The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2198 His Majesty the Monarch

"Let's go, let's pick a quiet corner." Xie Xiaoyue dragged Su Yu to the most remote desk in the lower right corner.

Su Yu pulled his hand away as if nothing had happened, and said angrily, "Don't ask me for such things in the future, and I will be despised for nothing."

He behaved well, and was despised by Young Master Yaoyue as "cow dung", all thanks to Xie Xiaoyue.

"Hee hee, it feels so good to be attached to a big beauty, you see so many people are giving you envious and jealous eyes." Xie Xiaoyue rested her chin in both hands, her bright eyes smiled into a pair of crescent moons.

"I'd rather no one looked at me." Su Yu said lightly.

Just as he was talking, Su Yu suddenly felt a gaze staring at him, and when he looked sideways, he couldn't help but feel a tightening in his heart!

At the entrance of the banquet, a man and a woman stood side by side.

The man is the Prince Ling Tian of the Nightless Empire, and he is handsome.

He glanced around with a smile, but did not look at Su Yu.

But the snow-clothed woman with a dreamy face beside him stared straight at Su Yu with a pair of sharp and deep eyes.

Unintentional iron catch!

Su Yu felt extremely slandered in his heart, this Western Region is really too small!

In this way, you can run into unintentional iron catchers!

However, there was no surprise in Wuxin Tiezhu's eyes, as if he knew that Su Yu had come to Liuli Civilization for a long time.

"Wu Xin Tie Cai, we will go to the first class seat." In the table at the front, there is a vacancy reserved for Prince Ling Tian.

"No, Prince Ling Tian, ​​please feel free." Wu Xin Tie Chuan said calmly, then walked to the desk next to Su Yu and sat down, without saying a word, looking straight ahead, without any intention of talking to Su Yu.

Su Yu touched his nose with a guilty conscience.

In the audience, Wuxin Tiezhu should be the only one who knows that Su Yu is from the Pirate Alliance, right?

If she exposes it in public, Su Yu might end up in the same fate as Xie Xiaoyue.

"Oh, the old lover you let go back then is here, be careful." Xie Xiaoyue, who had completely changed her appearance and was not afraid of being recognized, gloated.

She has been wondering how the Wuxin iron arrester escaped in the first place.

After thinking about it a few times, Su Yu must have done it on purpose.

He is not a lecherous person, but he deliberately showed an impatient lecherous look to Wuxin Tiehun, and in all likelihood, he took the opportunity to let her go.

Su Yu gave her a white look, what is an old lover?

Nothing happened to them!

However, Su Yu was really confused about what Wuxin Tiezhu meant, sitting next to him without saying a word, and not exposing him!

What is she trying to do?

Prince Ling Tian was slightly surprised, how did Wuxin Tiezhu get to such a remote corner?

Glancing at Su Yu, Prince Ling Tian was confused for a while, did they know each other?

After checking Su Yu's cultivation level again, Prince Lingtian shook his head secretly again. With a smile on his face, he gave up his seat in the front row and sat beside Wuxin Tiecun, talking with him patiently and kindly.

Wu Xin Tie Chu answered from time to time, and sometimes didn't answer, showing a lack of interest.

It's just that his eyes would occasionally drift towards Su Yu, with a hint of curiosity and a ray of thought swirling in his eyes.

Prince Ling Tian, ​​who noticed this scene, couldn't help being surprised. Wuxin Tiezhu really knew the human race of the half-step road master?


How does the unintentional iron trap exist? At least the people you make friends with are the Lords of the Seven Star Civilization, right?

There shouldn't be any intersection between her and this human race.

"The princess is here!" At this moment, the doorman shouted.

heard that,

A trace of imperceptible resentment flashed in the depths of Prince Ling Tian's eyes.

What a big shelf!

As a prince, he came from afar without a door boy to report his courtesy.

Princess Qianyue came so late in her mansion, and even ordered someone to pay her respects!

As the prince of the Nightless Empire, Prince Ling Tian was very tired. He didn't understand why his father favored this useless imperial sister after working so hard.

In the eyes of everyone, Princess Qianyue appeared on the stage in a beautiful dress under the guidance of several maids.

Su Yu and Xie Xiaoyue were also very curious about this famous Princess Qianyue, so they cast curious glances.

Unexpectedly, after looking at it, both of them were stunned.

Isn't that woman the savage woman who took Xie Xiaoyue as a test object at the border?

Moreover, when Su Yu first entered the Nightless Empire, he met him once.

"She's Princess Qianyue?" Su Yu and Xie Xiaoyue whispered together.

Although her voice was very low, she still attracted the attention of Wuxin Tiezhu. She looked sideways and said indifferently: "So you know the princess, and I need to invite her to come over and get to know you?"

Su Yu quickly waved his hands, he wished he could hide, how dare he meet him face to face?

With Princess Qianyue's unruliness and capriciousness, Su Yu might have to be locked up on the spot!

Unfortunately, things backfired!

After Princess Qianyue came, she first looked at Prince Ling Tian's seat, but it was empty, which made her very disappointed.

It was the maid beside him who sent her a voice transmission, pointing to Prince Ling Tian in the corner.

Princess Qianyue looked over, her eyes lit up immediately, with joy on her face, she flew over with a smile, and said delicately, "Brother Huang."

Prince Ling Tian has a complicated heart, he is envious and jealous of Princess Qianyue, but he can't hate her.

Because Princess Qianyue is very attached to his imperial brother, every time her father bestows on her good things, she will share them with herself.

