The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2195 crossing the border

Losing a light messenger, Su Yu and the descendants of the ancient giant race ran away at the same time.

"Why did the human race run away?" Several old men were surprised.

Ordinary people are crazy about their wisdom when they learn that the Guangming Palace will be reused, right?

After saying this, Deputy Palace Master Lu became suspicious, and said: "Speaking of which, this person has never passed by Zhenrong from the beginning to the end... Could it be that he is not from my Guangming Palace?"

"Come here, call for his token to enter the Martial Arts Heavenly Palace."

Soon, someone sent the token over.

There is a word "Wang" on it, which shows that it is a member of the Wang family.

"Wait! I know the aura of this token, it belongs to Wang Jiuyang!" Zheng Yuan recognized it immediately and said in shock.

Wang Jiuyang and Zheng Yuan have a good relationship, and they often practice together. He has seen his identity token many times, so he can recognize him at a glance.

"Wang Jiuyang's?" Vice Palace Mistress Lu's face was full of unstoppable anger.

Wang Jiuyang has been killed, how could he participate in the competition with his face covered?

"According to the wanted list at the border, the murderer is likely to be a silver-haired human from the Evernight Empire!" Another insider provided a clue.

Silver hair, human race?

Isn't that exactly Su Yu?

Immediately, the crowd was excited!

Killed their messenger of light, and pretended to be someone from the Bright Palace to swagger to participate in the top event.

Not only that, but with the power of one person, he completely defeated the same generation of Tianjiao in the Bright Palace, causing the Bright Messenger to suffer an indelible humiliation!

What's more, he also won the first place in the competition!

If it is spread that the first place in Guangming Palace is taken by an outsider, and that outsider also gets the teaching of the Guangming Deer, I am afraid that Guangming Palace will become ridiculed by the world!

The deep humiliation lingered in everyone's mind.

"It must have been arranged by the Evernight Empire!"

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

"Too much bullying!!"

"Let's kill back!"

Tens of thousands of warriors unleashed their rage.

Vice Palace Mistress Lu was also extremely angry and deeply ashamed.

But she was still relatively calm, and said in a deep voice: "The grand meeting will be held soon, it is not appropriate to go to war with the Evernight Emperor, the most urgent task is to capture the escaped silver-haired human race!"

To appease everyone, Palace Master Lu personally led a group of people to chase and kill Su Yu.

Several other old men were chasing and killing the star pendant.

A group of master soldiers divided into two groups, and quickly started chasing and killing them!

Speaking of Su Yu, taking advantage of the chaos, he took Xie Xiaoyue and escaped.

After arriving in a safe zone, they parted ways with Xie Xiaoyue and agreed to meet at the border of the Nightless Empire.

Su Yu's goal at this moment is too big, and Xie Xiaoyue's following him is even more dangerous.

He galloped towards the border alone, even using the space domain to make a space jump.

However, far behind, there is always a pair of huge wings chasing after it.

The speed is as fast as space jumping.

Su Yu frowned, stopped, and stared at the visitor.


The person who came was naturally Xuan Hua. With her wings closed, she descended like a white cloud thousands of feet away from Su Yu.

There was a hint of coldness in Su Yu's eyes, if Xuan Hua kept following him and provided his location to Guangming Palace at any time, it would be bad.

As a last resort, Xuan Hua could only be arrested first.

"If I have malicious intentions, you can't do without the Holy City of Light." Xuan Hua said indifferently, his whole body restrained,

There is no intention of making a move.

Indeed, Xuan Hua was one of the few people who found out that Su Yu had escaped. If she had reminded Deputy Palace Master Lu and the others, it would be quite difficult for Su Yu to leave.

"Then, the envoy of Xuan Hua is here to teach you?" Su Yu was somewhat confused about Xuan Hua's intention.

Without saying a word, Xuan Hua took out a reward, which was the reward for the second place.

"I think you may need these rewards." Xuan Hua said.

Others don't know, but Xuan Hua can't see that Su Yu is doing everything possible to become the second place?

Its purpose is obviously the second prize, the antler of the Bright God Deer.

"You need the reward for the second place, and I need the reward for the first place. Maybe we can exchange it." Xuan Hua said a condition that Su Yu could not refuse.

Without even thinking about it, Su Yu took out 100 million Dao coins and a copy of Taichuqi and threw them over.

Xuan Ping's expression was slightly happy, and he also threw the antler of the Guangming Deer over.

The exchange between the two was successful!

Su Yu felt weird for a while, he calculated and calculated, but he never calculated that the light god deer antler would finally fall into his hands in this way.

"Thank you." Su Yu said.

He could tell that the reward Xuan Hua wanted for the first place was fake, but helping him was real.

"Thank you, although it's a bit late." Xuan Hua also expressed his gratitude.

Without Su Yu to rescue him from the hands of the Slave Beast King, one can imagine the result.

So, she actually made a special trip to catch up and thank you.

"To each other! Then, I will take my leave." Su Yu started to leave.

Xuan Hua said indifferently: "The border has been blocked, where do you want to go?"


Su Yu looked at Xuan Hua, waiting for her to continue.

"This is for you, maybe you can use it in Tongxinguan." Xuan Hua took out a handkerchief, which had a faint body fragrance of Xuan Hua, and a pair of mandarin ducks were embroidered on it.

