The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2264 Dragon Clan Strikes

"For real? Okay! I'm afraid you won't make it?" Xie Xiaoyue has never made a move since becoming the fish-dragon realm Taoist master!

The two women talked and talked, and finally moved their hands.

There was a loud bang, and Qin Xian'er's room was cut in half by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

The beams of the house were blown hundreds of feet high, and the nearby houses suffered unreasonable disasters, causing a lot of damage.

Next door to Qin Xian'er is Senior Sister Yuan's room, where she is taking a bath and cleaning the feces all over her body.

Caught off guard, her house was overturned, revealing her naked body.

For a time, the beautiful scenery is infinite.

"Ah!" Senior Sister Yuan screamed, frightened and angry, she hurriedly gathered clothes on her body, and glared at Qin Xian'er's room: "Qin Xian'er!!!"

clang clang clang——

It wasn't until the sound of violent fighting came from inside that Senior Sister Yuan realized that something was wrong, and shouted anxiously: "Enemy attack!"

She herself sacrificed the Dao artifact and rushed in.

Xie Xiaoyue, who was fighting, became more and more surprised with Qin Xian'er as they fought.

In terms of cultivation, Qin Xian'er only has the realm of forgetting words.

But the opponent's combat experience surprised her a lot.

Every move and style of the opponent seems to be cultivated for killing people. The power may not be so great, but the moves are deadly.

For a while, she was unable to do anything to the other party.

Sensing Senior Sister Yuan's arrival, Xie Xiaoyue could only retreat, and shouted, "I'll settle the score with you next time."

After finishing speaking, he took out the magic energy talisman paper for invisibility, and stuck it on his forehead, and the person disappeared without a trace.

Qin Xian'er pierced the air with a spear, and yelled at the air, "Come out! Come out and fight!"

Senior Sister Yuan rushed over, inspected the four directions, and confirmed that the enemy's aura had disappeared without a trace and had already left.

She was surprised that this person was able to sneak into the villa, and looked at Qin Xian'er who was so angry that he looked like a small explosive barrel with some surprise, feeling extremely weird in her heart.

The Qin Xian'er in her memory was always cold and terribly calm.

It is rarely seen angry.

Now he is so angry!

Could it be that the enemy has done something to her? As for being so angry?

"Junior Sister Qin, are you okay?" Senior Sister Yuan asked.

Qin Xian'er stared around and gritted her silver teeth tightly: "It's okay!"

Does that tone sound like something is wrong?

Senior Sister Yuan said: "The enemy has already left, let's check the villa's formation first to see if there is any defect."

Qin Xian'er was extremely unwilling, and scolded the air: "Don't let me see you again!!"


Faintly, Xie Xiaoyue's noncommittal contempt came.

Qin Xian'er, who was about to calm down just now, immediately glared around again: "Stinky vixen, come out for me, don't hide if you have the ability!"

"Hehe, are you able to find me?" Xie Xiaoyue didn't care.

Qin Xian'er suddenly went crazy: "Okay! I'll find Su Yu right now and let him drive you away!"

She was so angry that she almost forgot that she was angry with Su Yu.

"Is it up to you?"

"Of course, I'm his wife!" Qin Xian'er said proudly.

Xie Xiaoyue couldn't laugh anymore, and said coldly: "How dare you!"

"Then try it!" Qin Xian'er smiled, revealing a set of white and fine silver teeth.

The two girls were quarreling, Senior Sister Yuan was stunned when she heard it.

What's the matter with the vixen?

Whose wife is Qin Xian'er?

Just as the three women were throwing themselves in, suddenly, an unexpectedly violent clicking sound resounded outside the formation.

But seeing the sky above the entire civilization, the monstrous dragon chant of dozens of giant dragons sounded at the same time.

The sky and clouds shook, and the endless dragon's breath turned into huge fireballs, descending from the sky to the forest.

Wherever it falls, there will be a sea of ​​flames.

Cities and vast forests were all destroyed by the fireball.

As the main city of the shore civilization, it suffered more than half of the dragon's breath fire.

Senior Sister Yuan's complexion suddenly changed: "No, it's the Dragon Clan who came to retaliate!"

Qin Xian'er also had a solemn expression, not caring about bickering.

A few days ago, the lone emperor of the Dragon Clan in the southern region appeared in the Anhui civilization, and started a killing spree, attracting the powerful people of the Anhui civilization to drive him away.

It is said that the lonely emperor was not reconciled.

Before leaving, he said that the Dragon Clan should not be humiliated, and that he would take revenge on those who took the blood of the Dragon Emperor.

Now it seems that the lonely emperor is keeping his word.

In just a few days, dozens of giant dragons of the heavenly realm and above were entangled to take revenge on the shore civilization.

Just as he was talking, suddenly, three groups of huge fires from the dragon's breath slammed into the restriction of the South China Sea civilization.

Two of the huge flames of the dragon's breath were easily blocked by the ban.

But the third giant dragon's breath fire, for some reason, was so powerful that it directly smashed through the restriction!

The fireball passed through the restriction and smashed into the villa, causing a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

Under the terrifying dragon's breath, all the houses were set ablaze.

The creatures under the Taoist immediately screamed and were burned to melt quickly.

Even Qin Xian'er and the others felt extremely uncomfortable and had to use the power of the Taoist master to fight against the high temperature.

Just at this time, there was a roar of anger that shook the world from the underground of the villa: "The dragon clan is too deceitful!"


The ground trembled violently, and a ten-foot crack opened, and a short old man with a white beard fluttering flew out of it, rushing into the giant dragon in the sky.

"The Antarctic Immortal is here too, that's okay, I have long wanted to meet you!" One of the giant dragons with an extraordinarily thick body let out an incomparably thick dragon chant.

