The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2261 Continuous Suppression

"Shouldn't it be? I've asked, Hai Qingxiao, Du Mingtang, and Yuan Chen are all big figures like us at the patriarchal level. The Su Yu we know is qualified to defeat them and suppress them in the latrine?"

"No matter what, let's take a look if you have a chance." A man with a strong voice said so.

The news that the city is boiling will naturally spread to the ears of the South China Sea civilization.

The villa where they live.

In the backyard.

The four get together.

Among them was Qin Xian'er.

"Hai Qingxiao and the others are too incompetent, aren't they? To be suppressed in a latrine by an unknown half-step road master!" A female youth said angrily.

His cultivation level is quite impressive, reaching the middle stage of Fish-Dragon Realm, he is the one with the highest cultivation level among all the people present!

"Senior Sister Yuan, Hai Qingxiao and the others are not responsible, it should be in the hands of that man named Su Yu!" A young man at the early fish-dragon state said extremely displeased.

"I agree with Senior Brother Fei. No matter how many Junior Brother Hai they are, they are the disciples of the South China Sea civilization. Are they deliberately embarrassing us by suppressing them in the latrine?" The perfect cultivation base is the same as that of Yuan Chen.

At first, he planned to teach Su Yu a lesson with Hai Qingxiao and others.

However, there is a task in the middle, and I am going to go.

Knowing that Hai Qingxiao and the others had ended up at this moment, while secretly rejoicing, he became angry again.

That person surnamed Su is too much!

Qin Xian'er was inexplicably surprised when she heard it, and secretly said: "Is that guy so powerful? It's fake!"

Qin Xian'er knew a thing or two about the strength of Hai Qingxiao and the other three, and they were also strong in the Forgotten Words Realm, but they were all defeated by Su Yu, which is impossible no matter how you look at it.

However, she was very disapproving of Brother Fei's statement.

Hai Qingxiao and others took the initiative to find fault, and they deserved to be suppressed in the latrine.

Why does it seem that someone who is a disciple of the South China Sea civilization deserves special forgiveness?

It was difficult for Qin Xian'er to accept this kind of condescension and contempt for others.

Senior Sister Yuan said: "The most urgent thing now is to rescue the three junior brothers immediately."

Senior Brother Fei frowned and said, "Should I inform Senior Brother and Master first?"

Nanji Xianweng had a total of eight disciples, among which Senior Sister Yuan ranked second.

On top of her, there is also a senior elder brother who is most valued by the Antarctic fairy, whose strength is unfathomable.

It is said that Senior Sister Yuan fought against her 20 years ago, and surrendered when she couldn't hold out even one move.

Now that twenty years have passed, and after experiencing the great wilderness in the South China Sea, it is difficult to guess how advanced that senior brother's strength is.

"No need, the master and senior brother have already retreated, there is no need to alarm them for such a trivial matter." Senior Sister Yuan said: "It is enough for us to deal with such trivial matters by ourselves!"

"Okay! I'll go with the world!"

"I'll go as well!"

Two of them decided to follow Senior Sister Yuan.

Senior Sister Yuan looked at Qin Xian'er who was silent, and said, "What about you?"

"I won't go." Qin Xian'er responded coldly.

Recalling the scene of Su Yu getting close to other women, Qin Xian'er didn't want to see the man who upset her again.

"Okay, you can just stay here and look after the house." Senior Sister Yuan didn't force her.

The three left the villa.

Senior Brother Fei frowned and said, "Senior Sister, Senior Sister Qin is not very concerned about our affairs."

"That's right, Junior Sister Qin is not in the honor and disgrace of the South China Sea civilization at all." Zheng Long said.

Senior Sister Yuan didn't speak.

To be honest, she also hated Qin Xianer very much.

Since she came, several senior brothers have been wandering around Qin Xian'er like flies that have seen meat.

It made Senior Sister Yuan very jealous.

However, as the second senior sister, she never showed this.

"Don't talk about other people's right and wrong behind their backs." Senior Sister Yuan said, and went to the manor without saying a word.

When we arrived at the manor, there was a constant stream of spectators inside and outside.

"Damn it, they're all here to see the jokes about the civilization of the South China Sea!" Zheng Long had a bad temper and burst into foul language on the spot.

Senior Brother Fei's face darkened, he flew into the air, unleashed his fish-dragon cultivation, and said with a murderous aura: "If you don't want to die, stay here and watch!"

Under the strong coercion, everyone looked around in fear, and found that it was Fei Qing, who ranked third in the civilization of the South China Sea, and they all turned into birds and beasts, and no one dared to stay.

Soon, the inside and outside of the manor were emptied.

Senior Sister Yuan looked down coldly and said, "Who is Su Yu, come out!"

"I don't have eyes, so I can't see?" Su Yu was quietly reading in the courtyard of the manor.

Senior Sister Yuan followed the voice, a little puzzled, much younger than expected.

And as the rumors said, the other party is really a half-step road master.

It's really unbelievable!

"Hand over the man." Zheng Long was not so polite, and said viciously: "You are too courageous, you dare to touch people from the South China Sea civilization!"

As he spoke, he quickly flew down to the atrium, jumped from a high altitude, and stepped straight on the top of Su Yu's head: "Call you crazy!"

Who knows, Su Yu didn't even raise his head, and said calmly: "You should take a look at the sign at the door before entering."

As soon as the words fell, Su Yu directly raised his hand, grabbed his ankle, and then slammed it lightly on the ground.


