I don't know what price the monarch paid, but the lord of the Bright Palace decided to lend the astrolabe to the Nightless Empire for use once.

At that time, it will be brought to the Evernight Empire by the light emissaries who have had this friendly exchange.

"Finally got it!" Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, found the fixed astrolabe, and was able to inquire about the whereabouts of the evil girl, and revive Yun Yazi's soul.

With this in mind, he is looking forward to the friendly exchanges in a few months.

Since the monarch kept his promise and borrowed the astrolabe, Su Yu should teach Princess Qianyue more attentively.

In the following time, Su Yu accompanied Princess Qianyue to sharpen her body of the Nine Gods during the day, and seized the time to consolidate the "immortal soul realm" at night.

On this day, Xie Xiaoyue came to visit.

"Teaching that unruly princess, are you so serious?" Xie Xiaoyue has actually come here many times, but every time she comes, Su Yu is training the princess in seclusion.

Su Yu said: "Being entrusted by others to be loyal to others is nothing more than being ashamed of one's heart."

Glancing at Xie Xiaoyue, Su Yu said, "Isn't the palace comfortable?"

"No, I heard a piece of news, and I'm here to tell you." Xie Xiaoyue said, "I heard that the Nightless Palace in the city is planning to hold a Tianjiao seminar in the territory of the Nightless Empire."

Su Yu's eyes were indifferent, and he was not interested in their seminar.

Su Yu didn't pay much attention to Young Master Yaoyue's strength, and their sparring was meaningless to Su Yu.

Xie Xiaoyue's eyes flashed, and she said, "I know you're not interested in their sparring, but do you know who will participate in this sparring meeting?"

"I know?" she asked, there must be a deep meaning.

"Snow dream flying rain."

Su Yu was only slightly surprised, but no more surprised.

Because not long ago, he had only seen this woman once at the border.

The strange thing is that she was able to enter and leave the military camp of Guangming Palace freely, and the clan general Xuan Hua still kept secret about it.

"Have you seen her?" Xie Xiaoyue asked curiously, reading something from Su Yu's eyes.

Su Yu nodded, and then told the story of the Guangming Palace barracks that day.

After listening, Xie Xiaoyue's face was full of suspicion: "What are these father and daughter going to do? Mr. Jin Tong became the vice president of the local Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce in a strange way. How could his daughter have anything to do with Guangming Palace?"

The speaker had no intention of listening, but Su Yu's eyes flickered fiercely. Mr. Jintong became the vice president of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce?


Judging from his experience in dealing with the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, there is no one in the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce who is greedy. If he wants to become their vice president from an outsider, the price he has to pay is unimaginable.

Jintong Langjun, an ordinary patriarch-level Taoist from the Qijue civilization, can afford such a high price?

In this regard, he is deeply skeptical!

"This father and daughter are indeed planning something." Su Yu felt more uneasy.

If they were in other civilizations, Su Yu could still ignore them.

But in Liuli civilization, when it comes to him, he can't sit idly by.

"In this case, I have to go to this competition in person." Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

the next day.

Su Yu competed with Princess Qianyue as usual.

When the discussion was over, Princess Qianyue hesitated and said, "Teacher Su, I would like to ask for a day off."


"Tomorrow I have an important exchange meeting,

If you want to participate, please allow Teacher Su. "

Su Yu said lightly: "Yes!"

Princess Qianyue was secretly happy, the new teacher is very sensible.

Who knows, Su Yu changed the subject and said, "But, you must take me with you!"

He was worrying about how to arrange for Princess Qianyue, but he did not expect that she would also receive the invitation.

"Ah?" Princess Qianyue's face stiffened immediately, she absolutely didn't want to be known by the world, and she was being disciplined by a teacher.

Fortunately, Su Yu said again: "However, I am not your teacher."

"That's great... Oh, I mean, it's all up to the teacher to arrange." Princess Qianyue let out a long sigh of relief.

Su Yu said: "I will participate as your friend."

"Good teacher Su!"

The teacher and the student made some preparations so that they could go to the Xifeng Building in the Imperial City the next day.

The building was already full of invited talents from all sides, among which Young Master Yaoyue was the main one, and Prince Ling Tian also came to join him as a prince.

The friendly exchange after several months is related to the honor and disgrace of the younger generation of warriors in the Evernight Empire, so how can we not pay attention to it?

Taking a closer look, Su Yu found that even Wu Xin Tie Zhu was rarely willing to play.

She sat silently in the corner, took the volume in her hand and went through the cases carefully, looking out of tune with the atmosphere of the scene.

"The princess is here!" The boy in the Xifeng Tower chanted loudly when he saw the princess chasing the carriage from afar.

Everyone was in high spirits, at least she was the monarch's most beloved princess, and she was a member of the Palace of Everlasting Brightness, so she was naturally welcomed by everyone.

Young Master Yaoyue even more so with a strong smile, took the initiative to go downstairs and greet him in front of the chauffeur.

The door curtain for driving the car was lifted by the maid, and Princess Qianyue, who was very interested, stepped down first.

"The princess is here, and the fluffy plants are shining!" Young Master Yaoyue smiled all over his face.

Princess Qianyue nodded and jumped off the carriage, but she did not follow the invitation of Young Master Yaoyue to go upstairs, but waited beside the carriage.

"Princess?" Young Master Yaoyue cast a questioning look in confusion.

