The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2227 Horror Lizard

What's more, he still has a lot of primordial spirit, and this thing can also be counted as a resource.

In addition, in the nursery of Taishang Xitu, there are many fairy plants that are no less than tens of millions of years old.

The accumulation of these is barely enough for one of the three major forces to accumulate for a hundred years.

Looking at the endless accumulation of resources, Xiao Liefeng and Guangmingyu were shocked, but also extremely ecstatic.

It is true that people cannot be judged by appearances, and sea water cannot be measured!

Su Yu is only a half-step Daoist, but he can get the accumulation of the entire sect for a hundred years in one go?

Even Xie Xiaoyue, who knew a lot about Su Yu among them, was dumbfounded. She never imagined that Su Yu was so rich!

Gui Fuzi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked: "Okay, you use these resources first, and I will return them to you after a hundred years."

A hundred years later, when the era is destroyed, whether Su Yu is still alive or not is a matter of debate, so how about repaying the debt?

"Hehe, ask Master Jianxuan, do you think I am a three-year-old child?" Su Yu sneered: "Eighty years later, when the era will be destroyed, if you die, what will you pay for it?"

Ghost Master's tricks did not escape Su Yu's eyes.

He felt guilty for a while, and said: "You can't say that. After a hundred years, I asked Jianxuan to still exist in the world. At that time, you come... Hey, why are you putting it away?"

Su Yu was taking many resources back to the Jiubi Lingzhu, and said calmly: "Since Wenjianxuan can't give the due IOU, this transaction will be declared void."

Xiao Liefeng and Guangmingyu felt pain when they saw it, but they couldn't save face and asked Su Yu to donate these resources for free.

They could only attack the ghost master and shouted: "It seems that you are not sincere. If so, there is no need to talk about everything. Let's destroy the ancient glazed cave directly, and it will be settled once and for all!"

Saying that, the two shot again.

The ghost master had no choice but to stop him, saying: "Okay, I will write the IOU, but Su Yu, what do you want? If I am required to repay those resources in just a few years or decades, I will definitely not be able to repay it."

A gleam of wisdom flashed across Su Yu's eyes: "It's very simple, you mortgage the entire Wenjianxuan to me now, and I will lend you these resources. When you pay back the resources, I will return Wenjianxuan to you." You, of course, the resources lent to you are counted as interest, and you will pay back 10% every year."

Hearing this, the ghost master was furious: "It's ridiculous! Why did the old man mortgage Wenjianxuan to you?"

Doesn't this mean that Wen Jianxuan became Su Yu's property?

Even if a hundred years later, the debt is really paid off, and Su Yu has gone through a hundred years of business, will Wenjianxuan still be the original Wenjianxuan?

I'm afraid that people and money must be empty!

Su Yu shrugged: "Then it's up to you.


Seeing that the deal failed, Xiao Liefeng and Guangmingyu glared at each other and threatened: "Okay, since you choose to ask Jianxuan instead of these disciples who entered the ancient glazed cave, then we have nothing to talk about."

The two of them prepared to attack Liuli Ancient Cave again.

Ghost Master's chest was heavy and he was extremely aggrieved.

How did things develop like this?

He weighed carefully whether he wanted to ask Jianxuan, or hunt Ying and wait for Tianjiao.

The era will soon be destroyed. If Lie Ying and the others are abandoned, who will come back from the eight-star civilization in the future and help Wen Jianxuan?

But just abandoning Wenjianxuan, which has been in business for many years, wouldn't it be a waste of money?

The purpose of their efforts to send more Tianjiao into the eight-star civilization is to help Wenjianxuan survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

It would be too foolish to sacrifice Wen Jianxuan now for the sake of some Tianjiao.

However, Ghost Master rolled his eyes.

If Wen Jianxuan was mortgaged to Su Yu, but Su Yu "accidentally" fell, wouldn't Wen Jianxuan come back?

With such a thought in my heart, the idea suddenly became clear!

With such a simple solution, why hesitate?

"Okay, I promise, now I will sign a contract with you in the name of Xuanzhu Wenjian." Ghost Master readily agreed.

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly, secretly amused.

He can think of what the ghost master calls with his toes.

But, is it that simple to kill him?

He is a mortal saint, and the only one who can kill him is the Son of Heaven!

On his face, he pretended to be completely ignorant of the ghost master's abacus, and happily signed a contract with him.

The ghost master's oath was added to the contract. If the contract is violated, the sky will be struck by lightning immediately, and it will be annihilated in ashes.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about Ghost Master breaking his promise.

Under the authentication of Xiao Liefeng and Guangming Yu, Wenjianxuan, one of the three major powers of Liuli Civilization, this ancient super power, became Su Yu's property.

All the disciples in Wenjianxuan, the mountain gate, the mountain guard formation, etc., all belong to Su Yu.

From now on, Su Yu is the new head of Wenjianxuan!

Witnessing this epic transaction, Xiao Liefeng and Guangming Yu felt unreal.

With only a hundred years of accumulated resources, did you buy Wenjianxuan?

And Su Yu, from a small person at the beginning, has transformed into a leader of the three major forces that stand shoulder to shoulder with them?

"Okay, you guys get ready.

"Ghost Master took a deep look at Su Yu, and said in his heart: "Enjoy your few lives well!"

He put the century-old resources back into the flames that were about to be extinguished, and the flames surged again.

