The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2265 Mier Dragon Clan

Although Xian'er's memory at the moment is that mobile phones are the most traffic-saving and ad-free sites.

He couldn't stand by and watch.

Even if you hate him to the bone, you still want to rescue him from the dire straits.

"Su Yu, are you going to save her? Don't be confused, it is impossible to save Qin Xian'er with your own strength." Xie Xiaoyue sensed Su Yu's intentions and stopped her.

The entire Kishi civilization was in devastation.

The number one master in the Western Regions returned injured, and many masters were killed or injured.

How could Su Yu save Qin Xian'er from among them alone?

That is the way to die!

Su Yu's eyes were calm, with a kind of plainness accumulated over many years: "If it is her, the sky can be reversed, the earth can be brushed, even if you die, you will not regret it."

After saying that, it turned into a thunderbolt and rushed out of the sky, chasing the direction where the dragon clan was going.

Xie Xiaoyue was stunned in place, her words before leaving echoed in her mind, and she felt great envy in her heart.

"If you have a husband like this, what can you ask for?" Xie Xiaoyue murmured, "Qin Xian'er, Qin Xian'er, how can you find such a husband-in-law?"

The Flame Goddess looked worried, and said, "You guys hide for now, I'll go with Mr. Su."

But at this moment, Su Yu's voice came from the air.

"I'm alone, that's enough!"

Although the flame goddess is strong, she is ultimately weak and unable to play a decisive role.

Instead of this, it is better for Su Yu to go alone.

There is no need to implicate innocent people because of his affairs.

The Flame Goddess paused in her footsteps, secretly anxious: "It would be fine if Senior was here, how could the Dragon Clan be allowed to destroy here?"

Xie Xiaoyue turned her eyes lightly: "Don't worry about the female devil. The most urgent thing is to contact the leaders of the other forces and form a crusade army to chase the dragons together."

This time, the young generation of many forces were all taken away by the Dragon Clan.

Those young heroes are the main force for them to participate in the recruitment of the eight-star civilization, how can they just sit back and watch them do nothing?

Just now the Dragon Clan came too suddenly,

Many faction leaders had no time to react.

If they are united as one, how can they be afraid of those dozens of dragons?

"If the speed is fast enough, maybe we can catch up in time and help Su Yu."

The Flame Goddess knows very well that the Dragon Clan is powerful, and if she goes alone, she may not be able to play a huge role, she can only rely on the strength of the leaders of many forces.

Fortunately, almost all the people from the nine seven-star civilizations in the Western Regions have already arrived at the shore civilization.

Together with their efforts, the robbed people will be taken back, and it will be sure.

The premise is that they are still alive.

"I'll go get in touch right away," said the Flame Goddess.

However, someone moved faster than her.

That is the Antarctic fairy.

As the number one expert in the Western Regions, the Antarctic Immortal is very appealing, and with the power of the mighty Taoist master of the Great Venerable Realm, he issued a notice to the entire civilization on the shore: "Within the civilization, all powerhouses of the Heavenly Human Realm and above, come and see us soon!" !"

Suffering from the erosion of the dragon clan, they immediately found the backbone and went to the villa where the South China Sea civilization is located.

The flame goddess frowned slightly.

The relationship between her and the Antarctic fairy is not friendly.

But for Su Yu, there was no choice but to go.

When I came to the villa, sure enough, all the forces of the nine seven-star civilizations were present.

For example, the well-known Myriad Insect Civilization is impressively listed.

The arrival of the Goddess Flame Demon inspired the spirits of many powerhouses present.

The arrival of the second expert in the Western Regions added another confidence to them.

"Everyone, I don't need to repeat the situation." If the Antarctic fairy looked deeply at the flame female demon, he said in a low voice: "The dragons of the southern region dared to trespass on our western region, and even arrested us in front of our face. Your outstanding disciple, this is an open war!"

The atmosphere in the audience suddenly became more dignified.

The provocation of the Dragon Clan can indeed be called a war!

"Can you bear it?" Nanji Xianweng glanced at everyone present.

"Of course not!" The lord of the civilization of the Wanchai Civilization, kicked the verdict: "The Dragon Clan is too deceitful. We killed the lonely emperor before. We didn't do anything to that lonely emperor, but just expelled him, but the Dragon Clan can have Do you give us half a favor? Instead, they intensify the destruction of civilization!"

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!" The leader of the Anhui Civilization was the most angry: "Since the rise of the Dragon Clan, they have always been domineering and arrogant. Our Anan Civilization originally wanted to calm things down, but the Dragon Clan is too bullying! I don't have any hostages in the hands of the Dragon Clan. , but I am willing to accompany everyone, catch up with the Dragon Clan and teach them a lesson, let them know that the Western Regions cannot be bullied!"

"Yes! Only pain can let the Dragon Clan know what the bottom line is!"

Everyone speaks to each other, and their will is very unified.

No matter what, you must catch up, take back your disciples, and teach the Dragon Clan a profound lesson by the way.

The Antarctic fairy sighed in relief: "I have all righteous people in the Western Regions, why worry about the future?"

"Everyone, follow me!" Nanji Xianweng got up and stood up.

At this moment, the blood-haired young man standing upright beside him said: "Master, although I am not in the realm of heaven and man, I am willing to accompany all seniors to kill the dragon clan and rescue my brothers and sisters!"

Hearing this, the leaders of many forces looked at him one after another, with indescribable envy in their eyes.

