The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2213 Strange Outline

Inside the palace, a secret practice field.

This place is surrounded by exceptionally strong defenses, impenetrable.

And it contains a very powerful shielding effect, and ordinary people cannot see through it.

At this moment, Su Yu, Xuan Hua and Xuan Yin were present.

Both sides are preparing for the next match.

"Young master Su, you don't mind if I come to host the discussion for you." Xuanyin smiled calmly with her mouth slightly curved.

Su Yu glanced at him, how could he forget the hostile gaze she gave him in the crowd two months ago?

"I don't mind." Su Yu said calmly.

Hostility is nothing, the rest of the messengers of light have all cast hostile gazes at themselves.

As long as she doesn't overdo it.

"Master Su, no matter the outcome of this battle, I will hand over the astrolabe immediately." Xuan Hua was very much looking forward to the battle with Su Yu.

Even if she was defeated by Su Yu, she would admit it.

"It's best." Su Yu said lightly.

In order to get the fixed astrolabe, he had many twists and turns.

First, he went to the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce to buy information, but was innocently cheated of a sum of money, and then sneaked into the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce to steal information.

After finally getting information, the astrolabe has fallen into the hands of Guangming Palace.

It took a lot of effort to get the help of the monarch of the Evernight Emperor, so that he could borrow the astrolabe for use.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Hua stepped in again, so we need to discuss it first.

Su Yu felt that his patience had been exhausted.

If Xuan Hua is going to make trouble in the future, then really don't blame him for losing his temper.

Seeing Su Yu's slight displeasure, Xuan Hua said, "I, Xuan Hua, will do what I say."

"Let's start." Su Yu said.

At this time, Xie Xiaoyue and the monarch came.

"Hee hee, just in time." Xie Xiaoyue smiled, chose a good spot to watch the battle, and watched it immediately.

The monarch also smiled and nodded towards Su Yu.

He also took advantage of the situation and nodded to Xuan Hua and Xuan Yin.

There was nothing wrong when his eyes drifted past Xuan Hua, he just stopped for a while, and curiously looked at Xuan Hua, a contemporary master who is famous for his glazed civilization.

But when it fell on Xuanyin's body, his eyes suddenly stopped, and a few thoughts appeared between his brows.

But he hid it very deeply, it was only fleeting, and he looked away as if nothing had happened.

On the stage, both Su Yu and Xuan Hua were ready.

"Who will go first?" Xuan Hua seemed to be smiling, but actually he was a little nervous. Facing Su Yu with a calm expression, he felt a heavy feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai.

Su Yu said: "You go first."

If someone else said such things to Xuan Hua, it probably meant overreaching and arrogance.

But from Su Yu's mouth, Xuan Hua readily accepted.

One cannot underestimate a person in the space domain like Su Yu.

"Be careful!" Xuan Hua took out a brush with a golden tip, and drew a picture in the air extremely quickly.

That painting is a sword formation.

There are a total of eight swords, and each sword is a Taoist weapon!

This is the Daoist who Xuan Hua has watched with swords all these years,

A Taoist instrument that was memorized carefully.

Later, after painstaking research, he learned several kinds of sword arrays.

Cooperating with the Dao weapon, the power of this sword array can be imagined.

Xie Xiaoyue secretly clicked her tongue when she saw it: "This mysterious painting, in a sense, is invincible!"

The monarch deeply agreed: "The special feature of the sword array is that it can exert the power of several swords into geometric multiples. The power of the current sword array should far exceed the superposition of the power of eight swords."

When the two commented, Xuan Hua had already finished painting.

The sword array changed from virtual to real, and with the tip of Xuanhua's brush, the sword array clattered like branches and leaves, showing an oval shape, spreading in all directions, and surrounding Su Yu's head.

"Put!" Xuan Hua shouted lightly.

The eight swords turned into eight bright rays of light at the same time, spinning rapidly with their respective trajectories.

The sword qi released during the twirling process were superimposed on each other, and after being superimposed, they continued to grow stronger, and eight extremely terrifying sword qi were brewed in a moment.

Each one can kill the Taoist master of the Patriarch level invisibly.

At the beginning of the Eight Paths, the power can be imagined!

whoosh whoosh—

The eight sword qi slashed down at the same time, and the power produced was shocking.

Xie Xiaoyue couldn't help but sweat for Su Yu.

But Su Yu was very calm, he only released the space field lightly, and a layer of flickering folding space appeared around his body.


The eight sword qi pierced into the folding space, and was forced to change its trajectory immediately, and flew past Su Yu's body.

Xuan Hua's pupils shrank, and the space domain was really tricky.

The divine art that attacks oneself can completely change its direction in a short period of time.

"Put it again!" One blow won't work, so another blow.

The sword formation shot out eight more sword qi, but before they were completely fired, Xuan Hua continued to manipulate the sword formation, releasing powerful and unparalleled sword qi again and again.

In just a few breaths, the sky above the entire practice field was filled with terrifying thick sword energy.

From different directions, different angles, and different trajectories, they attacked Su Yu in the middle like a violent storm.

What's even more spectacular is that any sword energy shot at Su Yu will be shot from another direction.

After a while, the sword array drawn by Xuan Hua finally couldn't bear it, and it collapsed into a painting again.

After all, it is not a real thing. Once the special field contained in the words dissipates, it will naturally collapse.