Guifuzi immediately cast the secret method, and a channel re-condensed in the flames.

"Go in immediately, hurry up!" Xiao Liefeng and Guangming Yu said in a loud voice.

A group of people headed by Su Yu quickly passed through the gate and entered the ancient glazed cave.

After a complex space shuttle, Su Yu suddenly felt the spiritual pressure all over his body was amazing, and his body fell straight down uncontrollably.

The prehistoric power all over his body showed faint signs of being suppressed.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being slightly surprised.

What appeared in front of my eyes was a particularly weird forest.

Those trees are extremely huge, each tree is like a giant tree that reaches the sky!

The sum of all the people present is not as big as a leaf on the book!

The grass on the side of the road is also unbelievably high, as high as a thousand feet!

The stones in the grass are also as huge as small mountains.

When he first entered this place, Su Yu had a sense of insignificance as if he had been shrunk hundreds of times and thrown into a forest.

Suddenly, a rustling sound sounded, and everyone looked up, and a shadow enveloped them.

It was a grasshopper as big as a thousand feet, flying over their heads, gnawing on the giant grass.

That grasshopper is not a special creature like a savage beast, but an ordinary grasshopper.

It is only because of the special growth environment that it is extremely huge!


At the moment when the grasshopper flew over their heads, suddenly, an afterimage similar to red lightning flashed in the sky.

The grasshopper flew backwards at a speed a hundred times faster than before.

Then came the creaking and chewing sound, the sound of meat and bones being chewed.

Some people with low cultivation and lack of self-confidence suddenly feel cold on the soles of their feet, what is it?

When the chewing stopped, the grass fell into a deathly silence.

They are very familiar with that kind of silence, because the powerful creatures in the eyes are crawling nearby, frightening the surrounding creatures so that they dare not happen.

Thinking of the afterimage just now, everyone's hearts beat.

Everyone at the scene held their breath and looked around motionlessly, responding to all changes with the same attitude.

However, not everyone can be so calm.

Huang Yang of Guangming Palace, with cold sweat on his forehead, stood in a stalemate for a long time, and couldn't bear such a suffocating and terrifying atmosphere, so he backed away slowly.

As soon as he moved, Xuan Hua whispered: "Don't move!"

But it was too late, a blood-red lightning swept from the depths of the grass.

With the force of lightning, Huang Yang was swept away.

Before Xuan Hua could stop him, Huang Yang was pulled deep into the grass.

"Chasing!" Xuan Hua drew the Spear of Destiny in the sky, and chased after him with the spear in his hand.

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Follow up, don't get lost."

In the unknown field, it is better for more people to unite together.

When they chased all the way for millions of feet, they finally came in front of a huge monster!

It was a terrifying creature ten times the size of the grasshopper just now. It looked like an ordinary lizard, but it was huge in size!

At this moment, half of Huang Yang's body was contained in his mouth, and his upper body had been swallowed into his mouth.

Judging from the aura emitted, Huang Yang was already dead.

creak -

The lizard raised its neck and ate Huang Yang whole into its mouth, then chewed and ate it on the spot.

The people of Guangming Palace were both angry and full of anger.

After eating Huang Yang, the lizard stuck out its long tongue, and looked at Su Yu and the others with huge eyes, as if looking at a group of food delivered to the door.


An extremely fast residual red shot out from its mouth, like thunder.

Only now did they realize that it was a lizard's tongue.

This time, Xuan Hua was well prepared, and the Spear of Destiny pierced through the air, piercing his tongue in one stroke.

The lizard, suffering from great pain, struggled violently.

The huge body rolled rapidly, and at the same time, the strong and thick tail kept hitting the ground.

The people on both sides were immediately beaten to pieces, some flew upside down, some vomited blood, only Su Yu and other people whose strength reached the Patriarch level were safe and sound.

"Shoot, kill the lizard!" Xuan Hua drew another Destiny Spear and stabbed it in the eye.

Kong Qu, Xie Xiaoyue, Wu Xin Tie Chuo and others took action one after another.

The four of them teamed up, and it would be difficult for any Patriarch-level Taoist to parry.

But the lizard in front of him was terrifyingly tyrannical.

When Xuan Hua's Spear of Destiny stabbed at it, it closed its eyes, a film protected the eyes, and bounced the Spear of Destiny away.

Kongqu and Xie Xiaoyue's attacks on his back were like iron nails nailed to a steel plate, with no effect.

Only the Wuxin Iron Catcher attacked its armpit, causing the lizard to hiss in pain several times.

Even so, it was not seriously injured.

In the outside world, this is simply unimaginable.


The lizard became angry, flicked its tail wildly, bounced, and rushed towards the crowd with overwhelming momentum.

Everyone's heads went black, as if the sky was falling.

"Get out of the way!" At this moment, Su Yu's arms were covered with a layer of dragon scales, which turned into Kong Wu's powerful dragon claws.

At the same time as his arms slammed upwards, countless lightning surged into the lizard's body along his arms.

Immediately, the giant lizard was sent flying back to the sky by Su Yu's arms.

At the same time, under the terrifying thunder, the lizard was directly transformed into a slice of overcooked electric grilled lizard!

Xuan Hua put away the Spear of Destiny with a wry smile, and looked at Su Yu's unbelievably strong physique with some envy.

In terms of physique, all the people present are not as good as him alone!

No more, another chapter before 8:00 tomorrow morning.

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