However, this is not an ordinary handkerchief, but a magic weapon for identification.

Because a faintly visible "Xuan" character is suspended between the two mandarin ducks.

After finishing speaking, Xuan Hua threw the handkerchief at Su Yu, and walked away without looking back. Before leaving, he said calmly, "If you are caught, don't say you have seen me."

"Of course." Su Yu smiled slightly and grabbed the handkerchief.

Half a month later.

The entire Guangming Palace was being searched and arrested. There were patrolling soldiers holding Su Yu's portrait in every city and official road, searching everywhere.

Su Yu had no choice but to start from a remote route.

Tongxin Pass, which could have been arrived in seven or eight days, took half a month to arrive.

Hidden outside Tongxin Pass, Su Yu took out his handkerchief and thought, who should give this handkerchief to?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took it out, the word "Xuan" on the handkerchief shook violently.

Afterwards, a general in armor flew over from Tongxin Pass.

He cautiously looked around, and with the iron character "Xuan" in his palm, he slowly walked towards Su Yu's direction.

Su Yu's heart moved, and he stood up quietly.

The general was taken aback, and stared at Su Yu suspiciously: "You are not from the Xuan family, are you?"

Su Yu came out from the shadows, showing his true face, and startled the general: "It's you!"

Strangely, he didn't make a move, but nodded his head: "Miss has already told me, you put on this and come with me."

As he spoke, he took out a soldier's armor that had been prepared for Su Yu to put on.

The other party is ready for everything!

Su Yu put it on and transformed himself into a soldier of the Bright Palace.

Under the leadership of the general of the Xuan family, he slowly walked into the Tongxin pass.

Inside Tongxin Pass, there is a large-scale military camp, and officers of various ranks shuttle through it.

But no one doubted Su Yu.

After a while, he successfully passed through the barracks and stood at the exit of Tongxin Pass.

General Xuan pointed to a dense forest outside the pass: "There is a fast ship there, enough for you to quickly leave the border."

Su Yu secretly sighed, this girl Xuan Hua, to be honest, is not likable, sometimes proud, sometimes ruthless, but, in human nature, there is also a brilliance point of her own - knowing how to repay her kindness.

There is no eternal bad person, and there is no absolute good person, all creatures in the world are like this.

"Thank you." Su Yu clasped his fists and was about to leave when suddenly a fast ship flew over from Tongxin Pass and passed Su Yu and the two of them.

Su Yu didn't dare to look directly at each other, but glanced lightly from the corner of his eye. Unexpectedly, this glance caused Su Yu's expression to change slightly.

He actually saw Biyun Hongxian!

The daughter of the No. 1 peerless family in the Seven Absolute Civilizations!

She is here, so isn't Mr. Jin Tong also nearby?

But, how could she rush over from the territory of the Evernight Empire?

"Who is that person?" Su Yu asked.

The general of the Xuan family shook his head vigilantly: "It has nothing to do with you, don't ask too many questions, let's go!"

Su Yu's heart was full of doubts, and he felt a little uneasy.

Jintong Langjun is a veteran of conspiracy who is good at layout, and has great ambitions.

Wherever he appears, there will inevitably be a bloody storm.

With a trace of uneasiness in his heart, Su Yu quickly left and went to the agreed place, preparing to meet Xie Xiaoyue.

However, when Su Yu arrived, there was no Xie Xiaoyue's figure besides the strong traces of fighting.

"Oops!" Su Yu looked around.

Xie Xiaoyue was once reported by Mr. Jintong, and she is already a wanted criminal in the Evernight Empire. If someone from the Evernight Empire finds out, it is inevitable that she will be arrested.

Her luck is too bad!

You can meet people from the Evernight Empire at the border!

Fortunately, judging from the traces of the fight at the scene, Xie Xiaoyue was not captured alive and should have escaped.

After confirming their escape direction, Su Yu quickly chased after them.

Several hours later, they were finally spotted somewhere on the border of the Nightless Empire.

Xie Xiaoyue was surrounded by five figures at this time.

Two of the figures laid siege to it, and the other three formed a siege for it.

Seeing the five people for the first time, Su Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't the Evernight Empire too small? To meet them again!

A man and a woman in the middle are exactly the two experienced people Su Yu met when he first came to the Nightless Empire.

That woman's savagery is still fresh in Su Yu's memory.

And those three old men were secretly protecting her.

In terms of cultivation, it is impossible for the two of them to be Xie Xiaoyue's opponent.

But Xie Xiaoyue's state is very bad at the moment, not to mention injuries all over her body, and she has been restrained several times, her cultivation is suppressed to the level of ordinary Taoist masters, and her domain cannot be used.

Except for the advantage of physique, the rest are at a disadvantage.

"Haha, it's interesting this way!" Princess Qianyue laughed, she liked the crushing feeling very much.

The ordinary-looking man beside him complimented: "We are very lucky to meet a fugitive!"

Originally, they were planning to come to the border for training and spying.

Unexpectedly, they saw a sneaky woman crossing the border and entering the territory of the Nightless Emperor from afar. They mistakenly thought that she was a spy from the Bright Palace, so they took the initiative to attack.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be the pirate leader who escaped some time ago!

This can make the two of them happy!

With the help of the three old guardians, Xie Xiaoyue was not only injured, but her cultivation base and domain were also sealed, making her an object of actual combat trials.

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