The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2247 the enemy is inside

At the same time, the army of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce and the rebel army of the Nightless Empire sent troops to attack the city and conquer the territory of the imperial city like a bamboo, reaching directly under the imperial city.

this day.

Outside the imperial city, thousands of horses were silent, and densely packed warriors seemed to cover all the space inside and outside the imperial city like dark clouds.

Both the sky and the ground are people from the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

They finally approached the city and stopped in front of the imperial city inheritance formation.

This formation was inherited from the founding monarch, and has been consolidated and blessed by successive monarchs, and it has long been impregnable.

Even if a powerful person from the Great Exalted Realm came, he would not be able to shake him from the outside.

city ​​wall.

Xiao Liefeng and Guangmingyu looked down on a brightly colored carriage in the army below the city as if they were facing an enemy.

The carriage was covered with a piece of snow-white soft animal skin, on which lay a slender man half-naked.

She looked very young, with feminine features, and her long blue hair stood out.

Beside her, Yingying and Yanyan are surrounded by many beautiful women of national beauty, all of whom are amazing characters in the world.

Many of them are not inferior to top beauties like Biyun Hongxian.

Guangming Yu stared at this person with a particularly dignified gaze.

Xiao Liefeng said in a concentrated voice: "Is this person Piaoyunzi?"

There was an undisguised killing intent in his words.

More than half of the city lords of the ninety-nine and eighty-one cities in the Empire of Night were killed by this person.

"Yes! He is likely to have a perfect cultivation in the realm of heaven and man." Guangmingyu, who had fought against him, was the most touched.

Bright Jade has a late-stage cultivation in the Celestial Realm, but in this person's hands, it is difficult to support ten moves.

Based on this, it can be inferred that his cultivation has probably reached the state of perfection in the realm of heaven and man.

Xiao Liefeng's breathing became short of breath, and the realm of heaven and man was perfect, which was by no means invincible to him.

"Don't worry, we just can't bear it, and they can't help it." Xiao Liefeng looked at the enemy soldiers approaching the city, but was not discouraged.

The core of the Nightless Empire is him and a group of high-level officials.

As long as they don't die, the Evernight Empire can rise again.

Therefore, as long as they protect themselves and the imperial city, they will be invincible.

"Xiao Liefeng, the trend of the times, you surrender obediently, it is good for everyone." Piao Yunzi pushed away the woman serving beside him, sat up, lay down on the armchair, and smiled softly.

Xiao Liefeng's eyes were calm, and he said: "The Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce is going against the grain and interfering with the Seven Star Civilization without authorization. Aren't you afraid of triggering resistance from many civilizations?"

Piao Yunzi chuckled: "Of course not! Humans are indifferent and cold-blooded creatures. They will not act unless their own interests are violated, just like a group of pigs raised in captivity. The rest of the pigs will just wait and see indifferently, and only when they kill themselves, will they resist heart-piercingly."

How dare you compare them to pigs?

Xiao Liefeng was secretly angry, but it was undeniable that Piaoyunzi's words were indeed a reflection of all kinds of things in the world.

The Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce only infringes on the interests of the Liuli Civilization, and the rest of the civilizations will not risk boycotting the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce until they become targets.

"Your mere imperial city can last for a day, but not for a lifetime." Piao Yunzi followed the temptation: "If you are willing to obey now, you will not only be saved from death, but you will also become a most honorable member of our Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce. And, from now on, Guangming Palace will also be under your jurisdiction, how about it?"

He looked very serious, not like a lie.

Guangmingyu's heart was shaken, and she couldn't help but look at Xiao Liefeng.

Will he say yes?

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed of the tricks of sowing dissension. If I, Xiao Liefeng, were really so confused, I would have been pierced by thousands of arrows and turned into a pile of bones." In front of big right and wrong, Xiao Liefeng was very clear-headed.

If the other party was so kind, why did he have to fight all the way to the city wall?

He just wanted to provoke the relationship between Xiao Liefeng and Guangmingyu!

Piaoyunzi's eyes flashed lightly, and he wanted to say something else, but Xiao Liefeng ordered: "The Emperor of Night is under the order, and it will start immediately. Unless I personally order, no one can open the big formation without authorization!"


At the moment of life and death, they completely rely on Xiao Liefeng as their backbone.

Piao Yunzi's eyes were a little gloomy, and the corner of his mouth flicked a cold angle: "Xiao Liefeng, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your people, right?"


A group of soldiers escorted a few strong men who were bound all over to the city.

At a glance, they are all the city lords of the cities of the Nightless Empire.

They would rather die than surrender, and were finally captured by the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

A total of eleven people were pressed side by side and stood together.

"They are all loyal to follow you to the death, and have made great contributions to your great cause of the Evernight Empire. Do you have the heart to watch them become prisoners and be beheaded?" Piao Yunzi threatened.

The implication is that they are going to execute them before the two armies.

Xiao Liefeng's heart sank, his eyes filled with anger.

He clenched his fists tightly and pulled them together.

Those are all his confidants!

But he understood better that he could not agree to Piaoyunzi's request. Once he surrendered, not only the eleven of them would die, but the entire imperial city.

The best example is the Bright Palace.

