The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2245 Change of Master Xuan

What exactly did Xuanzhu get, so confident?

It should be noted that for hundreds of billions of years, the glazed civilization has always shown a three-legged situation. m..

Because the backgrounds of the three parties are similar, they always maintain a delicate balance.

Any force wants to occupy the entire Liuli civilization alone, but it has never succeeded.

It is conceivable how astonishing the ghost master's words are.

However, seeing that he was so determined, as a person who asked about Jianxuan, he became inexplicably excited and looking forward to it.

"Congratulations to Master Xuan, Asking Sword Xuan will last forever and unify civilization!"

"Xuanzhu is wise!"

"I will swear to follow Master Xuan to the death and never give up!"

Shouts of compliments reached Jiuxiao.

But at this moment, a disharmonious voice drifted down from the sky: "My master has received your wishes."

Its voice is ethereal and grand.

Full of infinite space power, suddenly east and west, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, extremely mysterious.

Everyone in the hall was surprised and left the hall one after another, and went to the square to search for the source of the sound.

However, what they saw made them shudder!

At some point, the sky of millions of miles was replaced by a steaming flame.

The sky and the earth were all printed blood red.

The terrible high temperature made the lake boil, and countless water spirit beasts jumped out of the water one after another.

The spiritual veins connecting the heaven and the earth ignited fires one after another.

The low-level disciples who were in retreat were all interrupted by the sudden high temperature and ran out sweating profusely.

The entire Jianjianxuan was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

Ghost Master's face was cold and serious, he rushed through the hall with his hands, and stood proudly in the sky, his beard and hair all stretched out: "Who is it, why are you sneaking around? Come out!"

He quickly glanced around, but found no suspicious person.

"The deity is standing in front of you, why do you talk about being sneaky?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Ghost Master's heart skipped a beat, and he appeared behind him without a sound.

Turning his head to look, a person covered in thunder and lightning stood behind him with his hands behind his hands.

Behind him, there are still several people standing.

He didn't know some of the young people.

But how could he not recognize those four women who were covered in flames?

"The Four Great Female Demons of the Starfire Civilization?" Ghost Master almost bit off his tongue.

The Xinghuo civilization is several years away from the Liuli civilization, why did the other party come suddenly without warning?

In particular, a female demon in the middle is made of crystal.

Her legend has always echoed in the Western Regions.

When she became famous, Ghost Master was still the young master of Wenjianxuan!

Seeing the four of them, Ghost Master's heart pounded, and he pretended to be calm and reprimanded: "Female devil, what do you mean by trespassing on my glazed civilization?"

The four female demons didn't say a word, they just looked at Su Yu's back, which meant that he followed suit.

Guifuzi saw the high and low identities implied by their standing, and his heart was shocked.

Even the Goddess of Flame bows her head. Who is this thunderbolt man?

Was that what he said just now?

"Your Excellency?" Ghost Master asked tentatively.

Su Yu casually took out a contract and threw it over.

The ghost master was puzzled, took a look, his pupils shrank sharply, surprised and suspicious: "Are you Su Yu?"

Su Yu?

The four female demons were not too surprised, maybe this is the real name of the senior.

But Zhan Wushuang and Zixuan were stunned at the same time and looked at each other in unison.

Maybe there are not many people named Su Yu in the world, but they all remember Su Yu together.

"Su Yu is my beloved disciple." Su Yu said lightly.

Su Yu still has a master?

Ghost Master's heart was shocked again, and his complexion immediately darkened, no wonder that kid is so powerful, he didn't pay attention to Wen Jianxuan at all, it turned out that there was an expert behind him.

"Your Excellency, do you want this old man to exchange this contract?" Ghost Master clenched his teeth, extremely unwilling.

"What do you think?" Su Yu asked indifferently.

Guifuzi is about to unify the entire Liuli civilization, how can he be willing to hand over Wenjianxuan at this juncture?

He had an idea,

Said: "Your Excellency, this is an agreement between me and your disciple. If you want to complete the contract, please let him come."

Su Yu had long expected that Master Gui would play tricks.

He was already prepared.

"You misunderstood, I came here not to listen to your opinion, but to order you." Su Yu said lightly: "I will give you three breaths of time to leave Asking Sword Pavilion."



Ghost Master was a little apprehensive, but he thought to himself, with Wen Jianxuan on his side, is he still afraid that this person will fail?


After three breaths, Su Yu slowly closed his eyes, without any intention of doing anything.

The ghost master saw it in his eyes, and secretly said, it seems that the other party is only verbally intimidating.

But who knows, the flame goddess reacted, took a step forward, and said quietly: "Ghost master, for the sake of being a member of the Western Regions, let's go now, so I can spare your life."

The ghost master said in a concentrated voice: "Shenyan female demon, you are the majestic master of the Starfire civilization, but you are willing to be a lackey, don't you feel ashamed?"

He really didn't understand how a top powerhouse like the Flame Goddess would submit to an inexplicable thunderbolt.

The Flame Goddess shook her head: "Hey, frog in the well, you don't know anything about the power of your predecessors!"

"Senior doesn't bother to attack ants like you, so let me do it for you!" The Goddess Flame Demoness stepped forward, releasing a world-shaking coercion from her body.

Master Gui was caught off guard, his legs went limp, he almost knelt on the ground, and he lost his voice in shock: "Great Senior Realm!"

Among the zodiac masters, the highest state.

It is only one step away from the Xuan Dao master!