Nanji Xianweng's expression suddenly became solemn: "Long Taiji, I didn't expect you to be nearby!"

He glanced at the black dragon among the giant dragons, and he understood that these dragons were all protecting the lonely emperor.

As the No. 1 arrogance of the Dragon Clan and the future heir of the Dragon Emperor, the Guhuang will definitely not lack the protection of the strongest around him.

When the dragon clan invaded, Nanji Xianweng had no choice but to fight, and immediately fought with Long Taiji, one of the three great respected Taoist masters of the dragon clan.

The rest of the lands that were destroyed by the dragon's breath were so busy saving themselves that they had no time to fight the dragons.

As a result, the Dragon Clan swooped down, wantonly arresting warriors in the shore civilization.

The targets they choose are very targeted, either young women or young men.

Because the charming woman and Su Yu who escaped from the lonely emperor that day were both young people.

Therefore, those two hundred drops of dragon blood must be among these young people.


Suddenly, a giant dragon in the realm of heaven and man swooped down and headed straight for the civilization of the South China Sea.

Obviously, the young men and women in the villa attracted their attention.

"Presumptuous!" The Antarctic fairy couldn't get away, and had no time to rescue.

But from the crack, a young man with a knife rushed out of the multicolored glow, with long blood-colored hair, black lips, and a resolute face, giving people a sense of wildness.

"Badao Yishi!" The wild young man slashed against the sky.

A round of ten thousand zhang sword energy cut through space and time, and resonantly cut through the giant dragon in the middle of heaven and human realm.

There was only a muffled sound, and a deep blood groove was cut open on the back of the giant dragon.

The giant dragon let out a painful roar, and then became angry: "Ants! Fortunately, this deity has a Taoist master in the mid-stage of heaven and man, otherwise I really want to follow your way."


The giant dragon's long tail swept fiercely, like a mountain range, sweeping away the entire villa.

Everyone in the villa, including the wild young man, was swept into the air in an instant.


The giant dragon opened its mouth and sucked everyone in the air into the dragon's mouth.

Everyone was terrified, and tried their best to escape.

However, the dragon's mouth sucking is truly terrifying!

No matter how hard they try their best, there is nothing they can do.

Only the wild young man bit the tip of his tongue, spurting a large amount of blood onto the scimitar in his hand.

The scimitar turned red immediately, and galloped away with the young man.

The rest were all swallowed up.

Qin Xian'er was not spared either!

Capture them, and the dragon soars into the sky, returning to the dragons.

The rest of the giant dragons also grabbed enough people one after another and gathered in one place.

At this time, Nanji Xianweng was out of breath, and his whole body was covered with serious injuries.

On the other hand, Long Taiji, except for the loss of scales, there is no serious problem.

"Hehe, the number one person in the Western Regions, that's all!" Long Taiji smiled contemptuously: "Let's go!"

It led a group of dragons and swaggered away, leaving behind a devastated civilization.

At that time.

The inn where Su Yu was staying was not spared either, and was razed to the ground by the Dragon Clan.

However, there was the Flame Goddess in their inn, and it was not damaged at all. The giant dragon that came to arrest people was also beaten away by the Flame Goddess.

"Mr. Su, are you alright?" The Flame Goddess asked with concern when she found the retreat room where Su Yu was.

However, Su Yu was sitting silently on the spot. Although his training room had been trampled, it didn't seem to affect him at all.

He shook the dust off his body and shook his head lightly: "It's okay."

Even without the Flame Goddess, the giant dragon couldn't do anything to Su Yu.

With his current state, the Heavenly Dragon Taoist body is not weaker than the early stage Taoist in the Heavenly Human Realm.

The flame goddess breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the afterimages of the dragons leaving, not without worry: "As I expected, the dragon clan will not let it go, I really don't know who took the two hundred drops of dragon blood from the Dragon King, and caused trouble." Let the dragons invade."

Su Yu felt contemptuous in his heart.

The lonely emperor made it very clear that because of fairness, he exchanged the young dragon's body with two hundred drops of the dragon emperor's blood.

How high-sounding it is?

But when the blood of the Dragon King was lost, he became furious and did not hesitate to destroy the civilization on the shore to search for the two hundred drops of the blood of the Dragon King.

Su Yu's sense of the lonely emperor was extremely poor.

On the surface, there is righteousness, but in fact it is not.

However, these have nothing to do with him.

In the underground city, he did not reveal any information about himself, and no one caught by the Dragon Clan would be able to confess to Su Yu.

At this moment, Xie Xiaoyue ran back in a panic.

It turned out that she had the talisman paper with her and escaped through the restriction in time.

She saw that Qin Xian'er was taken away with her own eyes, so she knew that something was wrong and rushed back immediately.

"It's not good, Su Yu!" Xie Xiaoyue hurriedly said, "Qin Xian'er was taken away by the Dragon Clan."

"What?" Su Yu got up abruptly, with anger on his face: "How do those trash from the South China Sea civilization view people? Even a few dragons can't stop them!"

He originally thought that if a young hero of any force was captured, it would be impossible to capture the civilization of the South China Sea.

After all, there is the Antarctic Immortal who is the number one expert in the Western Regions.

Who knew they were so vulnerable!

His mood suddenly became extremely urgent!

The longer Qin Xian'er is in the hands of the Dragon Clan, the more dangerous she will be!

He witnessed the brutality of the dragon race, destroying underground cities and civilizations at every turn, and never took the lives of other races seriously.

Xian'er fell into their hands, how could there be a good result?

Today's Double Eleven, the overlord chopped off his hands and could only use his chin to type, so the message was late! ()

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