately, and she turned to surprise and said, "Really?"

Her expression changes faster than turning the pages of a book!

"Fake!" Su Yu said.

"You!" Xie Xiaoyue was full of anger again, feeling that she was playing with her back.

"Not only will I let you go, but I will also give you a fortune." Su Yu said again.

Xie Xiaoyue was stunned, her angry face turned into an angry smile: "Bastard!"

He was clearly teasing her!

However, she was completely relieved from the bottom of her heart, leaving the Guangming Palace, and finally there was hope for her freedom.

She is still very clear about Su Yu's character, since she decided to let her go, she will naturally let her go.

I just don't know what his so-called creation is.

"Tell me, how did you get arrested by Guangming Palace?" Su Yu asked.

Xie Xiaoyue complained quietly: "Thanks to you, I have nothing and came to the Liuli civilization to develop, but, not long after I arrived, I was deceived by a person and then betrayed to the Guangming Palace."


"Golden pupil gentleman!"

Su Yu's pupils changed slightly: "He is actually in the Liuli Civilization!"

"Yes! In order to gain the trust of the Evernight Empire as soon as possible, he betrayed the information that I was the leader of the Pirate Alliance to the Empire. As a result, I had to flee to the Palace of Light. At the border, I was captured by the army of the Palace of Light."

Xie Xiaoyue was talking, but found that Su Yu was lost in thought.

"What are you thinking?"

Su Yu was thinking about the purpose of Mr. Jintong. From the first time he met him, Su Yu felt quite uneasy.

The fate of Tianyi Dongfu also shows that Su Yu's intuition is correct.

Knowing that he was in Liuli Civilization, Su Yu had a bad feeling.

"I hope there will be no more intersection with it." Su Yu thought so, and then he looked at Xie Xiaoyue: "You are in the foggy forest, what are your plans?"

Xie Xiaoyue shook her head: "Before I met you, I hoped to catch a light messenger, but now, I don't need anything."

Now he only needs to obediently become Su Yu's prey, and he can leave successfully.

"Oh? Don't you care about the slave beast king? He has a deep affection for you." Su Yu said with a half-smile.

Xie Xiaoyue's face turned cold immediately: "Don't mention him! If it wasn't for saving my life, I would have killed him long ago!"

"Hehe..." Su Yu chuckled lightly, if there was a deep meaning in his eyes, the grace of saving his life? I'm afraid it's not that simple.

He never believed in coincidences!

Xie Xiaoyue had just been besieged by wild beasts, and sooner or later, the slave beast king appeared.

In addition, the Slave Beastmaster has the ability to control wild beasts...

The truth here is worth pondering!

However, if there is no evidence, Su Yu will not rely on speculation to maliciously speculate on others.

"Since you know the plan of the Slave Beast King, you know where all the traps he set are?"

"Basically, I know that you asked me to guide you and hunt down those wild beasts and criminals?"


Xie Xiaoyue suddenly hesitated, and said slowly: "There is no good end to fighting the slave beast king. He controls all the wild beasts in the misty forest. If he is really angry and chases you and me alone, there is no way to escape. Unless you give up the game and leave Misty Forest."

Su Yu recalled the savage beast full of icebergs, and he was deeply convinced.

"Alternatively, you can join forces with the rest of the Light Envoys to attack together." Xie Xiaoyue said.

Su Yu chuckled: "Those messengers of light probably won't cooperate with me."

"Why?" Xie Xiaoyue blinked: "Under such special circumstances, they should temporarily give up confrontation."

"Because, except for that Xuan Hua, I beat them all once."


Xie Xiaoyue's eyelids kept twitching, and she murmured: "You are really a disaster, in every sense!"

"Okay, just do as I say."

Next, with Xie Xiaoyue leading the way, it was easy for Su Yu to find the savage beast he set up in ambush.

At the same time, they can also see through their traps and kill them easily.

Five days later.

Su Yu has successfully hunted four Patriarch-level wild beasts, 20 ordinary wild beasts, plus a unicorn horse hunted before, a total of 600 points.

"The score is enough." Su Yu secretly analyzed, the only concern now is Xuanhua.

If she didn't surpass Su Yu in total points, he wouldn't get the second place, and he wouldn't get the velvet antler.

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