"Fire, extinguish." The flame goddess muttered indifferently.

Ghost Master suddenly let out a scream, from inside to outside, he was instantly burned into a mass of ashes.

The audience suddenly fell into a dead silence, and no one could believe the scene in front of them.

Master Jianxuan Xuanxuan, who was in the realm of heaven and man, was turned into ashes just by meeting him!

What followed was Wen Jianxuan's great panic, and they were panicked under the terrifying coercion.

The three Ziyan Demonesses had known their strength for a long time, and they were quite calm, while Zhan Wushuang, Zixuan and Xingnu felt their scalps go numb.

This is the gap between the Great Exalted Realm and the Heavenly Human Realm!

The two are like the difference between a martial arts expert and a mortal.

The former kills the latter, all it takes is a thought.

Goddess Flame Demon's eyes were flat, she looked down at Wenjianxuan, and said calmly: "The descendant will not be killed."


Who dares not surrender, who dares not surrender?

From the disciples to the great elders, they prostrated and bowed in horror, not even thinking of running away.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu smiled in his heart.

Sure enough, the benefits of bringing the Flame Demoness are endless.

He came alone to take back Wenjianxuan, not to mention how to get rid of Ghost Master, just persuading the stubborn people in Wenjianxuan was quite exhausting.

It's good now, who would dare to refuse to accept the flame goddess?

Shocking Wen Jianxuan, the Goddess of Flame retreated to Su Yu's side, saying: "The mere meager level of cultivation has made the senior effective."

Su Yu nodded indifferently: "The cultivation base is a bit short, but there is still room for salvation."

The Flame Goddess was overjoyed, and said, "Thank you for your affirmation, senior."

Next, Su Yu successfully took over Wenjianxuan and sat on the throne of Wenjianxuan.

Looking down at the high and small high-level officials of Wenjianxuan paying homage below, Su Yu's heart was calm.

The purpose of taking down Wenjianxuan was to leave a place for the tripod he created.

However, there are some people in Asking Sword Pavilion that still need to be cleaned up.

"Where is the hunting shadow?" Su Yu said indifferently: "I will not sit idly by when I bully my beloved apprentice."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all said they didn't find Hunting Shadow.

"Reporting to Senior, Hunting Shadow has escaped." A creature with only eyeballs left came out and said.

It is ghost eyes.

Instead of escaping, it stayed and exposed the whereabouts of Hunting Shadow.

"Where did you flee to?" Su Yu asked again.

Ghost Eye said: "Border of Guangming Palace."

"You lead the way and bring back his head." Su Yu said.

"Yes!" Guiyan's eyes flickered with excitement, and he led Ziyan female demon to follow Hunting Shadow.

Hunting Ying had already fled for half a day, spanning an unknown distance.

In theory, it is impossible to catch it.

But for some reason, Ghost Eye was able to locate his whereabouts extremely accurately, and found him in a canyon a day later.

The Ziyan Demon made the move herself, no matter how talented Hunting Shadow is, how can she be an opponent?

In two or three strokes, she was captured alive by the Ziyan female demon.

Hunting Ying was angry and angry, staring at Guiyan resentfully: "It's you, why did you betray me?"

The huge ghost eyes blinked, and burst out a long-hidden hostility: "What do you think? It's not you who made me look like a ghost, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Hunting Shadow was silent.

In fact, in Wenjianxuan, the one who is best at souls is not hunting shadows, but ghost eyes.

He is the true soul genius.

It's a pity that Master Wenjianxuan prefers Hunting Shadow more, and wants to train him to be the successor of Wenjianxuan.

However, the ghost eye is always pressing on Hunting Shadow, making it difficult for him to qualify as a successor.

Therefore, during a certain mission, Ghost Eye was ambushed by several mysterious people, and his body was destroyed, and his soul was also going to dress up, leaving only one eye to barely exist.

Guiyan knew who did it, but he didn't dare to speak out, let alone retaliate, so he could only choose to endure.

Last time, Lieying and Su Yu confronted each other head-on. Guiyan knew that Su Yu was powerful, but he didn't say it out. He just hoped to use Su Yu's hand to kill him.

Unfortunately it didn't work out.

Now that Wen Jianxuan has stepped on for a day, Ghost Eye finally got his wish.

"My lord female devil, please hand over Hunting Shadow to that senior." Ghost Eye clasped her fists.

The Ziyan female demon frowned: "You don't plan to go back? You have done a great job in catching this person, and the senior will reward you extra."

Ghost Eye waved his hand: "I have avenged my vengeance, and I want to live in seclusion from now on. I will give the credit to the female devil."

Ziyan Demoness was moved, so she didn't hold back too much, and said: "Okay, you go!"


The ghost eye turned into an afterimage, flickering towards the sky.

But at this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, struck Guiyan, knocking him staggering on the spot, rolling and rolling.

At the same time, an extremely tyrannical space field descended on this area.

Even the Flame Goddess and others were teleported here.

Su Yu stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the ghost eyes lightly: "You want to play tricks in front of this deity, you ant, you think too highly of yourself!"

The Ziyan female demon turned around in astonishment, not understanding what was going on.

Not to mention her, the flame goddess and others who were traveling with her didn't understand what Su Yu was going to do.

Didn't you mean hunt for shadows?

Now that he has been captured, how can Su Yu have trouble with an insignificant ghost?

Otaku welfare, you know!!! Please follow the WeChat public account!: meinvlu123!!

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