The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2768 bought them all

While speaking, he also looked at Su Yu with provocative eyes.

He naturally asked all the way, and finally found their wolf officer.

The face of the shopkeeper at the counter was full of smiles. Out of duty, he asked patiently, "Confirm the purchase objectively?"

Three million Dao coins is not a small amount, it must be confirmed clearly.

Lang Guanhou felt a pain in his heart, three million was the money he earned through a year of hard work, but now he used it to buy a useless hairpin.

"Okay, distinguished guest." The shopkeeper accepted the money with a smile.

Marquis Lang pulled Wen Cheng over, and stared at Su Yu hostilely: "My woman, I don't need you to buy anything! What's more, can you afford it?"

How many men in the broken civilization are willing to spend a lot of money to buy a hairpin as a gift for the woman they love?

He looked at Wen Cheng again, and said: "You are still young, don't be deceived by men's sweet words, a man is really not sincere to you, not only depends on words, but also depends on actions."

Wen Cheng shook off his hand and said, "I don't care."

However, his eyes still glanced at the hairpin in disbelief.

There is no woman who does not like beauty, and Wencheng is no exception.

Su Yu's expression was indifferent, and he pointed to the hairpin: "This..."

Lang Guanhou sneered: "Change to another one, I've already bought this one."

The shopkeeper also gave an apologetic look: "Sorry to be objective, these are unique styles, there is no second style."

Su Yu continued: "I mean, except for this one, I bought the rest."


The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, wondering whether he had heard it wrong: "I didn't understand what the guest meant."


A pitch-black card was slapped on the table by Su Yu, saying: "I don't want to say it again."

The shopkeeper took a deep breath: "Noble black card?"

The amount of Heavenly Dao coins in the black card,

At least one hundred million!

Not to mention these jewelry, even half of the items in the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce can be bought!

"Yes, yes, customer, I will get it for you immediately!" The shopkeeper held the black card in his palm.

Lest Su Yu go back on his word!

With the fastest speed, he took out all the jewelry from the counter, and placed them respectfully in front of Su Yu: "There are a total of 130 pieces, all of which are treasures, please inspect them."

His demeanor is full of awe, and someone who can spend hundreds of millions of dollars in one go to buy jewelry for women, can his status be simple?

There are not many such characters in the broken civilization several times, how dare he not respect it?

Su Yu picked out the hairpin from it and threw it to Marquis Lang, "Your!"

Then he wrapped up the rest and stuffed it into Wen Cheng's arms: "Go home and pick slowly."

Wen Cheng was stunned, holding the heavy jewelry, and was hugged by Su Yu and left.

Only the wolf official Hou Zhen stood there, holding the hairpin that took a year of painstaking efforts to buy in his hand.

He felt that it was great to spend three million.

But the other party actually spent nearly 100 million for Wen Cheng in one go.

What is this concept?

In an instant, he felt that he was completely inferior and unworthy of Wen Cheng.

After being stunned for a long time, he slowly regained his composure, shook his head and said, "No! You shouldn't think like this. Being rich is nothing, what matters is ability! I am the only person City Lord Wenyuan can rely on, and City Lord Wenyuan will value it more. Money or ability, the answer is obvious."

Today's dilapidated civilization lacks various resources, not money.

What's the use of having money if you can't buy something?

Thinking of this, he regained his composure.

"It seems that Ye Chang has many dreams, and we need to get Wen Cheng's as soon as possible." Wolf Officer Hou said to himself: "However, we need to find a way to urge Wen Yuan City Lord."

After Su Yu came back, he retreated immediately and cooperated with the various materials he bought to speed up the fusion of soul and body.

With the help of materials, it is expected to be successful within a few days.

At that time, you can freely control the body in front of you and give full play to the strength of your body.

Wen Cheng lay on the table, couldn't help choosing his favorite jewelry from among them, and said happily: "It is said that there is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book!"

"Unexpectedly, I not only found Yan Ruyu, but also a Yan Ruyu who carried a golden house with her."

Su Yu merged his soul silently, and said calmly: "That wolf official, is it really your fiancé?"

The gap between them is a bit big.

As the daughter of a city lord, Wen Cheng shouldn't marry in such a cold way.

Wen Cheng played with the jewelry, already resigned to his fate, and said indifferently: "Yeah, who told me that my father has no one to rely on, so I can only rely on him."

After Su Yu inquired in detail, he finally knew the ins and outs of the matter.

"Unexpectedly, the nine-star civilization that I have been pursuing all along is like this." Su Yu sighed endlessly.

The weak can only linger on in the abandoned nine-star civilization, like a tramp.

The powerful ones enjoy endless resources in the prosperous place of this world.

"Why not just relocate to other abandoned civilizations?" Su Yu asked.

Wen Cheng put down his jewelry and said with a wry smile: "Do you think there are no homeless people in the rest of the abandoned civilization? If we move there, there will inevitably be conflicts and heavy casualties."

Su Yu was stunned.

Broken civilization is not the only one in front of you.

"It's not bad if we can keep the dilapidated civilization in front of us. Many dilapidated civilizations have been occupied and destroyed by foreign civilizations, and the end will be even more miserable." Wen Cheng said helplessly.

The wanderers living in the abandoned civilization have no hope of getting ahead.

They often live a life of fear, lest one day they will be wiped out.

"So, the nearby abandoned civilization has completely dried up?" Su Yu asked.

Wen Cheng shook his head: "It's not entirely true. There is an abandoned nine-star civilization nearby. There are still many precious resources left on it, but it is very difficult to dig out."

"Because there are many terrifying beasts at the level of the master of heaven living on it, they can't go up at all."

Heaven master level?

With Su Yu's current cultivation base and the physique of Emperor Jinghua, there is really no need to be afraid of the existence of ordinary heavenly masters.

You can kill him with a single slap.

Unless the opponent's cultivation has reached the late stage of Heavenly Daoist, there is still fear to speak of.

Or, the number of opponents is extremely large, which can also pose a little threat.

"Well, if I have a chance, I can go and have a look." Su Yu said.

He has come to the Nine Star Civilization, but now he has nothing and needs to build his own power in order to gain a firm foothold in the Nine Star Civilization.

It is necessary to develop a powerful force to come out.

Those Heavenly Lord monsters are good mounts.

If you have the opportunity, you must go up and investigate.

A few days passed.

With the cooperation of many materials, he finally perfectly integrated the body of Emperor Jinghua. Except for a few parts of the body, which he felt could not be tolerated, everything else was fine.

"Wencheng, come out, I have something to ask you for my father." City Lord Wenyuan knocked on the door outside with a heavy tone.

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