The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2232 Golden Xuanwu

I just hope that it is better not to be the God of Heaven and Earth by others.

"Even if there is no God of Heaven and Earth, I will keep my promise." Su Yu said slowly, he once promised that he would help Wuxin Tiechu deal with Lord Jintong, so naturally he would not break his promise.

However, Su Yu looked at her deeply for a while.

Her news is not uninformed.

Su Yu hadn't heard any news about the Throne of Heaven and Earth from the Evernight Empire, but the reclusive Wuxin Tiezhu knew it very well.

In addition, she also had a vague grasp of the truth about the ancient colored glaze platform.

Su Yu was very curious, where all the information about Wuxin Tiehun came from.

It is impossible for a person who lives in seclusion to obtain so much important information for no reason.

But he didn't point it out, and said, "Do you have a specific plan?"

"No, if you have one, you can tell me." Wu Xin Tie Zhang said with deep meaning.

It is not clear what the bamboo hat man's specific actions are, and it is impossible for Wu Xin Tie Cun to formulate a plan.

"There is too little information, and it is impossible to talk about a plan that is too tight." Su Yu's eyes flashed slightly: "However, I have a plan that is not a plan."

The corners of Wuxin Tiezhu's mouth turned up, with a faint smile, as if to say, I know you have a way.

"Since you guessed that his goal is the Ancient Glazed Terrace, why should we blindly pursue it?" Su Yu said lightly.

Wu Xin Tie Chu thought: "You said to go to the ancient Liuli Terrace where the characters are heavy and wait for a rabbit?"

This method, she also thought about it, is not a plan.

She was a little disappointed in her heart, it seems that Su Yu is not good at decorating all the time.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Su Yu shook his head lightly: "What I mean is, why don't we grab the ancient glazed platform first? Let's wait for the rabbit?"

Wuxin Tiezhu blinked his eyelashes, tilted his head slightly, looked at Su Yu, and was a little confused about Su Yu's unconstrained style.

"Mr. Jintong's conspiracy lies in the ancient Liuli Terrace, and we can just draw the salary from the bottom of the pot." Su Yu told the essence of the matter like a spectator who stayed out of the matter.

Wuxin Tiezhu understood Su Yu's meaning just now, and said: "Your thoughts... are really hard to fathom.


She asked herself that she has been arresting the treacherous and evil people for a long time, she is experienced and witty.

But in front of Su Yu, I always feel that my brain is not enough.

Staring at Su Yu at this moment, Wu Xin Tie Chu felt a sense of suffocation for no reason.

He couldn't help secretly rejoicing in his heart, fortunately Su Yu was an upright person, not a villainous person.

Otherwise, it would be quite a headache for her to become her enemy.

"Let's go, with the gold and silver horse's ability, it's not a problem to get ahead of them."

Wuxin Tiebu nodded, and drove the gold and silver horse along in a hurry.

Although he encountered beasts from the Ichthyosaur Realm many times on the way, Wu Xin Tie Chuan held the golden tortoise, and the journey was safe and sound.

Ten days later.

They overtook the people in bamboo hats and came to the end of the heavy characters first.

Sure enough, a running crossing lotus seat came into view.

There are many damages on its body, and many mysterious trajectories have disappeared without a trace.

But it is still spinning by itself, releasing a faint special breath.

To Su Yu's surprise, there were several figures sitting cross-legged on the Du'e lotus throne.

"Hunting, Ghost Eye?" Su Yu felt relieved.

It's no wonder that after entering this place, no one who asked about Jianxuan had been seen.

It turned out that they directly abandoned the weight of the word "person" and came to the lotus seat of "Du'e" where the word "earth" was heavy.

Compared with the original number, the number of people who asked about Jianxuan was greatly reduced. From the initial number of seven or eight people, there were only four people left.

If they knew that the special aura they got after paying such a huge price was not as much as the re-activated herringbone-heavy crossing lotus seat, they don't know how they would feel.

"What should someone do?" Wu Xin Tie Cun asked, "Drive them all away?"

Su Yu shook his head slightly: "That would be too shocking."

After thinking for a while, Su Yu said, "Can you lend me the golden tortoise?"

Wuxin Tiezhu hesitated, always as straightforward as her, but after serious consideration, he said decisively: "Okay! But, don't leave my sight."

Su Yu felt an indescribable sense of relief.

What kind of magic weapon is the golden basalt, Su Yu knows it well, this thing must be the most core thing of Wuxin Iron Catch, there is no one.

However, she is still willing to lend it to Su Yu.

It can be seen that she trusts Su Yu.

A warm current slowly flowed through my heart.

Wuxin Tiezhu's heartfelt trust and silent understanding made Su Yu think of the time when he first met Xia Jingyu.

There is a kind of friend of the opposite sex in the world, which can be called a confidante.

Unintentional iron catch is one of them.

However, Su Yu really only regarded him as a friend and had no distracting thoughts in his heart.

He already had two unbearable relationships in his life and couldn't take more.

"Here you are!" Wuxin Tiezhu took the golden Xuanwu over and said, "This thing will be very heavy, be careful."

is it?

Su Yu didn't dare to be careless, and his right hand turned into a dragon's claw, holding the golden basalt.

Unexpectedly, it was not as heavy as imagined, but light and fluffy.

Moreover, the imagined metal icy feeling did not appear, but a little warm, as if the golden basalt was transmitting a faint heat.

Su Yu's arm turned back into a human form, and he shook it in his hand, slightly surprised: "It's okay, it's not very heavy."

