The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2267 Fighting the Lone Emperor

With a move of his hand, the Mietian stick appeared.

Seeing this stick, the lonely emperor's face changed suddenly, and he immediately recognized it, and his words were extremely fierce: "Are you the one who stole the blood of the Dragon Emperor?"

The person who knocked him down and snatched the dragon's blood turned out to be a small character who was only a half way master?

The lonely emperor couldn't believe it.

Su Yu turned a deaf ear and only had killing intent in his eyes: "Long!"

The Tian Mie stick suddenly changed to a length of ten feet, and it was lightly held in the palm of his hand.

"Okay! Today I will meet you well!" Gu Huang was very unwilling to be reconciled to the failure of the underground market that day, and said to Long Taiji: "You all don't make a move, let me come in person!"

Long Taiji nodded his head to express his permission.

The growth of the dragon clan has always been very cruel.

From the moment of birth, began to sharpen the real deal.

And the way of sharpening is never to rely on any competition, but to find enemies with similar strength, and fight to the death!

In the midst of death, he constantly stimulated his various potentials, allowing his strength to sublimate again and again.

Therefore, the number of dragons is always rare.

There is only one prince of the Dragon Clan this year.

In the beginning, there were four princes in total, but all of them died in the cruel experience and failed to come back alive.

The lonely emperor is the last one, and also the most powerful one.

The human race in front of him, as far as Long Taiji's senses are concerned, is very strong, and should be able to become an experience for the lonely emperor and a stepping stone for his further sublimation.

"Don't worry about fighting." Long Taiji said.

The lonely emperor shook the dragon's claw, grinned, and pulled out a very peculiar weapon.

It was a whip made of dragon tendons.

The strong dragon's breath is released from the whip, and a slight whipping can drive the dragon's breath into the person's body, causing death.

"I was careless last time, but this time, if you want to escape, it won't be so easy!" Guhuang didn't think that Su Yu's strength would improve much if he didn't see him for just a few days.

Last time,

Su Yu fled under defeat.

This time, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.


Su Yu didn't listen to his nonsense at all, picked up the Tian Mie stick, and hit the head with it.

The corner of Guhuang's mouth curved into a teasing arc: "Let you taste the taste of the Dragon Soul Whip first!"


With a flick of his wrist, the Dragon Soul Whip was like a moving long snake, twisting his body, and ruthlessly pulled towards Su Yu's waist at a tricky angle.

All along the way, there are terrifying dragon breaths.

If it is beaten, with Su Yu's current half-dragon body, he will be disabled even if he is not dead.

But Su Yu's eyes were calm and unwavering, as if he only had the lonely emperor in his eyes.

In his mind, the scene of the lonely emperor shaking him out of serious injuries was constantly replaying.

He owed Qin Xian'er enough in his life, but he didn't even have the ability to protect her face to face!

Thinking of this, my heart is even colder.

Even those eyes were like two icy abysses, the eyes that shot out froze the air.

"Death!" Su Yu ignored the long whip and whipped his waist until his waist was bloody, ignored the dragon's breath rushing into his body, and burned his internal organs to death, ignoring the extreme pain.

He has only one thought, one thought, one thing to do.

That is, kill the lonely emperor!


The Tian Mie stick slammed down with a bang, with a terrific power.

Gu Huang's face changed slightly, he thought that Su Yu would switch from offense to defense, but he didn't expect that both sides would suffer.

His heart beat violently, before he could take back the Dragon Soul Whip, he slapped it with a single fist instead: "Balong Mie Dao Fist!"

Suddenly, Wanlong roared, thunder rolled, and the momentum was extremely terrifying!

On that day, with this punch, the entire mask was shattered and many innocent people were killed.

Saying goodbye to the previous move, Su Yu slammed down the Tian Mie stick without any fear.


The sky-shaking loud noise shook the universe and stirred up nothingness.

Immediately, the Milky Way surged into the sky, engulfing all the abandoned civilizations and meteors in all directions.

The dragon's roar between Gu Huang's fists was completely broken by a stick.

A large piece of the dragon scale on the fist was also smashed off, exposing the blood red dragon meat.

Guhuang's fist was burning and painful, and his whole arm was numb, unable to move.

The Mietian stick was harder than he imagined.

"But that's all!" Gu Huang said with a smile: "If you don't try your best, you won't be able to keep a lowly human woman like you!"

The playful meaning in his mouth is very strong.

Su Yu's eyes were flat: "Have you made a fuss before it even started?"

The lonely emperor was taken aback, hasn't it started yet?

What's the meaning?

In his ears, Su Yu suddenly shouted: "Heavy!"

He crazily instilled prehistoric power into the Mietian Stick, which suddenly increased its weight by a hundred times!

He couldn't bear such a weight.

Before the lonely emperor understood what was going on, he suddenly felt an unstoppable force that shook the sky from his fist.

It was the Tian Mie Tian stick that suddenly became extremely heavy.

It was so heavy that he could not stop him from exerting all his dragon power!


His arm was crushed off by the Tiantian stick on the spot!


The Mie Tian stick fell down, hitting its long dragon body.

"Ah!" He only heard the sound of bones breaking, passing through his body like musical notes.

In just an instant, Gu Huang's body bones were smashed to pieces.

And under the incomparable weight of the Mietian stick, he continued to sink towards the bottom of nothingness.

This scene made the onlookers Long Taiji and others unexpected.

"Guhuang!" A dragon clan was shocked and wanted to rush over to help.

But Long Taiji stopped him: "This is the experience of the lonely emperor. Don't intervene unless it is necessary!"

"But the lonely emperor..."

Long Taiji said calmly: "If the lonely emperor is defeated so easily, how can he be qualified to be the successor of the Dragon Emperor? What he has shown is just the tip of the iceberg!"

Instead, he stared at Su Yu: "It's really rare for the human race to have such a talent! In any era, he could become the leader of the human race, but it's a pity that he met the lonely emperor, after all, it is the lonely emperor who grows up." A stepping stone on the road."

on the battlefield.

Su Yu's eyes were cold, and he held the Tian Mie stick in his hand, and kept pressing it down.

Until he was pushed into the bottom of nothingness, the lonely emperor's eyes burst into anger, and he was ashamed to be bitten back by ants: "You are enough!"

"Mad Dragon Transformation!" The lonely emperor's eyes suddenly turned red, and the dragon's heart in his body beat even faster.

Its dragon body continues to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dragon body, which was originally only a thousand feet long, instantly became ten thousand feet long.

What's even more weird is that the broken bones in his body drilled out of his body in dense numbers, turning into bone spurs and inserting upside down on the body surface.

From a distance, it looks like a dragon covered in bone spurs.

The broken bones in his body healed overnight.

"Get out!" The lonely emperor's huge dragon body shook violently, and he pulled the Tian Mie stick away.

With all the strength, the entire nothingness set off a boundless huge wave.

Long Taiji, who was watching on the Internet, showed a look of relief: "This is the real lonely emperor, the lonely emperor who is the most proud of the southern regions."

However, what made his eyes change slightly was that the scene where Su Yu was instantly blown away in his imagination did not appear.

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