"Do you want to continue?" Su Yu didn't fight back just now.

If the paintings created by Xuanhua are only at the level just now, they will not be able to do anything to the realm of space.

Unless she can break through the space field!

"Of course!" Xuan Hua felt more delighted as she fought more and more. She had been in Guangming Palace for many years, and she had never had anyone she could compete with.

The Daughter of Destiny is certainly better than her, but she can retreat for a long time.

And Kong Qu, who was second only to her, was far behind her and was not suitable as an opponent for sparring.

Su Yu is the only person he has met so far who can compete with each other.

"Spear of Destiny!" Xuan Hua's eyes became sharp, and he quickly drew out a spear of ice with barbs all over his body.

Different from the sword-shaped Taoist weapon just now, the spiritual pressure emitted by this Destiny Spear is quite amazing.

The eight swords combined are probably less than one-tenth of the spear!

The monarch was surprised to see it: "The Grand Master is willing to give his Taoist artifacts to Xuan Hua to copy."

The Spear of Destiny is the special spear of the Grand Master of the Bright Palace!

The power is amazing.



The spear pierced sharply, and the terrifying spiritual pressure that emanated oppressed the space field on Su Yu's body until it flickered slightly.

Su Yu finally made his move just now.

"Space folds infinitely!" The space domain changes rapidly, becoming a strange place that constantly overlaps.

The Spear of Destiny pierced in, and Su Yu was obviously close at hand, but was folded into another space by the space domain.

After finally getting rid of this space, it was folded again.

Then it goes on and on and on and on...

Eventually, the Spear of Destiny collapsed.

Xuan Hua gritted her silver teeth and shouted: "Okay, I will use one last trick, you really have to be careful!"

She wanted to hold back at first, but now it seems that if Su Yu doesn't show his true skills, she can't do anything about it if Su Yu stands still.


She suddenly bit the tip of her tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood on the tip of the writing brush, staining the tip of the golden brush in blood red.

When painting again, I can faintly feel the fluctuation of abnormal and strange power.

Under his lightning-like depiction, a figure that made Su Yu's eyes slightly cold appeared!

On the contrary, the monarch was slightly at a loss: "Who is that figure?"

It can be seen that Xuan Hua actually wanted to describe the whole person clearly.

But there seems to be some kind of power in the dark, so that Xuan Hua's paintings can only depict vague outlines at best.

Xie Xiaoyue looked slightly awe-inspiring: "What kind of characters can't be drawn?"

Only Su Yu knows!

Because not long ago, he had devoured a part of this person's soul.

That's right, it's the emperor of Xiaoyao!

Although there is no specific face, Su Yu will never forget that silhouette and the breath that emanates from it.

It's just that the mysterious painting should not depict Xiaoyao Tianzi himself.

Otherwise, she wouldn't even be able to draw a picture.

How could the Son of Heaven of the Holy Mountain be described by a living being?

But what she described was not the second clone that Su Yu killed.

"Who is this person, whose name is unknown." Xuan Hua said solemnly while drawing: "Ten years ago, when I was traveling abroad, I saw this person's figure from afar. Shattered an abandoned seven-star civilization standing in front of him."

"In just a split second, the seven-star civilization is gone!"

"I've been wanting to draw it all these years, but I can only draw the outline." Xuan Hua said confusedly: "I clearly remember his facial features, but whenever I want to draw it in detail, there is always an invisible force blocking it. Myself, let me either draw wrongly, or have various accidents, such as the brush suddenly breaking off, or my hand trembling suddenly..."

Listening to her description, Xie Xiaoyue and the monarch became serious.

There is such a strange thing?

Kicking the seven-star civilization into pieces, and judging by its description, it should be effortless!

Such a character must be a taboo among the taboos!

But he actually appeared in the Eastern Territory?

Could it be that the distant eight-star civilization will appear?

Su Yu's calm face was darkened.

He knew who the other party was, and even why the other party came.

It is another avatar sent by Emperor Xiaoyao, who came to the Eastern Region to find himself!

A great sense of crisis suddenly came!

You must increase your strength as soon as possible, otherwise...

"So, this imitated person is very dangerous. Su Yu, if you lose, immediately admit defeat and don't risk your life." Xuan Hua said in a condensed voice.

Su Yu stared at the outline of Xiaoyao Tianzi's avatar, and could feel the strong threat it brought.

However, it is still within the acceptable range!

"Let the horse come here!" Su Yu's body was filled with a layer of holy light, and layers of scales covered his whole body.

At the same time, a long sword in the shape of a dragon appeared in his hand.

Seeing this sword, the monarch's pupils shrank fiercely: "The Dragon Clan of the Southern Region inherits the divine sword?"

He stared at Su Yu in disbelief, his eyes full of shock.

The Southern Region is the most mysterious region outside the region, and it has always been the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Among them, the most talked about is the Dragon Clan.

A strong man emerges in large numbers, shocking the top civilizations outside the region.

Especially tens of millions of years ago, after the previous Dragon King died, under the leadership of the new Dragon King, the dragon civilization developed to its peak.

The strange emergence of one after another in the clan, the top powers suppressed all living beings outside the territory to the ground.

Yesterday, due to the rush of time, I cut corners and materials. I added a chapter in the morning and continued to update it in the evening.

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