Those who disobeyed have been beheaded and killed, and the number of those who died is unknown.

"Piaoyunzi, attacking an unarmed person, are you worthy of being the vice president of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce?" Xiao Liefeng said.

Piaoyunzi smiled darkly and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, a soldier beheaded the first captive.

The head was rolling, and the blood was flying, making Xiao Liefeng's eyes crack.

"From now on, kill one person every hour, until you are willing to lead the people of the Nightless Empire and hand over the original Palace Master of the Bright Palace." Piao Yunzi smiled lightly, lay down on his side again, and had fun with the character beauty , extremely leisurely.

It seems that this place is not a battlefield, but a field of love between flowers with ease.

Xiao Liefeng closed his eyes in pain, not looking at the other ten prisoners.

War is painful, but falling down in pain will cause more suffering.

He held back the grief in his heart, and ordered one last time: "Everyone remembers, you can't just guard!"

In this way, he retreated to the attic on the city wall with Guangmingyu and others to rest.

He didn't believe that the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce would continue to consume.

The end of the world is less than eighty years away, and the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce will never waste a lot of human, material and financial resources for a civilization.

Retirement is only a matter of time.

As long as they can hold their ground.

Fortunately, having learned from the Guangming Palace, Xiao Liefeng carried out a sweeping campaign against the Imperial City ahead of time, completely eradicating the hidden dangers of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

If there are no accidents, you should be able to stick to it.

However, Princess Mansion.

The princess in the room facing the wall is holding the jade pendant at the moment. She just received a message from the bamboo hat man.

"His Royal Highness, the Evernight Empire's hundreds of millions of sons and daughters are in danger, and I ask the princess to rescue them." The man in the bamboo hat said through voice transmission.

Princess Qianyue frowned slightly: "Father is leading the strong in the country to defend against foreign enemies, what do you beg me for?"

The person in the bamboo hat transmitted the voice: "The princess doesn't know something. It is the stubbornness of the monarch that has plunged the common people into the fire and water!"

"How do you say it?" Princess Qianyue was a little displeased, and even spoke ill of her father.

The man in the bamboo hat said sincerely: "The Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce only asks for the surrender of the Nightless Empire, and it will not hurt anyone. But the monarch stubbornly resisted, which made the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce furious, and decided to break the imperial city's restriction at all costs, and massacre all the people in the city. .”

"This..." Princess Qianyue hesitated, with a hint of hesitation in her heart.

"Princess, the Guangming Palace is a lesson from the past. Because of its stubborn resistance, it was brutally slaughtered by the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce. Could it be that the princess has the heart to see the imperial city end up in the same way?"

His words are touching, especially for those who are not deeply involved in the world.

"But my father... will they let it go?" Princess Qianyue also felt that such resistance was meaningless.

How powerful the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce is, the defense of the Bright Palace is no worse than that of the Evernight Emperor, but what happened? Don't you just say that it will be destroyed?

"Princess, please rest assured. The vice president of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce promised on the spot that as long as they are allowed to enter the city, not only will the monarch be pardoned, but also the territory of the Bright Palace will be given to the monarch, making them the overlord of the glazed civilization."

"Really?" Princess Qianyue was immediately moved.

"It's absolutely true! How can the promise he made, the dignified vice president, be false?" The man in the bamboo hat said again: "Princess, if you can make this happen, you will be the most outstanding princess in the Evernight Empire. It will be remembered forever by future generations.”

Princess Qianyue's heart skipped a beat, she already loves vanity.

Hearing that the man in the bamboo hat flickered, he immediately thought that his name would last forever.

"Princess, doesn't the monarch always feel that you are not doing enough? This time you have done a lot of work, which made him admire."

When Princess Qianyue heard this, she couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Okay, then I'll go and persuade my father to surrender."

"No!" said the hat humanely: "How stubborn is the monarch? If the princess persuades you, I'm afraid not only won't appreciate it, but will also think that the princess is ignorant, and then imprison you."

Princess Qianyue thought about it and thought it was the same.

"Then what should we do?" Princess Qianyue asked.

The man in the bamboo hat pondered: "Princess, do you trust me?"

Princess Qianyue believed in the bamboo hat man and said, "I believe in you!"

She would rather trust the person she met for the first time than the person who accompanied her for a long time and helped her.

"If you believe me, princess, you will open the protective array alone." The bamboo hat said humanely.

"No, father knows, he must kill me!" Princess Qianyue said hastily.

The man in the bamboo hat shook his head: "You are a great deed to benefit the country, the people and the monarch. Not only will he not punish you afterwards, but he will love you even more from now on."

Princess Qianyue hesitated and thought for a long time before she finally gritted her teeth: "Okay, I'll go!"

Not long after, Princess Qianyue quietly left the Princess Mansion and came to the palace.

The core that controls the inheritance formation is in the palace.

Usually, Xiao Liefeng personally guards it.

Now Xiao Liefeng was on the city wall to deal with the army under the city, and he was guarded by the cronies appointed by Xiao Liefeng.

A total of nine ichthyosaur-level powerhouses surrounded the control hub so tightly that even a mosquito could fly in. Free Reader!!

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