The Wuxin Iron Catcher at the side was as indifferent as her, with a look of astonishment on his face, and said: "This thing weighs one trillion and eighty million catties, which is equivalent to a whole four-star civilization. Only those who recognize the owner with a drop of blood can easily take it." move."

Su Yu also felt strange and tried to put it on the ground.

As a result, as soon as Xuanwu's feet touched the ground, the ground sank deeply.

Su Yu immediately lifted it up, full of astonishment, and just as he was wondering, the Nine Dragon Divine Cauldron in his arms moved restlessly.

The nine flying dragons uttered a dragon chant that Su Yu could only hear, appearing very excited.

Let the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron react again!

Su Yu was even more surprised, what level of magic weapon this Xuanwu is.

"Is there anything in your arms?" Wuxin Tiezhu observed carefully, and faintly glimpsed a vibration in Su Yu's arms.

Su Yu thought for a while, but in the end he still didn't mention the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, and said, "It's nothing."


The two left the ancient glazed terrace and headed for a huge basin they had passed by before.

Hundreds of poisonous snakes and giant pythons with the strength of fish and dragons live in the basin.

Su Yu held Xuanwu in his left hand, and the evil king bead in his right hand.

Their appearance caused the vipers and giant pythons to startle. They spit out their tongues and stared greedily at Su Yu and the two of them.

Su Yu Xuanwu stretched forward, imitating the movement of Wuxin Iron Catch, and released Xuanwu's breath of the king of all beasts.

Wu Xin Tie Chuan said: "Let me do it, only I can push it."

She stretched out her hand and held Xuanwu's head.

However, what made his arm stiff in the air was that Xuanwu exuded the aura of a beast king by itself, and seemed stronger than when Wuxin Tiezhuo was holding it in his hand.

The poisonous snake and giant python below immediately retreated back to the snake hole, extremely afraid.

Wuxin Tiezhu's pupils shrank, a little in disbelief.

How could Su Yu manipulate his magic weapon?

She even had an illusion, did Su Yu drop the golden basalt and take out a fake basalt in his hand?

Su Yu didn't think too much, and moved the evil king bead with his right hand.

A bloody rune immediately appeared around the Xie Wangzhu.

This rune is exactly the rune used by the slave beast king to control wild beasts.

The evil king bead can duplicate all attacks, and this kind of beast control technique is also applicable.


Rune chose a huge poisonous python, which sank into the center of his eyebrows.

However, the runes refined by the slave beast king can only control Taoist masters at the patriarchal level.

The poisonous python is a higher-level fish-dragon realm, and there is nothing he can do about it.

What Su Yu wanted was not control, but...communication.

Immediately after the rune sank in, there was a sliver of spiritual connection between the two.

Su Yu could hear the inner activities of the poisonous python.

Scared, scared, scared...

This is a portrayal of the heart of the poisonous python.

It has only instinct.

Through spiritual connection, Su Yu said: "Listen to my order, I will let you go later, otherwise, I will eat you!"

As he spoke, he shook the golden basalt.

Unbelievable to Wuxin Tiezhu, the golden basalt seemed to cooperate with Su Yu, and immediately released a stronger coercion, making the poisonous python even more frightening.

"Let's go!" Su Yu said, holding the golden basalt.

The poisonous python didn't dare to resist, and obediently followed Su Yu to the ancient glazed stage.

"Go, drive away the people above."

The poisonous python looked at the ancient glazed platform with some fear, and was very afraid of the great aura released from above, so he hesitated to go up.

"Huh?" Su Yu frowned, and the poisonous python had no choice but to climb up the ancient glazed platform aggrieved.

Although Hunting Shadow, Ghost Shadow and the two members of Nine Swords Pavilion are retreating, they all have a trace of their souls outside.

Immediately noticing the approach of a poisonous python in the fish-dragon realm, they all fled from the ancient glazed platform in fright.

Even that hunting shadow was extremely afraid, and said in a hoarse voice: "What's going on? How dare the beasts here climb the ancient glazed platform?"


The poisonous python couldn't control that much, and under Su Yu's control, it chased them around and ran farther and farther.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Yu said, "Quick! Take the ancient glazed platform away!"

Wu Xin Tie Cun came back to his senses, and immediately joined forces with Su Yu to lift the ancient glazed platform.

Unexpectedly, they would not be able to shake the ancient colored glaze platform at all.

Thousands of avenues are engraved in the ancient platform, and lifting the ancient platform means lifting thousands of avenues.

With their strength, it is naturally difficult to succeed.

Su Yu glanced at the golden basalt in his hand, and asked Xiang Wuxin Tiezhu: "Can this thing have other uses?"

He has seen it with his own eyes, this thing has a super high defense power, and it can also launch unknown mysterious attacks.

"I can only mobilize part of it, and I haven't mastered the rest of its abilities." Wuxin Tiezhu regretted.

"Is that so?" Su Yu shook his head in disappointment, and said, "I thought you were a magic weapon of earth attribute, and you should be infinitely powerful."

If the golden basalt can't be used, then you can only use the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron to see if it can be sucked into the Divine Cauldron.

In the end, Xuanwu actually came back to life!

It moved its head and fluttered its limbs, which meant that Su Yu would put it down.

"Who the hell are you?" Wuxin Tiezhu asked, staring at Su Yu, unable to describe his inner feelings.

Golden Xuanwu has always been a living creature, she knows this.

However, even she seldom makes the golden Xuanwu move even a bit.

But Su Yu's words made the golden Xuanwu move!

The second update at half past ten.

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