"You are here." Prince Lingtian said helplessly.

Princess Qianyue said: "Why are you sitting here, brother? Isn't there a special seat for you in front?"

"This place is enough." Prince Ling Tian said.

Princess Qianyue glanced at Wuxin Tiebu who was sitting with Prince Ling Tian, ​​she made no secret of her dislike, and raised her eyebrows.

Ever since Wu Xin Tie Chuan came to the Nightless Empire, Prince Ling Tian has been with this woman all day long. It is said that they even cultivate together, and the relationship is very close.

What upset Princess Qianyue the most was that it was said that it was the emperor's brother who expressed his good intentions one-sidedly, but that woman was very unkind and never took the initiative to do anything to the emperor's brother.

This made Princess Qianyue very upset, feeling as if her brother had been snatched away.

Seeing Prince Ling Tian abandoning his special seat again and purposely coming to this kind of corner to accompany this woman, jealousy abounds.

"You, step aside, this princess will sit here!" Princess Qianyue pointed at Wuxin Tiebu and ordered him to move away.

Wuxin Tiezhu got up without expression, but she didn't go far, but sat down next to Su Yu, and said lightly, "Squeeze."

There are two people on a table, but there are three people squeezed out!

Xie Xiaoyue was immediately dissatisfied, this unintentional iron catcher was too self-indulgent, right?

However, in front of Princess Qianyue, she didn't dare to make any noise, so she could only move aside to make room.

Su Yu lowered his head and moved to one side, secretly thinking about Wuxin's cunning.

She must have seen that Su Yu and Princess Qianyue were not dealing with each other, so she expected that he would not dare to make a fuss, so he dared to forcefully squeeze over.

What else could Su Yu do besides silently get out of the way?

In this way, the three barely squeezed out.

But Princess Qianyue was very dissatisfied.

Her original intention was to keep Wuxin Tiebu away from the emperor's brother, but she was lucky enough to squeeze into the next seat.

She didn't dare to vent her anger on someone like Wuxin Tiezhu, so she could only vent to Su Yu and Xie Xiaoyue: "Do you two have the backbone? Let it go without saying a word..."

Just as she was talking, Princess Qianyue stared at Su Yu suddenly, feeling very familiar.

"You, raise your head up!" Princess Qianyue ordered.

Su Yu secretly thought it was bad luck, he thought he could escape, but it seems that he couldn't escape!

With the matter at this point, Su Yu could only raise his head and reveal his face.

"It really is you!" Princess Qianyue screamed loudly, her face full of anger.

On the border, after she was chased away by Su Yu, she was full of wimps.

Thinking of her as a majestic princess, she wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, but what about the silver-haired human race, who refused to save her a few months ago, and now arbitrarily interferes with her experience.

How could she bear this tone?

Afterwards, she ordered someone to investigate, and found that Su Yu's information was very scarce, and it was very difficult to find him.

She never dreamed that Su Yu, whom she couldn't find no matter what, would appear at the banquet held by her mansion in a majestic way!

Su Yu smiled awkwardly: "Oh, it's been a long time since the princess."

Princess Qianyue laughed angrily: "Come here, arrest him!"

Sure enough, as soon as the unruly and willful princess found him, she immediately ordered someone to arrest him.

Prince Ling Tian frowned slightly, and stopped him: "Wait a minute, sister!"

Princess Qianyue said angrily: "Brother Huang, you don't know how hateful this person is, he always bullies me!"

The corner of Prince Ling Tian's mouth twitched lightly, even if his sister's temper didn't go along with her, then he was bullying her.

"Listen to me!" Prince Ling Tian was still rational and calm: "He was invited here for a reason, so don't be reckless."

This banquet is not ordinary, not just any cat or dog can attend.

Those who can come here are all special people who have been allowed by the royal family and have certain expertise in various aspects.

To put it bluntly, all those present are the future pillars of the Nightless Empire, how can they be arbitrarily taken away?

"Brother Huang, this person is really disgusting, I must arrest him." Princess Qianyue made up her mind and her attitude was very firm!

Prince Ling Tian's repeated persuasion was ineffective, so he had no choice but to give up.

I thought to myself, Su Yu's strength is low, so he shouldn't be a very key person, so just give up if you give up.

At this moment, a boy's voice came from outside the door and sang: "His Majesty is here!"

Immediately, the audience stood up, facing the entrance respectfully, lowering their heads slightly to express their respect.

"All gentlemen, please forgive me." A gentle voice came to everyone's ears, making everyone's tense mood very comfortable.

Su Yu was taken aback for a moment, the voice seemed familiar!

He looked up and couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't this the middle-aged man in the blue robe who gave him the invitation?

He is actually the king of the Evernight Empire?

"Father!" Princess Qianyue threw herself into the arms of the monarch coquettishly, and said aggrievedly: "Someone bullies me, father wants to make the decision for me!"

The monarch is a little helpless. In such an occasion, anyone with a slight wink will not spoil the atmosphere.

But who made her his most beloved daughter!

"Oh? Who is it?" the monarch asked.

Princess Qianyue pointed at Su Yu angrily: "It's him! He bullied me last time, and he bullied me again this time. It's very hateful. Please, father, be the master for me!"

The monarch followed his gaze, the majestic eyes, but there was a hint of joy, he stepped forward quickly, and said with a smile: "Young fellow Taoist has indeed come! I am so relieved!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent and stunned!

Eight o'clock in the evening, more than three o'clock.

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