At this moment, another young man got off the carriage, it was Su Yu!

Seeing that he got off the princess' exclusive chauffeur, everyone present couldn't calm down immediately.

"What's the situation? How can the princess's chasing car be used by others?"

"No way! Why did the princess come with this human race?"

"I'll go! What is he, he can ride with the princess!"


Even the unintentional iron catcher put down the roll and walked away, casting a thoughtful look.

Prince Ling Tian was also surprised, the royal family has strict rules and regulations, and the imperial sister's chasing car is not something that ordinary men can casually get on.

Young Master Yaoyue at the side was the most shocked.

This silver-haired human being whom he despises, not to mention the warm reception of the monarch, is actually taking the princess's exclusive car right now?

As far as he knew, outsiders were absolutely not allowed to ride in this carriage!

Especially men outside the royal family!

Young Master Yaoyue frowned and said, "Princess, who is this person?"

Princess Qianyue was very reluctant to introduce Su Yu, but she had no choice but to ask instead: "Did you forget the banquet a few days ago? Su Yu."

What Young Master Yaoyue wanted to ask was not his name: "The princess and him are..."

"Friend." Princess Qianyue said briefly and with a guilty conscience.

Can friends take the special bus of Princess Qianyue?

They have called each other friends with the princess for many years, but they have never seen the princess allowing them to board the princess's carriage!

This human race named Su Yu actually had such a qualification in just a few days.

It's hard for Young Master Yaoyue not to be jealous.

But on the surface, he looked very generous, and said with a smile: "So it's Mr. Su, look at my memory, please!"

He thought to himself, this human race is so popular that they don't pay attention to the members of the Everbright Palace at all.

The previous banquet was fine, but this time they participated in the discussion meeting with such a high profile.

You have to let him suffer a little bit later!

Su Yu could see what he was thinking, but would he care?

A group of people boarded the west building.

"Princess, please." Princess Qianyue was naturally treated like a star, and sent her to the most honored seat.

Young Master Yaoyue turned around and smiled apologetically at Su Yu: "There are no seats here, so Young Master Su please help yourself."

Su Yu looked around for a week, and wherever he looked, all the young heroes raised their necks one after another, either with their thighs to occupy the empty space, or showing hostility to tell them not to come over.

The floor was full of seats, but there was no place for Su Yu to stay.

Young Master Yaoyue saw it in his eyes, and secretly smiled in his heart, there won't even be anyone sitting in the meeting later, I hope you are willing to participate.

But at this moment, a calm but sweet voice came: "Young Master Su, if you don't mind, you can sit here."

When everyone heard the reputation, their expressions suddenly became unnatural.

It was the unintentional iron catcher who was out of tune with the crowd, Shaxiu brushed the bench beside him to make room for Su Yu.

This scene once again made everyone's hearts mixed.

The famous Wuxin iron catcher, they tried their best to make friends with him, but the other party didn't even respond, what they got was his usual indifference.

Looking at the entire Nightless Empire, the only one who managed to get close to Wuxin Tiezhu was Prince Lingtian!

But it is said that she treats Prince Ling Tian very coldly.

In this sparring session, she even refused Prince Ling Tian's request to sit with him and occupy a corner by herself, looking through the files silently.

Unexpectedly, she gave way to Su Yu.

This made everyone extremely depressed. What is so good about this silver-haired human race?

Why does it seem that every big shot is special to him?

"Why don't you come to my place?" However, another voice came.

When everyone looked at it, it was unavoidable that there was a thick touch of amazement in their eyes!

"Who is this? It's so beautiful!"

"It seems that she went to the monarch's banquet last time. She seems to be the companion of the silver-haired human race?"

"What a reckless waste! Such a beautiful woman is actually the kind of human companion who can't stand on stage!"


It turned out that Xie Xiaoyue had already expected that the discussion would not go well, so she came to reserve a seat in advance.

Su Yu thought for a while, but chose to sit with Wu Xin Tie Cun.

He has some questions he wants to ask Wuxin Iron Catcher.

The corner of Xie Xiaoyue's mouth twitched: "Prefer sex over friends!"

But she still got up quickly, and came to Wuxin Tiechu together, and looked at her with unkind eyes: "This girl, Mr. Su is a decent person, don't make misleading actions, okay?"

Su Yu gave her a white look, isn't this sentence misleading?

Who knows, Wuxin Tiezhu took a look at Xie Xiaoyue, and said calmly: "It's not the first time you and I have met, so you don't need to call me girl, leader Xiaoyue."

Immediately, Xie Xiaoyue froze all over, and her eyes showed disbelief.

Wuxin Tiezhu unexpectedly knew his true identity!

Su Yu was also secretly awe-inspiring, such a keen insight!

The three sat down and chatted with each other.

Young Master Yaoyue took a deep look at Su Yu, feeling very unhappy, but the business was important.

She invited the princess to sit down, and smiled tentatively, "Princess, didn't your teacher come?"

Hearing this, Princess Qianyue, who was in a good mood, froze for a moment, and said with a dry smile, "My teacher...he...is very busy, haha..."

The teacher is just opposite!

"That's a pity. Your current teacher must be a superb Taoist. If he is willing to teach us how to learn, it will have the effect of enlightening our cultivation." Young Master Yaoyue said regretfully.

But Princess Qianyue was stunned when she said these words, she thought to herself, he meant Su Yu, right?

But how did Su Yu become a master of Taoism?

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