Zheng Long was smashed to the ground, bloody and bloody on the spot, and fell into a coma, lying motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

Just now he was arrogant, but in the blink of an eye it ended like this.

What's more, Su Yu flicked it from the air and threw it into the cesspit surrounded by people watching.

With a bang, Zheng Long was thrown into the cesspit, splashing today's stench again.

Seeing this scene, Senior Sister Yuan and Fei Qing's expressions changed.

Before they came, they thought that the reason why Hai Qingxiao and the others were all defeated was probably because Su Yu used some tricks to get away with it just now.

But what I saw with my own eyes was not the case at all.

Zheng Long and Yuan Chen have the same level of cultivation, but what about the result?

Just like strangling a dog to death, one face-to-face will be resolved.

Such strength is beyond imagination!

Fei Qing's face trembled, and the arrogance of shouting immediately weakened, and he was about to say something when Su Yu interrupted him: "I know who you are, but please read the sign before speaking."

Fei Qing and Senior Sister Yuan looked over and clearly saw the extraordinarily outrageous words on the sign.

"Trash..." Fei Qing's cheeks squirmed, and he said in a vibrating voice: "Your Excellency, stay on the front line in everything, what's wrong with Junior Brother Hai and others, why humiliate them like this?"

Su Yu put down the scroll. To be honest, he was too lazy to reason with others.

Especially someone with a superior attitude.

"I'm just humiliating them, but they want my life." Su Yu shook his sleeves and showed them the scene of Hai Qingxiao and others breaking into the manor on the spot.

Those three humiliating requests, the three people's vicious attacks, and even the ugly behavior of killing Su Yu to seize the treasure in the end, were all displayed in front of them.

Fei Qingqing was at a loss for words, but he still insisted on reasoning: "But why are you not doing well now? Did you suffer any substantial harm? Why are you so aggressive?"

"I'm aggressive?" Su Yu's eyes turned cold, he shook his head, and didn't want to say a word to them.

There is really no need to reason with people who are superior to them.

It was clear that Su Yu was the victim. According to them, the murderer was the one who was truly innocent.

Fei Qing said: "Well, I'll give you 30 million Dao coins, and let him go right now!"

His attitude, rather than a discussion, was clearly a charity.

It seemed that Su Yu had made a lot of money.

Su Yu silently picked up the book, started reading again, and completely ignored Fei Qing.

Fei Qing said several times, but Su Yu couldn't pay attention to it, and he felt annoyed in his heart: "I said you, do you understand the current situation? You have offended the civilization of the South China Sea! I am talking to you now to give you a chance , when he regrets it later, it will be too late!"

It was still Su Yu's silence that answered him.

"Hey!" Fei Qing was finally annoyed, and said, "Senior Sister Yuan, this person won't eat or drink a toast, I'll meet him when I go down!"

As a fish-dragon realm Taoist master, Fei Qing is still confident.

He was sure that no matter how powerful Su Yu was, as long as he was careful, there would be no serious problems.

Senior Sister Yuan nodded. Since she can't speak, she can only use force.

Fei Qing flew over quickly, the person was unknown, first released the aura of the fish-dragon realm, and at the same time released the domain and the Taoist weapon, and shouted: "Don't think that you don't pay attention to people if you have some skills, the foundation of the South China Sea civilization is not up to you Imagine."

But, he was still in the air, suddenly, Su Yu glanced at him and snorted.

Fei Qing's body suddenly ignited a fire, which was still the kind of fire that could not be extinguished.

Suddenly, Fei Qing uttered a heart-piercing cry, falling from the high school continuously.

Finally, with a loud bang, it hit the ground hard and knocked him unconscious on the spot.

With a wave of his hand, Su Yu also threw it into the cesspit.

In this way, a total of five people were all suppressed in the cesspit, and the scene was spectacular.

"You, it's too much!" Senior Sister Yuan's face was ashen: "Since you have repeatedly provoked the bottom line of the South China Sea civilization, then, I will do as you wish!"

"I'll go back and ask Master to teach you what respect is for your parents!" Senior Sister Yuan snorted, turned around and left.

Su Yu's eyes were slightly cold.

He doesn't have parents in this world, but it doesn't mean that anyone can insult them.

"If you want to leave, you have to ask me first!" Su Yu took out the Tian Mie stick and said calmly: "Long!"


The Tian Mie Tian Cudgel, the size of a rolling pin, suddenly became thousands of feet long.

Moreover, it hit Senior Sister Yuan very accurately.

She was taken aback by the suddenly elongated stick. Seeing it coming, she subconsciously wanted to grab it. As a result, she barely realized how heavy it was until she barely touched it.

Even if his strength and cultivation in the middle stage of the fish-dragon realm exploded, it would be of no avail at all. He was crushed by the sky-killing stick, knocked down the sky, and smashed into the manor.

The Mietian stick pressed her to the ground, and she couldn't push it away, and it even became heavier and heavier, making her vomit blood.

"You go too!" Su Yu flicked his fingers, sealed his cultivation base and soul, and threw him into the cesspool.

There are altogether eight disciples of Anji Xianweng, but six of them were suppressed in the cesspit.

Such explosive news, through the mouths of onlookers, quickly spread throughout the entire civilization like wildfire.

For a time, the entire civilization was in an uproar.

It is understandable that Yuan Chen and others were suppressed, after all, the cultivation bases of the three are not top-notch.

But what kind of person is Senior Sister Yuan?

Even she was suppressed, which shows how extraordinary that person named Su Yu is!

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