After thinking for a while, Su Yu finally remembered, isn't this the physique that Gu Taixu cultivated successfully?

Su Yu frowned slightly, and said: "Forgive me, the body of the Nine Gods is the evolution of the body of the Nine Spirits, right? If you succeed in cultivating this physique, you will display the nine divine appearances. This physique is only useful to the Galaxy Overlord, right? "

"The princess has already reached the half-step Taoist realm, what is the use of this physique?"

The monarch looked surprised: "You actually know the body of the Nine Gods?"

"Well, there was an enemy in the past who had the body of the Nine Gods, but that was a long time ago."

The monarch was stunned, and said: "That's a coincidence, you can come across this rare physique like the Body of the Nine Gods twice!"

After a pause, the monarch continued: "You should be talking about the body of the acquired nine gods."

"The body of the nine gods can be divided into innate and acquired. Among them, the acquired body of the nine gods is the owner of the body of the nine spirits. It evolves by devouring a large amount of life essence and blood. The process is very cruel and harmonious."

Su Yu nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully.

"The body of the acquired nine gods is very limited. At most, it can only cultivate the appearance of the nine gods, but this is not the case. If it continues to be devoured, the body of the acquired nine gods will continue to evolve!"

Oh? This is something new, Su Yu has never seen it in related classics.

"Once swallowed successfully, you will become the body of the Nine Paths!" The monarch said in a condensed voice: "The so-called body of the Nine Paths means that once you become a Taoist master, you can have the nine avenues, and you can imagine the strength."

Nine kinds of avenues, nine kinds of Taoist instruments, nine kinds of domains...

The strength of one of them is probably comparable to that of a patriarch.

This is still considering that the nine ways are relatively mediocre. If the way cultivated is extremely powerful, the strength will definitely far exceed the level of the Patriarch, and may even reach the top level of Xia Yi'an.

"It's better that your enemy is dead. If he is still alive, you will be in trouble in the future." Ruo Jun reminded him meaningfully.

Su Yu's eyes were light, and he said: "If he is alive, he'd better pray that he doesn't meet me."

Otherwise, see once and kill once!

"You should be careful." The monarch said: "My daughter is the innate body of the nine gods! This divine body does not need to be cultivated by devouring the blood of living beings, but it is also very difficult to cultivate."

The monarch frowned and said: "She needs to rely on constant fighting to stimulate the transformation of the body of the Nine Gods, and the process is very slow!"

"If she didn't have this kind of physique, with her talent, she would have become a Daoist a long time ago, perhaps breaking through earlier than her elder brother. How could she be reduced to today, and she has been unable to break through to a Daoist?"

Su Yu nodded in understanding.

Isn't he?

If according to the standards of normal people, he only cultivated one path, he can already be called a Taoist master now.

The body and soul have been Taoized, the law of space has also been Taoized, and the field of space has been cultivated.

But because the other seven laws have been unable to be Taoized for a long time, they cannot be regarded as Taoist masters, but only half-step Taoist masters.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly unruly and willful Princess Qianyue with mediocre talent actually had this kind of physique!

No wonder the monarch is so partial to her!

Compared with her, the seemingly perfect Prince Ling Tian did seem a bit mediocre.

"You want me to sharpen it?" Su Yu understood what the monarch meant.

The monarch nodded: "En!"

Su Yu was puzzled and said: "For tempering, you can just find some strong people? Why do you have to make a special trip for me?"

Among other things, the guards of Princess Qianyue,

Is it far enough to become the object of its sharpening?

"You don't know that tempering needs to be in the state of opening the body of the nine gods, and once the body of the nine gods is activated, the little girl will become very dangerous. There was once a person who was sharpened at the level of the head of the family. wounded and died."

"Therefore, no one in the know is willing to become a training partner for the Body of the Nine Gods, and his cultivation has stagnated for a long time because of this."

During this period, only the monarch dared to compete with Princess Qianyue who was in the body of the Nine Gods.

But he has been busy for a long time, and he has very little time to spend with Princess Qianyue.

"Does Your Majesty think too highly of me?" Su Yu slandered in his heart, all the powerful people at the Patriarch level died tragically, so let him go, isn't he afraid that something will happen to him?

The monarch laughed: "You master the space domain, and I am no match for you in terms of escaping. It should be the safest thing to ask you to pay her to compete."

Su Yu refused intentionally, but when he thought of fixing the astrolabe, he had no choice but to agree.

Of course he took the risk, the monarch must have paid a huge price for borrowing the astrolabe.

"Okay, when will it start?"

"Now, one more day, she will have a little more chance."

Su Yu nodded: "Okay, I'm going to the Princess Mansion now, please remember my request, and you must not see Princess Qianyue during this period!"

The two parties agreed that Su Yu would come to the princess mansion under the leadership of the monarch's confidant, an elder in green robe.

But saw Princess Qianyue squatting in the yard, facing a wall.

But she didn't think about it. Instead, she held a small figure in her left hand and a needle in her right hand, and kept poking the little figure.

On the villain's chest, the word "Su Yu" was clearly written.

"Damn Su Yu, stab you a thousand times and ten thousand times, I'll stab you to death!" She muttered as she stabbed the villain.