They may not have seen that young man, but they must have heard of it.

Antarctic Immortal sits down as his eldest disciple, Tie Bufan!

A contemporary hero who has practiced the sword to perfection.

He is also the well-deserved Heavenly Proud Emperor of the Western Regions!

None of the other eight great seven-star civilizations was his opponent. Therefore, he was elected as the number one genius in the Western Regions.

Its prestige is comparable to that of the lonely emperor.

"The Antarctic fairy really taught a good apprentice." The Lord of the Myriad Insect Civilization was not without envy.

"Just now I saw with my own eyes that the disciple fought head-on with the giant dragon in the human realm that day, and even cut him to death. It is truly terrifying!"

"It's really amazing, this time the eight-star civilization recruits, he must have a place!"


Among the crowd, only the Flame Goddess disagreed.

He may have been the king of Tianjiao in the past.

But not now.

Su Yu has the strength to compete with Tie Bufan, and may even be stronger.

In the manor, Su Yu has always been understated and never revealed the bottom line of his true strength, so his true strength should be higher than what the flame goddess has witnessed.

Nanji Xianweng was not without pride, he clasped his fists and said: "Everyone, Bufan is still young, what he needs is more tempering, not praise."

Look at Tie Bufan again, standing calmly, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

This move won the approval of the crowd even more.

Nanji Xianweng looked at the time and said: "Time is running out, we will set off immediately."

What the Dragon Clan is best at is flying away. If they delay for too long, they may not be able to catch up.

Thus, a group of people marched into the galaxy in a mighty way.

Talk about the other side.

After Su Yu rushed out of the sky, he spared no ancestral blood to use the ancestral dragon's feathers to catch up with the dragon group that had left the Western Regions in one breath.


In the chaos of yin and yang and life and death, Su Yu appeared.

At the end of its field of vision, dozens of giant dragons rampaged all the way, smashing all small civilizations and meteorites along the way.

They didn't stop until they stopped at a slightly larger civilization, and landed on a giant mountain.

Dozens of dragons lay coiled up, opened their mouths, and spit out all the captured people.

Qin Xian'er, Senior Sister Yuan and others are all listed.

"Those who stole two hundred drops of dragon's blood, stand up." Gu Huang folded his arms on his chest, looked around at the nearly hundred people in front of him, his eyes were full of contempt.

Yes, no one answered.

Because they really didn't steal it.

"Is there no one?" Lonely Emperor's eyes were cold: "In that case..."

Suddenly, he stretched out his dragon claws, took a wolf warrior closest to him, pressed him to the ground, and said coldly: "From now on, every ten breaths, I will kill one person until you admit it!"

As he said that, the dragon claws steamed a layer of black dragon breath, which scorched the wolf warrior until he screamed.

The warrior tried his best to resist, but he couldn't shake the dragon's claw at all.

He was burned alive by the dragon's breath bit by bit from the surface of the body to the inside, and finally completely cooked to death.

The process was extremely cruel and shook their hearts severely.

Just right, ten breaths passed.

The lonely emperor arrested another person, not to mention the dragon's breath, and continued to burn him alive.

There was no pity in his eyes, only endless indifference.

Everyone shuddered deeply, their hearts were constantly flustered, and they waited and watched each other, hoping that someone would stand up.

But no.

Guhuang snorted heavily: "Their deaths are all because of you, you can't blame me!"

With that said, another person was arrested.

This catch, unfortunately, happened to catch Qin Xian'er.

Qin Xian'er's eyes were calm, not flustered, as if she had seen death very clearly.

In the Shura civilization, when she became the King of Shura through experience, she killed the common people, and she was no longer afraid of death.

However, before she was about to die at this moment, she had no reason to feel a trace of regret.

In his mind, he recalled the last scene of parting from Su Yu, recalled Su Yu's seemingly calm but lonely eyes when he left.

"Am I wrong? But, he really betrayed me like that." Qin Xian'er still had grievances in her heart.

The lonely emperor showed no mercy, and in the dragon's claws, the strong dragon's breath was burning, and it was about to burn Qin Xian'er to death in an instant.

But at this moment, an ethereal and majestic voice pierced through the universe, and swayed through the prehistoric galaxy.

"Burn her, and I'll destroy your dragon clan!"

The voice was unusually calm and confident, like an existence in the dark, looking down on them.

The lonely emperor couldn't help but froze his claws, looked up at Xinghe, looking for the source of the voice: "Who?"


Suddenly, in the sky above civilization, patches of stars circulated, forming a maelstrom.

From that vortex, a strong wind blows out.

In the howling wind, a young man with silver hair dancing wildly, with an ice crystal crown on his head, with a pair of ice-piercing eyes, drifted down slowly.

Although that figure is slender, it looks like a dark king walking out of the Nine Nethers.

There was a chilling and dangerous aura all over his body.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, that is, the space domain?" Long Taiji looked at the chaotic galaxy in the sky, slightly surprised.

He has not heard for a long time that there are people in the world who have mastered the eight domains.

The lonely emperor was stunned for a moment, and then dismissed it in disapproval: "A mere half-step road master, who masters the space domain, dares to pretend to be a ghost? Let alone burn her, so what if she is burned to death?"

As he spoke, the dragon's breath erupted from his claws.

Su Yu's eyes were instantly cold, and his own space was distorted rapidly.

One chapter will be added tomorrow.

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