The green-robed elder appeared, and seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he cast an embarrassing look at Su Yu: "Young Master Su, the princess has such a temper, please don't be offended!"

"Don't worry, of course I won't be's just!" Su Yu smiled lightly.

Now that you have decided to be the teacher of Princess Qianyue, you should do it seriously.

It is natural that such a thing as a student tying a teacher into a villain must be strictly dealt with!

"Ahem..." The green-robed elder coughed dryly, and said, "Princess, Your Majesty has ordered."

Immediately, Princess Qianyue turned around immediately, full of resentment: "I won't listen, I won't listen! Father doesn't love me anymore!"

The green-robed elder bit the bullet and said: "Princess, Your Majesty ordered a new teacher for you."

"New teacher? Who is it?" Princess Qianyue was immediately interested.

From childhood to adulthood, only Layman Qingyuan served as a teacher for a period of time before his body of nine gods was discovered.

After that, no one is qualified to be his teacher.

Why did he suddenly find a teacher for him now?

"That's Mr. Su." The green-robed elder stepped aside, revealing Su Yu behind him.

Seeing Su Yu, Princess Qianyue stared wide-eyed, and could hardly believe her ears: "What? He is my teacher?"

"This is the monarch's oral order." Seeing the princess's reaction was so great, the elder in the green robe had the foresight to distance himself from the two of them.

Princess Qianyue yelled: "Father, is it crazy? Why did you arrange him to be my teacher? No, I want to see Father, I want to ask him for clarification."

Princess Qianyue felt that she had become an abandoned child.

The green-robed elder said: "Your Majesty has official business, and he hasn't seen any visitors for the past year! In addition, this Mr. Su has the privilege bestowed by the monarch himself, and can dispatch all the personnel and resources of the Princess Mansion, including you, the princess. No Mr. Su With your approval, you can't even leave the princess mansion for half a step."

"What?" Princess Qianyue couldn't believe it, how could her father issue such a crazy order.

Wouldn't this put her in Su Yu's hands completely?

In case Su Yu had any evil intentions and did anything to her, there was no one to protect her!

"The oral order has been conveyed, and the old slave will leave." The green-robed elder was actually quite happy in his heart.

Over the years, the princess has been domineering, causing the entire imperial kingdom to be angry and resentful.

However, the monarch loves it, and no one has dared to do anything to it.

Good thing now, someone has finally fixed her!

After the green-robed elder left, Princess Qianyue fixed her angry eyes on Su Yu, and said, "If you are sensible, leave the Princess Mansion right away, otherwise, hum!"

"How else?"

"Otherwise, this princess mansion is full of my confidantes, be careful I will let you go around!"

Su Yu stood with folded arms in a leisurely manner: "Then try it!"

"You said it! Don't regret it!" Princess Qianyue smiled coldly and shouted, "Come here!"

Swish Swish Swish——

The first to bear the brunt were the three old patriarchs who guarded her, and there were also a dozen or so ordinary Taoist masters.

They surround the princess and protect her.

"Get him out!" Princess Qianyue ordered.

As expected, the crowd obeyed Princess Qianyue's words very much, and they were about to attack immediately.

Su Yu calmly took out a golden token, and the golden light released was extremely dazzling, causing the group of people who were about to do it to stop immediately, and knelt down on the ground in extreme panic: "See Your Majesty!"

Princess Qianyue took a deep breath and said, "Why is your father's identity token in your hand?"

There is only one order of this order, and the monarch seldom leaves his body.

Only in some special occasions, he could not go there himself, so he ordered people to go there with tokens.

Seeing this decree is like seeing the king in person.

No matter how the princess's staff are confidantes, how can they defy the monarch?

"Of course it was given by your father." Su Yu said calmly, looked around at the kneeling man, and said, "Come here, tie up the princess for me!"


Princess Qianyue was so angry that her lungs exploded!

She is a majestic princess, but she is going to be tied up?

"Who dares?" Princess Qianyue was angry and furious.

Su Yu looked at them in his spare time, narrowing his eyes slightly: "Anyone who disobeys orders is regarded as disobedient to the monarch!"

In this way, they stood up hesitantly and walked towards Princess Qianyue.

"You dare?" Princess Qianyue shrank back and said angrily.

However, Su Yu held the token of the monarch, who would dare to disobey his orders?

Even if you offend the princess to death, you can only bite the bullet!

"Offended the princess!" A group of people stepped forward and tied the princess up.

The princess fluttered wildly in anger, but her whole body was tied into rice dumplings, and after a little fluttering, she staggered and fell to the ground, making a face-down intimate contact.

"You... bastards! I won't let you go!"

Su Yu was expressionless, and said lightly: "Hang up."

To teach people, you must first teach the principles of life.

If she is so rebellious and rebellious, how can she be taught?

Everyone broke the cans and smashed them, so they could only do as they were told, hanging Princess Qianyue under the eaves.

"You, you are so bold, I will sue the emperor and cut off all of your heads..." Princess Qianyue was so angry that she jumped the wall and glared at everyone present.

Su Yu's eyes were flat, and he said: "Now is the beginning, Your Royal Highness, don't be too impatient!"

Hearing this, the hearts of the people around were inexplicably chilled. What is this man surnamed Su going to do to the princess?

Isn't that enough?

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